Probably not even gonna see half the feedback you’re getting anyway, but whatever – here goes.
PvP-wise the removal of amulets was text-book-band-aid, nothing ’’fix’’ about it. so something isnt working? lets remove whatever it is completely instead of changing what makes it so kitten broken in the first place, personally it carries a stentch of developer-whos-hands-are-tied, but that might just be me.
PvE wise, well let me start by saying that – i know condi warrior was too strong, but now it’s useless. why?, because where other condi classes bring a variety of support and utility, the condi warrior was all about damage, and only damage. Sure they could bring some banners, but be honest here, how many groups skipped on a PS warrior ?, id say a very small percentage. and they usually carry them. nonetheless, thats it for the warriors utility, a banner or two. so all it had was taken away by, probably the lousiest change to an mmo, since NCwest started banning people who crossed into so-called safe zones in Aion, all the while koreans and japanese servers were having the time of their lives fighting everywhere.
to clarify, the 0.5 cd is rediculous. being able to hit one enemy with two fields, was somethingthat required at least a tiny amount of thought and positioning, something that very few thingsi n this game does in general (too casually so if you ask me). so you slap a 0.5 ICD on the skill? well hurray for that, now the only thing scorched earth doesnt have in common with the normalfire field, is its shape…. and did you get the memo yet that the 0.5 ICD is GLOBAL, and not character capped?, yea – thats right. if you have 2 people throwing them down, only 1 of the fields will hit every 0.5 seconds…. so for this skill, the cooldown traits for berserk skills – are now 100% useless. i know you did this to change the way people gunk entire armies in wvw through Coalesence of ruin spam, but cmon… arrent you guys suposed to test this kinda stuff? if this is truly intended, then you dropped the ball like never before.
as for the other changes,
Necro got alittle too much boon conversion.
Ele changes were overall good, all those who say Diamond skin is now useless, are partially right, but you cannot defend a skill like diamond skin on a class that has such ease of access to protection, and healing, because you simply cannot get it on them, not to mention they directly hardcounter an entire array of builds.
Mesmer probably got the biggest hits, through a whole array of changes to both directly – and indirectly nerf their usefulness, while i agree that mesmers were HILLARIOUSLY broken in PvP, to the point where 1 change would never be enough, the massive nerfs in pve – were not warranted. at least not all of them, personally i think the alacrity nerf was warranted, and ok with me. boon sharing through group-swapping is also something i wont miss, as its a gimmick, and noones gonna really miss it. however the change to precognition, was to me off-base. not because it removed options to skip/ignore certain mechanics, that could’ve been fixed in other ways, but because aegis has nothing to do with a kitten mesmer in the first place… it’s got no soul now, and doesnt fit the mesmer theme what-so ever.
anyways thats about all ive been able to check up on so far, so theres more than likely alot more that i havent personally tested or checked yet, but those things i cannot comment on, so this is it for now.