This is a joke? My already ridiculous and poor elementalist got another big nerf – obsidian flesh. What about making absolutly useless skills of fire focus (fire wall and fire aura) actually normal skills? I dont play defensive or support ele, i like damage and i play zerk scepter focus, but with this update things are going worse and worse. When i enter PVP with zerk ele everyone is laughing because i play it and they dont understand i dont play support. Wtf? i thought this game should be adjustable and you should play what you want to play. But you obviously dont like some players want to play damage elementalist. Bye bye PVP! going to another pvp game because this balance is a garbage.
Hey there,
I found doing recommended fractal dailies is getting more and more boring, but we have to do it if we want Ad Infinitum because its needed for the precursor. But do we have to still do the dailies after crafting Unbound? Im really lazy to do fractal dailies more but I also really dont want to find out that I should do it to get Ad Infinitum… We need a hint towards Ad Infinitum gifts and what we can expect about it.
not true, i dropped infused ring yesterday and it CAN be attuned. I just cant attune my old rings. And one player told me he normally attuned his old rings.
So I asked some people and they COULD use their OLD rings. So its definitely a bug! I have posted it on bug forum so lets hope for a fix. Maybe people who have the same problem could help by checking my thread on the bug forum and posting something there.
mystic forge cant see my rings so I cant upgrade them. I tried to extract infusions from them but it didnt helped.
Old Magic Find rings cannot be put in the forge. Also rings that were obtained before the Fractured patch cannot be put in the forge. If you have either of those you will have to get new ones.
well, this sucks hard. I want to keep my old and rare Circle of light
Here are screenshots of the mystic forge. My rings cant be put in and they are not Attuned yet as you can see.
Anyone got this problem too? How to solve it? Dont wanna buy new ones..
I have infused rings with infusions inside, but I cant put them in the mystic forge. Is it a bug? My guild mate told me he normally could upgrade his old rings to Attuned. I also tried to extract infusions from these rings but nothing happened. They still cant be visible in the mystic forge! I dont want to get new ones because I have Circle of Light thats no more obtainable and I just want to have it, you know!
I cant throw Infused ring in Mystic forge to attune it, yet my guild mate could. He has attuned ring (infused) and it was infused before he attuned it. I tried to pick up all infusions from the ring but it didnt helped. I think its bugged!
Oh, Im sorry Konig, I was never doing any stuff with google storage :/ but I think it should work now. Try this
Mad Queen Malafidem, good point! thanks for an advice, I tried it but now there is a problem with light. there is no shadow and while the whole wing is dark in shadow, the parts I deleted are “glowing”. But I will try to look into it more.
Egon, that was me who put those screens on wiki, haha! And yeah, after hours i fiiinally found those textures, uff… But where is your art? are you at least working on it? :o was really curious about your pictures! :/
Thank you all for watching, im glad you liked it! Konig Des Todes, i made a high resolution screenshot of his bottom so you can overlook at it, but its really hard to tell whats there. But you were probably right – there are some bones, ribcages and intestines. Im sorry its such confusing shot but i really couldnt find a better view of it, its just too chaotic there :/
I was playing with Cinema 4D and Guild Wars 2 data stuff again(mostly dragons), and I decided to make Zhaitan’s animation which shows how he is flying. And how big he is in comparison to a human (at the end of the video).
Zhaitan is an epic elder dragon that deserves more attention. There were no trailers or cinematics dedicated to him and we slayed him very fast. The fight was short and not that cool as it should be, so many players just killed him and almost forgot about him. But dont forget its an elder dragon and Guild Wars 2 is a game about elder dragons! And Zhaitan is very nicely designed monster, its exceptional and original. There should be more attention about him.
So I just had to make an animation so everyone can see how great he is.
I fully agree with Tai Kratos.
(edited by Vyko.6953)
That would be wonderful, along with trait one-click change (templates)
I know you said you dont want to but I think making them in mystic forge will be the best way.
Agree! I would love to see Orr before Cataclysm. But I dont know where its inspired though. :p
If you don’t have any GW1 Hall of Monuments rewards, a Portal Stone can STILL be very handy to have. You use the Stone to teleport to the Hall of Monuments. When you leave the Hall, you are returned to the spot where you left.
So if the phone rings, or the pizza delivery guy rings the doorbell, or if nature calls and you can’t hold it in any longer, the Hall of Monuments can be your “AFK Safe House”. A way to “pause the game” without logging out. Of course there is always the possibility that your return location will be under attack when you leave the Hall, but that’s better than being attacked while you’re AFK.
its also useful for cheaper waypoint cost. If you are for example in Rata Sum and you want to port to Claw of Jormag, CoF, Shatterer or whatever near the Hall of Monuments, you can port fitst in HoM and after that to the location near it for cheaper cost!
So after GW2 was launched in China, I have read that they have somewhat modified version of the game.
Can anyone please tell what are the differences?
Thank you!
not true. I can outduel many warriors with ele
I was playing PVP (Battle of Kyhlo) team arena, was capturing a point and all at once the game kicked me to the map when I was before (Caledon Forest). I couldnt return in any way to that game.
When I clicked on another team arena game, it found me one, but I couldnt join. I was clicking on “GO ON” and nothing happened. I had to relog to connect.
Many of my guild mates reported this too.
I just wait for the time when it happens 2 more times today and Il get Dishonored debuff… -.-
It was the southest camp in borderlands.
I captured a camp on my own, and I got absolutly nothing. No event pinged at right side of screen, no karma or coin gain and it even didnt count in my daily. I had 2/3 camps captured and needed this last one, and I still had 2/3 after capturing it. This bug happened to me for twice!
same here. In gw1 the easter was pretty rich. Many special items were dropping. But maybe they will surprise us!
What elder dragon are you looking for the most? which of them do you want to see in living story as soon as possible and why?
Personally, I cant wait for Kralkatorrik. I love lightning and purple, and he is maybe the largest of them (according to GW1 where we could see him in Charr homelands, he was really huge and that was just his spine). It would also open desert (Elona) Zones!
New Megaserver make all location like a Shanghai. I dont like many people on one place and this game upldate make many people everywhere.
The best would be to limit the number of players in one location on 50 or cancel this Megaserver project
Evilek is just a farming maniac Now with megaserver, he has to share his favourite places with other farmers lol
also a tab for underwater traits would be helpful. When I enter underwater, some of my traits are completely useless (Evasive arcana for example)
I think Ruan Jia is a male ^^
well lol. You are right haha!
Yeah, Kekai was a master, but they still have great artists. Im not sure but I think that Tequatl on left isnt from him.
Im not sure if the Zhaitan on the right is from him too, but I guess so, its totally his style. In his picture, there just isnt the feeling of how huge Zhaitan really is.
(edited by Vyko.6953)
When Mordremoth will show himself in future, I expect that you will release some concept arts and wallpapers of him.
Please let more of your artists to do them, and not Ruan Jia ONLY. The most of living story wallpapers are from him.
Im really sorry for that, but I dont like his art in guild wars 2. His pictures are all somehow blurred, dull.. and are not that epic as pictures from your other artists (comparison of Tequatl and Kite city below).
I searched for some art of him on google and I found some really amazing pictures. Epic pictures. So he isnt by no means bad artist, but it looks like he isnt showing his real skill in Guild Wars 2…
Edit: changed female to male lol
(edited by Vyko.6953)
same here…i want that dagger too….gave up after 3 months of fractal daily runs.. instead i got 3 ascended weapon boxes and 2 armor boxes, all of them with useless stats:)
Finally a wardrobe! Anyone remember “why a skin wardrobe should be a high priority” thread? It was the best suggestion on the forum, most people liked it and it was bumped for one year or more. There were no answers for anet and that really made me they did it! kitten yes anet thank you! now lets hope its done properly and will be actually useful
(edited by Vyko.6953)
here ya go……….
dude, these are ameeeyzing! You are really talented
[spoiler] mentioned dragons during cutscene
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Vyko.6953
Yeah. As far as the world is concerned, Mordreth doesn’t exist.
Is there any explanation how Dragons got their names anyway? Were they given them by Tyrian citizens, or do the dragons always have those names and it’s spread through their corrupted champions?
Good question. As far as i know, we have information only about Zhaitans name – that one came from dwarven legends.
Left: Kasmeer Meade under Marionette’s feet
Middle: Marionette next to The Breachmaker’s drill
Right: The Breachmaker
The Breachmaker is 439 meters tall. Thats just 4 meters less than Empire State Building (pinnacle)
Amazing, isnt it?
“Why all so negative?” you ask?
This is the final update in the Scarlet Briar arc and I haven’t seen Scarlet Briar since the drill landed. I can’t kill the knights and I don’t have a back piece. I think I’m done.
EDIT: And yes, every update feels like nothing more than a reskin of the previous update’s zergfest. I don’t do zergs.
Try to guest on a different server. Or try of, i was doing it mainly on overflows and we always did it..
Because it’s been going on for too long.
’’Don’t you want to know why I killed all these innocent people, and did what I did?’’
‘’No, it doesn’t matter.’’^ Is such an annoying line to hear at the very end of this living story. Because everything was building up for this moment.
Yeah, that was one of the bad things..but lets wait for epilogue
Ok I can get that people didnt like bugs in the last update, but nothing is perfect, but people really need to create 1000 threads about the same thing? Devs are working hard for fixes for sure!
Anyway, I just wanted to thank Anet for the living story. Its great to have an update each two weeks for free. The story was nice, I liked it, and it was fun to polemize with other people and guess how it can continue next week. Especially after wintersday it was kittening exciting Another thing I love on living story are NPCs, how they interact with each other. For example Heal O tron at vigil keep
And many others. It absolutely livens the whole world. I also love how everything is so monumental. Tower of nightmares, The kite city, The Breachmaker, etc. these things are just kittening epic!
Keep up the great work Anet! Now we will face another elder dragon..honestly I cant wait!
I was thinking about her in my work, seems like I will miss her too! and I never hated her like many hater-sheeps..she was quite cool, especially the voice acting. Now we can look forward Mordremoth:)) honestly I can wait..
So for people using light armor and therefore people with maxed tailorer… That new back thing is twice as expensive than for heavy armorers? and 3,5X (!!!) more expensive than for leatherworkers? This is a joke, right?
Doesnt that mean something, like fixing that incredibly stupidly high amount of silk (100) needed for craft one spool of silk weaving thread? (that would still not be enough. Remember you can gather mithril, but you cant gather silk)
So not only ascended light armor is extremely expensive to craft in comparison to others…they will rather add new kitten, again extremely expensive in comprison, without trying to fix something!
This is so unfair…
Got the size for a normal airship maybe? Thanks for that information!
Zhaitan is just 150 meters (give or take) smaller then a Galaxy class starship from star trek.
Holy kitten he’s huge. I don’t even want to know the original’s size if his head and neck are 500 meters or so o_o.
And considering how he might be one of the smaller ones (I’m going with Primordus being naturally small due to being an undreground dragon)… ouch.
Still wanna see Drakkar in GW2!
i havent found small airship model yet, but i will upload render if il do. I personally think we will see Drakkar when there will be living story around Jormag! (or an expansion)
Im glad u like my rips guys!
to Egon Vidar:
Im adding original Zhaitan from trailer in my next from-top render. I think you will be a bit surprised, as I was, about its size!
btw I totally agree on that its really shame that in game it doesnt look that great. While Arenanet artists team did excelent job on Zhaitans design, model and animations, its sadly hardly noticeble in game how awesome the dragon actually is. And if the fight wasnt that bad as it is now, it could be just freaking awesome boss. lets hope the next elder dragon will be presented in much better way in game (personally cant wait).
for Kalavier:
Tequatl measures:
body width – 22m
wingspan – 188 m
height (when on 4 legs from ground to the top) – 35 m
length (head to tail) – 113 m
wingspan – 500 m
height – a bit unmeasureable, since he has no legs and each hand is different
lenght – 506 m
Glory of Tyria:
wingspan – 262 m
height – 158 m
lenght – 370 m
Ladies and gentlemen, that enormous thing on the right is original Zhaitan from trailer:
I’m also a bit curious – is Zhaitan’s original model still floating around in the games data files anywhere, or did they yank it out entirely? Hmm. I assume (perhaps incorrectly) that it was in at some point due to it being visible on some old maps.
The model of dead Zhaitan from game IS in data. I Can export and render (and make comparison), but Im afraid i will not find the textures
Zhaitan is very, very huge. I ripped dragon models (with textures) from gw2.dat and animated them in Cinema 4D; that picture of Tequatl’s and Zhaitan’s size on wiki is my render. If you guys want more renders of Zhaitan in comparison with other dragons (or with an airship we are fighting on with Zhaitan), you can tell me.
That model is really beautiful. Its really a pity that we cant see Zhaitan very well in the game. After his death, they could make an instance where we can walk on him or something like that, that would be wonderful
BTW: the model’s wingspan on wiki render is 446 metres. In comparison, model of human from game data is 190cm tall, The Bifrost is 205 cm tall and an asura is 124 cm tall (4 ft.) (from wiki: “an asura is usually about four feet tall”), so it sounds like its a real size.
Comparison images would obviously be great, but I’m wondering..
I’m an illustrator and I’ve been trying to draw Zhaitan for quite a long while, and I’m having problems with some areas of him I just cannot find good reference images of. If you were to post closeup images of his right and left hands, as well as that weird area where his lower jaw should be and how that works, I would be eternally grateful. It’s just not easy to tell how his hands exactly look, and the in-game model has a blinding light coming out of his mouth that obscures everything.
I’m also a bit curious – is Zhaitan’s original model still floating around in the games data files anywhere, or did they yank it out entirely? Hmm. I assume (perhaps incorrectly) that it was in at some point due to it being visible on some old maps.
Oh, by the way, someone yanked Drakkar out of Guild Wars 1. Scroll down a bit.
He mentions further down how he got it out of the game.
I can render these parts and send it to you, no problem the only bad thing is, I couldnt find textures of “snakes” coming from his mouth, so I can render you them only in grey colour.
Thanks for searching for it. Yeah, I found that too, I writed that guy and he told me how to rip it. However, that program is very unreliable…it rips everything around you and saves it, but its drastically deformated, you cant get the right measure, so I gived up with that.
Here are Zhaitans comparisons with other dragons and Glory of Tyria. Luckily, I found Shadow of the Dragon model, but havent rigged it (that takes a little bit long time), so the wings arent standing up like at other dragons. Unfortunately, I still havent found Pact normal airship model:/. However, I found something very special and interesting, and here is the render of it as a bonus! anyone recognize this creature? (3rd picture) Hint: it can be seen in one of trailers
(edited by Vyko.6953)
That probably makes some sense thanks!
If you guys want more renders of Zhaitan in comparison with other dragons (or with an airship we are fighting on with Zhaitan), you can tell me.
I would love a comparison of the Shatterer, Claw of Jormag, Tequatl, and Shadow of the Dragon. As well as Zhaitan to the Glory of Tyria and normal pact airships.
Just for some good comparisons.
Hmmm, I wonder if this trick is possible to do with GW1? I’d love to see a comparison of Drakkar, Primordus, Kralkatorrik, and the Great Destroyer – and to see how much of Primordus and Kralk was rendered… Or Dhuum to Abaddon.
After his death, they could make an instance where we can walk on him or something like that, that would be wonderful
Originally, it was to be visible in Arah explorable – likely at the PoI titled Zhaitan’s Rest. This was changed when they altered the model.
BTW: the model’s wingspan on wiki render is 446 metres.
So Zhaitan’s likely to be the size of Kralkatorrik then.
OK, tomorrow I will post comparison with all the dragons (if i find shadow of the dragon and texutre it) and with glory of tyria.
I was searching long ago for programs which can extract models from GW1 beucase I wanted model of Drakkar, kuuna and others, but it seems there is no program that works, and gw2browser doesnt work on gw1, sadly:/.
Oh, didnt know that its corpse should be in explorable arah..very pity it isnt…maybe they decided that Zhaitan will survive it so they removed its corpse?
BTW: the model’s wingspan on wiki render is 446 metres. In comparison, model of human from game data is 190cm tall, The Bifrost is 205 cm tall and an asura is 124 cm tall (4 ft.) (from wiki: “an asura is usually about four feet tall”), so it sounds like its a real size.
Wow, if that’s the case my estimate should’ve been doubled. Any chance you could produce a comparison with one of the Pact’s normal airships? There’s one of those sitting at Fort Trinity, so it’d be easy to extrapolate from there what he’d be like in comparison to the player.
Also, really good work on that first picture! At the time you put it up on the wiki I was in the middle of fretting over how to figure out Zhaitan’s scale. It made my whole week!
Thanks! I havent found normal airship model yet, but Im searching for Shadow of the dragon now, so if I find that ship, il upload it here. Right now I can only render comparison with the bigger one. Will post it tomorrow!