Chelly Anne, Sylvari Ranger (80)
“This rose has thorns; Here they are!”
Get Out [Out]
Casual PvX
Leader: Marjary (Whimpered.6095)
NA – Crystal Desert
We are a small guild looking to expand. Right now, we’re looking for members to help us attain a Guild Hall. Once attained, you are welcome to use it anytime you wish, but you are not required to represent us if you do not want to.
We do a little bit of everything and hope to get enough members to start doing weekly raids. We are a casual guild; Nothing hardcore. We like helping users new and old whenever needed. We have no requirements other than for you to have fun. Your home world does not matter.
If you’re interested, add the guild leader and send mail.
I am constantly being disconnected from the game with various error codes. I will take a screenshot the next time I feel like loading the game up because I’m just so frustrated with it right now; I don’t even want to try to load it.
The various error messages involve:
- Disconnected from the game servers due to firewall/virus program settings or campus connection. Check your settings, etc. etc.
- Lost connection to server. Wait a few moments before restarting client. <— That’s all it tells me and that one makes me mad the most.
I can play any other online game under the sun and not have an issue, but I can’t run GW2 more than 5-30mins without being disconnected/kicked off.
I’ve changed my firewall settings and anything regarding GW2 is allowed through on both public and private networks, sometimes even turning it completely off just to see if that would fix it, but to no prevail. I’ve also turned my virus program off simultaneously and I still get the errors. I’ve deleted and redownloaded the entire game, restarted my router, did a system restore to an earlier point, and nothing has worked, so I’m heavily leaning on something happened when the new update came out.
PC Specs:
Intel Core i5 Processor @3.20GHz
Nvidia GT 640 Graphics Card
12GB Ram
64 Bit Windows 8.1
All drivers are updated and anything else that could possibly need an update has been checked and done.
If you need more pc info I’ll be happy to oblige, but like I said in the beginning of the post, I had zero problems running GW2 before the September update and this is the only game I have these problems with. I don’t know if it’s poor optimization or what, but it’s so frustrating that I can’t play. This is my favorite MMO.
I’m all for a rebuilding of the city, I just hope when this /rebuild/ stage is over, they don’t just slap the old LA files back on and pretend that Scarlet never existed.
It’s bad enough the possibility of remaking it but it coming out generic, which at the same time wouldn’t be too surprising, but it would be even worse if it just jumped back to before the attack and everyone went back to their boring old lives like everything had always been peachy.
Not sure if this was mentioned already, but it would be cool if some of the battle scars remained. (Damaged terrain and certain types of buildings with maybe some damage still left or some sort of commemorative item placed on or around remembering the battle.)
I do enjoy the dolyak race. Though I don’t much like how the top racers yell at all of the other racers to hurry up and finish so they can get their gold reward.
Every time I’ve raced, everyone at the top is always yelling but in a good way. It’s not uncommon to hear “Go yaks, go!”, “YAK YAK YAK”, or lots of folks spamming /cheer… which has actually mad it a pretty amusing and fun community event every time.
Yessss, now that is enjoyable, especially when finished racers will run the race again just because, knowing they won’t be counted an extra time and making sure people use the crystals properly. There’s always issues with the wind gusts near the end, and I’m glad players are helping other players with it rather than ranting. I just seem to get caught up at times where people are frustrated because they want the best rewards and always seem to fall short, then again each time I go back to the map I’m with a new group of people which is probably why.
I still enjoy it, even if I’m the last dolyak across the finish line!
I thought it was a requirement already to cross the finish line in order to get the reward?
Or do stragglers who participate but don’t reach the finish still get it? I haven’t not-finished a race yet so I’m not sure about that, but I would assume that’s how it works being a lot of people probably would give up easily knowing they would still get something. A for effort? Lol.
I really don’t have a problem with the new set-up to the Pavilion. The only problem I do have is how people will argue and tell everyone that they need to zerg in order to get gold rewards when a good handful of us will spend a lot of time trying to explain that zerg = failure.
We tried all sorts of ways. Getting multiple commanders to take 10 or so people to each boss and fighting them off all at once, or trying to sort everyone out to their own wedge of the Pavilion before the blitz starts, but in the end, more people come, choose one commander to follow, scream at the other commanders to deactivate their tag, and calls everyone who doesn’t zerg at one boss a dummy. ( Harsher words but forum rules. )
Anet is trying to get rid of all the zergfesting, which I applaud, as I would much rather plan a base of attack rather than just tell everyone to group up and shoot at everything that moves. It’s more satisfying when your goals are accomplished. Now we just need the people with the ZERG ZERG ZERG mentality to follow suit before more fall down the path.
It’s disappointing for people to expect everything to come easy, and then complain if they have to put a little work in for a reward.
I do enjoy the dolyak race. Though I don’t much like how the top racers yell at all of the other racers to hurry up and finish so they can get their gold reward.
Place has no importance in the race, it’s based on how many actually finish it, and setting out tons of traps to be first, second, and so-on hinders the speed of other racers. Walking with a damage condition is not fun, especially when you need to jump and the entire platform is covered in traps that hit you the moment someone else walks over it.
Not that a bit of healthy competition is bad, but I don’t see why we get yelled at for slacking because of what they did. :P
Good to know you guys are going to fix it.
We just finished two full runs and didn’t receive it, and we only got credit for 6 rounds instead of the full 20, 10 each run, we should have received. Kind of a bummer.
I was wondering why I wasn’t getting credit for every round I played. I only earned a top score twice out of about 10 rounds and only got credit for those, just didn’t put two and two together.
@Adorable Kinkajou: My response wasn’t in retaliation, it was more to let people who happen to read it (mainly aimed at those who are always “guesting shouldn’t exist” no matter what event is going on) that there are reasons why guesting should never be removed. I had the same problems most high population servers are having from this event when Clockwork Chaos was on, because I was always in overflow on my home server no matter what time/map I played, so I’ve been on both sides of the never-ending argument.
@TheGuy: Yes, I understand that you weren’t pointing fingers, and I agree 110% that there are more and far more important issues other than guesting and I wish people would pay mind to those instead of always blaming things on the less trivial issues. It will eventually balance itself out once players figure things out.
No harm done.
So far it hasn’t been fun, but I don’t blame the event, I blame the lack of motivation and willingness to work together with people that I get a lot because most kids just want the rewards after throwing a few swings and calling it a day. What? This time we have to actually think about how we organize and strategize our attacks and learn how to work together with others to get the job done?
I’m hoping as the days go by, people get their stuff together and starting realizing that you can’t do this without putting your “I got this, move aside and let me do my thing” attitudes away and working with everyone.
I have tried ALL NIGHT to beat Tequatl and my server is dead. Only a handful of people ever show up. So I go server hopping to find any server that has a decent amount of people interested in killing him, and I get stuck IN THE STUPID OVERFLOW SERVERS, and not only that, they have so many overflows that as soon as I get out of the queue in one, I get put in another! The people in those servers didn’t even know how to use the turrets properly! I’m dying over here man. People will sit there and try to attack Tequatl using the actions that cure the poison gases over and over since it’s the fastest regenerating skill and they don’t realize that it does NOTHING to him!
I need a server I can guest on to actually get the achievements. I’ve gotten all of them except the ones you get for killing him! My server is full of lazy idiots who farm the easy starting area events and old people who do nothing but make fun of the noobs and make them feel stupid when they ask legit questions. It’s always dead and I’ve never been able to do any living world events on it because of it. I usually guest in Darkhaven but they’re dead as a doorknob as well.
I even tried to be nice and teach these kids how to use the turrets during down time between spawn windows, and some of them even got it down quickly, but when **** goes down, everything they learn goes out the window and they go back to doing the same thing and get themselves killed and whine for a rez every 5 seconds. RAH
I don’t usually guest to other servers for things like this, but this time I had to because it was just not possible. I have tried to defeat Tequatl so many times on my server, but the most amount of people that would show up was around 10-15, and most of them would ditch after 1-2mins. realizing there was no purpose in staying because it’s an automatic defeat. So I’m sorry if I’m the reason that one of you can’t play on your home server, but I’m not sorry for having to do what I have to do to get my rewards from this event.
I’m not really a gs user, but I might just hop on that bandwagon to try this sword out!
I LOL’d so hard. I can’t even. /done
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.