Showing Posts For Walkerz.5830:

monitoring precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


I would say that dropping the precursors at the merchant for 100g+ would ruin some of the whole idea of the legendary if its just “oh let me go buy this quick” ..but honestly its already ruined since your only option is basically hand over 500g or waste twice as much gambling. can even just go buy the whole legendary off the TP if you want

monitoring precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


Players going for legendaries knew when they started that it would be a long road, but at least they knew where it ended. What they didn’t anticipate was the detour called a precursor that kept changing what path it took every 30 seconds. All that they ask is that the detour have an option that is constant, even if it is a long one.

Exactly, I’ve been farming non-stop to get the other 3 pieces and after all the hard work having the next goal just be “ok go find 600g” ..yea not gonna happen, also taking a break now until more updates come sadly =(

monitoring precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


update: after watching the hour long video from colin johanson from the other day apparently if we are waiting for a “fix” for precursors we are to wait on the scavenger hunt whenever they get around to it. He said something like since legendary are not necessary and purely cosmetic it is not their main focus.

monitoring precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


I believe a while back there was a post from anet, if need be later I could go find it, that stated that arena net would be carefully monitoring precursor prices and intervening if necessary based on how the prices continually rising to a point of being unattainable. This post was made before the karka event when the prices were nearing 300 – 400g. Now I guess I can’t say what they think is a fair price because that is just my opinion but my question is if they were considering doing something when prices were around 300g because that was to much why are we currently sitting here with no word from them with prices at 600g? You would think when you double what is already “being monitored” there would be at least 1 post out there saying what is going on apart from the scavenger hunt that we may or may not get 6months down the line.

So ANET… after watching the prices for a few more months…what ya think?

Legendary BiS? need answer please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


Couple questions in one here actually.

First is there any plan to change the fact that when you transmute new stats onto a legendary to make it keep legendary status (purple writing and legendary name)?

Also if they decide not to change this, when ascended weapons come out if you have transmuted your legendary will they be also remain BiS or will they be left behind because they are now exotic?

Although I’m quite close to having all my mats put together I really can’t get myself to finish it if I’m going to be running worse stats for a skin.

Developer Livestream Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


Will there be new ways to obtain precursors with these updates even though scavenger hunt isn’t happening?

Skills that "use" basilisk venom

in Thief

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


would love to hear from a dev if this is bugged or working as intended =\

Skills that "use" basilisk venom

in Thief

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


Curious as to what counts as a “use” of basilisk venom, while in sPvP ive been noticing BV not triggering against enemies so I started watching the buff on myself more closely. Is it working as intended if each of these situations remove the venom buff from me:

1. Dodge while having the caltrops on dodge trait equipped, removes and applies effect to noone. (Happens while just using skill caltrops as well).
2. Casting signet of shadows on an enemy, regardless of hitting target or not buff is removed and target does not suffer venom effect.
3. Many other skill uses such as infiltrators arrow, teleports etc.

One last point, while having the trait for an additional strike on venoms all of these examples remove both charges for some reason making me believe these are bugs, for example, cast BV( 2 strikes remaining), dodge one time, ( 0 strikes remaining). Or cast BV (2 strikes remaining), cast SoS (0 strikes remaining).

Are these working as intended and after casting it your next move NEEDS to be a hit or just bug fixes?

TLDR; Why does using almost any non attack skill or dodging remove basilisk venom entirely??

(edited by Walkerz.5830)

Patch fixing precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


honestly i think if they just make it enough work that it pushes most people away from the idea of the scavenger hunt AND make the precursor you receive from the hunt acc bound there will still be a good amount of people who prefer to buy their precursor thus keeping the market the same, and the people who cant just farm 500g (who probably aren’t effecting the current market for precursors anyway) can still work towards their weapon.

Just saying throw something simple together that takes forever, a new “gift” from each of the 8 dungeons for 5000 tokens …and 4 create gift of X other 4 create gift of Y , then you need obs shards, or ecto, or badges or doesnt matter not here to crunch numbers and debate “fair” amounts..just saying make it take a very solid amount of time to keep every1 from jumping ship on purchasing/forging their precursor and most importantly acc bound so no one does this work for $$ and both sides can be happy and no1 can complain “free precursors given out” which is exactly what the karka event was…

fractal drops....what the....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


3 lvl 20 runs , 1 mace 1 scepter…apparently thats really lucky? to bad i wont ever use them and are worth just a few ecto to me…

Transmuting Legendary

in Crafting

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


Just curious as to if the problem of transmuting stats onto legendaries “ruining” the legendary status of the weapon has been addressed yet or if its planning on being changed in the near future?

Lodestones are a joke...

in Crafting

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


Not only are there not even 250 charged lodestones for sale right now, but if you even wanted to buy the 220 that are for sale it would only cost 1050g…cuz thats realistic right anet? especially considering that a legendary like the bifrost needs 250 unid dyes…yea thats almost the same… can we at least be told if the plan is to leave lodestones alone and this unattainable price is supposed to be like this or if you will ever actually release an update on the content thats already out before focusing on new garbage..lets not forget the precursor scavenger hunt that might make it here by gw3

my apologies

Precursors..maybe tomorrow..oh wait..

in Crafting

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


noticed in some of the more popular ones, but specifically im going for spark

Precursors..maybe tomorrow..oh wait..

in Crafting

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


getting pretty close! more of a stress relieving post but man it sucks to see the prices shooting back up, any1 think they dropping back anytime soon?

Precursors..maybe tomorrow..oh wait..

in Crafting

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


Its like release all over again

oh look theres the precursor only 100g, i need just 10 more! (next day) got my 100g lets get it! what…its 115g? farm farm farm!!! (next day) yay lets get my weapon!..what…its 140g? farm farm farm!! (next day) yay lets get it!!..what..its 175g? give it less than a week for the same prices b4 that stupid event happened..

any updates as to scavenger hunt or anything?


Cloak&Dagger Nerfed,What do you want from me?

in Thief

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


Speaking as yet another backstab thief I had a post that was basically a little prayer before this patch praying that anet didnt balance the backstab combo by messing with CnD, sure enough……. I agree that backstab needed a nerf, any1 who says otherwise is just enjoying easy mode to much…but CnD is not just a backstab combo skill…it effects ALL offhand dagger builds. I honestly wish that backstab would just go away entirely I rather enjoyed s/d but with this nerf idk if i can change all my armor/access/weapons to a build that is now even more of a disadvantage than before. Does anet really want everyone to just run backstab ? =(

S/D damage nerfed more than D/D (Math)

in Thief

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


regardless about what there aim to fix was, i had a post a little while back basically was a prayer to anet to not “fix” thieves by nerfing CnD thus ruining all ofhand dagger builds not just d/d….seems they done kittened this time, no argument thief needed some balance changes but honestly i was looking forward to being with backstab and playing some other fun builds ive been messing with… motivation to now.. sadface

Backstab, time to nerf.

in Thief

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


I think the only changes thief needs, is a big damage nerf to mug, and a small damage nerf to CnD, and in return upgrade some pistol (vital shot and body shot especially) and sword skills. That way the one overpowered build gets balanced and other builds that were too weak, get improved.

That seems at first like a good idea, but remember mug and CnD are not only used in backstab combo, by nerfing both you effectively make both P/D and S/D less powerfull which is why im mostly against a CnD nerf. They just have to be careful with this nerf because something like big damage nerf to mug will instantly remove that trait from ever being used again, aka 1 step closer to a trash can proffession that is unplayable. Honestly if I HAD to pick, I’d rather see backstab go then CnD. (Don’t get me wrong I play backstab because it is OP but I just pray they don’t accidental nerf thief as a whole in the process of this fix by doing something like nerfing skills that effect other builds, example: CnD and Mug nerfed to fix backstab = everything about thief suffers, except pistols which already suck.) Honestly I think an already decent nerf would just be to fix the part where you can CnD->Steal and not interrupt the CnD, at least this could slow down the incoming damage enough for ppl to have a small chance to react, forcing the cast time of CnD to actualy be present

Which btw please buff swords and pistols, particularly S/D #3 which is literally worthless, maybe a complete revamp for this skill?

TLDR; Don’t fix backstab by ruining all the skills that are used in other builds. Just fix the problem.. backstab

Legendary Mist Walker Armor

in Crafting

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


I guess I don’t know for sure, but if you preview the PvP set those are exotics the same as the rest of the PvP armor. Also you can ping the item code in chat and its listed as a legendary in game as well. I guess not that it really makes a difference, just curious as to if its obtainable =)

Who thinks the Greatsaw Greatsword skin got too much attention?

in Thief

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


Would actually be ok if the legendary weapons were all “joke” skins with streamers and rainbows, but then why give 1 class an amazing piece of work that makes the world stare forever.. I mean cmon greatsword to say anything especially like the poor ppl who play main with axe or scepter. I realize cosmetics are diff from person to person but thats just not a comparison..

Legendary Weapons + Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


Been wondering if this was something that was going to be fixed as well, have still been working towards the legendary anyways, but would like to know if the footsteps while invis will be fixed sometime or not? If not should probably start thinking of something else to do =|

Backstab, time to nerf.

in Thief

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


Although I play a thief as a main and use the backstab combo and love it, I can’t even for a second be mad at anet for balancing this. 3 insta hit skills to kill 75% of players is clearly to stong. I also agree with what ppl are saying tho, its not the fact that backstab hits for 8k, I think that is semi-reasonable, its just the fact that the steal cloak and backstab all synergize too well for that “non-skilled insta kill”. I hope you guys think up something fair to balance it and pray that its nothing to harsh to cloak as that will make other builds I use with dagger off hand that much less viable than it already is. Please take extreme caution with this nerf.

Legendary Mist Walker Armor

in Crafting

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


Apology in advance if this isn’t the right section, just wasn’t sure where to put this and thought maybe this was crafted?

Anyway just curious as if anyone has an idea how to obtain the legendary mist walker armor set. I know that you can get the invader set as an identical skin just curious if there is actually a set that is tagged as legendary. <—- first few listed are legendary, exist maybe?

Legendary Precursors - Make Them Account Bound?

in Crafting

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


Although Anet has put out some awesome content for this halloween event, thanks btw its awesome, I have almost completely given up hope, nearly a month has passed since things were being “monitored” nothing has changed other than ppl stopped raising the price ONLY because they know they are being watched. With no further comments on whats going on with this issue and the price already as high as it is probably no turning back now..maybe they are just hoping it goes away?? lulz..

Reapers Rumble, Anet needs to do this

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


Yea thinking twice on this maybe 1 of the reasons it is fun is because everyone is balanced, although with some sort of balance tweaks I’m sure Anet can think of something to let us use maybe new skills created proffession specific for this?. Really hope they implement this soon its to much fun.

Reapers Rumble, Anet needs to do this

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


If you haven’t already stop reading this and go to reapers rumble right now. I haven’t really bothered with pvp since beta since capture the point just really isn’t that appealing to me. It’s fun occasionally its just meh….what happened to just a deathmatch or guild battles everything we loved from gw1…BUT!! This style of pvp from reapers rumble should 100% be added as a type of PvP to play with our actual characters and skills. Since the whole “tower defense” is the in thing right now anyways this style is extremely fun and would be insanely pumped if this was added as an actual pvp style, not to mention chat was just full of ppl saying how much they loved it.

TLDR; Add reapers rumble pvp style to the game with real skills and characters permanently.

Official Response: Drop Rate of Legendary Precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


I take no credit for this idea I just cant find the original thread I read it in so credit to whoever it was that thought of this, what would be wrong with the precursors requiring the dungeon master achievement and 500+ of all tokens and have it be account bound? Hell make it 1000, or more, not only does this make this issue immediately disappear (apart from the 10 ppl selling them but sorry the other million ppl should be more important..) but it will get everyone to start playing more dungeons and all the paths not just 1. I thought the 100g you were forced to spend for lodestones was enough of a gold sink along with all the other mats the you farm, adding a piece of garbage for 400g doesnt make it more “legendary” but having dungeon master with 8000 tokens total from all dungeons would.

EDIT: not to mention with the all this talk of an item duplicator beta going live in the next week or 2 something needs to be done immediately or I ALMOST hope that these baddies crash your market for ignoring the issue and we all get precursors for 7c…. (account bound fixes that in case you didn’t pick up on that)

(edited by Walkerz.5830)

Can we get an official word on what to do? (CoF Exploit)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


No, its common knowledge for anyone who has attempted to run this since the patch. With the last patch to quick fix the issue of being to easy why have they not quick fixed this upon finding it out…remove the torch, put up a wall, slightly change the terrain, all of these would end this immediately.

Can we get an official word on what to do? (CoF Exploit)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


I did read that post and that is the reason i created this in hopes that we could get a more direct answer, being that a dev had to comment on another dev’s post basically saying they are talking about “this” issue but no telling us what it was. I understand that the double chest is a not intended but when everyone says “glitch” over the wall that implies doing something that shouldn’t work in game, simply jumping over it I wouldn’t really say is a glitch.

Again not saying I think it is/should be like this or that its not/shouldn’t be, I’m just confused as to why it is so easy to do. If there was a vista on top of that ledge it would seem 100% designed properly with a little bit of “jump puzzle” to get to it. Hopefully get some response in here soon.

Can we get an official word on what to do? (CoF Exploit)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


yea, i agree with your post as well and that its good to report bugs/exploits and not promote them, im mostly just curious to hear from a dev rather or not the wall jump is supposed to be there or not. Large chance its just a bug they will fix it, but small chance it was designed if you were willing to lose out on a chest and tokens to skip an event your team couldn’t accomplish. Just seems kinda like an easy fix if they didn’t want ppl to do it.

Can we get an official word on what to do? (CoF Exploit)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Walkerz.5830


Most everyone is aware of the multiple issues with CoF, I started farming this dungeon just before the “nerf” which made this much harder to complete. A lot of people already farmed enough tokens and have there armor and could care less. I’m sure theres more work to be done on this dungeon so I’d prefer to have mine before it gets any more difficult than already is. Issue is literally every group out there is running the 2 exploits, jumping the wall, and double chest. Im pretty positive the double chest is an exploit and most likely the wall jump as well but can we just have an official word on what to do.

Is it possible thats just an option is to skip that event sacrifice the 5 tokens and move on? Is jumping the wall going to get everyone banned? Are we supposed to just accept the dungeon is broken and not play parts of the game we want? Please not just the standard “yea its being worked on”. Really like to know before it results in just farming the first chest or suicide running and hoping to get lucky.