Showing Posts For Wakani.1829:

January 26th Update: Your feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Probably not even gonna see half the feedback you’re getting anyway, but whatever – here goes.

PvP-wise the removal of amulets was text-book-band-aid, nothing ’’fix’’ about it. so something isnt working? lets remove whatever it is completely instead of changing what makes it so kitten broken in the first place, personally it carries a stentch of developer-whos-hands-are-tied, but that might just be me.

PvE wise, well let me start by saying that – i know condi warrior was too strong, but now it’s useless. why?, because where other condi classes bring a variety of support and utility, the condi warrior was all about damage, and only damage. Sure they could bring some banners, but be honest here, how many groups skipped on a PS warrior ?, id say a very small percentage. and they usually carry them. nonetheless, thats it for the warriors utility, a banner or two. so all it had was taken away by, probably the lousiest change to an mmo, since NCwest started banning people who crossed into so-called safe zones in Aion, all the while koreans and japanese servers were having the time of their lives fighting everywhere.

to clarify, the 0.5 cd is rediculous. being able to hit one enemy with two fields, was somethingthat required at least a tiny amount of thought and positioning, something that very few thingsi n this game does in general (too casually so if you ask me). so you slap a 0.5 ICD on the skill? well hurray for that, now the only thing scorched earth doesnt have in common with the normalfire field, is its shape…. and did you get the memo yet that the 0.5 ICD is GLOBAL, and not character capped?, yea – thats right. if you have 2 people throwing them down, only 1 of the fields will hit every 0.5 seconds…. so for this skill, the cooldown traits for berserk skills – are now 100% useless. i know you did this to change the way people gunk entire armies in wvw through Coalesence of ruin spam, but cmon… arrent you guys suposed to test this kinda stuff? if this is truly intended, then you dropped the ball like never before.

as for the other changes,
Necro got alittle too much boon conversion.
Ele changes were overall good, all those who say Diamond skin is now useless, are partially right, but you cannot defend a skill like diamond skin on a class that has such ease of access to protection, and healing, because you simply cannot get it on them, not to mention they directly hardcounter an entire array of builds.
Mesmer probably got the biggest hits, through a whole array of changes to both directly – and indirectly nerf their usefulness, while i agree that mesmers were HILLARIOUSLY broken in PvP, to the point where 1 change would never be enough, the massive nerfs in pve – were not warranted. at least not all of them, personally i think the alacrity nerf was warranted, and ok with me. boon sharing through group-swapping is also something i wont miss, as its a gimmick, and noones gonna really miss it. however the change to precognition, was to me off-base. not because it removed options to skip/ignore certain mechanics, that could’ve been fixed in other ways, but because aegis has nothing to do with a kitten mesmer in the first place… it’s got no soul now, and doesnt fit the mesmer theme what-so ever.

anyways thats about all ive been able to check up on so far, so theres more than likely alot more that i havent personally tested or checked yet, but those things i cannot comment on, so this is it for now.

Add Cyrillic Symbols

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Cyrilic symbols have no place on servers that are not restricted to russia, Period.

Take any game where it’s not locked away – for instance, league of legends. you get ONE. just ONE person on your team who uses cyrilic, and they ill spam the kitten chat for all eternity with hieroglyphs that noone in the civilized world understands.

Im against cyrilic letters being added to the game-chat. unless its for a region-locked set of servers specifically for the Cyrilic-using community.

Primordial Legend is not bugged

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


The intended design is that you should receive the achievement for initially entering legendary (1x). We’re still investigating the issue and will update as soon as we can.

This title should be dissabled for this league, since people are ’’farming’’ it rather than earning it. through stronghold and other nifty – but not fair ways.

The title should be one of prestige, for those who earned it, not those who farmed it through a flawed, bugged and in many other ways useless league system.

Anyone, regardless of deserving it or not, should be denied that title this league.
Those who DID earn it, can easily do so again, those who cant didnt really earn it this league anyways and doesnt deserve it anyway.

new score system

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Just gonna leave a post here with everything I’ve read and thought of since i made my first post in this thread.

the current score board is something like this:

Red Team … [score] | [score] … Blue Team
Player ………. Score | Score ………… Player
[icon] name [score] | [score] name [icon]
[icon] name [score] | [score] name [icon]
[icon] name [score] | [score] name [icon]
[icon] name [score] | [score] name [icon]
[icon] name [score] | [score] name [icon]

only a generic personal score of each player is shown, and the contribution bunkers who are actively contesting own captured points or neutral points are not really registered.

what if we revamped the score board to show certain information?

what if K/B/C/N/R are shown instead?
Kills / Bunkers / Captures / Neutralizes / Revives

- register enough damage on an opponent that has been stomped or bled out.
- both solo kills and team assisted kills are registered here.

- earn bunkers points for contesting own captured points.
- earn bunker points for contesting neutral points.
- earn 1 bunkers point every 2 seconds for contesting.

- it takes around 10 seconds to fully capture a neutral point.

- it takes around 4 seconds to fully neutralize a captured point.

- stomped or bled out team mates takes 15 seconds before they come back.
- please revive them if possible.

so the new score board may look like this:

Red Team ……… [score] | [score] ……… Blue Team
Player …….. K/B/C/N/R | K/B/C/N/R …….. Player
[icon] name [x/x/x/x/x] | [x/x/x/x/x] name [icon]
[icon] name [x/x/x/x/x] | [x/x/x/x/x] name [icon]
[icon] name [x/x/x/x/x] | [x/x/x/x/x] name [icon]
[icon] name [x/x/x/x/x] | [x/x/x/x/x] name [icon]
[icon] name [x/x/x/x/x] | [x/x/x/x/x] name [icon]

I agree that we need more specific categories showing what is being done, it’ll be easier for people to see when they are contributing – not to mention easier for others to point out that someone might want to look at what they are doing, and improve on it.

I think that:

1: Personal score should Tick for 1point per 2-3 seconds, while contesting an enemy node. 2 points while defending a home node, i don’t think personal score should tick while capping or decapping – unless it turns into a fight and gets contested.

2: Kills/stomps should only reward 1-5 points if done inbetween points. for instance, someone camping the exit to the enemy’s spawn, will not be getting more than 1-5 points for killing someone unless that someone physically reaches a point.

3: Points should be awarded to players for ressing a fellow teammate, aswell as be rewarded for cleaving an enemy player when they are downed – maybe even award points for hitting enemy players who are in the process of ressing a teammate.

4: Points should be awarded for decapping a contested point – aswell as capping a contested point, something like 5-10 pts for decapping a point from an enemy player – same for capping while an enemy player tries to prevent you from doing so.

new score system

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Having a personal score system is a good way to indicate whether a player is playing the game mode well.

I really like the idea of having personal score tick when fighting on a capture point.

What other scores could be added, or what existing scores could be rebalanced?

Off the top of my head.

1: the 25 points for killing a player should be restricted to when you fight people on the nodes, or are contesting a node – for instance, 2players from each team on a node automatically meets a certain condition within the game, making stomps during said encounter, count 25, and then obviously this will continue untill the fight moves too far from the point.

2: Stomping i think shoulden’t reward pts in itself, as it counts as a kill already, However – If you were to gain ticks for hitting a player that is currently being ressed, or hitting a player currently ressing a teammate, that would promote people to cleave – maybe even to be more careful when they res a teammate. rather than – as you often see, run in, hit the res button and then /cross fingers.

3: I see no reason to change the amount of points awarded for a decap – but 15 or 20 if the node is being contested could be an ideal promotion to use those knockbacks, launches and pulls to aid teamplay in general.

4: Fighting on a node should award something like 1personal point p/3s spent fighting on the node (like the op suggested ) – however obviously with a grace period to make sure that you dont start a new cycle of 3, just because someone knocked you 1m out of the circle. #Edit: Personal score ticks for 1 while contesting a point if the point is either neutral or in the enemy hands – however ticks 2 if the node belongs to your team.

(edited by Wakani.1829)

Still missing PvP stats. what gives?

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


So. Before this whole patch with the queue’s being combined. i had a certain number of paid tournaments played/won.

I’ve seen that pretty much everyone has had their paid’s/tournaments converted into Ranked games on the pvp stats page. and obviously in their Pie charts.

I however only have them in my pie charts.

I had 1525 paids played with 1178 wins, these stats have not yet carried over/been fixed.
I know a few people who suffered the same issue during the first week of the patch, they have however had their stats fixed.

I’ve sent 2 PM’s to various devs on these forums without any answers to this question whatso-ever, so now im making this thread so that you can look into my account history, and fix this.

Class swap gives no win...

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


I do not believe the active PvP playerbase is large enough to support a functioning 5-man only queue.

Then they’ve gotta open a forum section the teams can arrange Queue times on.

Teams have nothing to do in a soloQ crowd whatso ever. regardless of the reasoning behind it.

Class swap gives no win...

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


@ Justin Odell.

Few suggestions based on my observations and my games in ranked so far.

Split ranked into two queue’s again, 1 that sports Solo’s & Duo’s
and one that is strictly for teams of 5.

If the above is not being considered at all, The the System should in no case, put 2 groups of 2’s and 3’s on one team, while the other is strictly solo’s – and this is regardless of MMR.
Communication simply has too much of an impact on a games possible outcome, to allow 1 team to potentially have 2’s and 3’s communicating amongst themselves, while the other team is forced to either endure, and MAYBE (big maybe) win – or loose.

The Proffession dailies have got to go, theres really nothing more to say.
Regardless of your intentions for the dailies (and believe me, we all want a bigger base of pvp’ers, so we get it).

The dailies cause class stacking to get out of control,
The dailies force people into groups, where 1 or usually more players, are not familiar with that class – nor do they CARE. because all they need is 1 game – and then they get free acchievement points.

I recently read a thread that suggested the PvP section of the game, to be free to play.

Has something like this ever been suggested during a meeting?, if so –
what were the general stance on the idea? if not -
when can you bring such an idea to the table?.

How is this matchmaking possible...?

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


I’ll say it again, like i have for so long.

split ranked into two queue’s,

1: 5v5
2: solo + duoQ.

This way people with friends can queue together as a DuoQ.
Teams can queue and play vs. other teams.
SoloQ’s can play relatively even matches majority of the time, as long as the system always takes roster size into account when making up teams ie’ 2x 2’s and 6x 1’s get matched together, there will always be a 2 on each team, rather than put both 2’s into ONE team.

kitten this matchmaking, yea you heard it!

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


@ NeXeD.

I transferred to EU from US a day or two before newyears, before the update i had 1525 paid tournaments played with 1178 of them being wins, for some people these old games carried over to the pvp stats page. However mine didn’t, and having not played for so long. i don’t see how my old MMR would’ve carried over anywhere?.

I mean, i get games where all 5 on my team myself included, are being pitted against a full team with voice coms – who are highly ranked.

I would rather wait 10-50 minutes in a Solo/Duo Q. than get a game somewhere between 30seconds and 50 minutes, and have only 1 game be good in 2 hours.

I get that luck plays its part, but being pitted against people who have partied up and are using voice com, is just not okay in any way shape or form.

I could accept if 5 people who hapen to be good, and know OF eachother. got teamed up and decided to jump on a ts or something that they all know of. thats bad luck!.

but continuesly getting terribad matchups. is NOT funny.. after i returned i was considering getting back into the game eventho theres an upcoming game that im really psyched about… i played gw1 for 5 and a half years.. and have always been a fan of gw2 pvp, but at the time i quit it was too unstable. and there were only 4 teams that was even remotely worth a challenge….

now theres lots of teams.. but instead of them having a queue for themselves. or soloQ’ers having an option to check – that they are fine with being matched with teams. we have randoms who are barely ON the leaderboards.. or barely HAS MMR. being pitted against full teams……

kitten this matchmaking, yea you heard it!

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


wall of text:

Returned to gw2 a few weeks before soloQ and teamQ was ’’combined’’
(also known as when Anet catered to the wannabie tryhard teams who can’t compete on a high level and thus needs unorganized randoms to farm).

I had not played gw2 for nearly 2 years (give or take a few months), but i was enjoying how it all was.

That is, untill ofcourse, Anet took a giant kitten on everyone who enjoyed soloQ, for whatever reason.
My own being that i can’t play with a TEAM, because i can’t let go of the game if i do, i take it too seriously.

The difference between how gw2 pvp was running back when i played actively – and how i was when i returned before the update hit, was night and day. It felt fun.
i didnt understand the meta, but hey – thats what 14+ months away from the game does.

but now?, I’ve kept track of my matches since december 26th.

out of 10 games, it’s almost on-point the same every day.
4-5 games are me, matched with 4 other soloQ’ers. against a pug team, using voice coms.

5-6 games are complete blowouts, usually not in my favor. and even if they are, they are still blowouts – wich ARE NOT FUN…..

and on the offchance that i get LUCKY… LUCKY….. 1 game is even, sometimes my team wins, sometimes it doesnt. THATS fun..

When are you guys at arenanet. gonna wake up and realise that your little stunt does NOT WORK…

sure, it equals out after 150+ matches… really?!.. you expect people . casual or not casual. to power through 150+ matches to ‘’have fun’’ ?. i think i remember something in your manifesto video… how did it go? oh right ‘’we don’t want you to have to grind!’’

REALLY?!?!?!…. wake the F up and seperate these queue’s… its NOT WORKING….

Pugs vs teams?.

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


So, im not for it.
I’m not some super #1 leetskillzor pvper. nor am i completely useless.
i make mistakes, like everyone else.

But i do think i have the right since i payed for this game, to say:

Either remove teams vs non teams, so that if you Queue solo, you CANNOT get matched with people who queue with more than 2.

or give soloQ’ers a checkbox that gives us a choice.
be matched with:
1: all.
2: soloQ’s.

I for one am sick of queue’ing, having 8/10 games being blowouts, (regardless of wether im on the winning side or not i might add).
and then ONTOP of that, i have to deal with 5/10 games being a team full of soloQ’s, vs a party who 4/5 times are using some sort of voicecoms.

Sure, the matchmaking evens out (people say) after you play 100-50 matches. but HEY!. why the F would i want to play 100-150 matches, when majority of them wil be absolutely horrible in every way?.

The game is supossed to be FUN. id rather wait 5 minutes for ’’fun’’ than get a game 5seconds into queue’s and have it be rediculously one sided, completely blowout, full team with coms vs non team with no coms.

It’s time you make an exception, and rollout a huge change MID LADDER…. because this.
This is not working.
This is not fun.
This is not enjoyable.
This is not fair.

I'm on the wrong server?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wakani.1829


So i’ve contacted support, yesterday – and i have yet to hear from them.
How long does it take to get a response out ? just curious..

I'm on the wrong server?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Well i don’t remember transferreing my account back then when i stopped playing at all, and i think it’s something i would remember.

My account was compromised at some point, but i regained control of it.
However i didn’t notice that it had changed from EU to NA untill i returned to the game recently as i described.

i do care about my characters, as i’ve had a few of them from back at the start, and i only pvp’d back then, never even tried pve. they have value to me.

I’ve also spent money on various things such as makeover kits and what’not. wich if i needed to delete all my characters, id certainly want either a refund for, or want them returned ingame.

I'm on the wrong server?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Okay so, brief backstory for whoever is gonna look at this.

I returned to gw2 about a month ago (give or take a few days)
Only to find that my account, wich was originally EU, and last located on Desolation
was now on Eredon Terrace [NA] .

I decided to wait a while, and see how it would play out, because everyone i used to play with wasn’t coming online anymore anyways, and for awhile it was going alright.

But I’ve started to take pvp alittle more serious than casual again, and the skill delay that i feel seeing as i live in denmark (EU)
is simply too much for me to play seriously with.

Today december 25th i’ve tried several times to play alittle, but found that the input lagg, and skill delay that i had been feeling before was more than tenfold today,

So i would now like to be put in contact with someone fropm tech support, or w/e i need to talk to, who can make the needed changes, and move my account back to desolation [EU].


I recently returned to gw2 after a long breake, im on NA – im european. Move me back to Desolation EU please.

- Dennis

Matchmaking doesn't seem improved

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Just bring back seperate Queue’s kitten …

1 for 5v5’s. must have a full team to queue.
And 1 for soloQ AND duoQ,

This merging buisness is just silly, sure tehres more players, but id rather wait 10minutes between every match and have it be fun, enjoyable, and challenging.

Than wait for 30-120seconds, and get a blowout match 4/5 games. because im on a team with 2 people queuing together, and 3 randoms. against a 5man party with coms.

now i don’t care wetehr we loose, or win in such a scenario – it’s NOT FUN.

Allow only solo or 5/5 queuing for ranked.

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


I somewhat agree, i’d say tho, make it so that people can solo or duo Queue, and put solos and duo’s together.

And then make a 5v5 ranked queue again. no more of this 5party coms VS. 5 randoms without coms bull…

matchmaking makes me want to puke.

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


The problem with using RANK for MMR aswell as games played win/loss ratio.
Is to my knowledge that now it takes no dedication or skill whatsoever to reach R80.

I recently (3weeks ago) returned to gw2 after a 14month hiatus, to find that i was R57 as i was back then. now im nearly 80, and that’s just not right in my book, there needs to be added some ranks to it, and they need to be VASTLY more difficult to obtain than it is to obtain R80. or a secondary rank, that can be used to calculate MMR properly.

Right now the leaderboards are a clear sign that things are horribly wrong, just take a look at the NA leaderboard – as im writing this, the #2 has 29games won and 23 games lost – with 55.77% win ratio.

scroll down abit and you’ll see Rat Meta, he has 29games played and 29games won – ergo a 100% win rate. now – wether he is soloing (not really looking possible with matchmaking atm, since luck plays its part) or has a full team, he is the current top player on NA, so why is he #12 rather than #1 ?

I know you want effort to play a role in the leaderboards, but effort does NOT = skill, and the leaderboards are there to reflect skill, to tell us whos the best.

Right now the leaderboards are about as usefull as the map selection system, 9votes for 1 map, 1 for another, and the one with just 1 measely vote wins. I’ve had it happen more than half my games during the temporary ladder, and it’s frustrating. as is the idea – of committing yourself to outplay everyone, only to find that you’re not getting the recognition for your acchievements that you deserve.

Leaderboard's refresh time?

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


At what time intervals does the Leaderboards update progress ?

Congratulations to Abjured for winning WTS!

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Any links to the match ?

Ranked PVP stats missing/

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


So, now my proffession ranked games are there, but my overall games on the stat page still doesnt match, and doesnt count in all the games either.

And the ranked/unranked play buttons still don’t work for me.

Edit: for some reason the numbers wont show on the pie charts on screenshots,
I have:
732 engineer games,
360 mesmer games,
174 elementalist games,
90 thief games,
82 guardian games,
50 warrior games,
37 ranger games.

All played in paid tournaments back in the day, now known as ranked arenas. these games are all missing on the overall stat page, and now only appear in the pie charts.

Technically the tournament matches weren’t the same as team arena, and we don’t show legacy stats that far back. I’m suprised the profession games are there for rated arenas though…

Now all other games in my ranked arena pie chart is gone, except for my engineer games.

Ranked PVP stats missing/

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


So, now my proffession ranked games are there, but my overall games on the stat page still doesnt match, and doesnt count in all the games either.

And the ranked/unranked play buttons still don’t work for me.

Edit: for some reason the numbers wont show on the pie charts on screenshots,
I have:
732 engineer games,
360 mesmer games,
174 elementalist games,
90 thief games,
82 guardian games,
50 warrior games,
37 ranger games.

All played in paid tournaments back in the day, now known as ranked arenas. these games are all missing on the overall stat page, and now only appear in the pie charts.

Technically the tournament matches weren’t the same as team arena, and we don’t show legacy stats that far back. I’m suprised the profession games are there for rated arenas though…

I’ve seen several screens from others post-patch with 2000-3000+ rated arena games, wich i can only assume was their tournaments that transformed into rated arenas.

I would like to point out tho, that some of us have worked hard for the stats we had. I for one would like to get mine back.

Edit: and like Obsidia, the only place that ranked arenas now count, are in the pie charts. the overall statistics dont count towards nor does wins.

Queue dosnt work

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


So, now my proffession ranked games are there, but my overall games on the stat page still doesnt match, and doesnt count in all the games either.

And the ranked/unranked play buttons still don’t work for me.

Edit: for some reason the numbers wont show on the pie charts on screenshots,
I have:
732 engineer games,
360 mesmer games,
174 elementalist games,
90 thief games,
82 guardian games,
50 warrior games,
37 ranger games.

All played in paid tournaments back in the day, now known as ranked arenas. these games are all missing on the overall stat page, and now only appear in the pie charts.


(edited by Wakani.1829)

Ranked PVP stats missing/

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


So, now my proffession ranked games are there, but my overall games on the stat page still doesnt match, and doesnt count in all the games either.

And the ranked/unranked play buttons still don’t work for me.

Edit: for some reason the numbers wont show on the pie charts on screenshots,
I have:
732 engineer games,
360 mesmer games,
174 elementalist games,
90 thief games,
82 guardian games,
50 warrior games,
37 ranger games.

All played in paid tournaments back in the day, now known as ranked arenas. these games are all missing on the overall stat page, and now only appear in the pie charts.


(edited by Wakani.1829)

Queue dosnt work

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Still not working for me.

Queue dosnt work

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Still not working for me.

Queue dosnt work

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Just tried again just for science’s sake, still nothing. doesn’t work for me, so it’s not fixed yet.

Queue dosnt work

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Try queuing again. It should be fixed for now, if only temporarily.

Just tried, without relogging and with relogging, and with restarting my routher (my firewall is turned off by default).

still no response from the ranked and unranked buttons.

Queue dosnt work

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


For a temporary solution: join a group with someone who doesn’t have the issue. Thankfully I don’t think the majority of people have it.

I know that is a temporary solution, but i just recently got back to the game. still playing at a medium high level.

Im missing 1400 ranked arena games. and i dont know anybody atm since most of the people i played with 14 months ago stopped playing gw2.

and i dont want to pug and bring my score even lower…

i want to be able to queue solo, and work for my own personaly score, rather than hope some random guy is decent enough to not bring me down. wich is even harder now that im missing all my ranked games, since its putting me at the loewst kitten possible bracket all the time…… its not a viable solution. this problem needs to be fixed as does the missing stats, and yesterday was too late! they need to communicate whats going on, what they’re doing to fix it. how far they are, and when i can expect to play with my stats again. not blow me and everyone else with this issue off.

You do realize they’re testing the leaderboards now and probably going to reset them again come January, right?

The leaderboards yes. but im talking about my actual games played, Pre-patch i had 152x tournament games played (now called ranked arena) and 1178 won. i worked HARD for thos statistics, and even if they were just legacy or w/e, they are still something i worked for. and i want it back kitten it….

Ranked PVP stats missing/

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Stats still missing, could do with some info about how far you are with the fix.

and how long ill have to wait before i can actually queue up solo?!?!?!

Queue dosnt work

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


For a temporary solution: join a group with someone who doesn’t have the issue. Thankfully I don’t think the majority of people have it.

I know that is a temporary solution, but i just recently got back to the game. still playing at a medium high level.

Im missing 1400 ranked arena games. and i dont know anybody atm since most of the people i played with 14 months ago stopped playing gw2.

and i dont want to pug and bring my score even lower…

i want to be able to queue solo, and work for my own personaly score, rather than hope some random guy is decent enough to not bring me down. wich is even harder now that im missing all my ranked games, since its putting me at the loewst kitten possible bracket all the time…… its not a viable solution. this problem needs to be fixed as does the missing stats, and yesterday was too late! they need to communicate whats going on, what they’re doing to fix it. how far they are, and when i can expect to play with my stats again. not blow me and everyone else with this issue off.

Queue dosnt work

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Just tried again, still cant join any matches. the waiting is getting rediculous, and with no answers ? really? give us some kittening info already!….

I want to play soloq and not teamq

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Didn’t ArenaNet say that the last team arena system evaluated for team size as well? It’s weird that this new check is being rolled out as if it’s completely new — unless it is new, because the developers were lying to the community before.

The old matchmaking did not evaluate for party/roster size at all, which is why we created solo arena.

You’re entitled to your opinion, but I don’t think it’s been a disaster, we just need to tweak the configs… which is something we expected would need to do. This is why the beta ladder will start the 16th, and not today.

Tweak all you want, Im still unable to do ranked/unranked. because your fancy new ui banner wont play an animation so i can enter a que. been this way since the patch hit.
And im missing alot o stats on my pvp page ontop of that.

So to me, this is a disaster.

Queue dosnt work

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Just tried again, Issue still persist.
animation for the banner doesn’t play. nothing happens. i don’t even get the error message that some people in here are reporting. just, blank, nothing….

Queue dosnt work

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Still having problems, still cant enter ranked arenas or unranked arenas unless im in a team of at least two.

My firewall is off, nothing is helping. please, give us some feedback on this issue its starting to get annoying ….

When you join as a party with other people… do you initiate the queue request, or does someone else do it and you just accept?

I’ve done both, and both worked without any issue. It’s only when im solo.

Queue dosnt work

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Still having problems, still cant enter ranked arenas or unranked arenas unless im in a team of at least two.

My firewall is off, nothing is helping. please, give us some feedback on this issue its starting to get annoying ….

Queue dosnt work

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


I can join Practice alone, but unranked and ranked is not working for me (the animation doesnt play and this has persisted since the patch hit, and then the second patch aswell).

I can however, enter Ranked arenas if im IN A TEAM, with someone and they enter aswell. so at the moment im unable to enter solo.

Rated Arena, cant join solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Like the title states, i have been unable to even reach the Que or waiting time banner when i try to enter alone since patch hit.

However if i do it with someone else in a party there is no problems. id like this to be fixed asap

Ranked PVP stats missing/

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


We’re working on a fix for the missing profession stats.

Thank you sir.

P.S. i still can’t join ranked arena as a single player. it works fine if i team with someone. but solo seems to not work.
is this intended ?

Ranked PVP stats missing/

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Bump for answers, i want my stats back asap…..

Ranked PVP stats missing/

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


So, pre-patch, i had roughly 152x tournament games played, and 117x won.

Now i have 112 ranked arena games played and 59 won, the problem here is that im missing alot of stuff.
I mainly play engineer, and i’ve been gone for along time so i just recently started playing solo Q (i quit before solo Q was introduced to the game).

All my ranked engineer games are missing, and as you can see on the attached screenshot. i have 112 ranked arenas played, yet the pie chart says 360 ranked arenas as mesmer (others there too, but engineer is missing).

But as you can see, its only the ranked engineer games that are missing, overall all the games add up. but the ranked ones do not.

something is obviously not right here. and i played alot, and very competitively back in the day (thinking about makign a return to that now) and i would hate to loose all the progress i made back then. so please, can something be done about this issue? im not the only one. others i’ve spoken to have the same issue with missing stats.


Ranked Arena Games/Wins by Profession Pies

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


This new stats is funny, i have 10 more games on my warrior and main my warrior since day one yet the most TQ win belong to my thief lol

These stats are not correct for some people, alot fo peopel are missing alot of their games, and my own stats dont even add up. overall they do. but i have 360 games in ranked arenas with mesmer. yet a total of 112 ranked arena games played?.. cmon… thats not right..

Ranked Arena Games/Wins by Profession Pies

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Same, got 12xx tournaments played and 11xx won before the update, now they are all missing. also missing all my engineer games. wich is my main.

Clearly alot of my games are missing.

(edited by Wakani.1829)

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Adaptation: switching to A to counter B, until enemy switches to C to counter A, at which point switching to B to counter C, until enemy switches to A to counter B, at which point switching to C to counter A, until enemy switches to B to counter C, at which point (GOTO :Adaptation).

This is what we want to happen in pro matches, yes?

I know i speak for alot of people (altho not everyone obviously), when i say.

I want to see team’s Overcome obstacles, countercomps, and enemy strategies, by OUTPLAYING them, not by Outbuilding them on-the-fly.

If i tune into a stream, or in the future, the live observer mode, to watch a certain team play, i want to see them overcome their enemies by splitting differently, thinking out of the box, making plays, baiting strats – And so on, you get the point.

I don’t personaly have a problem like some does ,with wathcing people’s menu’s popping up all the time, thats not the issue.

The issue is that changing mid-game, is NOT being skilled, Changing your strategy (as a team), and outplaying your oponents, THAT is being skilled. and that is what i want to see. and what i know many others want to see.

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Personally I think that this is a good change, I have always found weapon swapping outside of combat to be rather cheesy; it offered mobility to classes the otherwise didn’t have access to it, it also means that people will now start thinking about new builds or picking up different traits to deal with this change.
It will be a nice meta game shake up, one that has been long over due, I know that this change has upset a lot of people, but I find it rather refreshing. I believe that this is how it was intended to be from the start, and I do understand that certain classes will be hurt by this more than others, but than again it will be interesting to see how teams adapt to these changes.
I just want to say that no meta game stays the same, there always needs to be a shake up to keep things fresh and interesting, things get stagnant if they remain the same for too long.
Also if you don’t want people knowing what your strats are and what you are running, than streaming is a bad choice, I know that its sad but you can’t really have your cake and eat it.
All in all, I just wanted to say that I think this is a good change, and I always thought that this change would be coming earlier, but its good that its finally here.

I can’t even begin to express how glad i am to see one of the leading team’s take a sensible stance to this change.

I can honestly say that I am glad to see your response here, If only more of the players in paids would realise the potential this change brings.

Looking forward to hear and see more from TP in a near future??

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


I’ll contribute to this thread again.

So, what does it actually mean to ‘’be skilled’’ ?,
Is it being able to counter whatever the enemy team throws at you – simply by changing amulet from GC to bunker? or vice versa?,
Is it being able to counter whatever the enemy team throws at you – simply by changing weapons traits and ulities?.

Or is it infact, having to play balanced, pick your weapons, utilities, traits and amulet – wisely, instead of randomly. thus forcing you and your team to work more together, and OUTPLAY your oponents, rather than just counter them with a swap?.

Fact is that classes have limited weapons at their disposal for a reason, and that reason is balance, I can understand why ‘’top players (lold)’’ may find it frustrating that what enabled them to lolsteamroll over anyone whos not doing the exact same thing – might be frustrated, that the ’’easymode’’ (lets be honest, just countering IS easier than having to work as a team in synch and OUTPLAY your adversary) is being removed.

That however is no reason to keep a bad mechanic in the game.

This change will force developers to revisit certain weapons, and the skills and abilities they come with, to bring it all on par, and make more builds and plays viable – WITHOUT, giving classes the option to change what they entered as – on the fly.

many of you are using Esports and viewers on streams as an example, well heres one that tells the truth.

as a viewer if i was watching LoL, and suddenly two from one of the teams, swapped hero? i would be outraged and simply stop watching.
some of you will say ‘’but they can change build midway, sell items and buy something else’’

true, but they cant change their skills, and thats where its different.

If we had an open weaponslot for every weapon available to our class, i would be grumbling abit at this, but we don’t, we’re limited for the sake of balance. and to make it easier to transition into the game.

As a viewer i do NOT want to watch a person starting a match as one thing – but ending it as another, if i tune into a GC ele’s stream, i want to see him perform for his team AS a gc ele,

i don’t want to see him swap to a clerics amulet midway, and tank 3 people.
and that goes for all classes, the idea of changing just to counter, takes skill and teamwork AWAY. it does not promote it, why? – because you don’t have to build balanced to overcome obstacles and challenges, Unbalanced builds creates problems,

being locked into your build, means that if you play cookie cutter builds (wich most people nowadays actually do) then you’re taking a high risk/reward approach to the game, if you meet another team playing the same way, it comes down to your skill vs theirs.

However if you meet a balanced group you’ll most likely loose, because they can addapt – and you can’t.

that means you have to pick, and theres a plus and a minus to anything you pick. It makes the choices you make when you put together a build – and a team composition, matter. it makes it important.

This game needs gear/trait/utility/elite locks in Spvp/Tpvp for one simply reason.

It’s needed.

TL;DR: swapping stuff mid-match to win, is NOT skill, it’s avoiding confrontations,
+1 for gear/trait/utility/elite locks.

No Names or Class Shown Before Match

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


I agree with this,
The recent change was awsome, only utilities being locked is missing now,

we need teams to be hidden untill the match actually starts, teams will have to addapt fast, and make calls on movement and splits, as the game starts, instead of instantly knowing exactly what to do.

if you play it risky and run out 1-3man mid on forest, without thinking it through you may get ganked.

If you play it too safe you may hand a free kill+cap to the enemy team.

This is the kind of changes thats needed to promote true team sync and skill.

+1 to the OP,

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Glad they changed it,
Balanced builds and real teamwork can now finally make it’s way into the game, Instead of the sad excuse for teamwork it was before, let’s be honest here shall we?.

builds’’ Should be an entire loadout as it now is, It forces people to play balanced, and slows down the game, without forcing the game into Bunkerwars v2,

Over the past weeks since the res timer change, more and more groups have swapped to bursty setups,
Why? – because you can no longer just bunker up on a point and wait for 3 team members who died to return together.

However, eventho Bunkerwars was bad, having a meta changing THIS fast into nearly pure burst specs, regardless of how viable bunkerwars may still be to SOME teams,
Is not good for the game overall.

It has to settle somewhere inbetween, so bunkers. condis. dps and pure burst. are all viable, and nothing trumphs the other 100%.

This will help that alittle, seeing as if you go with a fully non balanced team, you get screwed instantly if you meet a team that counters.
Where as, if you had played balanced, you could’ve addapted if your team had the skill needed to do so, and if they’d made the right calls at the right times obviously.
in the same place you have full condi or full burst teams, if they run into a balanced team, then their burst wont count for anything if the team is any good.

TL;DR – Arenanet wants people to play balanced, and to think about what they bring to the party BEFOREHAND, Not pick an unbalanced spec, and rolfstomp because you can addapt to any situation through trait/utility/amulet/weaponswaps.

-1 to OP.
+1 to Anet.

T/Spvp Lagging since last update, fix soon ?

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Title says it all

IMO: tPVP Timers = Death of Burst setups.

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


@ Ostricheggs,
These individual timers, are only for free and paid ‘TOURNAMENTS’
They do not affect Spvp.