Showing Posts For Xylliana.7281:

Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xylliana.7281


My little elem =)


Ranger Max DPS Shortbow Berserker Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Xylliana.7281


Use drakes for the whirl tailspin blast finisher on healing spring for a nice AoE heal. Nice work!

A yep, ty, nice tips =)

Magic find obsession needs to be addressed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xylliana.7281


I honestly think that with how often we get these threads about getting rid of MF and adding an inspect feature, each thread should net every player that is for the removal of MF and the addition of an inspect feature a 3 day ban for harassment and grieving.

Maybe a week long ban for the ones that admit to booting players for using MF gear.

Moderator, can this be locked down since there are already multiple threads like this?

Then MF users should be banned for life. Welcome to my ignore list.

Magic find obsession needs to be addressed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xylliana.7281


You know what I love? When a player not using any food buffs complains about someone using magic-find. How is it any less selfish if you’re a cheapskate that can’t be bothered to buy some nourishments that have a major increase in stats? Yet I see nobody in an uproar about that.

I do care about that and always ask people to eat. I only play with obese overfed characters :XD

Magic find obsession needs to be addressed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xylliana.7281


I think we should also permaban anyone from groups that aren’t using what I personally think is the optimal build and ability load out, anyone else is just being selfish!

Agree ironically to your irony.

Magic find obsession needs to be addressed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xylliana.7281


I love how people dare saying :

“Look, i just took off my armor and my weapons but I still have so much dps with just my hands ! Ok it’s 1% of what I had before but look at the positive – It costed me nothing so now i can start to save 2000 gold for my legendary ! (Hu?) Also I got no dps and no thoughness so i never aggro thus I never die, And if it happens i got no repair cost – and look at those zerk dps always dying and me rezzing them when i should wear my Thoughness armor and hold the aggro for them to dps. Now i’m sure, naked is the way i like to play and those elitist don’t have to say a thing because they will lose 3 hours and their mind because of me, but i’m having FUN…

This is LAME. MF Is crap and individualist.

You want to know what i bring to a party into dungeon? Full exotic gear – top runes, top sigils, top food, top maintenance oils, top gameplay, karma food, karma venoms, explosive golems, mines, regen trees, medi kits for the whole party, weakness stacking cristals etc….

Do you really think I sould bear even a second in my party a MF leecher with crap yellow gear, undertermined skills, no food except stupid omnomberry, no karma helpers? Whatever dungeon of whatever difficulty i run? NO WAY. I find those players to be garbage players, and they just go right into blacklist.

It’s not like your MF is going to make you loot a precursor out of one billion runs anyway so… Please stop being a burden.

(And don’t tell me the usual blablabla this game is about skill not gear. This game is about skill + gear and too much people don’t get it, even if it’s 70/30 the 30 % part x5 is far from being unimportant.)

(edited by Xylliana.7281)

Level cap increase past 80? Y/N

in Community Creations

Posted by: Xylliana.7281


If they wanted to add levels and associated gear every expansion they should have told us more clearly and way before. Why? because if i knew it before i would

1) Have done 1 character instead of 8.
2) Stayed in WoW, where at least the gear grind gives me serious advantages over just being minor increases + a timesink.

So my answer is NO, PLEASE NO (i’ll leave the game if so, that for sure.)

Need my advice to be more clear? check Here and Here

Ranger Max DPS Shortbow Berserker Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Xylliana.7281


I prefer 10 in Wilderness Survival over 5 in Beast Mastery. Cooldown on all of Lightning Reflexes, Quickening Zephyr, Muddy Terrain, and Entangle, over the pet swap Quickness, but that’s just personal preference on my runs.

Ofc this is personal preference. I personaly barely use those skills except Quickening Zephyr so it would be less usefull to my gameplay type.

Ranger Max DPS Shortbow Berserker Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Xylliana.7281


This is for me the best build you can use as a Shortbow Ranger in Open PVE, Dungeon and Fractals.

With the recent up of the axes I also find it convenient to have a swap with double axes for most trash mobs packs (only skip to longbow for like grawl elementals or ascalon oil in fractals for exemple, where axes would not really shine, and swap to greatsword against mobs using reflect abilities.)

Build Details :

  • 30 Marksmanship with skills IV – VIII – XI
  • 30 Skirmishing with skills I – V – X
  • 5 Beast Mastery for 2 second quickness.
  • 5 Wilderness Survival for increased endurance regeneration.

- Stuff is full Berserker (Including Trinkets and Jewels.)
- Runes are Superior Rune of the Scholar x 6.
- Sigils are Superior Sigil of Strenght on Shortbow, Superior Sigil of Accuracy on Longbow and Superior Sigil of Accuracy on 1st Axe + Superior Sigil of fire on Second Axe (for improved aoe as you will use them essentially for aoeing packs of mobs.)

Utility skill :

  1. Healing Spring
  2. Signet of the Wild, which has to be used with Rampage as One and Quickening Zephyr to reach your top burst, which should be around 2k+/per arrow !
    (Can be swapped with Signet of the Hunt to run faster bewteen fights or Protect Me coupled with a Bear Pet for extra survivability if you are forced into meleeing mass amount of mobs – ie Dredge or Cliffside Fractals Seals.)
  3. Quickening Zephyr (can be swapped with Frost Trap for meleeing mass mobs aswell, you will take less hit as they will hit 50% slower.)
  4. Signet of Stone (will give you and your pet invulnerability in case things go wrong, and it will happens believe me.)
  5. Rampage as One use with Signet of the Wild and Quickening Zephyr

These are the fixed utilities with their respective switch that I mostly use in most encounters.

When it comes to pet you can choose buffers pets aka Red Moa & Jungle Stalker, tanky Pets like Bear or Arctodus, or ranged pets with venoms like Spiders or Devourers

(For fractals, most of the time ranged pet will be your best bet, unless you go melee, then switch for tankiest pets.)

As for food I find Plates of Truffle Steaks and Superior Sharpening Stones to fit well with the build (giving that past 50% crit I find better to push power, at least for Rangers.)

Here is a video of the build in action during a speedfarm, but you’ll have more or less the same kind of dps spikes in any dungeon.

Hope this might helps some fellow rangers.

Cyndraelle – Vizunah Square.

(edited by Xylliana.7281)

Lets see your Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: Xylliana.7281


My Charr Warrior


Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Xylliana.7281


My little thief


Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Xylliana.7281


My ranger sylvari


Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xylliana.7281


My human mesmer


Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Xylliana.7281


My little norn guardian


Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: Xylliana.7281


My little Engineer
