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This is great, only real problem I see is the multiple instances being created. What if half your guild is stuck in one and half stuck in another? Would also make it difficult for rival guilds to consistently face one another, however the randomness sounds awesome.
I think this could work just like the current overflow system. Your guild joins into an instanced map. When you log on and go to join, you have the option to join your guild’s current instance or join solo as a bandit.
The one problem with this is what happens when an instance is full and you try to join your guild in that instance. You could move bandits to another instance to make space. You could also keep all instances at 75% capacity or so to allow room for joining. Once a map hits 75% the only way to get in would be to join your guild currently in the instance.
That’s a great point about finding your rivals. I’m honestly don’t have a good answer for that one. You could put in an option to join an instance with a rival guild I guess, but that could lead to balance issues and specific guilds only fighting eachother in basically “private” instances.
(edited by Wahii.5310)
Yep, definitely sounds fun to me. But what about the casuals, roamers or smaller guilds? How would spawn zones and supplies work? I think that this would need new maps. Either bigger than the current ones or a lot of them. Maybe making multiple instances of the same map would fix that.
Casuals and small guilds will certainly earn the cosmetic rewards at a slower pace and wont be #1 on the ladder. Everything is available to any size guild though and you are rewarded for what you do when you are online. Even sentries award guild currency for holding them so you and your small guild can hold a sentry point, or a supply camp. Small guilds should have no problem earning rewards eventually and will have many other small guilds to fight.
Roamers can join as bandits, which doesn’t earn guild unlocks, but allows you to roam and kill people to your heart’s content. You could also form a guild of fellow roamers, or make a one-man guild and earn your unlocks solo by taking sentries and camps or maybe ninjaing a tower or keep.
As for fighting, you can just avoid the large mega guilds and fight other small ones. If a large guild takes your structure, gang up on them, or just go take a new one from a smaller guild.
Guilds that don’t WvW very often will earn rewards very slowly, but isn’t that fair?
(edited by Wahii.5310)
So if I have a large guild but only 2-3 play WvW i’m screwed? Way to reward large zerg guilds and punish smaller groups… :-(
A big fat NO from me
You aren’t screwed. The 2-3 of you can take sentries and camps, conspire with other small guilds to take out a larger one. You could join as bandits and go kill people.
You also aren’t screwed because all of the guild rewards are cosmetic. You can earn the same cosmetic rewards by holding a sentry point or a supply camp. It will take longer than a guild that holds a keep, but it is possible. All rewards are available to guilds of any size. It won’t be as easy or as fast, but it is still possible. Sure, you wont be the #1 WvW guild on the ladder, but is that something you realistically expect?
My guild is relatively small. We would be outgunned by the mega guilds. I have no problem with it. I would consider it a point of pride every time we held a tower or camp against the odds and earned points towards new unlocks. It isn’t about being the first or having everything now, its about you and your friends achieving something over time against the odds.
Also, why do you expect to receive WvW exclusive rewards if your guild does not WvW? PvE exclusive players have their own unique rewards that are not available in WvW. It is about earning rewards for playing how you like. WvW guilds earn WvW awards in WvW. If you PvE you have all of the unique PvE rewards.
(edited by Wahii.5310)
Eliminate sever vs. server
The server system in WvW is completely removed. You now enter WvW with your guild where you are placed into a WvW instance that draws from the entire game population. All players not in your guild are hostile to you. All structures on the map are fair game. Matches have no beginning or end. You fight forever and hold your guild’s structures as long as you can.
Queues no longer exist as an infinite number of instances can be created to match demand. Coverage no longer matters. Map blobs no longer exist.
No more points
The point tick is removed and replaced with a new guild currency. When your guild captures a structure, you earn this new currency over time as long as you hold it. Keeps award the most per tick, then towers, then camps, then sentries. Even the smallest guilds have a structure they can take and hold. The currency is used to purchase WvW exclusive cosmetic upgrades like unique guild armor, banners that are carried in combat, cosmetic upgrades to structures your guild has claimed. In addition you also earn influence for your guild which can be used for all existing guild upgrades.
Now you fight for your guild. You enter WvW, capture what you can and hold it as long as you can. Fights now have purpose and defending is now important. Rivalries will be created and top guilds will be de-throned by their enemies. When your guild sleeps, you will probably lose what you took, but that isn’t the point. It is about your guild achieving something while they are active, and having fun doing it.
Supply camps and escorting supply are now vital. Your large guild can’t hold its keep without getting in precious supply. Smaller guilds may be claiming the camps and you will have to fight them for the supply, or perhaps bribe them into letting you take the camp in exchange for helping them take a tower. Politics is now a very real aspect to WvW.
A new global ladder will rank guilds based on total accumulated guild currency. Rank up your guild, compare it to others, and choose your targets to de-throne.
The zerg is dead
It is as simple as that. Entire servers in one blob is gone forever. Sure, there would inevitably be massive guilds that run in a huge group, but they would still be far outnumbered by the map population as a whole. These mega guilds are also large targets for smaller guilds to gang up on. Rivalries will be created. Guilds will seek revenge on the guilds who took their structure. Small guilds will gang up on the big ones, and on each other. It is you and your friends vs. the world. Every structure on the map is yours to take, no more fighting over the same 1/3 of a borderland.
No more terrible match-ups
There are no more match-ups. You fight other guilds from the global game population. Every day you face a new set of opponents. Some will beat you, some you will beat. Some will have more people than you, and some wont.
What about the solo player?
Solo players will have a strong incentive to join a guild, but if you want to roam solo there is a place for you too. Players can join WvW as un-guilded bandits. Bandits can take structures just like guilds, but they do not earn the guild currency for doing so. If you want to roam solo, join as a bandit and go kill people, take camps, camp spawn points. You will not earn guild currency but you can have just as much fun harassing guilds and other bandits. The bandits can also work together to assault large structures just for the satisfaction of taking it from another guild.
Putting it all together
WvW is now about fighting for the glory of your guild, destroying rivals, and defending your claims to the last man. Defending structures in now the most important thing. Guild upgrades and claiming are now essential. Rivalries and revenge will motivate fights. You will learn your enemies and the inter-guild community will be strengthened.
The worst aspects of the current WvW system are removed. No more queues, no more zergs, no more pointless points, no more server imbalance, no more coverage wars.
New WvW exclusive rewards via guild currency allow you to show off your guild’s accomplishments both in WvW and in the PvE world. The new global ladder allows you to track your rank among the best best WvW guilds in the game.
This is my dream
This is my dream for a newly re-imagined WvW. I believe it would be a lot of fun and solves many of the current problems with WvW without requiring that drastic of an overhaul. Some of you will hate it and I suspect some will like it.
It will never happen. I would love it if it did. If even a small part of this idea were implemented I believe it would be a great step forward for WvW.
What do you think? Love it or hate it?
(edited by Wahii.5310)
15v15 gvg and bay gets hit by JQ. SoR sends entire map zerg to wipe gvg instead of just dealing with bay. That is their justification for ruing a GvG. You guys repped multiple tags trying to hide what? You guys are dirt. NO answers or excuses can amount to your BS. You wanted to troll and kitten people off that’s it.
This. Happening once is understandable. Coming back multiple times conveniently mid-fight is something different. They were there to troll, there is no other reason.
Whats done is done. Trolls will be trolls. I’m sorry Malevolent that our GvG was ruined and our time wasted. Hopefully we can arrange another match soon. Good fights on both sides.
holy cow do you even read your posts before you post them? the blood in your brain must be boiling, I can feel the frustration in your post, tsk2x, oh and btw, I was not there when you tiny 15 man group was wiped by sors 50 man group, huhuhuhu, it sounds so sad I wish I was there, I dont dont your word at all btw,
If only there was a map with open spaces and nto a conflict zone that people can easily GvG in, hell, they could even put a JP there and a portal from Ebg, tsk anet, tsk
I guess you’re just one of those people who still thinks PPT means something. Thats cool I guess. You should probably be online making sure your server is maximizing their point tick instead of trolling on the forum though. I’m sure your skills are invaluable to the SOR point lead.
Hate on GvG if you want. Some of us learned a long time ago that PPT is pointless and good fights are often hard to come by. We GvG to have fun and get challenging fights rather that participate in the map blob karma farming mess that WvW has turned into. I doubt very much that our 15 man group GvGing has any effect at all on your precious PPT, especially this late on a Thursday.
Thank you to SOR and FEAR (using troll guild tag) for interrupting the DA vs ONS GvG several times. We took the time to set up a match on a map that was completely overrun anyway and you felt the need to troll our fight not once, but several times.
We had to call the match early because we were unable to finish a fight uninterrupted.
GvG’s take time to schedule and coordinate. We had members rearrange their schedules to participate. If you don’t GvG thats cool, but please respect the time of people that do.
I’m sorry to read this. This is unacceptable behavior; please do not believe that this is the behavior or mindset of the general server.
there’s no need to be an apologist dude, I doubt it will be appreciated cuz of all the bags that likely spawned, Assuming both bg and jq were wiped of course
I would be upset if someone decided to interrupt a GvG I was participating in.
and so you apologise for the server? please speak for yourself, according to what the people say, , they were attacking Bay while they were donig gvging, a tier 2 bay, forces came in, and afterwards what happens? both groups attack garrison while Ddosing and get wiped, and are both later kicked off the map by FEAR, theres only one loser here, well, several
Thank you to SOR and FEAR (using troll guild tag) for interrupting the DA vs ONS GvG several times. We took the time to set up a match on a map that was completely overrun anyway and you felt the need to troll our fight not once, but several times.
We had to call the match early because we were unable to finish a fight uninterrupted.
GvG’s take time to schedule and coordinate. We had members rearrange their schedules to participate. If you don’t GvG thats cool, but please respect the time of people that do.
I’m sorry to read this. This is unacceptable behavior; please do not believe that this is the behavior or mindset of the general server.
there’s no need to be an apologist dude, I doubt it will be appreciated cuz of all the bags that likely spawned, Assuming both bg and jq were wiped of course
I would be upset if someone decided to interrupt a GvG I was participating in.
and so you apologise for the server? please speak for yourself, according to what the people say, , they were attacking Bay while they were donig gvging, a tier 2 bay, forces came in, and afterwards what happens? both groups attack garrison while Ddosing and get wiped, and are both later kicked off the map by FEAR, theres only one loser here, well, several
I am sure that interrupting GvG’s is not in the MO of the SoR realm. We’d be better off without people like you.
so what just happend in sor bl then? would rather people had a better perception of reality, we would be better off with more of those people
Are you referring to the completely red heavily SOR overrun map that we were GvGing on? You had a map blob. JQ had 15 DA and a few others. Blackgate had ONS. You ruined our GvG so we ran around looking for fights. We decided to go elsewhere after SOR ran away until they could bring in their map blob to wipe us 50+ vs 15.
Ran us off the map you say? Yea I guess you did, gratz on that. We left because we want fights. You ran away from every even numbered fight there was and chased us across the map when it was heavily stacked in your favor.
Not sure what you think is special here…
(edited by Wahii.5310)
Thank you to SOR and FEAR (using troll guild tag) for interrupting the DA vs ONS GvG several times. We took the time to set up a match on a map that was completely overrun anyway and you felt the need to troll our fight not once, but several times.
We had to call the match early because we were unable to finish a fight uninterrupted.
GvG’s take time to schedule and coordinate. We had members rearrange their schedules to participate. If you don’t GvG thats cool, but please respect the time of people that do.
(edited by Wahii.5310)
I appreciate the desire to add something new to WvW, but masteries simply aren’t the solution. I honestly don’t care about any of them. Sure, some add nice quality of life improvements, but WvW as a whole is in dire need of much more than gimmicky supply bonuses and larger skill radius for siege.
Please stop devoting so much time to balancing mastery lines, dreaming up new lines, and touting each new mastery as exciting new content. It just isn’t exciting.
I am not thinking to myself “WOW! new treb mastery, I can’t wait to log in to WvW now!” I doubt many players are.
The new nodes introduced in today’s dev stream are a step in the right direction. In my opinion though, adding sPvP capture nodes to existing borderlands is basically just a band-aid when the patient (WvW) is bleeding to death.
WvW needs the same kind of exciting new features that sPvP and PVE have been graced with for months. Anything else falls short. Masteries fall way short.
Masteries have accounted for the vast majority of WvW updates over the life of the game while failing to address the real problems with WvW. Masteries are not new content, they are skill tweaks, nothing more.
(edited by Wahii.5310)
Yet another theme about “Stop liking things that i don’t like!”.
Guys, why you not going into sPvP? It’s all about your lovely “small group skill”. Leave WvW for WvW players.
Have you tried running with a coordinated group of 20-25 rather than 50+? Have you been in a “smaller” 20v20? I guarantee you that it feels every bit as epic as your huge fights, your skills actually work, you don’t die instantly, you can actually see what is going on, and your individual skill as a player actually counts for something.
20v20 is a massive fight really. Your screen is still full of players and there is a ton of damage flying around. The 50+ vs 50+ that is going on right now is just gamebreaking and really isn’t any more fun than a “smaller” fight.
A screen full of red is a screen full of red and your screen is only so big.
To the OP: I fully agree with you. Maybe someday this will be implemented, but unfortunately I doubt it will be anytime soon.
(edited by Wahii.5310)
Some more recent footage from the current T1 JQ/BG/SOR match:
(edited by Wahii.5310)
DA just held a very successful WvW training night for new and returning players. If you are looking for a small tactics based group to fight with in WvW DA might be the place for you!
The advantage of this is that casual players can keep up more easily since they only need a couple of hours of playtime a day to get a laurel and won’t fall too far behind the folks that play for hours and hours, it also rewards people that stays playing the game (even if only for a short time daily) versus people that leaves for 6 months and then comes back burns through content in 2 weeks then leaves again.
I understand why some might be upset but the pros outweigh the cons in my view.
It is actually just the opposite. You are rewarded for the number of days you log in and nothing else. I would define casual as someone who doesn’t play 7 days a week. No matter how long you play, you are punished for every day you don’t log in. There is no way a casual player who only plays a few days a week could ever catch someone who plays every day, even if they play for long periods of time.
Why should returning players be punished for returning to the game. I get that not playing means you will be behind but the current system makes it so you have no chance to catch up even if you play many hours a day.
Burning through content? We’re looking at 1 month+ per piece as a flat requirement. Nothing you can do will speed it up. Not logging in every day will just slow you down. All ascended jewelry alone will take a very dedicated player 6 months, and who knows what other new gear is coming.
I’ve been trying to put my finger on what’s troubling me the most about the current implementation of ascended gear and daily/weeklies. I’ve realized that its how you are rewarded for days logged in and not time spent playing.
This has several implications, but the most important is that you are actively punished each day you don’t log in. I prefer to play on my own time. Some days I play for a long time, some days I’m busy and don’t play at all. With the current system, each day I don’t log in puts me one day behind.
One of the great things about GW2 is the ability to take a break and when you come back you can pick up right where you left off. I just recently returned after several months away from the game. I was lucky enough to come back just as laurels were introduced (by sheer luck). If I had instead taken a few months off after the introduction of laurels to the game I would have returned months behind the general playerbase with no hope of ever catching up.
The worst part of this is that players who don’t log in every day or take breaks will never ever catch up to their peers. This means you will always be at a slight disadvantage. You could play for 10 hours a day every day and you will still be behind because you missed your daily/weekly’s while you were gone. Returning to the game only to find out you’ve been left behind and there is no way to catch up will only result in frustration and the loss of players.
Think about what it will be like 6 months from now when most players are finishing their ascended jewelry. Currently for a full set of ascended jewelry you’re looking at at least 6 months of daily’s (assuming you log in every day). For a newly returning player or someone who only plays a few days a week that is an almost insurmountable amount of time to make up.
Some of you will say “but you don’t need ascended gear.” You’re right, you don’t, but consider what it would be like when everyone is in full ascended jewelry and you aren’t and you know that you will never be as optimal as your peers and have no chance of catching up. Try playing WvW with a stat disadvantage. Don’t think it matters? Try playing WvW in a set of greens…sure you can still kill people and run with the zerg but you are at a distinct disadvantage stat-wise. Consider the implications of, lets say, a 20 man group in full ascended jewelry vs a 20 man guild that took time off and is still in only exotics. The stat increase multiplied by 20 is huge.
Please, please, please consider the implementation of a reward system based on time spent playing not on how many days you logged in to do your daily. A great way to do this would be to offer laurels in exchange for current in game currencies in addition to the current daily system. Make it as expensive and time consuming as you want. As long as time played will get you laurels you are able to progress at your own pace and missing a daily or two would no longer be a permanent setback.
-Rewards for days logged in not time played means you are punished for every day you don’t play.
-The current system requires months of daily’s for gear. This unavoidable time requirement means returning and casual players have no hope of catching up.
-Implement a reward system based on time played in addition to the current daily/weeklies.
I know myself, and many others, are frustrated by the current methods for obtaining ascended items. The current system forces me to spend my game time doing activities I don’t particularly enjoy because they are the only available method of obtaining ascended gear. Another source of frustration is the daily nature of rewards. Compare a player who plays an hour a day for five days with someone who plays for 5 hours on one weekend day. Both spend the same time playing but the first player makes 5 times more progress towards their ascended gear. I want to be rewarded for playing on my terms and not be left behind because I don’t have time to play every day.
Here is my simple solution: a new vendor that exchanges current game currencies for laurels. The exchange rate would be balanced such that 1 laurel would still require a significant amount of effort, but could be obtained by doing what you enjoy while playing.
This vendor would exchange 1 laurel for the following currency:
-Dungeon and fractal tokens
-Badges of honor
-Guild commendations
*laurels will now also be awarded for map completions
In addition, all ascended gear would now only be bought with laurels.
Now, you spend your time (as much and whenever you want) doing what you enjoy and still make progress towards your ascended gear. Like to explore?…you get laurels for that. Only play WvW?…laurels for that. Like to make tons of gold playing the trading post?…laurels for that. Have lots of real money sitting around and like buying gems?…yep laurels for that too.
It is important to remember that the most efficient way to get laurels would still require you to do dailies, guild events, etc. but those who choose to not to spend time doing activities they don’t enjoy would still be able to make progress towards their gear. Also, players who play long sessions over a few days can make the same progress that players who log in every day can.
I really hope some system like this is implemented. The current system forces players to do certain activities whether they enjoy them or not. This leads to significant time spent not really having fun because it is the only way to stay on par with your peers.
If you like this idea or have any suggestions/feedback please leave a comment. Feel free to comment if you hate the idea too!
New video of our latest exploits in the T1 JQ/SOR/SOS Match!
Lots of fun last night in SOS borderlands!
So I notice the Thief that did that is on SBI. I play on Blackgate and ran into a similar situation last night where I was basically instakilled by a Thief from SBI. I was in EB last night and on the way towards Ogre, where I noticed a few skulls on the map up ahead. When I went to check it out, there were 2 or 3 BG player corpses laying there, and an SBI Defender (this Thief) laying down inside one of the corpses. I started shooting him where he got up, did the Thief vanish and blink thing and killed me before I could hit a single skill. Then he went back over to the other player’s corpse, dropped some kind of goo on it and layed down in it again lol. It was pretty weird.
Anyhoo … my combat log looked very similar to yours. I actually laid there dead and chatted with the other dead player in /say for a minute. We both were dumbfounded. I wonder if it was the same guy. Is this kind of burst damage possible from any class?
Did he look like this? I play on SBI.
Honestly though, a lot of professions can ruin your day in a matter of seconds, some with AOE’s instead of single target. Thief backstab burst just happens to be one of the harder to avoid. It is absolutely possible though. I see quite a few people dodge the steal>c&d>backstab combo.
Thief backstab builds are all about risk vs. reward. If you miss a single c&d (or have it blocked) you are very likely to die in a matter of seconds yourself.
All berserker armor/trinkets with valkyrie weapons. Runes of divinity. I have 14.5k unbuffed, the extra health in the video is from orbs and food.
Thanks! I’m on the fence about the move speed. I used to use might on dodge and the fall trait. With signet of shadows already I’m not gaining a ton of speed from it, but It can sometimes be the difference between a full damage backstab and having to hit from the front. There are several good options for 10 in Acro, and you can’t really go wrong with most of them.
I’m actually not full berserker. I took valkyrie weapons for the extra hp at a loss of about 5% crit chance. I also have the 5% prec > vit trait and and use +vit foods.
Unbuffed with no orbs or food I have 14.5k hp.
I use the same setup regardless of orb buffs.
(edited by Wahii.5310)
A short video I put together from clips recorded Monday afternoon. Yes, I do have a 3 orb bonus. Enjoy!
I’m not really sure what was going on in the last clip. I got downed by a 4k hit from someone, but everyone around was downed and I was in stealth at the time. Oh well, fun fight anyway
WvW is completely unplayable right now. The only other player I have seen in the last 2 hours has been the other guy in my party.
This is what my trading post currently looks like. It used to work perfectly fine, but now looks like this. I have tried changing resolution, ui size, browser settings…nothing helps. Anyone have any ideas or has anyone else had this issue?
uh, you know if you just ran 50 people into a group instead of using a portal you would very likely still not see a large majority of them.
The difference here is that you don’t see ANY of them, and they are all on top of you wiping you instantly. Once you’re dead all 50 start to load in.
When a large group comes at you in a normal fashion some of them load in and you at least have some idea of where the enemy is.
I have seen this tactic (yes, tactic) used by a lot of our enemies in WvW.
How is it a tactic? Sure, using portals to gain strategic placement can be called a tactic. Intentionally using them to prevent your team from rendering on screen is not a tactic, it is a clear exploit.
It is an exploit. A certain group likes to send 50+ people through a portal at once, knowing that they will not render on screen. A command is given to spam aoe’s at your feet, and they all come through and wipe the enemy group before they load in and can be seen.
By themselves mesmer portals are not an exploit, but using them for the express purpose of taking advantage of the character loading issues is most definately an exploit.