Showing Posts For Wyndsong.9087:
Yep same issue. Extremely frustrating to lose all progress and have to start over. Seems to be an issue with the cut scenes. That’s the only time it is occurring.
The thing about GW2 that stands out against other games is the cooperative element to it. Everything is shared, gathering nodes, mob experience, etc. You’re never working against another player, no mob stealing and what not. That means other players around you are welcome.
As someone who usually plays solo, I love this aspect. It means I can be as social as I want to be without hard grouping. I love running with the crowd to help take down a boss or coming across another player doing the same HP challenge and working together. I think this, more than anything else, is the reason the community is so helpful.
As far as advice, like everyone else said, take your time. Try all the classes, all the game modes. You never know what you might like.
I like this idea. I hate that I can’t even peek inside the zone without being in a raid group. I just want to see the place!
As someone who is terrible at jumping puzzles, I love that they’re in the rotation now. Why? Because there are usually awesome mesmers around porting people. I’ve gotten several achievements on JPs I would never have gotten otherwise. I also like the mini dungeons that have been added for a similar reason. There are actually people doing them and I can get the achievements.
I would like to see more options for PVE dailies but it is what it is. If the options aren’t to my liking, I’ll often jump into Edge of the Mists and get a couple that way.
I want a Festifoo so badly. He’s the cutest little quaggan ever. I know he’s forged in the Mystic Forge, but from what minis?
It is great when a topic is grabbed from Reddit but then you do not link to the actual source.
Thanks for implying that I stole this topic from Reddit. I had not, I rarely visit that forum. But it does go to show I’m not the only one that thinks this is a problem.
However, thanks for providing the link to this thread, as it makes a lot of great points.
Please stop the timer madness! All of the HoT maps are on a schedule and it’s exhausting. It wouldn’t be so bad if the metas were shorter. The one-hour cycle works for Dry Top because it’s only 60 minutes. Imagine if it was two hours. How frustrating would it be to complete an event you need during the sandstorm only to realize you have another 60 minutes to go before it begins? That’s how the HoT maps feel.
Verdant Brink: Need a night boss for an achievement? Well too bad, you have to wait at least 60 minutes until night cycles, plus another 20 for the copters.
Auric Basin: Want to work on map completion? Not going to happen because the pillars haven’t progressed far enough to open the area.
Tangled Depths: I don’t know. Avoid this area like the plague.
Dragon Stand: Want to complete the boss at all? Sorry, the meta started 30 minutes ago and you won’t find a full map now.
My routine now includes opening an external site as I log in to the game and checking the event timers. VB-still in daytime cycle, I want night. AB-middles of Octovine, no point in going there as I won’t get into a decent map now. TD-skip. DS-middle of the meta, won’t be able to find a good map. What do I do? I go back to the old world and work on map completion. Why did I buy this expac again?
Easy fix: Drop the timers and make the maps more like SW. Have the events themselves progress the meta. That way there will be less failed maps and every time you log in, you have a chance of finding a map at a different point in the meta. Give us options!
I’m a casual player. I play this game entirely by myself. I have other games I play when I want to do real group content. One of the things I like about GW was the ease in which I could jump in and play. HoT has changed that for me.
I have adjusted to the bump in difficulty by replacing my mesmer with necro. I can get around much easier with the necro’s survivability. I like the meta events and enjoy “grouping” with people to complete them. What is really killing HoT for me are the timers.
Most days I play for one hour after my husband goes to bed. This means it’s the same time each day. With the timers, there are certain events I’ll never complete during this time period. I wish the maps ran more like SW where the maps ran on different timers. That way I could change maps and perhaps work on a different part of the meta.
How hard would that be to implement? Just start the timers when an event starts. Like Dragonstand would start when the players begin the meta and close after that. Then restart when it failed or completed. That way maps would be on staggering timers. That would help a lot for me.
For all those who are about to point out MMO means massively MULTIPLAYER, yes I get it, but you know darn well there are a lot of us solo types out there. GW2 has always been one of the most casual solo friendly games on the market. That’s why I like it. I’m not averse to grouping up, but I don’t feel like it should be required to play open world content.
This brings me to HoT. I love the zones. They’re beautiful, and despite my usual issues with navigating, I can get around okay. But it’s hard to complete events with just a handful of people. And don’t get me started on the hero points. I can’t think of any other hero challenges in the game that require a group. Why change it now?
And what happens if you’re stuck on a low populated map? You can’t get anything accomplished. This is the same issue in SW. It’s only going to get worse, not better. I’m working on the story with my ranger first. I’d rather play my mesmer, whom I love, but ranger is the easiest to solo. I dread doing this content on my mesmer.
I understand people want harder content, but let’s try to find a happy medium. I felt like SW was a good standard. It was harder but there were things people could do with even one or two people (escorts, for example.)
I just hope Anet makes some adjustments or I fear they’re going to lose a large chunk of their audience.
After messing around in the beta, I have a few concerns about the new areas. First is the terrain. I have a terrible sense of direction and this map is a confusing mess to me. It’s probably a personal problem, but I do hope the map will be less confusing once the entire thing is opened up.
My other problem is with survivability in the new area. My favorite character to play is a mesmer, but the character I play the most is a ranger. Why? Because my ranger doesn’t have to worry whether there are other players around me. A sparsely populated map on my mesmer or elementalist can mean death. Again, maybe a personal problem, perhaps I’m not as pro as others, but this is something I’m concerned about in VB.
It won’t be an issue when the area is new, but you can already see this problem in areas like Dry Top, which is mostly abandoned. I guess I’ll have to wait and see.
Baby minis for 80 gems. I am so happy about this. Now this is a sale. I really wish Anet would sell minis piecemeal like this at a reasonable price. 80 gems is reasonable, even 100 to 200; 400 to 500 is not. I would buy a lot more, and I suspect I’m not the only one.
I bought the Ultimate Edition last week, and it took close to 72 hours for my gems to show up. I got the other items instantly. Everyone I spoke with said they got their gems right away so I contacted support after 48 hours. They asked for more info and told me to contact them if I hadn’t received them after the 72-hour period. I don’t know if I got them because of my support ticket or because the 72 hours were up, but they did show up. So don’t worry.