Showing Posts For Wiol.6415:
Yeah but i dropped it on my beta character… so i cant trade it <.<
(there is the gyro icon, but it’s hidden a little)
I opened a random chest from the pvp reward track and… why!? T.T
I agree
…and the stronghold will be in the same queue too
I (didn’t) see an invisible necro for the whole match
He could stomp, attack and take the buffs on the temple of silent storm map
It’s a little harder:
the link show the materials that you need to craft a legendary weapon
it was merged in the Ready Up
My cousin has the same problem:
She registered on the website the serial code but she didn’t receive the email convalidation
Now she’s waiting for support’s response from 3 days
I think that the crafting stations would be better
A lobby must be like a city…
A crafting station is required
They can change them with “Win in the Legacy of Foefire Battleground” for example, it’s less restrictive for beginners who dont have all professions and don’t cause any problems
It’s the same with the leaderboard:
I’ve the same problem!
And with the Labirinthine Horror too!
very nice ideas!!
Jokes on you, 4 kills would’ve been super easy and require no effort or time at all. One might wonder why you just didn’t do it in the alloted time…
In any case, have you checked the Not so Secret jumping puzzle?
Yeah but i didn’t remember that there was this achiev…
In the JP i tried to kill the pirates but they didn’t count :\
So what i want to say is that: don’t show the achievements that we can’t complete in the nearly completed list!
Edit: Now it isn’t showned
(edited by Wiol.6415)
Hi guys!
I’ve a little problem: for the achievement Aetherblade Assassin i miss only 4 kills and first i can’t complete it, second this achiev. will be shown for ever in my list of nearly completed…
This is a bad joke… i can’t finish it…
So please for the Living story achievements insert an option that when the release go off the achiev. home don’t show the Living story incompleted achiev.
Me too!! only for 4 pirates >.<
And every time that i open the Achievement panel i see that it’s nearly completed!!
Bad joke…
Me too
Server: Seafarer’s Rest
same build but
error: 42:6:3:2060
Wyrdfell | Italian Guild
General Information
Region: Italian
Server: Ring of Fire
Recruitment Status: OPEN
Looking for: All professions
Formats: WvW, PvE and SPvP
Play-style: Semi-Hardcore
Current members: 60
Web Site:
>>We are recruiting only italian players!<<
Chi siamo:
Per due lunghi anni i Wyrdfell hanno vagato senza metà alla ricerca di un mondo che li potesse ospitare; troppi player sono stati portati sotto il nostro stendardo ed altrettanti si sono dispersi lungo il nostro cammino.
Ma ora tutto è cambiato, sotto una nuova bandiera, un nuovo mondo ricco di avventure è stato scoperto, Tyria ci ha finalmente dato una casa in cui fermarci ed un mondo in cui porre la nostra base. Un mondo per cui combattere e lasciare il nostro segno, il segno dei Wyrdfell.
La nostra Gilda non fa preferenze ed accetta tutti senza distinzioni, sia gli hardcore che i casual player, l’unica cosa che vogliamo dai nostri membri è che vivano con noi la vita di questa Gilda, dove poter trovare compagni su cui poter contare sempre, non solo nel momento del bisogno; amici con cui poter ridere e scherzare, fratelli con cui condividere il proprio cammino.
Se non vi va di vivere con noi tutto ciò, non avete nessun obbligo nei nostri confronti e potete proseguire per la vostra strada solitaria; se invece l’idea vi piace ed accettate di diventare nostri compagni e vi mettete in gioco con noi, scoprirete quello che la Gilda può fare veramente per voi e voi per lei, e sarà tutto un’altra cosa.
Per il reclutamento visitate il nostro sito oppure contattate ingame:
Wiol, Zemnis Vermilion, Kizune Mayuri, Black Asmodeus, Sureye Eliel
We are:
For two long years the Wyrdfell roamed without a destination, looking for a world that could give us a home. Too many players join our banner and as many players were dispersed along the way.
But now, everything has changed! Under another ensign, a new world full of adventures was discovered, Tyria finally gave us a home to stay and a world where to place our base. A world to fight and where leave our mark, the sign of the Wyrdfell.
Our Guild has no favorites and accepts all without distinction, both the hardcore and the casual players, what we want from our members is to live with us the life of this guild, where you can find someone you can count on always, not only in times of need, with you can laugh and joke, brothers and sisters with who share their journey.
If you do not want to live with us all of this, you have no obligation toward us, and you can continue for your road alone, but if you like the idea and accepted to become our companions, and you put in play with us, you will discover what the Guild can do for you and you for her, and it will be a different story.
Sorry for my bad english!
See you in game!
Wyrdfell Guild