I like this idea. Short of being on discord, it’s REALLY hard to tell people they’re probably making a mistake (like clustering 4v3 on close, when enemy holds/guards the other 2 points), and that they need to move on to the next objective.
Though “pinging” a point on the minimap works to a degree, it doesn’t always share the intended meaning, and is kind of hard to do in the middle of fighting.
I somewhat agree with this, but would go one step further. I would also like to know my allies builds too, if at all possible – not everyone is chatty, and if I see another ele in my party, it would be helpful to know if they were F/A, Support, YOLO or whatever.
Dota2 will penalize you for consistently playing terribly.
How? The only penalty is to be degraded in rank, which is useless in a game with so low population that oftenly pairs silvers and plats in the same match.
Low priority matchmaking pool
The game doesn’t put you in low priority because of bad gameplay, it puts you in lp because of excessive reports. You can intentionally feed every game and not end up in low prio.
Yes, that’s what i mean though, there’s an avenue of options to deal with exceptionally bad players/troll players. How is that not better than what we have currently
Because telling new players they shouldn’t pvp because they’re noobs is always productive for a healthy pvp environment.
If you’ve ever played mesmer, you’d know thieves could have gotten a lot worse a skill for their downed state. (Press 2 to teleport into enemy aoe _
That being said, it would be nice if crawling were a thing in downed state – similar to what happens when you’re downed underwater. That would solve this issue, I think.
Yup. There is no possible way a desert could change that much over 200 years.
Raid bosses already have mechanics to help condi/power users – for example, Keep Construct is mainly considered a power boss because of its lower armour (toughness). It also requires you to burst its health down at certain intervals, which also tends to favour power builds over condis.
From what I understand, if Anet wants a condi-boss, they will drive the armour up. If they want a boss for power builds, they will drive the armour down.
I don’t think the changes will have the effect you think they will. So long as classes compete for roles in a raid team, people will almost always pick the “optimal” choice with the least hassle. The only way to change that is to give each class something “unique” that might be desirable to a raid.
(edited by Westenev.5289)
Dessa’s actions seem to just be creating and messing with little islands of existence within the Mists. The Mists incorporates the entire multiverse, and the gods went somewhere humans of Tyria cannot reach.
It seems unlikely that her actions caused Balthazar to become so severely weakened he’d go on a war rampage to regain his strength.
And if it WAS dessa’s fault, then wouldn’t Balthazaar take his frustrations out on Lions Arch? World conquest is hardly an effective way to destroy a single city.
Based on what I see here, I’m not seeing anything overly desirable for pve. Malice seems similar to Lead Attacks, in that you stack up 5×3% damage modifiers (malice only works for single targets based on what I’ve read). We’re also giving up our best cleave weapon for the base set + a ranged weapon.
Permastealth is already possible with Trickery/Shadow Arts, so you likely wouldn’t take this traitline for the stealth.
That said, I haven’t seen the numbers yet. Time will tell, I guess.
To be fair, my berry runs often include hearts. So long as I kill everything between point a and point b, I get some karma, maybe some t6 claws and 20 extra berries for very little effort. What’s there to complain about?
I don’t think I’ve ever had trouble with this map. So long as you can keep up the dps, the mobs will drop like flies. The areas where you tend to die are probably the areas you tend to learn to avoid (and are where npc’s paths colide).
If your build can’t burst, I’d suggest taking to the trees, or else you’re going to get REAL popular (I learned this the hard way when I accidentially used my magi ranger). But this map certainly isn’t all that challenging after a few good runs and condi cleanse (or quickness).
I don’t really get any of this hate some warrior players seem to have for daggers. I understand that they could be perceived as only being agile thiefy weapons but the whole flavour of the Warrior is that they’re weapon masters. I think warrior getting dual daggers is awesome, since they’re being used in a more warrior-in-your-face kinda way, and especially since there seems to be some lore ties to them representing the spearheads of the “broken sunspears” or something. As far as I see it, the only weapons that don’t make sense for warriors are the ones with magical ties (sceptre, focus, etc).
A warrior who would not carry a backup dagger was not a very smart warrior. in my book.
But… Spellbreaker isn’t about carrying daggers. It’s about using a martial art that involves broken swords (which just so happens to also apply to daggers).
I was not talking about warriors as spellbreakers. I was talking about real warriors.
Wasn’t the sword often considered the sidearm of choice because it was fairly lightweight, easy to fasten and manoeuvre? Daggers on the other hand are often considered concealed weapons (although, admittedly, Parrying daggers were a thing). A knife wouldn’t help you charge a cavalry line, nor would it help you repel a spear wall.
I personally don’t think this elite spec has basis on history though, and is somewhat based off the protagonist of the Seven Deadly Sins (or a similar concept).
(edited by Westenev.5289)
I kinda like it, it’s like nature super saiyan mode.
This. So much this.
Time to make a Super Saiyan Green charr?
I don’t really get any of this hate some warrior players seem to have for daggers. I understand that they could be perceived as only being agile thiefy weapons but the whole flavour of the Warrior is that they’re weapon masters. I think warrior getting dual daggers is awesome, since they’re being used in a more warrior-in-your-face kinda way, and especially since there seems to be some lore ties to them representing the spearheads of the “broken sunspears” or something. As far as I see it, the only weapons that don’t make sense for warriors are the ones with magical ties (sceptre, focus, etc).
A warrior who would not carry a backup dagger was not a very smart warrior. in my book.
But… Spellbreaker isn’t about carrying daggers. It’s about using a martial art that involves broken swords (which just so happens to also apply to daggers).
You don’t just rely on evades, you rely on critical strikes to passively outheal what you’re hit. Channeled Vigor should make up the difference with a 20s burst heal. Don’t rely on this, however – your creed should be to kill everything before it kills you.
If you’re using p/p or d/p, this becomes a little more complicated as a daredevil, given how Deadly Arts and Trickery are borderline nessicary for these weapon sets.
I tend to find thief survives best while you’re actively hunting – if you’re having trouble, try to reset or lure mobs into a tight corner to cleave them. If you’re flat on your ass in 5 seconds flat, then you’ve likely just bitten off more than you can chew. If possible, try only to pull the number of enemies you feel comfortable fighting.
As for the mobs in TD – they get a little easier with time! Basically, there are places you “should go” and places you “shouldn’t”. Some places are more guarded than others, so it’s sometimes just better to dash through or outright avoid traversing a route. Basically, try to avoid fights where you’re going to get jumped!
(edited by Westenev.5289)
I suggest taking Critical Strikes 323 over Tricker (guides will usually recommend 321, which might be optimal if you’re sure you can survive, not so great against trash). This allows you to forgo Signet of Malice for Channeled Vigor and still gain near full heals spamming staff 5 on trash.
Acrobatics is also a traitline to consider, especially if you want to use Bounded Leap over Unhindered Combattant. You’ll lose dps, but you’ll gain a lot of regeneration and heals.
Dagger/Pistol or Pistol/Pistol can be difficult to survive at times, because of its single target nature. Staff’s cleave makes it an all round easier weapon to use. Investing in a good shortbow can be a sub-paar but okayish ranged weapon, as the autoattack bounces across targets. This makes it perfect for a bloodlust sigil.
The most important thing for survival, I find, is to proactively kill everything before it can overwhelm you – meaning you need berserker/scholar stats to survive effectively. Failing that, retrait to Trickery/Shadow Arts/Daredevil and begin blasting/leaping through your smoke fields for permastealth.
I wouldn’t mind a staff used like a spear (the stabby kind, not the swishy kind), but a reflect-orientated dagger warrior could be cool too. Lorewise it makes sense for at least one profession to take an interest in broken weapons, given what happened to Caladbolg.
Personally, I’d much prefer if legendaries were kept as long-term goals, rather than the norm. Asking people to sample different areas of the game isn’t that big of an ask, and if you keep an open mind, you might just enjoy it.
There’s no rush to get the item; just take your time and don’t burn yourself out.
I’ll have a go too!
Guardian: Pretty-boy charrs.
Warriors: Revenant mightstacker.
Revenant: Warrior-Thief wannabe.
Ranger: Pet mommy.
Thief: Underboob.
Engineer: That one class that’s too cool to use the weapon you assign them.
Elementalist: The Avatar.
Necromancer: Minionmaster
Mesmer: Narcissism incarnate.
(edited by Westenev.5289)
To be fair, in PvE, we rarely use anything besides Berserker runes (condi) or Scholar runes (power). Rare exceptions exist, but for the most part, one stat/rune setup is typically accepted to be the “best” at what it does. Thus, for the most part, a set of ascended is on paar with legendary armour in terms of playing your desired role.
Sigils are a little different. The common player will typically settle on sigils like Force/Air/Accuracy because it’s cheap and works on almost everything, while more “situational” runes are ignored because it’s impractical and/or wasteful to swap sigils on the fly. If situational sigils became practical, Ascended users would have to pick up the costs or be subjected to the Min/Max toxidity.
I’m not a fan of this idea, as it would devalue sigils by turning them into one off buys. Not to mention the added utility of being able to use 10% and night sigils without sacrifice, potentially making Legendary weapons an enforced “meta”.
The player character should feel that they have agency and power in the story. The fact that Taimi consistently “plays mission control” is exactly the problem. The player, the commander of the pact, should be in control of the mission, not some npc kid.
And I dunno about you, but I don’t really agree that the role you’ve outlined for Taimi makes for a good story. Depending on an immature child as an emotional crutch isn’t exactly my idea of a fantasy epic, or a role that my character/myself could even identify with. I’m not emotionally devastated by braham leaving, I’m annoyed that we even have to spend time dealing with these childish problems.
To live up to the big set pieces coming up (gods, dragons, elona) Arenanet needs to tell bigger, more dramatic stories. Taimi’s one element holding them back from that. She works best in small doses imo. Keep her on comic relief, away from the main storyline.
Living Story isn’t the main storyline though – it’s just hype for the next expansion. Taimi’s ongoing relevance to the plot has no bearing on this.
Personally, I’m happy our team isn’t portayed as emotionally rounded mary sues. They’re developing characters who the commander hasn’t seen in half a year. Of course they’re going to move on and deal with unresolved issues in the wake of Heart of Thorns, like we presumably during the time skip. It’s also important that the character can’t actually lead the pact, because there would be too much politics behind the scenes for us to actually do anything hypeworthy.
I think the biggest problem with Living Story is the lack of choice, and the length/frequency of the episodes. We don’t like being told what to say during the BIG decisions, or how we treat the people around us and this can sometimes make the story feel forced.
Time is also a heavy factor. I’ll use Dragon kitten as a case and point. The Namik saga took 7 in-universe days, but took up 2 years worth of sundays to finish. It makes for good watching in a marathon, but it can seem somewhat repetitive when you’re stuck watching reruns for 2 years waiting for the series to catch up.
We also don’t have any definitive reason to care about anyone on our team. Maybe they were more endearing when we recruited them in LS1 – I wouldn’t know, I wasn’t there. It would be nice if Anet added a new “reintroduction” – maybe a beach party on Southsun set after HoT, where we can play 20 questions with the members of Dragons Watch.
The narrative, political climate and characters aren’t bad imo, they just need a little more roleplay charm (Episode 4 was a good example of this). I also think we haven’t had the right experiences (as players) to truly care about our team, which, for the time being, will persist no matter who we end up teaming up with from Dragons Watch.
The ending of Episode 4 was very well put together (besides the boss, which was hit or miss depending on the player’s skill and build). It had me chuckling, it had callbacks to
the human personal story, it had some semblance of drama (though it was a little over the top for a character that barely remembers us).
Living Story 3 has its moments. Even if it didn’t, it’s still worth the rewards!
They allot us ascended trinkets and back piece (which is armor in the TP). Anet doesn’t want to make ascended armor/ weapons easily available except in raids and fractals. This has to do with the level 80 cap. In exchange for no new levels or armor grinds they are using rarity to replace the level grind. Also a bonus of this type of progression is that for those who’ve spent tons of time earning them don’t feel cheated by it now being easily available. It’s a strategy to avoid the armor and weapon creep that normally plagues RPG’s.
I think they’re talking about skins, not actual physical ascended armour.
I agree somewhat OP – there have been some nice weapon skins (like the Seraph’s staff), but the armour skins they’ve fed us have been somewhat horrid. I would be happy with just one set of skins were released at a time (heavy, med or light), if that meant new armour skins could be released.
(edited by Westenev.5289)
@op, I guess it works that way to make the “stealth reveal” mastery desirable.
Revealed doesnt do anything at all if the target isnt stealthed and if someone is revealed from stealth they just stealth again the next second.
Please read this, then use a thief/ranger/mesmer “stealth” build for yourself. Revealed, if used correctly, can REALLY ruin someone’s day.
To be fair, I think Taimi is there for a reason. With everyone going their separate ways, I think Taimi has taken it upon herself to look after the Commander, who admittedly must not be feeling great given how their “team” has fallen apart around them. Unlike the rest of the team, the Pact Commander has no emotional crutch to rely on, and is thus the most emotionally vulnerable member.
As for the “Asuran” focused resources – Taimi is an Asura. It makes sense that when she plays mission control, the resources at her disposal are mainly affiliated with Asuran interests – similar to how we used pact resources when we lead the story as the “Commander of the Pact”.
I don’t think Taimi is the issue of the story at present – if anything, I’d say her writing was one of the things done right. The reason why she is the lynchpin of the season is because she’s the only member of Dragons Watch who could be there for our character through and through.
The only fair solution would be to remove rewards from ranked and add them to unranked. This would make ranked entirely for fun and prestiege, while everyone else plays unranked (lowering d/c rates and the number of people accused of not knowing what they’re doing).
But the idea that someone “shouldn’t play” at all just isn’t very good marketing, and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
No dice, OP. There are a vast excess of Hero Points in HOT. It’s just a matter of knowing which you can solo, which you can solo quickly and which ones don’t require combat. If a hero point seems too hard, it probably is – just move on (or reroll full minion Axe/Focus necro – easiest elite spec unlock ever. Using this method, you can get reaper in level up gear…).
I actually enjoyed unlocking the elite spec when HOT launched, mainly because of the hype associated with “oh, I got a new skill! WHAT DOES IT DO?!” You have to take time to appreciate the small things – it’s okay to be a little impatient, but a big part about being casual is the journey, not the destination.
I think this might be a good idea – but I don’t really see the point in making DRASTIC differences. Your character isn’t inquest, svanir or a bandit, this is well established in the story by now. By level 80, your character is a somewhat reputable person in society, and their motivations should function with that in mind. They don’t want to be a dragon minion, or sabotage the war effort against the dragons.
I think, ideally, we would ideally want to see something akin to Renegade and Paragon from Mass Effect, whereby the same actions are taken for different reasons. For this reason, I think it would be nice if the Charm, Dignity and Threaten options saw more widespread use.
My experience comes from the lower end of the spectrum. I’ve peaked out at low gold, and got kicked back to high silver after a spectacular array of rage quits stemming from a failed fight for mid (Seriously, if you’re going to give up in the first 40 seconds, do everyone a favour and just don’t sign up…).
Winning the skirmish for mid isn’t much better – quite a few times, someone on the enemy team will afk if they lose mid, leading to a boringly lopsided fight.
Recently, I’ve stopped pvping to decay my rank to mid bronze – and ooooh boy, that was an experience. The rumours you hear about bots and hackers? I’m lead to believe they’re true.
So, in short, PvP honestly isn’t all that fun below gold. Silver fights feel hugely lopsided, while Bronze is just some fatcat’s bot farm.
My druid might appreciate if Menders became a thing (Though, I’m not entirely sure it’d be all that meta in pve, since the Druid isn’t taken for its power DPS).
I like this idea, but this is probably going in the same “wish” pile as friendly-fire-enabled-wvw and allied-collision-enabled-wvw. I expect very few people would wish to play it.
I think WvW is well overdue for some more wacky nominations – like hours played, damage dealt to doors (by hand), the number of ambient creatures killed, etc etc. Leave the stale achievements of old to memory!
Personally, I would like to see more “lighter” styles of heavy armour, non-trenchcoats for med armour and…
… I’m actually happy with light armour!
My ideal would be to scrap the whole system and just jumble all the skins together, but that would probably be too much to hope for!
You could always pull up a pew/couch, throw on a pillow and go to sleep bachelor style?
But, I confess that a bed would be a welcome addition to the guildhall. I don’t see any downside to adding them – I get my pretty rooms, and the erotic roleplayers in Divinities Reach move into instanced content. WIN-WIN.
… Unless, of course, you like having E-RP’ers in DR.
I wouldn’t mind some long haired options for all races – Norn are the only race with such options, I think.
I wouldn’t mind a few more “grounded” designs. The ornate sets like legendary, leyline and such aren’t quite to my tastes, but even if they were, I can’t mix and match them easily… they may as well be outfits.
I think plain (or simple) clothing and armour would be appreciated.
Honestly, the only build safer than magi-staff druid is a minion reaper – though, I will admit it does take awhile to kill anything, so throwing in Zerk trinkets never hurts.
What kind of stats are you running at the moment, fashion?
Staff has a weak power co-efficiant as far as I am aware, so if you’re looking for damage, you’d be looking at Sword/Axe, with Longbow for quickdraw burst damage with a 2-5-2 combo (filling the remainder of your weaponswap cooldown with the Celestial Avatar rotation for GOTL).
Unfortunately, it’s fairly difficult to heal as a Druid without Healing Power – for a power build, you’re maintaining your rotation for the group buffs, not the sustain.
If you’re looking to play healbot, Magi + Superior Rune of the Monk (From Ascalon Catacombs) will allow you and 5 others to outheal most content. For this build, I prefer Sword/Warhorn + Staff. Doing this allows you to focus soley on group buffs (FURY FOR DAYS!), as you have a larger sustain buffer.
(edited by Westenev.5289)
Personally, I think there should be more reasons to have the zerg defend a keep or tower, rather than to just come back and cap it 5 minutes later. Clearing empty towers is kinda boring!
EDIT: Maybe a serverwide pip buff for maintaining a teir 3 stonemist?
As a compeditive gamemode, I have to go in with the understanding some people simply don’t have the maturity to be there – and it does, at times, get stressful. That’s just pvp – you’d be lying if you didn’t curse like a sailor after watching a team mate pull off a stupid move like getting facerolled 1v4 off-point. And I’m sure some people get frustrated at my play too.
I just hope that by playing my best, others will try their best too. Unfortunately, like the OP said, people in high silver/low gold give up and turn on eachother after a 100 point lead or even after the first failed skirmish on mid. This isn’t fun to play against, and it certainly isn’t fun to play for.
But, there have been redeeming games, at the very least.
As said above, maybe racial skills could have a place in low level play? I think it should be accessed from the getgo, or close to, because those locked skill abilities aren’t fun! This would allow newbies access to racial flavour skills from the getgo, while they are actually doing stuff that relates to their race. It also fits in-lore, as when you enter the orders, you begin to receive better class-orientated training.
I wouldn’t mind a rainbow chicken.
If a skill isn’t being used for anything, isn’t that a good time to actively remove the skill and replace it with something that would benifit alternative (or situational) builds?
Nerfing based on popularity seems like a great way to kitten everybody off in the end, as the nerfwaggon jumps from class to class.
So your argument is that race should matter, except in any situation where it would actually be of any use?
Or, and hear me out here, we could just keep the system as is and not waste a huge amount of developer ressources on this issue.
Shrugs Is it so useless though, if it leads to a better story?
“Guild Wars 2 defines the future of online roleplaying games with action-oriented combat, customized personal storylines, epic dynamic events, world-class PvP, and no subscription fees!”
~ Guildwars 2 opening page.Having a cookie cutter commander is hardly “customised”.
So, you’re saying that story plots that force you to use racial skills will lead to better story lines?
Noooooooo. I don’t think so.
1) the two, good stories and specific skills, aren’t connected
2) I dislike story instances that force me to abandon my regular skills and take certain specific skills, because [reasons]. That’s not good story telling or fun play at all.
Yes. And notice how I didn’t make mention of racial skills. At all.
I just think the story should be represented by your character – personal baggage like race and past decisions included. Not by some sort of omni-creature that can take the perspective of any of the 5 races on the fly.
Having played a lot more since my previous post, I’m also just gonna add here that automatically-changing tabs in the stats UI? HORRIBLE. There’s nowhere near enough time to get the information I want. It’s information overload; you’re trying to convey so much information in a short time over five tabs in two different sections that my eyes can’t focus on anything at all.
If I click into a tab, the tab shifts should stop, period.
I agree with this post. If I wanted to swap tabs, I think I can be trusted to find the tab manually.
So your argument is that race should matter, except in any situation where it would actually be of any use?
Or, and hear me out here, we could just keep the system as is and not waste a huge amount of developer ressources on this issue.
Shrugs Is it so useless though, if it leads to a better story?
“Guild Wars 2 defines the future of online roleplaying games with action-oriented combat, customized personal storylines, epic dynamic events, world-class PvP, and no subscription fees!”
~ Guildwars 2 opening page.
Having a cookie cutter commander is hardly “customised”.
(edited by Westenev.5289)
I like the idea of player based trading, but I don’t think crafting is, or ever will be, an integral part of this game, as all goods in the metagame are presently avalable to anyone who works hard for it. Besides lessening the goldsink on Black Lion Taxes, the only exclusive things you could really sell would be ascended gear or certain crafted foodstuffs, at least, without undercutting those that prefer using the trading post.
I agree – it’s nice to see little nodbacks to personal story every now and then, like what they did with Auric Basin. Pact Medic Ceera and Lieutenant Francis, for example, were excellent callbacks to personal story – making it less a story about a generic cookie cuter, and more a story of a commander who actually has their own resources, their own history and their own opinions (compared to other characters with different backstories).