Showing Posts For Warheart.8143:

What is the Cooldown on Orichalcum node Respawn?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Warheart.8143


What is the CD? i went to sleep 9 hrs ago circle the entire map and only found 1 node should all 5 be up again after 5 hrs on the cursed shore? Yes i know they move but i circled the entire map…Did you make them 24 hrs or something after patch?

Is GW2 as successful as you hoped?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


2 million sales in just a month and you’re thinking this game did bad? What drugs are you on? Thats fantastic in the market industry and it’s a brand new MMO, not an expansion for a game people already know about. WoW didn’t become king instantaneously, dude.

Swtor sold 2 million copies the first month as well then it flopped and went from 100 servers to 11… If the mass DR’s, Farm DR’s stay this game will flop just as fast.

Teleporting Hack (video) totally uncool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


I just read a forum and 10 users of a speed hack have been banned so Anet is monitoring this since its not hard to click a portrait and click report.

Warning: Scam is tolerated in GW2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


They can’t even afford GM’s and you want them to use the 5 or 6 specialists they have on payroll to look into some 18 silver ectos lawl.

Latest Patch 24 HR CD on Orich/Ancient Not sure if Srs...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


WvWvW….is PeeVeePee as well buddy.

Hackers,Bots,Gold Sellers,Mail Spams exist because of ANet's Miscalculation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


Hackers botters etc are wasting there time if they are trying to make a profit in this game. Swtor Pandaland make 3-5x more per hour irl money wise.

Latest Patch 24 HR CD on Orich/Ancient Not sure if Srs...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


i scoured the entire map from top to bottom none of the ori nodes repoped and everyone in the zone who mined less within 24 hrs said the same always the reddit thread says the same.

Latest Patch 24 HR CD on Orich/Ancient Not sure if Srs...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


It’s just these DR’s and now Farming DR’s jesus do they even want people to play this game for longer than an hour-2 hours a day? Its no wonder since latest patch i dont see many peopel running around

10/4/2012 Respawn Rates...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Warheart.8143


Thats cute grammar police. But i got my answer its 24 hrs what a joke

10/4/2012 Respawn Rates...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Warheart.8143


There has to be an answer…How did they code the nodes?? I heard 5 hours then i heard After this last patch they bumped it to 23 hr cooldown on the 5 orichalcum nodes u can find in Cursed shore.

I desire more things to do at max level

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


Seems this game is meant for you to log in play for 1 hour get DR capped and log out and go play something else or go outside. It even says so in the “Things to do at 80” thread lol sad.

10/4/2012 Respawn Rates...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Warheart.8143


Orichalcum – ??
Ancient Logs – ??
Mithril ore – ??

Just hit 80 and wanted to try to make some gold for at least 80 rare/exotic set and i ask in map chat what the cooldown is on these nodes and i get 10 different answers can someone set this straight for me please thanks.

To everyone that says GW2 is dying or failing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


Those servers say full when they aren’t even full….The server says full when its 3-6 a.m. in the states….They do it so u can’t roll a toon on it…

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


Diminshing Returns killed this game. You won’t get a big thanks from me.

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


the excuse of these being ‘hacked’ accounts is total rubbish
its too bad for them and the problem is live in game.
just like the gold sellers they are always there and never go away

The real gold sellers are playing Pandaland, Swtor, and Diablo you make 3-5x more money per hour irl currency wise.. This game is Anti Farmer everyone who played GW1 knew that coming in there is really no money to be made in this game the only people who are using bots are doing it probably because they dont want to level an alt to 80 or to lazy to farm karma? not really game breaking have yet to see any in WvWvW so i don’t really care.

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


Do you get paid to go around looking for Bots? why do you care its not like there ruining any economy getting Karma lol i don’t think the mass greys that sell for copper are really brining in the china income lol…

And because of this Botter QQ the poor company known as ANET went for the quick fix which was DR everything in the game now i just log out after an hour because im DR’d and go watch a movie didn’t think i would quit an MMO faster than SWTOR but it looks like its going down. Anet should concentrate on putting out some new content shouldn’t be bored 1 month in.

Diminishing Returns: The Elephant in the Room

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


If your not hitting the DR Karma Cap you aren’t doing it right. in Cursed shore how hard is it to run back and forth from penitent path and then the southern DE over and over u hit DR cap in no time then think ok time to load up a FPS game since this is worthless now.

I bet people wish they didn’t QQ about botters now since the game DR locks on everything u do within the hour then its time to log out lol what a waste this game is.

Pretty much the real issue of why DR is a problem for people

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


Got a Problem?

DReturns will fix it!


Grinding is Fun with anti farming mechanics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


Like with all things, we can only take our dissapointment with us and perhaps reach out to another community (like REDDIT) in the hope this issue is looked at, and that we get a word from someone from ANET.

At this very moment, the seem desperate to ignore it or to let it die, if it can ever die.

What do you expect Anet to do? There’s been 100+ new threads a day crying about Bot’s so they DR’d everything to make you run across the map or log out for a couple hours till ur DR reset.

Just an FYI of the polls I did on

in Community Creations

Posted by: Warheart.8143


You got more positive poll numbers later on because the “haters” quit the game already. I’m already slightly bored with the game after 1 month. The last MMo SWTOR I had fun with for at least 3 months.

All Diminshing Returns and Faceroll ezmode Dungeons in this game aren’t exactly blowing my skirt up. I do like the combat system though with the weapon swap skill sets so ill give it a 6.5

Grinding is Fun with anti farming mechanics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


24/7 Botter QQ = DR everything I wish Anet would concentrate on MORE CONTENT…I shouldn’t be bored 1 month into an MMO…And besides what Bot is going to ruin GW 2’s non existant economy? Im fairly certain that a kitten script bot program is not farming more then 1g an hour if even that much with the rough terrain in this game and no flying mounts highly doubtful…

Magic Find Doesn't Work

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


Anet give hard data on MF Graphs yet? didn’t think so.

On Botting and What We’re Doing About It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


Anets answer to curb bots " DReturn EVERYTHING!!"…

Can we do something about these bots.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


Oh look another thread about Bots…All this does is make some noob go look for said bot on the interwebs…Use the report feature and stop making these threads promoting bot use…

Really tired of reporting bots and seeing nothing done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


Do you get money for reporting bots? if not why you care so much you can’t name an MMo that doesn’t have them and by making these threads you just get more noobs who don’t value their account to go look for said bots which are prolly just a G-15 keyboard which can just spam attacks at events…

(edited by Warheart.8143)

Anyone else noticing a massive number of bots in WvW recently?

in WvW

Posted by: Warheart.8143


You tools making these threads every 10 minutes in every subsection are just promoting bot use..Now some people are going to be searching the interwebs for a bot they prolly would have never known about or thought they would even have this early in teh game…Report to GM and stop making these threads if you care about botters…Not like 200 threads a day is going to change the fact there will be botters in all games that virtual currency exists..

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


It’s not even bots events u can use a G15 logi keyboard and set it to just spam buttons…GL botting and running around mining with the gg terrain that would get them stuck.

Botters still being banned?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


They ban hammer them but they just get more stolen CC’s / paypals and buy more accounts and start over because people always fall for the e-mail phishers likekitten

How long till you sell Digital Downloads again?!?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Warheart.8143


Got my 2 Sons bothering me daily about buying them a copy of the game but i can’t find any EU copies anywhere on the web…Been about a week now. I see a couple of NA copies but someone told me they would do me no good since im living in Germany ATM.