(edited by Yocairo.4257)
Showing Posts For Yocairo.4257:
In conclusion: for pure survival use PVT and still have the best raw attack power in the game, but no ability aside from skills/traits to add more than 150% bonus damage 11% of the time.
I think you meant either 150% damage or 50% bonus damage:)
Anyway, I think most of us know that zerker outshines pvt by far, but thanks for the math. I suggest you also include the EHP values of PVT vs zerkers damage output in your conclusion.
There is also this thing where if you take falling damage and then immediately go down any sort of slant or stairs, then you will constantly take major damage no matter how short the fall was. I jumped onto a set of stairs today and as I ran down each step, I continually took on a ton of damage until I reached the bottom step :s (I did not fall down the stairs, I ran)
This x100. This happens to me so often, especially in wvw with the cliffs and such. Fix falling damage from happening continuously for no reason!
Not entirely, a buff isn’t necessarily an improvement. it’s simply an increase.
I.E a buff to a cooldown means an increase in cooldown, nerfing a cooldown is making it shorter.
Buffing damage is the other way around, buff would increase damage nerf decreases it.
I just wanted to come in and adress the thieves-mesmer torment QQ going on.
Most likely this condition will be given to the (underpowered) condition specs, 90% run burst builds out there. Thieves running condi builds need some love pretty badly. I don’t think they will give torment to d/x or s/x.
I’d highly suggest running direct damage with thief over condition. Conditions are best solo or small group and not good in ‘dragon raids’. Thief’s capability to apply Bleed is great but its on par with their direct damage.
Sorry mate, I don’t like melee thief that much, that’s why I switched to p/d.
Anyway, I appreciate all the great info this thread has offered me so far. I will be making an Engi tonight and play him some more tomorrow. It seems like they use a mix of all stats, which is odd but might work. I’m also wondering what HGH is, something with grenade in it^^?
btw, turret guy-I’d love some more in depth info about your playstyle as you seem to be the only one running it at all.
Thanks for the great amount of info provided guys!
It seems people think necro’s are a little too average. I might make an engi for now, and wait if the next patch fixes anything. I’m not getting my hopes up because I heard what “you might be happy” meant for rangers in the past. Don’t get me wrong, the aoe playstyle looks like a lot of fun to me! I will keep checking up on them.
Hello, I’ve got a similar thread running on the Engineer forum. I’m interested in how they compare in terms of wvw capabilities. I know very little about Necromancer, except I hear a lot of QQ about the class. I take that statement with a grain of salt because I also hear necro can be one of the most powerful classes if played right.
What I don’t know is how they do in terms of damage and survivability in zergs and roaming. Are they best as aoe condi(power?) or are they divided as in 2 weapons sets, 1 aoe 1 single target? What can I expect from Necro on a mostly wvw basis, I run some dungeons and other stuff as well but it’s not my focus.
Without sounding kitteny, I’m a long time gamer and do not have issues with skill caps, so this won’t hold me back from playing the class. However, what makes me cringe is having to spam abilities, especially in AoE siuations. I main a thief and can’t stand my #2 skill because it takes 5 seconds to land on it’s farthest range.
Will I be happier with a necro than Engineer, or other way around? All info is welcomed, if serious:)
Thanks in advance!
Alright thanks, I’m guessing i’ll have to get used to the fact engi’s roll condi and crit without crit dmg^^
I’m still a little indecisive though. I made a thread on warrior forums as well, aand might on necro too. I ruled out warrior already for certain reasons.
Now I’m really curious to know how necro would compare to engi, since most of those play an aoe condi spec. Mainly from a wvw standpoint, but every detail counts.
Are necro’s with the well spec/staff/x viable in anything but zergs? Not sure if it’s right to ask in Engi, but then again it involves both classes. Thanks
Hmm thanks, guess i’ll make an engineer. Warrior seems off putting:P
Entertaining to read how you people get so upset about this. I was simply stating most people would not have reporting such a thing. I don’t understand the white knighting here. Not reporting a bug in “A GAME” as Dondarrion calls it, =/=evil. And while you present nice and shiny examples, most of them are barely examples of “morality”. I wouldn’t give back money to a bank if there would be no implications, yet I’d save a drowning toddler in a heartbeat. So yes, there are loads of grey areas whereas it’s a multicoorp taking a small hit or a human life on the line.
I got maybe 5 responses white knighting his decision, and that is fine. What I think is funny however that you debate most people would do this, because I bet you 9/10 people wouldn’t have! Anyways i’ll stop derailing this bug thread.
Who uses trade to sell? Haven’t seen that since there’s no trade system. And you’re implying not reporting a bug is the same as scamming people? shame on you sir.
I understand, but still it goes against human nature:)
I don’t get it. Why report something that saves you 25g?
I am dead serious.
So how does rabid gear work, I just can’t see precision working with a condi build. Care to explain?
I see, I’m just curious as I saw the charge attack it awkward at best as well as some more attacks I couldn’t name myself. I found warrior a little boring but I liked the cleaving potential it has, while being quite tanky for a zerk class.
I could use some more info (I mainly wvw, some dungeons as well) I know war is top tier in pve. A lot of people seem reluctant with wars in wvw, but I see a lot of them.
I mainly have to choose between leveling a warrior or Engineer right now, maybe even a necro but I have 0 exp with those^^
FYI I don’t run zerker at all, and ele are the tankiest class in this game..
Edit: meant zerker, not bunker:P
Thief’s perspective here:
IMO it’s justified to stealth stomp in this meta game, and for one good reason. I suggest everyone tries to make a thief and finish off a player without stealth. You will realize half the time a player can actually down you if you have +-5k hp left after a fight, not to forget if he has a friend and you DON’T stealthstomp him, you are dead, simple as that.
Take this any way you like, whether stealth is OP or not, without it thieves would be like a turtle without a shell. There would need to be a complete class haul over for it to even work, peace
Ok ignoring the troll forestnator, thank all of you for your replies, especially Linc!
I might just spork the gold (as soon as the gem price drops a little).
I’m still not sure what spec I’ll play, but I don’t really know that much about engineers yet. I will just try out some specs, what I am interested in though, if the gear suits the possible builds well. I find a lot of builds lacking the proper gear sets that would be best for them.
Also, I haven’t ever tried zerker outside of spvp, which I don’t like. Can I expect a zerker engineer to have 12k hp and drop like a fly? And how does rabid set work out, since it’s a weird mess of stats. Does the condi+crit combo work at all?
I’d love more info that would make me excited about being an engineer, I’ve seen less than 5% of the playerbase is engi.
Hello, I was thinking about lvling my war, it’s only lvl 3 atm.
I watched some videos etc, and saw greatsword especially has a lot of “character locking moves”. Let me explain, asian mmo’s generally have a lot of skills locking their character to the ground, and not allowing the player to move during those skills. I find this absolutely dreadful.
I’m leaning towards a zerker warrior (wvw), maybe pvt if it works, but seeing a zerker war still has more hp and armor than my carrion thief, I might do it.
Will I be forced to play in a way that locks me out of free movement non stop?
Hmm if turrets really are that bad I’m reluctant to even spend 25g on an extra char slot for an engineer. I can see why there are so few around. I dislike the idea of grenade spamming 1 (from what i’ve heard).
Hmm I’m pretty sure that was changed a while ago. i’ll need an up to date source if you don’t mind. Can’t find anything about those two scaling at all.
Personally i’d like to run with a little higher toughness, because vit alone doesn’t help enough to make me survive zerker burst. The other day I got globalled with 10k backstab, 8.3k heartseeker.
Also, this was just an example, not only are there far more builds/preferences that could utilize different stats-this is more about giving players choice how to build without being restricted by cookie cutter specs. Thanks for the reply though!
Hmm all right, maybe I should check out condi specs then. I’m just reluctant to try it since this game is built around burst specs. There are only 2 condi sets, one has power and one has precision, they just don’t scale well.
And what about turrets, are those condi as well?
Hello, i’m really thinking about making an engineer right now. My thief is fun but the spec I use is condition based and i’m looking for something else.
I heard grenade spec is the fotm but I dislike that it has no auto attack ankitten ot that much into spamming. I know turrets aren’t great, but I was thinking of picking a semi turret spec because I like the mechanic. I was wondering if pvt gear would do well on an Engineer, or even a mix of zerker/pvt. I’m not sure if most specs are condi or not.
I’m not set in stone about my spec yet, I just know I hate carpal tunnel and I already have a condition based class. Looking for some advice from veteran Engineers:)
Currently there are 14 full armor type’s if I’m correct. There are still many stats lacking rendering a lot of builds subpar.
Speaking from the pov of a p/d thief, I can choose between carrion and rabid.
I run carrion because precision is an even worse stat than power for me.
I noticed this is similar for a lot of builds out there.
What we really need right now and not somewhere down the line is stat reallocation.
We should be able to choose our own stat make-up.
I.E. I would love to drop the power stat as it is pretty awful as condi spec and replace it with toughness.
I’m unsure why they went this direction with GW2. Half the gearsets not even available in ascended, and the ones that are in game are often for cookie cutter specs like zerker and pvt. A lot of specs are simply ignored or lacking purely because of (very) limited choice.
That being said, I hope Anet will take this seriously and implement something like this in the near future because the current system IS flawed. It’s weird to create specs and not have the gear to support them.
In WOW you cant do that, NEVER, its not possible, rougues were the less populated class because they were very hard to play
Oh boy, Have you played wow..I mean at all? “Rouges” as you persist in calling them, have been infamous for globaling players since Vanilla. That’s not even debatable, if you didn’t, you were simply bad. I gave examples already earlier.
Now, you are saying “rouges” were the lesser populated class, well this is where you went from troll to full on r-kitten . Rogues have been up to 50% class population in pvp. Go look it up. But I’m guessing you were a wrath baby. You were the typical rogue that would play dual dps and get stuck at maybe 1800 rating.
ITT:bad players whine they can’t counter bad thieves.
I…don’t even. Eldain, you didn’t disprove my point, you proved it. I too mained a rogue, they have been OP since vanilla. It is very easy to identify a bad rogue, just like it is with thieves. The bad rogues would pop all their cd’s and prep in the start and fall like a brick right after.
You claim rogues were balanced, well my friend rogues have been one shotting players since the beginning of wow, and yes this is literal. Ambush was the fotm in vanilla to gank. In tbc they remained top tier. In wotlk they got dumbed down with mutilate. In Cata it was a giant joke with vial critting for 80k and killing people in the first 2 seconds of cheap shot. Warrior’s were the fotm end season because they scale well with gear. DK’s have been the most skilless class around, S5 dk’s that got glad were often worse than 1200 rated other classes.
Alright back to GW2. I fully agree the combo backstab>stealth>repeat is OP. It’s annoying as hell, even for me. It would be simple to shift away from this by nerfing zerker gear altogether, it’s just OP. People shouldn’t be penalized for running with some vit and toughness.
But that being said, a large part is still skill based, namely avoiding the backstabs in the first place and knowing how thieves think!
Also, the backstab thief is a one pony trick, and that is roaming. They will never ever be able to kill you in groups! they can down you at most. You don’t hear me whining 4 warrior+1 mesmer is the current meta in pve. Because yes, in pve warrior is S-tier!
Oh hell this is an entertaining thread. I’d say Gunnar’s Hold in a nutshell!
We very much need more basement dwellers for late nights and early mornings.
We have a few great commanders that lead us to victory like no one can!
They never fear 5-10 manning SM!
Dcy is one of the biggest wvw guild around. It’s a lot of fun, more organized than zergs.
Today we hold the entirety of EB, it’s been a blast.
I’m sorry but I couldn’t hold my laughter. It is very obvious this guy is a former wow player, trying to apply those mechanics in gw2. I imagine him as a backpedaling, greatsword swinging zerker himself. He most likely played a roflstorm warrior. He’s clearly kitten because a “Rouge” as he’d call it, trolled him and he’s yet to improve as a warrior to /laugh and kill that Thief the moment he unstealths.
“Yuo guise pl0x stop hitting me in teh back cuz I no turn so fast with me keyboard”
I’ve played wow for 5 years at least and rogues were always OP, yes I mained one for a long time as well. They had a low skill entry and high skill cap. Hell be glad thieves aren’t the evasion, CloS ing, vanishing, prepping, immortal things rogues were.
The thief community did it’s thing once more, pick out the bad apple. If people have such a problem vs BS thieves, why not test and improve instead of yelling every thief is OP. I am a thief, and I can avoid backstabs 50% of the time.
What also cracks me up is that he is asking for extra armor “because real life”. I’d be fine with that if you moved at 25% speed of other classes!
I don´t think anyone can oppose to convenience. My index finger hurts sometimes…
Please just implement that everything is actually auto-looted when the setting is ticked on.
The feeling when you die and see your corpse surrounded by lootbags/chests is cringing as best..
I´m getting seriously kitten ed off with anet atm. Not only doesn´t it cost any effort to change a few numbers in the files, this kitten just promotes zerker wearing kittenbaggery all over. It is UNACCEPTABLE to not have all gearsets released evenly. There is no excuse for making certain specs wait half a year to get any ascended gear at all. If it won´t change i´ll just jump on the zerker bandwagon and ista gib people like 90% does anyways. GG anet with your poor planning and longetivity, if this continues your game won´t last nearly as long as GW1 did.
IMO, increase fire rate and a little better power scaling.
Now what pistol really needs is a #2 skill rework, it´s worse than autoattack. It needs to add 1/3 stacks of bleed to even be slightly competitive.
The coincidence! I just ate wet noodles:D
That is pretty stupid lol. “massive advantage in wvw” dont make me laugh.
It’s really common to have that option in online games these days.
There are two reasons it is necessary and 1 is related to 2.
One Anet went overboard with those stupid aoe effects that take up so much of your screen.
Two older rigs like my own struggle on the lowest settings in large aoe environments.
Better computers already have an advantage over older ones, this wouldn’t make anything unfair, which it is right now. Not even counting the fact the option would be available to everyone.
Honestly, I’m fairly sure most people don’t actually know what particle effects are and are just here out to troll the suggestions forum. The aoe’s/spells en masse take up way too much GPU to many pc’s resulting in insane fps drops and screen freezes. If you consider being able to turn your camera an advantage you are clearly clueless.
Yeah I got that answer just now in game as well.
I’m a little confused however, I thought the trophies in wvw were lvl 80 trophies, you know the good ones.
I guess there’s even higher ones only obtainable in pve then..?
I’m in a pickle. Until now I’ve always salvaged all trophies I found with the kits I have with me(usually master, used to be fine)
Now I checked out some of the TP prices and it seem salvaging some if not most result in a loss. Not even including the salv kit cost.
I.E hard leather straps vendor @ 25 c ea.
If I salvage it I get 1-3 thick leather thingy’s..
The thick leather is worth 8 c on the TP, so concluding they are always a loss to salvage.
Should I just vendor every salvage trophy I get because it’s taking time effort and now money to do it.
-P.S I don’t craft I sell everything @ TP once my stack hits 250.
What’s up with the uneducated arguments?
Duels are simply part of the larger mmo market these days, wow did not invent this, it’s nothing new.
People simply want to be able to /duel because going to an arena and the like is simply too much effort. You quickly need to test if something or spec is working properly, sure duel your mate.
For the harassment argument I can’t say much but sigh..
It’s not hard to build a decline all duel option. For people whining for 1v1s there is already an ignore button in game, try it out!
The fact duels aren’t already implemented is quite shocking really.
Yes this is not only annoying as hell to condition based specs, but it makes no sense.
I guess non living objects were made immune to not mindkitten people but.
Burning should apply to things, especially wood.
Bleeds make wood and metal splinter.
Poison? woodrot and metal impurity causing it to deteriorate.
This took me 30 seconds kto come up with, cmon Anet.
Hell no to the confusion one, and I’d like some new sigils, so many are on crit or getting hit myself. Give me a sigil that applies on condition ticks or perhaps just plain on hit. Not everyone plays critmonkey.
nono keep it open! let me dodge while swimming, but not totally below water…please!
Agreed, but I personally would love a low-particle option. I want to anticipate what skill is coming towards me, but in the lowest graphical style possible. WvW is simply too much too handle with all the aoe’s.
Of course one won’t rule out the other.
Duels are a badly needed feature in gw2. I don’t understand why it wasn’t here at launch.
Duels are to test out skills and strategies, have some fun or prove your skills.
There’s no real way to “vote” against dueling since it would be standard to build in an option to ignore all duel requests.
Face it, a lot of people want this feature, and not just in some confined area in spvp. I want to be able to duel people outside of (major) cities.
Sounds like a you problem. You didn’t put down a stealth trap allowing a thief to play with your minds. Stop turning this into another “omg I can’t kill a thief they must be OP” thread. If you honestly couldn’t counter a thief with 15 people, I’d feel ashamed.