Showing Posts Upvoted By Wesa.3580:
If people could just take a step back and be decent human beings overall, not only would PvP be a lot more pleasant, but games would be much more competitive.
If people could request things without making personal attacks:
– Compromises could be reached instead of rage quits.
– People would be willing to take constructive feedback.
– Players would actually work with each other.
And really…games would be a lot more competitive/rewarding.
Wouldn’t that be a dream…
How about this:
Division should reflect actual MMR range. If you were to use the old leaderboard style of top 1000 players, it could look like this:
- 1000 – 750 = ambers
- 750 – 500 = emerald
- 500 – 250 = sapphire
- 250 – 150 = ruby
- 150 – 50 = diamond
- 50 – 1 = legendary
Though this should be based on MMR range alone and of course your standing adjusts when your MMR goes up or down.
At the end of the season, players could receive the same exact rewards as they do now through pip gain but only it would occur due to their final division placement after the season ends. This is a great idea! A good player who can only play 2-3 games a night could still hold legendary with this system without grinding to do it. It would also prevent less skilled players from reaching legendary simply due to an enormous amount of time on their hands to play match after match.
It would place every player where they really should be and division tags would be a strong representation of actual skill.
Sounds good to me.
(edited by Trevor Boyer.6524)
I cant believe how you can claim the moral high ground when telling others to change their class.
A good thief will swap in certain situations out of decency, the will to win or other reasons.
But if a thief player chooses to play the class the like in a game they paid for.
It is none of your business.
If someone decides to ruin your team comp and therefore their teams chances they may act selfish, but trying to dictate to other players what they should and should not play…thats just being an kitten.
I swap to my ranger to do my team a favour, not because anyone thinks I should.
If you find yourself on a team with more than one Thief, please don’t tell us you’re going to sit in spawn if we don’t change. Please ask nicely, and if that fails, either disconnect or try to win, and at least wait until after you lose or are refused before you throw a tantrum. Some of us are actually on winning streaks… even when multiple Thieves have been on our teams.
Politely requesting is quite fine. But threatening is quite immature and spoils the fun for all… not to mention lowering morale and the likelihood of victory.
Thank you! :-)
(edited by Kageseigi.2150)
Understand the complaint but we already have a bunch of time between seasons with nothing do but awful unranked matches with the seasons as long as they are currently. If they were to shorten them they need to come up with something better for between seasons. Also, some people don’t play as much as other people do.
I started pvp on day one and Im now in mid sapphire. I blew through amber as a solo queuer.
I got several winning streaks of 5+ games won. After each winning streak I lost 2-3 games in a row and then started next winning streak.
Only once I got the feeling of not being able to progress at all, when I lost and won games alternating for several games and I always lost really close (400+ to 500). You know, those games you wouldnt loose a pip in last season. That was extremely frustrating there. But even that situation was solved by simply logging out and logging in the next day.
So yes, you can progress as a soloqueuer. Quite well actually.
Just follow the cardinal rule, stated often here on these forums:
Log out, take a break or do some pve as soon as you loose one game! Keep on playing until you loose!
And here’s one more tip for soloqueuers.
Get three professions ready for pvp so you can easily switch between them. Make them so they are able to take different roles. For example, a power-rev, a scrapper and an aurahealer. PRACTICE with those three in hotjoin/unranked until you know exactly which skill to use when and what is your hardcounter so you can avoid it.
THIS is absolutely necessary when you play soloqueue, and it will make the difference between winning and loosing when you are able to switch to aurahealer because your team is lacking support etc. As a bonus… this way you get your 3 profession wins achievements easily.
Also… dont make the mistake of ever doing daily in ranked. Get your daily profession win in hotjoin/rankfarm. Do NOT try to force it in ranked. There’s enough idiots that are doing that already, dont be one of those.
mo , they will try much harder to stand 4 man on a point capping it to get points all of them
…in fact, make them even harder to get.
Let me explain,
A lot of stuff is going around about the legendary wings from pvp and how they are too hard to get for the casual player. I just want to say that this is the point and it’s incredibly enjoyable and rewarding to the hardcore player base.
Anet, if you decide to make things any easier to get for the casual player, this is the moment your game will die. All I do is PvP and I love it. I am incredibly excited that I will get to be one of the first players sporting my legendary wings this next month. This is what draws myself and many others to this game and it should never ever be changed. The hardcore players that you have are the core to this game, we have been playin since release, we play almost everyday, and we make the community what it is. Without this player base there is no core within the MMO, nothing to hold it together. This is a thing that WoW did so well, they had a qstrong balance between the needs of their casual players and their hardcore players. I still go back to WoW every once in a while to sit in major cities and sport my server first titles (which are titles only 25 people per server got, so only about 500 in the entire game got) because it’s enjoyable to have something that no one else, and no one else will ever get, because I put an immense amount of time and effort into it to recieve it. Unfortunately, the reasons that I and the rest of my guild quit and moved to guild wars 2 was because blizzard stopped doing this. blizzard stopped respecting their hardcore players and instead began to cater to casual players with the intention of profit. Now look at WoW. It’s a game with the weakest and most casual player base ever AND has the lowest sub count in the games history.
That being said, I love the primordial legend title, it is something that no one else will get again. I also love the idea of wings and legendaries being hard to get. So please, please whatever you do and no matter what anyone says, do not stop adding new and gratifyingly difficult content for your game. Make it so that some content will not be attainable to the rest of the player base. Yes it will upset some people, but you need to realize the importance of this casual/hardcore balance. I don’t want to see this game turn into what WoW is now.
Now, I’m speaking mainly in terms of PvP because that’s what I do, but it should also be something to follow for all other game types as well. If you do this, I guarantee your player base will be healthier and the game will live longer. You will see old hardcore players return to the game to achieve these challenges with their friends. Please keep content difficult and novelty items/titles challenging to receive
(edited by Interpretor.3091)
Well I made a thread earlier about this with a slightly more provoking title but now we will try the Zen route so my efforts don’t get deleted ^^.
1) If you lose a game it is ok! Maybe you will learn from your mistakes and become a better player for future seasons to come : D.
2) Losses happen whether you are good or less than good, consistency over long periods of games should be your goal some losses are unavoidable!
3) When you see someone with an early ruby emblem know that there is a chance that they did it by themselves, yes there are some extraordinary people out there, who know’s maybe they were blessed by Lyssa herself!
4) Remember that Anet loves you, whether you have that shiny backpiece or not you will always have a place in Anet’s heart <3
5) Focus on your own play and do not get distracted by your teammates banter unless you are on ts, even the best of the best make mistakes all the time try to minimize them by concentrating!
6)Pick a build that you enjoy and spam it, the less you have to think about your spells the more time is spent observing the enemy’s and/or the minimap; knowing your profession is only one aspect of the game after all!
7) If you are on a losing streak take a break and play to win always do not play to ‘not lose’ if that makes sense!
8)Understand that if you exceed a certain level of mistakes you deserve to ‘not win’, the more strict you are with your self-criticism the faster you will improve!
9) Never bm your teammates, it is a fruitless act and shows a lack of discipline; take a break and hit the gym and make that negative energy productive!
10) If you are ever matched up against great players take it as an opportunity to learn and challenge every 1v1 you can get; learning is more valuable than winning.
11) Play the meta, if you try to be unique or unless you are good enough at this game to break the meta with your genius maximize your chances of winning by playing the most versatile builds out there. Game balance is another issue do not concern yourself with it, you are here to improve after all.
12) Do not expect your teammates to carry you; if you want to be the deciding factor in games you will have to accept that the burden of winning is on your shoulders.
Ty for your time and God bless you all <3