Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
Showing Posts For YoYoPete.6879:
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
Dear ArenaNet…
On release of the new patch, there is a bug which is causing some of the minis to be alive, fight, and take damage.
I felt this was AMAZING!!
It gave the mini some life. I could wrap some of my character story around the mini. It could be a pet, friend, etc instead of a drone that just follows.
Then you said it was a bug and will go away.
I was sad. The functionality is there, why not just let it run? The damage the critters produce is negligible. Heck, even make them do no damage. The fact that they did stuff brought the world a little bit more alive.
Please keep it.
Fellow Tyrians, what say you?
(Image captured by Dulfy, created by ANet)
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
Thank you Colin… I have every Karma item I’ve received in game and was anticipating consuming them with boosts. Hope that you pull this off for us.
Without boosts, it cuts earned karma down around 50%.
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
Play what you like…
Guardians are burst (high dps, easily killed) or bunker (low dps, near impossible to kill) depending on how you build. I’m a guardian with a burst build. So I have to dodge and move a lot. Play things like I’m playing an arcade fighting game. dodges and combo chains. I really like it, especially from the character immersion aspect. Power of the gods behind you. Fighting for the people. I like it. I really dont even play my alts. The biggest drawback is that you are more limited in weapons compared to warrior. So if you like using all the weapons, then that might be an issue. I’m a GS/Hammer swinger so not an issue for me. Everyone loves Guardians too, so they are always welcome in PUGs.
I have no idea on the warrior. I’ve not really played one.
What have you been playing?
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
Will Burst(or Force) be better than stacks of might?
I typically get 10-15 stacks but get 25 on champs/bosses. I feel like might is dishing out more damage than the others.
Assume a 100% crit build.
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
block every 5th attack is a trait thing isnt it?
Do other professions have elite ones?
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
Dodge. Dont get hit. lol
My thought is to dish out more damage than the other guy, so they die first. Then you heal. You can trade out damage for survivability, but then you will be killing them more slowly.
I did a 2 Handed GS/Hammer build with symbols and criticals.
Build is: 20,15,0,30,5
I get all the Justic things. (Blind, Vulnerability, Resets when you kill)
Virtues 5 is worth it for the Might on Justice (and Regen/Protect on the other virtues)
I can give you more detail if you’d like, but sounds like my build might be in a different direction than you are going.
You could use Runes that add durability, but you’ll take away from offense.
If I think about it (and get time) I’ll put my build up somewhere so you can see the traits.
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
Trying to figure out which sigils will work best for me.
I swap between greatsword and hammer a lot during combat as I drop combo strings with the two weapons.
I’m finally getting to where I can fine tune my endgame gear and need help figuring which sigils will work the best for me.
I have a squishy build that I run in both PvE and PvP, swapping some utility skills based on what I’m currently doing. My build I’m working on is all about criticals.
Build is: 20,15,0,30,5
Idea is I get the Virtue of Justice bonuses. Renewed when target is killed, blinds target, vulnerability to target (symbol and blind), and gives me might. Using Empowering Might.
I had 25 Stacks of Perception, but doesnt work so well in dungeons and WvW, so wanted to give myself something better. I swap weapons a lot, but figure land crits the most.
Not sure what would give me best damage to my target.
Should I do Superior Sigil of Strength and get stacks of Might? Or because my Power is so high, would Fire or Air be better? Maybe Blood to heal myself? But I typically would rather dish out more damage than get heals and what not.
Really am open to any suggestions with this build direction.
Here are my current stats. Should see an increase in a few stats as I dont have all my final pieces of gear (ascended items).
Power 2256
Precision 1856
Critical Chance 49%
Critical Damage 76%
Toughness 916
Vitality 1216
Attack 3356
Armor 2127
Health 13805
Con Damage 150
Con Duration 20%
Boon Duration 5%
Healing Power 300
I use my Virtue of Justice a lot as it does blind, might, vulnerability. I want to know how to figure out if 5% Damage is greater or less than damage from the stacks of might or vulnerability I would get.
Damage done = (weapon damage) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (target’s Armor)
What I dont know is how to calculate the rest.
Fire~Lightning~5% Damage~Might~Vulnerability <— Which will be greater damage with my stats?
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
You can get crafted armor with your choice of stats on the BLTP for gold.
This is what I did and I am transmuting pieces to get a more unique look.
Apply Runes/Orbs to get more stats you want.
Ascended items for accessories or find the best exotic you can on the BLTP.
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
Vigil Warmaster Olivia Sylvansong
She started blogging her adventures
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
I thought that maybe these were worth having:
Inspired Virtue
Valorous Defense
Justice is Blind
As you get those with 5 point spends. But I get it. I’m going to ponder this and come up with a build and see what the thread has to say.
Major kudos Guanglai Kangyi.4318… You are really helping it click for me. Let me digest and see if I’m stuck still. Focus on DPS and try to get those traits to stack better.
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
The above is my hypothisied biuld for when I see a trainer next. But maybe I dont really want to go there. Maybe I want to revisit my current hammer build instead. I really love the hammer. From reads, it seems like I could get a little more out of greatswords, but man I just love the hammer.
Here’s my current build (traits only). I’m gonna swap out ‘Writ of the merciful’ with ‘battle presence’ as I think that will be better. But the whole point of this is I dont think the build is good. Now I think maybe it’s not bad, but needs some adjustments.
And again your #3, if you have a high crit rate… I dont know if I should try and get one or focus on DPS instead. I mean it’s cool throwing a big number, but killing stuff fastest is more ideal.
I do know I can go through and figure out how to stack things up to get the bonuses better which is point #4 from above. So I think I will try to get that hammer build more effective with symbols and what… power? instead of focusing on criticals. DPS over Big Numbers?
That will work well for damage as well as offering a tad bit of support to groups. At least to the melee folks who will be next to the target with me.
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
My posts are getting screwed up after a token error ate my first reply.
So what I’m realizing is that DPS vs Big Numbers should be about the same if you build correctly.
My current build is very hammer symbol specific. I was going to try this critical build and see what I think.
Note I really only have been focused on traits. I just hit level 80 am am starting to plan for gear and what not.
Is Power+Symbol damage better than a high critical build? Should it be about the same in the end?
Am I just struggling because this is my first MMO? Or I’m I just slow. lol
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
(edited by YoYoPete.6879)
Guanglai Kangyi.4318 – You win for best knowledge drop from those two links.
My take away is gear, runes, sigals, etc is really what starts to influnce things and the traits arent quite as critical but really do make an impact if you build it right (or wrong).
I think I’m going to try a 10,30,30,0,0 build (maybe put 5 into virtues?). I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around stuff like ‘maybe I should focus on burning things’ or ‘maybe I should focus on critical bonuses’ maybe shouts, maybe signets… Ahhhh.. Too much information… :/
I guess I’ll just keep doing CoF runs with my guild and fine tune things there. Work on the armor set (and I really want the ghost hammer from AC).
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
I do know that, but there are other benefits than pure damage that warriors dont bring.
I want to know how to trait to give me the best damage. Is it a high critical chance build or what? I just want to get the best damage I can for my profession.
My whole post is asking for help with traits and (no offence) you responded ‘play a different class’. I need some help from people who are guardian experienced and can give me some guidance with the traits.
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
(edited by YoYoPete.6879)
Same for me. I’m a console gamer and just got into PC gaming. This is my first game (more or less). First ever MMO.
My biggest tip I got was dont obsess over traits and skill point spending. You can re-purpose those as much as you want (when you hit certain levels you automatically get to redo them too) and there’s tons of skill points plus I think even after you max level you still acquire them from leveling.
Save all your karma and laurels for when you max level.
The game seems to drop enough stuff that I never worry about buying anything except I recently have (in my level 50s) so I can have matching armor or a nice hammer (never seem to get hammer drops).
I did tailoring and that seems to craft easily as I usually have supplies.
Salvage salvageable items and deposit collectibles to clear your inventory bags.
Do your dailys as often as you can. Or be conscious of trying to get them while you play your story.
Save all your jugs of karma and use a karma booster before you drink them. You’ll get both of those just from game play.
Find a guild with vent. I finally found a great guild that decently sized and everyone is so nice that it makes the game even more fun. Plus folks to help you. Lots of stuff in the game is geared for parties.
If you are solo, dont try and fight a champion.
If you have a nice graphics card and run max settings, use this to make it nicer looking:
WvW will level you up fast.
If you think the PvE Story game map is big, it’s a fraction of how big the game really is.
Make dodging habit. Getting that to your reflex controls so that when you need it, it wont be foreign to use. Sometimes the daily will have a dodge achievement and you will need it to face other real players in PvP or WvW.
Try other character builds/classes/races to find the one that fits for you. I had about a dozen builds that were throw aways.
Change default key binding to ones that are logical to you. (I use a Logitech G13 gamepad with my left hand thumb for movement and it feels more like gaming as I come from consoles and computers are more WORKstations than PLAYstations..well till i got my video card anyway)
That’s all I can think of from a newbie to a newbie.
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
Okay. I’m newer to GW2 and MMOs in general and I really need some help getting some direction with my build in regards to traits.
I hit level 80 with my first character. I have a guild that I run dungeons with and WvW, but mostly I’m PvE (usually solo). I love the hammer, and also use great sword.
I really need some help getting my build in the right direction so I can throw big numbers when I hit things. My current build is focused on hammer symbols but I dont think that’s really ideal for dealing out the most pain.
I currently have a full set of Rare Knights Gladiator Armor and have not applied anything to them.
I think I want to do a high critical build to where I’m getting criticals often and having them do significant damage, but I really dont know if that’s the best route.
I want to run in with my hammer (or great sword) and really have it do some damage when I land things. I’m not as worried about the support or tank aspect of things than I am about doing larger damage.
Help me identify what I should focus on with traits and what I should add to my gear to hurt things more. Mainly I need to figure out how to trait properly to do most damage. From there I can figure out my equipment and armor. Like if it’s high criticals, then I need equipment that focuses on ‘precision’ and what else?
I need help with getting the traits and then knowing what stats to focus on with gear. Thanks everyone!!
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
(edited by YoYoPete.6879)