Vizunah Square
Showing Posts For Witzard.6829:
Vizunah Square
Viz going to take the blame for the death of EU T1 yet?
...or are the opponents to take the blame of not being strong enough, maybe?
God knows.... best would be to find a solution, not to blame, no?
Everyone go blame Anet §§
By the way, on a more serious note, i’m a little shocked to see there has never ever been any kind of official statement about the state of the game in EU T1 / rating systeme broken, etc.
Even a "we don’t care, we set the rules, deal with it"-kind of statement.
I made a thread a week or two ago asking for the logs on T1, lenght of the queue, number of players on the maps on a given week ... no answer although it has been done on US T1.
I feel abandoned by Arenanet at the moment
Edit : ok, now i look stupid, i REALLY should have read that last page before posting
Vizunah Square
(edited by Witzard.6829)
It’s you that think otherwise seems, considerin that every post you make looks like taunting or bragging for no apparent reason…
Chill. Nobody cares of VS anymore.
50%+ of the posts here are trolls/taunt vs Vizunah, you can’t deny it.
Never did.
But, considering that every server has their flamers, VS is the one on top of the ladder, out of the 3 T1 servers the 66% aren’t VS, and that we’re in a forum….i don’t see where’s the surprise…
Actually, don’t forget VS is a national server. The only people coming here are usually people involved in the community, and/or trying to understand what’s happening on a deeper level then “only” battlefield experience
Vizunah Square
Well I’m talking from my experience, which was whenever our 10-15 man group came across Vizunah in equal numbers then they’d run away into a tower/keep or wait for the blob to help them. Would only ever engage when they outnumbered us and that seems to be a common theme amongst those who speak of Vizunah’s play style – we can’t all be wrong, can we?
I’m sorry you had such a lousy experience, are you playing on EBG or on BL ?
Vizunah Square
It’s you that think otherwise seems, considerin that every post you make looks like taunting or bragging for no apparent reason…
Chill. Nobody cares of VS anymore.
50%+ of the posts here are trolls/taunt vs Vizunah, you can’t deny it.
Vizunah Square
If SFR or Déso build a stable community that should be a threat
SFR did that. Then ArenaNet made it their business to destroy it.
This is true. It’s sad we can’t undo what has be done, I guess with the general awakening on VS minus the free transfer from Anet it would have been a couple busy months of VS vs SFR…
Vizunah Square
Because it never happens? If Viz are equal numbers then they run away. .
Don’t talk about things you don’t know, my friend
Especially if it’s the same as the “oh my god we’ve never blobbed, VS is the only server in the game blobbing” we heard before
I could tell you about the time we wiped groups 2x bigger than us with pugs. But how does it help the metagame here ?
Vizunah Square
Why do you want to unbalance all other tiers to fix your mess?
Because they’re getting crushed. VS finished the week with over 350k points i think, 1.5x the two other servers combined. They should drop, it’s not fun losing (and “winning”) with so much point difference. Yet they can’t, because T2 servers are doing whatever they can not to get up…
Vizunah Square
I know. The point is, vizuna is literally cleaning it’s kitten with deso and sfr x) That isn’t exactly fun, it’s a fight we can’t win (especially now that people got tired of fighting viz, while in viz there is SO many people they hardly get tired at all), we need a decent situation. Something that we can you know, actually fight.
Well I guess there is still one option left. Bore the enemy to death(just completely abandon WvW for the next month or something). Organizing existing people to not fight seems a lot easier than organizing non-existent people to fight. People in the lower tier attempting to do the same would only help the cause. Either they do something or they can deal with the PR of WvW being dead on a pile of servers.
I think this is better than asking ANet for help because this can be done NOW. ANet only seems willing to do things on a monthly cycle.
Action through inaction has a sort of weird appeal to me.
Without any action of Anet, this, as i see of it, is the only option you’d have to change the situation right now. Simply boycot WvW for 1-2 weeks, that should be enough to drop one tier …
We already tried that, it’s impossible to not score any points. And no matter how bad we do, whoever is in tier 2 will just score what they need to not move up. We paid for the game, we want to play the game. Not boycott it for two months so we can have fun again. This is the only way out of this that I can see as of now, untill another server does what is necessary in tier 2. But as I said, it is beyond our control. It shouldn’t be that way.
I feel sorry for you, really :/
Seafarer and Desolation doesn´t have the wvw players that was playing when they entered tier1, vizunah still has alot of players. Vizunah has kept it´s playerbase and that´s awesome on their part, to have loyal people that doesn´t leave for various reasons, that can sustain a good coverage and manpower throughout the crisis they might or might not have had.
Desolation and Seafarers is NOT tier1 material anymore, it hasn´t been for a couple of weeks now (if not more) and I doubt that Vizunah are enjoying themselves without a proper fight.
There are still some players and guilds left in these two servers who wants to stay but who can say how much longer? There can still be fights on the borderlands on primetime, desolation and seafarers can still be top ppt but just look at the last 2 weeks end results, vizunah has atleast double the total amount of points. It´s stupid!
Its only stupid because of 24/7 coverage from vz while the other two can’t. IF you actually track the evolution income you will realise that at PRIMETIME it is a very 3way affair and not one sided- BUT it is the coverage outside of these times that is dictating some ludicrous scores
Once again, this i don’t understand. How can one server be so ahead of the other in term of coverage. I don’t deny it’s happening, but I simply don’t get it, Deso&SFR have (had?, thanks to Iron & co) way more timezones, but still, there is a majority of VS during the offtime.
Vizunah Square
I know. The point is, vizuna is literally cleaning it’s kitten with deso and sfr x) That isn’t exactly fun, it’s a fight we can’t win (especially now that people got tired of fighting viz, while in viz there is SO many people they hardly get tired at all), we need a decent situation. Something that we can you know, actually fight.
Well I guess there is still one option left. Bore the enemy to death(just completely abandon WvW for the next month or something). Organizing existing people to not fight seems a lot easier than organizing non-existent people to fight. People in the lower tier attempting to do the same would only help the cause. Either they do something or they can deal with the PR of WvW being dead on a pile of servers.
I think this is better than asking ANet for help because this can be done NOW. ANet only seems willing to do things on a monthly cycle.
Action through inaction has a sort of weird appeal to me.
Without any action of Anet, this, as i see of it, is the only option you’d have to change the situation right now. Simply boycot WvW for 1-2 weeks, that should be enough to drop one tier …
Vizunah Square
I don’t get all this QQ and it’s really starting to be annoying.
Yes, we cannot win the point game against Viz. So what? Enter the map with your guild, if we’re holding no point in it all the better, you’ve the easier target already available. Play for 2-3 hours (or however long you want), check the state of the map when you log out, is it better than when you started? Gratz, you won today’s engagement. Forget about Viz and what they do when you’re offline, why do you even care? If they upgraded everything to T3 it’s even better, the higher they are the harder they fall and they DO fall, believe me, if you put the effort in.
What gets me is all the people who proclaimed they are hardcore are the ones who gave up. Apparently nowadays “hardcore” = “I run away if I get kittenslapped more than a couple weeks in a row”. Meh.
I agree with you, but imo this attitude is not rewarding enough. Doing a hell of a job repainting a BL map during prime time should give a LOT more points than what happens at night when we on VS are 20-30 and taking every single ennemy fort with no opposition.
why you play at night against the doors? simply go to sleep…really I can’t understand, you do only for gain points for win the tier…there cannot be other reasons.
I won’t speak for others, but a couple weeks ago (!) playing at night was completely different than playing during the day/prime time.
You basically had always the same 10-20 people covering all 4 maps, we were far less stressed and encountering around the same number of opponent. That means nice little skirmishes, joking, playing drunk etc.
Now as VS started getting a huge coverage, it’s quite different. PvD must be the easyest way to level your alts, farm WXP. It’s no fun at all, true, but sadly it’s the way the game is supposed to be played, even if there is no opponent to hold the towers. Caping is part of the game, just like killing, and you can’t deny people the right to play at night.
If it can make you feel better, you can know it’s really boring, but once more, I haven’t done a night in a couple of weeks.
Vizunah Square
I don’t get all this QQ and it’s really starting to be annoying.
Yes, we cannot win the point game against Viz. So what? Enter the map with your guild, if we’re holding no point in it all the better, you’ve the easier target already available. Play for 2-3 hours (or however long you want), check the state of the map when you log out, is it better than when you started? Gratz, you won today’s engagement. Forget about Viz and what they do when you’re offline, why do you even care? If they upgraded everything to T3 it’s even better, the higher they are the harder they fall and they DO fall, believe me, if you put the effort in.
What gets me is all the people who proclaimed they are hardcore are the ones who gave up. Apparently nowadays “hardcore” = “I run away if I get kittenslapped more than a couple weeks in a row”. Meh.
I agree with you, but imo this attitude is not rewarding enough. Doing a hell of a job repainting a BL map during prime time should give a LOT more points than what happens at night when we on VS are 20-30 and taking every single ennemy fort with no opposition.
Vizunah Square
I would agree, the lure of Tier 1 being Tier 1 should attract the best guilds and players. At one point it did, but ANet messed that up. So those guilds and players have no choice but to spread themselves across servers in lower tiers, just wish all guilds with this view could arrange a meeting to fully discuss it in a fair way.
Atm, T1 is the people who play the best WvW, but not who are the best at WvW. People should start considering guilds and not realms.
Vizunah Square
(edited by Witzard.6829)
Yeah your queues must be unreal…….bet you guys are loving the karma/bags though. :-)…..but pvd is boring ….i dont know how you do it.
I haven’t done a guild raid in 2 weeks, and i’m almost not playing WvW atm, it’s too boring for me :/
Vizunah Square
Hey guys,
we are aware that cheating in WvW can be a huge issue and I can assure you that we do not tolerate such actions and penalize the people that abuse hacks and exploits. What you can do to help us with that process, is to report such cases ingame or over at providing as much information as possible.
Thanks for your understanding.
There is currently no option to report a cheater IG.
Vizunah Square
Thief and DD ele nerf was maybe harsh, but these two profession really were overpowered compared to the others.
Now, for the SOTG, as a VS (i’ve wrotten about it on the T1 Thread, feel free to read if you want more informations about the T1 issues)
T1 is broken.
No server is having fun right now. VS does have the best coverage in game, that means constant 600+ ticking when not in prime time, huge queue in prime time, queue even in offtime (seriously, got 20min queue trying to go to EB one wednesday at 11 ... what the hell ?). I can understand this isn’t really nice to play for opposing servers. SFR was hit hard by the free transfer, and if deso is holding atm, i think this must be pretty hard for them too.
What we have is a server way ahead of the 2 other (i won’t say in term of skill, because clearly we’re not talking about it, skill could only be measured in term of GvG). And the 2 servers can’t drop. This situation is not right, and T2 servers are doing whatever they can not to go into T1. That’s exploiting the game too.
The only way to improve the game right now, would be to change the ranking system. There have been several suggestions, a liga-like championship, a "you win, you go up / you lose, you drop" system.
But the actual ranking system ain’t working for T1 euro.
Vizunah Square
This topic puts shame on all 3 servers, VS as Deso as SFR, face it (everybody on the tier) because is just reality.
(or, at least, shows that every server has their vocal forum warriors.)
Since the departure of some guilds (some really great, some other i’d prefer not to speak of), this thread is going better with less flaming. In the last 5-10 pages, there’s been even several post talking about how people had a nice time in WvW.
Now, the game is broken, we all know it, people are trapped into their tier and/or doing whatever they can not to win (hello T2), when some fresh blood would really be welcome (either a server going up, or servers going down).
I really think servers should change each week :
winner → +1 tiers
2nd → stays in the same tier
3rd → -1 tier
That way, there’s be at least one new server each week in T1/T8-9, and even 2 in the other inbetween.
Vizunah Square
I was forging some Rare Greatswords at the Mystic Forge and got :Khrysaor, the Golden Sword.
I read that this sword is the same model as Dawn, but I don’t know if I can forge Sunrise with it. If anyone knows plz let me know.
Same model means it’s the same skin (maybe stats), but only the precursor weapons can be used to craft legendary !
Vizunah Square
OK awesome! Ok I got all my 100 lodestones today! I was able to get the dust and the wine and skill points! I am done with the gift of darkness now! And I just assumed id be farming precursor, also, COF1 How can i run it when it is contested 24/7 lol?
Use, you’ll find a group at any time of the day. Surely someone in the group will have an uncontested CoF
Vizunah Square
It’s true, all guides at the begginning described the karma farm as the hardest part. Now it’s nothing compared to the pain of farming for the T6/Lodestones ....
Vizunah Square
This thread in page 3? Dead tier is dead.
More people on the fields, less troll/whine here, I don’t think it has to be a bad thing
Vizunah Square
Wow. This guy must really not appreciate time, considering how much he had to spend to get all that gear.
He said in the comments he wanted to quit GW2, had some RL stuff going on
Vizunah Square
(old video, might be a repost)
Vizunah Square
Actually, with the now contested-doens’t-make-tp-unusable, i fear it’ll promote blobs TP as soon as the T3 is under attack :/
Vizunah Square
Meh .Have fun with your coverage and bragging wars it is all you have in t1 with current meta.I feel sad for players stuck in it’s gameplay.
While the rest of us enjoy THE REAL WvW from tier 2 to 8.They should just rename t1/t9 to PveWvW and t2-t8 PvpWvW.
Vizunah Square
You personally didn’t win T1 eleven times, the servers you were on at that time did
FYP, afaik no other server than VS did win 11 time in EU, SFR being second with 8 wins.
Vizunah Square
i don’t get it. how can t1 us and t1 eu be so different?
time coverage.
All europe except french seems to sleep or work at the same time…Which is quite strange, considering Eu covers a 9hours timezone, and french server is a national server, ie only 1 timezone.
Troma himself said that you have organized night groups. Get more in touch with your own community before speaking
Yep, there is a guild specialized in the night action. I know that. But there are french players, in the same timezone. Hence my interrogation
Vizunah Square
Hello, I know it’s been released on the NA side before, could we please get the queue side for the EU side now ?
Vizunah Square
i don’t get it. how can t1 us and t1 eu be so different?
time coverage.
All europe except french seems to sleep or work at the same time…
Which is quite strange, considering Eu covers a 9hours timezone, and french server is a national server, ie only 1 timezone.
Vizunah Square
Let’s go back 2 months ago. VS is dominating WvW, and a server is created in order to counter and crush it, namely SFR.
I’ll be glad to hear your version, my friend !
What I wrote is what I saw from the outside, and what was wrotten here on the forum at the time SFR rose to T1
Vizunah Square
Training of the pugs on Viz. You can’t even send them away, that’s how you trained them, that was a reason why GvG got denied (most recently Opt was denied by a Viz guild with for that reason, happened to us as well), while your GC founder says that GvG doesn’t intefere with points or the outcome of the match. See how much they listen to you if it’s not for their own easy mode way of gaming, their benefit. You got no control if you don’t play how they want you to lead them. Their respect for you work ends exactly the moment you don’t do what they want and you have to rely on them, so you bend over.
Maybe I was just unlucky I never saw one single Viz 20 man solo roam group. Maybe it’s the tag, maybe it’s unlucky allignment of stars. Won vs Viz 10 or 11 times, so I can’t really say I haven’t fought them enough yet.
You obviously mistake teaching and control, my friend.
And Opt guild, do you mean the Options ?
Vizunah Square
Your pug’s mind is set on how the game should be played. They can’t adapt anymore, because you “taught” them that only all on one clump can win. See the “…” , because you didn’t actually teach anything useful, you just got them on vent, they are still all in one spot, they are still all on one commander, even the guilds.
You could have guild A attack X, B Y, C (eg a pug commander) Z etc… don’t tell me now that’s how you play. We only ever encountered Viz as a zone blobb.
What do you know about the training of pugs on VS ?
And for the second point, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but there are almost always several commanders on the BL maps (don’t do that much of EB), each going for different objectives
Sometime they pair up and blob, sometime they form 20-players roaming groups, sometimes they assault different objectives, the commanders having their own TS coordination.
Vizunah Square
yes probably VS have the same problem, but you cannot compare the best VS guilds with the best SFR guilds…we lose all our power without them, we have had a guild based server, actually all we can do is transform SFR in a server based server like you.
with all these posts i don’t want to say that VS is a bad server, that is ruin t1…I really want to stay in t1 if we can manage, and really try to beat VS and hoping SFR can play like VS.
Actually, as I see it, the new GvG arena will allow guilds to compete, while the WvW will be more “server-based”.
Vizunah Square
ANet can’t and doesn’t want to fix the problem of lag, blobb and other kitten.
Yet the players refuse to adapt and change their way of playing, hiding behind the argument you brought up (“design” “Anet’s rules” “meant to be played”). So yes, the players are also to be blamed.
Hope you enjoy playing alone in the highest tier, while everyone else is enjoying themselves somewhere else.
Give me a solution applicable by anyone (pugs too, not only respectuous guilds) in the current state of the game.
Vizunah Square
yes SFR win with few organized guild, against the numbers of VS, but for do this we need to don’t have queue, and the free transfer and lag destroy this way to fight, actually without these guilds we can fight only with numbers, but we don’t have.
I still think that our pugs leaded by nice commander are superior to vizuna pugs
You seem to forget that VS, because of its high population level, always has queue. All guilds are limited in the number of people they can take out on raid night :/
Good summary. I saw that “call to arm”, and think people forgot about it too quickly.
While I agree about free transfer, I still don’t get why you mention lag. It’s affecting both sides, I’m having fun trying to land a good hammer stun with lag + 20fps.
I didn’t mention lag, because it inflicts the same boredom and frustration to all servers.
Vizunah Square
Don’t forget one thing, put yourself in VS shoes.
Let’s go back 2 months ago. VS is dominating WvW, and a server is created in order to counter and crush it, namely SFR. They do great actually, and manage to win several time.
At that time, there is a general call to arm on VS side, and we come back more motivated than ever. And then ... Anet patches the game. Huge blobs on all sides. SFR wounded by the free transfer.
But VS did less suffer from it than the other T1 servers i think. We always had queue, but also "educated pugs", who’ll follow the lead, and, even if they’re maybe not as efficient as a guild raid, they still do pretty good.
And now SFR falls.
But on VS side, we just got re-motivated, and suddenly we don’t have any opposition left (as a matter of speach this isn’t technically true, but with a lot of great guilds leaving SFR/Deso, VS adapting to the patch while SFR/Deso take more time or people leave the server because they’re more looking for GvG instead of the actual WvW, the opposition is greatly diminished). So what now ? VS carries on with the call to arm momentum, and finds demoralised ennemies to fight. Hence a vicious circle, the more VS wins, the less Deso/SFR want to play.
I don’t think VS deserves all the bashing there is on these forums. Blame Anet for the patch / free transfer, blame the absence of actual GvG, blame the way WvW is designed, but I don’t see how you can blame a server for playing and winning.
In my honest opinion, tomorrow’s update and the introduction of GvG’s arena will be a nice solution to this whole WvW problem, a lot of WvW guilds will finally be able to do the GvG they were looking for in WvW.
And as for the tier 1/2 not mixing, a week or two, and there will be atleast one transfer T1>2 and vice-versa.
Vizunah Square
Stop watching Fox News. I’d really get some facts straight. I could go way offtopic here and take an hour to tell you everything I know, but it’s not my responsibility to know your facts, it’s yours.
I’d recommend shows like The Young Turks. Atleast they’re reliable, unlike most of American mainstream media with their so called liberal corespondants. Please. And just because I (currently) don’t live there, doesn’t mean I don’t have any real facts, numbers and statistics.
Go check it out.
PS. Not trying to be an kitten here. Just getting straight to the point. If you do research, see the stats and still disagree, that’s fine by me.
The statistics say more gun control laws = more violent crime.
Theres nothing to argue about here, and theres no opinions. Just cold, hard facts.
Do it somewhere else please.
Vizunah Square
I don’t see what is wrong with a simple ‘winner moves up, loser moves down’ system, at least it would give the winners of T8 or whatever a chance to move up and try a harder tier.
It would also encourage people to move to the lower tiers to balance things out, as they would know they won’t become stuck in the pit of doom that the current rating system creates.
The current ratings system doesn’t work.
Something like that ?
1st : go up in the next tier
2nd : stays in the same tier
3rd : goes down one tier
Vizunah Square
That would be great.
Vizunah Square
And once it’s done, do some pixel art with the WvW maps.
Vizunah Square
Don’t forget PVD happens when you aren’t facing an opponent anymore.
Vizunah Square
i agree we belong somewhere between t3-t4 but we re stuck in t1 for eternity.
I don’t understand how you expect thing to change in one week when T1 has been going on with the same 3 servers for 2 months.
Vizunah Square
That’s pretty amazing how the night-capping is a French cultural thing.
It’s like it’s in our genes.Any sociologist would like to try to explain the whys and the hows ?
20 people over a whole server play at night. Yeah, they’re prepare bashing cause they have no life etc. But eh, i’ve been one of these. A few guildies still are (i’m not playing too much wvw atm cause it’s boring), and there’s a really nice mood in the night, everyone just take their time and enjoy when they have fights. Of these people, i’ve never had to deal with canadian (not saying there aren’t any, but i’m not seeing any), the northestern i’ve seen are belgium, talk about a 12h offtime.
Honestly, i still don’t understand how big WvW guilds from Eu servers manage not to get people playing off the prime time. VS is one country, on deso/sfr you got from GB to Russia, that’s basically a 01h timespan (GMT+0 / GMT+10).
We’re not talking about a gazillion people playing at night, just a couple students/jobless/retired/working nightshift people.
That’s the real threat to you ? Come on, be serious for once.
The only strenght of VS is it’s identity. PUG’s really belong there. The age of pugs in TS is huge, it must be around 90+, and except of a couple of guild raids at prime, when they manage to get in, all guilds are in the same TS (cf the screen provided in the official T1 thread).
Vizunah Square
If a server really wants to drop, just boycott WvW for one week.
Vizunah Square
Thanks for the laugh guys :d
And the almighty VS with a gazillion players (yeah, there’s a limit of players on the map, but you know, we seem to have found a way to get around it and get even moar people to get into our 800-players bubble -oh, i forgot to mention other T1 Eu servers don’t blob. Ever.- ) is responsible for the downfall of the other servers.
Stop QQ’ing and get real. You came in wanting to kick us out of T1, you only managed to get us stronger at the end, sorry to let us win, because we’d never win if you didn’t wanted us to.
I hope all GvG guilds will stop kittening about WvW, where they have no place (open field combat and tower defence/cap is meant to happen, not limited group size duel), when the next patch will be released with the custom arenas.
Get yourself together and go fight in WvW, not here.
Vizunah Square
Also in regards to that Teamspeak pic, because everyone uses teamspeak amirite?
Actually, you’d be surprised about that
Vizunah Square
Replying on a forum after seeing a very selective screen-shot and then pulling conclusions from that which are wrong. GG.
Isn’t it what it’s all about in this thread ?
Vizunah Square
Viz dominating is not Troma’s fault its down to basic math Viz has 3 times the number of people on its server than either sfr or Des. Even if sfr & Des had a alliance, Viz would still outnumber them…
Do you have an actual proof for that, or are you just guessing ? (i’m curious, no sarcasm intended)
Vizunah Square
Every single matchup we had strong opponents were pleasant matchups. The 5 sfr wins in a row were probably among the most pleasant because my fellow French friends started to shup up in this thread and grow stronger on the field.
Remember when people asked “where are the Vizunians forum warriors ?” 3 weeks ago ?Cheers
I’m confused…where are they?
They are not here, so they are in the field losing badly?
They took holydays from WWW?
A lot of them are quite bored with the actual wvw state, running blob VS bob isn’t what i love.
Inbe4 yeah only VS does blob, other T1 NEVER ever did
Vizunah Square
many in t1 are very serious in WvW they rage quit if they lose a battle while in t4 peoples dont care if they lose a battle they continue even if they are wiped 100 times.
Lolwut ? Never seen this nor on my server, nor on Deso/SFR …
Vizunah Square