Showing Posts For Xorin.9260:
Not a complaint, necessarily, but for those who bought Deluxe or Ultimate, this is giving us two character slots. I’ve already got 9 slots: one per profession and one key farmer. I liked getting the extra slot with the upper two editions for the Revenant, but another one is not exactly useful for me. Perhaps there could be an option for something else for those of us who picked up Deluxe or Ultimate?
IGN: Xorin Ithildin
Playstyle: Primarily PvE
Server: SBI
Role: Scholar
Time Zone: US Central
I have to agree with those who find that iWarden is worse than it used to be. I got used to the occasional Warden that wouldn’t attack, but now it’s all but worthless. I figured I’d do some gambit farming in the pavilion, and I remembered having a lot of luck with Subject 7 before and thought the new signet heal would make it even better with more Wardens. First fight was smooth. Quick, easy kill. Next fight was close, the first Warden didn’t want to help. Third fight, failed. Watched at least one Warden do nothing. Next fight I had 3 Wardens out and died while watching ALL of them do nothing. Needless to say, I called it quits after that.
Like I said, I had been used to Warden failing sometimes. Didn’t like it, but I learned to not be surprised by it. I’ve never had all of them do nothing, so I’m wondering if it really has gotten even worse, or if I was just horribly unlucky.
Related: a couple guildies joined me for a T4 earlier, having only done T1 and T2. We completed the T4, and they got credit for the achievement, but when they did their T3, they received no credit. Seems like the T4 counted as their T3.
I’d have to agree. Soloing this was by far the easiest way to handle it. Used a necro with Staff and Scepter/Dagger. Spectral Grasp and Spectral Wall made great utilities. As everyone else has suggested, I stayed as far back as I could. Usually the burst from S/D was enough to get the Plunderers down enough that the conditions would finish them as they ran away. Staff and the utilities were great for dealing with the spawn that’s closer to everything else.
Also did this with 3 of us, two Necroes and an Engineer. Things definitely died more slowly, and we aggroed a few more things than we would have liked, but we survived in the end.
Seems like the common theme is Fractals, thus far. The agony theory seems like a decent place to start.
Some guildmates and I ran into this bug a few days ago and submitted bug reports about it, but it’s worth reposting here. We were doing the Cliffside Fractal and were at the boss. During the fight, multiple of us used our heals. They completely executed and went on cooldown, but none of use that healed around that time actually recovered any health. By the next time our heals were available, everything seemed to be back to normal. I haven’t run into this problem since then, but it was very worrisome. I was on a Mesmer, and a Guardian and Engineer, at the very least, were also affected. I was using Ether Feast with 3 Illusions up.
Link works now. I like it. Definitely gonna try it out once I get the armor. I’m wondering if the Sentinel’s gear would be worthwhile.
I like the sounds of the build, but the link isn’t working. I’m just getting a blank build. This might turn into the Rezmer build I’ve been joking about making if it looks good.
Recently I’ve noticed that when I use Distortion, there are times that I still get hit and take damage. It’s extremely noticeable since I’ve been using the trait for Distortion to also reflect, which adds a much more obvious animation to Distortion. While running dungeons and fractals, if someone gets downed in a dangerous spot, I frequently will pop Distortion to help them back up while keeping myself out of danger. Most notably, since the last update, this seems to not work some of the time. I’ve had instances where I’ve been downed by some big hit and still have Distortion going while I’m downed.
Did something get changed that I didn’t notice? Has anyone else experienced similar problems, especially lately?
Curious Companions is a small guild on Henge of Denravi. Generally, if we have enough people on, we’re probably running a dungeon. Most of us are active from 7:00-10:00 US Central time on weeknights and throughout the weekend. We use Vent to help coordinate. You can PM me here or in game for more info.
If you don’t mind a server swap and a small PvE focused guild (~6 really active members), Curious Companions would love to have you. We’re on Henge of Denravi. All of us are currently in the US Central Time zone and are generally on most evenings from 7:00-10:00 ish (give or take an hour on either end) and throughout the weekend. We do have a Vent server that we like to use, just because it’s easier to talk than type while frantically dodging attacks. If you want to know more, PM me here or in game and we can talk.
Currently, we’re a guild of about half a dozen friends that are on most evenings from 7:00-10:00 ish (US Central Time) and throughout the day most weekends. We’re on the Henge of Denravi server. We’re looking for some more people to fill our ranks, to hang out with online, and to have fun. We tend to do dungeons, but with so few of us, if anyone is missing, that’s hard to accomplish without PUGing. We have a Vent server, and prefer to communicate through that.
As far as rules go, so long as you don’t go out of your way to cause trouble and are active, we should get along fine. If you’re interested, PM/Mail me in game.
Indeed, the mesmer staff doesn’t work so well against the blooms, but the sceptre has no problems. I’ve also noticed, in general, that the staff will get random “obstructed” or “out of range” misses on other targets as well. Possibly it’s an issue with how all of these weapons determine line of sight/pathing?
And just to add a little more data, just got done with a different route of TA explorable (finished 2 hours after the last run was completed), and still only got 30 tokens.
@Drintar: I hadn’t really considered it, mostly because yesterday I did a story TA run, and that was it. Unless I’m overlooking something about how the diminishing returns works, something definitely seems bugged.
Just finished my first run through TA explorable mode. Got 30 tokens. This was the first explorable run I’ve done today. I did CoF story over 2 hours ago. No clue why I should have hit the diminishing returns. Another guild mate got 45, also having not run any other explorables today.
Ran into this problem a week or two ago (and made a thread about it). We tried a lot of the same things others seem to have tried. We cleared every mob we could (we had bypassed a group or two). We ran to the beginning and back, all the way out and back. Nothing ever happened.
A second bug we ran into in ACE doing the path that has the graveling burrows spawning every 10 seconds or so was that half the time we could not hit the burrows. Melee attacks would just miss, and ranged attacks were frequently “obstructed” for no readily apparent reason. It made it impossible to continue on.
I'm seeing a lot of sadness about Scepters. Here's a 101 on them if it's a weapon you've never really used.
in Mesmer
Posted by: Xorin.9260
The scepter is supposedly a more defensive weapon. I find that I tend to use it in dungeons, because the block/blind can be extremely useful. In particular, it was amazing for Lieutenant Kohler and his pull attack. Easier to time than a dodge, and it ensured that I had a clone up after the rest got pulled in. Also, paired with Timewarp, you can churn out clones like crazy for 10 seconds.
Twice now our group has tried to run Ascalonian Catacombs Explorable and run into bugs. The first, we did the Ghost Eater route and did fine until getting to the final event. We got to where the map indicator told us to, and then nothing happened. We ran out, ran back in, took out a few random mobs we had bypassed, completely left the dungeon, came back, and nothing.
The second run, we decided to avoid that route (just in case) and did the route that has you go to the Lovers’ room and kill the graveling burrows. When attacking the burrows in melee, many of the attacks would simply miss. While attacking with range attacks, many attacks were either obstructed or out of range, despite the fact that neither was true. Ground AoEs were about the only option, and that wasn’t really enough to keep up with things.
I’m experiencing a lot of lag. Have a few things I tried to buy that show up in my transaction history, but that I cannot pick up. There was a big delay for them showing up in my history, too. Checked there to see if I had bought something, it was empty, and then showed up 5 minutes later.