Showing Posts For WhysoSully.4652:

They still don't get it....As usual

in PvP

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


yepo, they are adding a new map and nerfing the sharks instead of listening to the players and fixing the balancing issues.

there are so many threads about how imbalanced the game is yet nothing is being done. they arent even saying they are working on anything lmao.

so many people have left or stopped spvping that it obviously does not make money for them, so they probably dont care about the spvp players anymore.

What Is "Vent"?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


So… is it basically like Skype?

yes except a server hosts the connection and can support alot more users (as well as a push to talk option for the volume challenged environment.

Nov 15 is make or break time

in PvP

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


we should start asking for new maps and less pve creeps in spvp, then maybe they will work on the real issues… because obviously asking them to fix real issues only yeilds useless things like new maps and less sharks.

Nov 15 is make or break time

in PvP

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


its November 10th and Anet hasn’t said a single thing about what they are introducing/ fixing this patch.(spvp wise)

i wouldn’t expect much.

ill patch sometime after thanksgiving maybe i will feel like playing again around then… till then Smite.

are you in the dark? so am I

in PvP

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


anyone have a link to what is being done about spvp? moderator said its in the news and announcements but i cannot find it.

(edited by WhysoSully.4652)

How are Thiefs getting Nerfed in patch

in PvP

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


Anet, what are you doing about it?


yet people say oh they are not op or unbalanced at all…

welcome to theif wars 1 the sequel to guildwars 1 =D

Please inform us on what is being done!

in PvP

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


dear Anet,

What is being done to fix/make the pvp system better?

you have this great forum where hundreds of players are giving you feedback. yes some people troll each other but there is always gona be bad apples. its been sad seeing alot of friends leave the game. guilds are breaking up and people are going their separate ways.

its tough to convince people to stay when they have complained multiple times about something and not received a response. i saw an article stating you guys have whole teams for functions of the game (a wvw team, spvp team, pve team, dungeon team etc…) please have someone on these teams communicate with the respective forum in the form of a thread about what you are working on.

i just want a little hope… there is hundreds of things people have notice / suggested (not all good ideas but some are) it would be nice to know something is being done to fix the problems and not just a “dont worry we are working on it” response. a real response.

oh and this is not ment to be a threat or anything but i do know alot of people who have quit already and the friends i have that are still sticking around are praying for a miracle, but sadly if we dont know what you are working on that leaves us with little hope for the future.

no hope = play a new game =’(

Slow Motion pvp!

in PvP

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


lol this thread should be on highdeas

Warriors are underpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


Hundred Blades is the actual bandwagon build for 2 reasons.

1.- Inexperienced/Bad players can use it without problem, is a 1,2,3 – a,b,c step build.
2.- Inexperienced/Bad players can`t counter/evade it so they taste the floor really quick.

The big balance issue here is this:

To land a 100B the warrior need to prepare 4 things in which 1 makes it optimal but is optional.

1.- Knockdown / Stun target. (we have the biggest array of skills to do this so…)
2.- Prepare frenzy/buff himself (optional)
3.- ??
4.- Profit.

But to escape from that 3-4 steps you need to check a thousand things (well, more like 8 things) so basically here we have a very common issue in balancing which is more than anything a APM (actions per minute) diference (yeah, SC too much, but its just like this).

To properly land a 100b you need… Fingers, that simple, and a keyboard… And the game of course. To properly evade the 100b, you need well, first know when its going to land (which is really obvius for most cases) and then prepare to perfectly execute every movement for the next 4 seconds to actually see that dumb warrior slashing the air… But that requieres way too"micromanagment" much in comparison to what the 100b user need to do. And if you screw it up in one of those steps in those 4 second, you will die or eat a lot of damage which still is victory for the 100b user.

Yeah, i know i making sound that evading a 100b is like rocket science, but compare the dificult between land a 100b and evade a 100b, THERE is the unbalance of the skill.

Which could be fixed which a very few changes, like making the 100b animation
“a vulnerable chance” where you can`t roll (you CAN`T roll, that`s diferent to not do it to cut the animation, is not being capable to interrupt the skill by yourself while it has started) or “debuff” the warrior while he is doing the 100b, or both. That will balance things, landing a 100b will be still easy, but will carry a lot more cons for the hurr durr 100b warrior.

And this is supposing we have both inexperienced players, imagine when a really good player does this to a newbie… Is just way too much kitten for a single skill. Seriusly.

this has to be a joke….. the 100b combo is super easy to avoid especially if your not alone… plus its almost impossible to put off once the fight has really started.
oh and i almost forgot that you have to use 2-3 1m + cd’s to kill 1 person.

its almost offensive that people think this is broken. why would so many warriors talk about how bad that spec is if it was secretly some overpowered weapon we dont want you to know about.

if you think 100b is OP im sure you think signet warrior is OP also hahahaha

if they buff 100 b would still only be a little closer to how effective theives are in pvp.
lock this thread its a joke.

Super loud rezzing sound in spvp

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


So i was playing SPVP today and everyone i downed who used their #4 on the ground skill it came in SUPER loud. like really loud. i have all my game sounds almost to the minimum. the same thing used to happen to me in WvW the dolyacks hoofs were making a noise that was as loud as this. i would have just turned my game sounds off but i use enemy sounds to help me avoid certain attacks.

it literally sounded like the gates of hell calling for me. my head hurts >.<

Let's face it.

in Engineer

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


It’s really hard to win (for example) from a thief or a warrior in 1v1. We just can’t do as much burst damage as they can. But perhaps we just differ from opinion about what we find ‘good’.

this is interesting because warriors say engi’s (especially bunker engi’s) are one of the hardest to kill 1v1

ive also seen many engi’s take on crazy odds like 1v4+ they really excel in small enclosed spaces….

Need help with getting runes.

in Warrior

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


most of the toughness / vitality runes suck IMO, there are too many better offensive options rune wise. for a better tough/vit id look at replacing major armor (chest and legs) or jewelry.

i try to look at gear in 4 sections that you can balance stats with (armor, jewelry, traits and runes) its worth looking into which traits your want the most and messing with different ways of getting them. for instance i take offensive armor runes and then i balance it with defensive traits and jewelry.
edit ** i use runes of the pack if you were wondering. but they are broken and proc on being hit instead of when attacking like the tooltip says. but hey i spent like 5 g on them when i bought em so i might as well keep em lol… they are good for dungeons because they buff teamates.

(edited by WhysoSully.4652)

Downed - Throw hammer pitifully weak?

in Warrior

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


i think i get vengeance off maybe 1-2 times while WvWing and its only use is to run away to die somewhere i can be rezzed. sure i can stick around and trying to fight and probably get finished off in which case i auto die (you have to remember warriors are not invulnerable while in vengeance) and once we do die, we have to sit there and wait to respawn because otherwise u respawn and when vengeance is up you die again back in the keep. (which is kitten i would rather have the smoke cloud elementalist thing than vengeance which ends up just costing me more in repairs……

pve is a different story, ive saved groups from wipes with vengeance then rezzing other players but WvW…. lame skill.

Ignore Pain and Revenge shall nerfed!!

in Warrior

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


I think OP is trolling because you could randomly pick a topic in the warrior forum and there is at least an 80% chance its people complaining about how under powered warriors are.

and on top of that there are like 20+ threads about how the warrior has the weakest downed skills…
the only fight where a warrior is not at a disadvantage is warrior vs warrior.

endure pain is almost useless as a skill (at least in wvw) im not going to pop a 1m + cooldown to just be kited for 5 seconds… so weak. only time i see this as being usefull is with a glass cannon GS spec and everyone + their mother knows how bad those are…

Rune of the pack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


Rune of the pack’s tooltip clearly says 5 % chance when you attack, but activates when being attacked.

tested by just sitting still with full regen tanking lvl 5 mobs on a lvl 80.
didn’t press a button and yet run of the pack activates after a couple hits on me.

really hope you guys can fix this, i spent like 4-5 gold on these runes and that was most of my moolah… don’t really have time to farm that much cause i work full time and go to school full time. please fix!

If Warriors are so bad at pvp then why.............

in Warrior

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


I think they are alot of fun to play, and on my lvl 80 warrior in full exotic gear it takes at least 3-5 people to take me down. between my infinite fury and swiftness shouts that heal and 30 k health not to mention an endurance buff/weakness debuff on enemies that is up 80% of the time its a pain in the kitten to take me down. not to mention my buffs go to my teammates as well.

in zergs im able to run past front lines into the squishy back field apply some bleeds turn around and run all the way back to my zerg and heal back up.

as far as WvW goes warriors can be great.

Spvp tourny play is a different story.

oh and HB…. havent seen this skill work in PvP if fact its basically suicide in a big WvW fight. 1 dodge roll gets the person away from you without getting hit. MAYBE if the last hit was auto kill this skill would be o.k. but even then… its to easy to roll away

Does warhorn damage matter at all?

in Warrior

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


yes and what about effects example( 60% bleed on crit or the chance for stuff ones) since it doesnt do dmg will those even work?

Norn warrior, easily dodged\countered

in Warrior

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


i play a norn warrior and my biggest problem isnt pvp its kitten jumping puzzles…. i cant see around myself. if anet could add like a way to fade your character a little so we could see through them that would be great thats the only thing i think is unfair (screen space) other than that i want you to see me, im not a theif im a warrior. i want you to know exactly who killed you.

proud to be Norn

heavy armor shmeavy armor.

in Warrior

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


there is nooo way heavy armor takes half the dmg of light armor. please someone show me proof of this. i would love to be wrong. (even 30% less would amaze me)

Warhorn Question

in Warrior

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


yeah i think burning might also but im not 100 % but yeah poison for sure

Warhorn Question

in Warrior

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


no i wish tho. if you spec right they do turn condition into boons (a couple of which turn into regen i think)

heavy armor shmeavy armor.

in Warrior

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


they should change the tooltip, “armor that looks heavy”.

Warrior Build for Both WvW & PVE

in Warrior

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


your link does not work. i feel a lot of warriors are thinking the same thing. Ive just accepted the fact that warriors are more support than solo dps Ive tried glass cannon builds but the repair bills are ridiculous.

heavy armor shmeavy armor.

in Warrior

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


Is it me or does wearing heavy armor make almost no difference. i do not understand how armor works in this game (i know there is an equation like armor + toughness)
but i realy do not notice a difference in the dmg im taking even when i switch to medium and light armor classes. i know you cant come looking at this realistically because its a video game but how is someone using little daggers gona make me bleed to death in heavy armor.

im sure this has been posted before but anyone know if they are working on this or going to change anything about this.

am i the only one on this?

Anfuhrer's warrior build to maximized spanking

in Warrior

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


lame they need to word it differently because a healing skill = a skill that heals, if shouts heal, shouts : healing skill.

and what about people who get healing skill sets like engi and guardian. do all those skills then count as healing skills cause that wont be cool.

Anfuhrer's warrior build to maximized spanking

in Warrior

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


wow couldn’t get that to load before that is nice. Now what about if you get shouts become heals tactics (XII) (would that mean you get a random boon ontop of each shout), and more dmg for boons tactics (VI). might give you a boost, just an idea.

those runes are NICE! just wish they had more power. MORE POWER!!!!!!!

Anfuhrer's warrior build to maximized spanking

in Warrior

Posted by: WhysoSully.4652


i use a very similar build. and you cant forget between charge and signet of rage you have unlimited swiftness.
i just had a few questions, i see you took last stand which activated balanced stance, but you did not take balanced stance. does this still activate the skill you dont have equipt?
also how do you get signet of rage to give you retaliation and remove all conditions?

great build tho some people look at the game and want the end all best spec and sometimes you just have to find a spec you enjoy playing and repair your armor like the rest of us lol.

im like you i play in mostly a group setting so i run rune of the pack to help spread some lovely boons and balance in some more power =)