Showing Posts For YuukiAsuna.3417:

"balance" patch more like imbalance

in PvP

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


Yeah the problem is Anet didn’t nerf Chrono bunker. The nerfed the entire class. Which is well… Stupid. Simply removing quickness Rez, durability runes, and nerfing alacrity to an outgoing 33% on allies would have been enough to make the class “noob killable” even though it already had counters. Especially since necro and thief both received massive buffs.

@nacario. You said it yourself. Fighting a -good- Mesmer can be annoying. Fighting a good d/d ele can result in a infinite 1v3. A good thief can down you in seconds.
A good warrior is still viable in the meta.
Chrono bunker was strong, it needed to be brought down but not broken. You need bunkers just like you have zerkers and condi spam to all balance each other out. Right now we are unable to find any kind of happy medium because A) the devs can’t balance for crap and no matter what happens there’s something that happens someone doesn’t like because it beats them or its cheese. You beat a necro using condi? They get mad. The one class right now that should have no reason to die to condi gets mad because they died to condi. Stuff like that happens all the time.

I like the state of mesmer atm

in Mesmer

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


Am I only 1 much more fun than last build stop crying I started playing hybrid mesmer dueling crono illusion with sinister scrapper runes and gs scepter shield

PvP. Can we please think of the other 99,8% of the game, too?

In the other 98.5% it does not matter which class you play.
Plus, it’s been proven, over and over again, that condi shatter just isn’t a competitive choice in high level PvP.
Want to troll hot join and unranked? Sure. Winning a Championship? No.

Yeah it does too…
Mesmer is only wanted in WvW for veil. Thief is hardly ever wanted for group play, etc.
in OPEN world PvE you are right it doesn’t matter. But some people actually play more that just one game mode. GASP!

In WvW you are there whether people want you there or not. in PvE you are all on the same team so who gives a c*** if its not perfectly balanced. The game should be balanced around PvP and tuned to other game modes.

Obviously you’ve never been in a WvW guild that does organized runs because again. They only want certain classes or gtfo.
And again. Raids, speed clearing dungeons, high level fractals, anything that isn’t OPEN WORLD PvE people do not want you there if you can not meet certain expectations.

If all you do is PvP that’s fine. But do not try and speak for people who do other game modes. Hell, don’t speak at all when it comes to balance in this game until it’s split not PvP and PvE separated modes because you have know idea what you are talking about.

I like the state of mesmer atm

in Mesmer

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


Am I only 1 much more fun than last build stop crying I started playing hybrid mesmer dueling crono illusion with sinister scrapper runes and gs scepter shield

PvP. Can we please think of the other 99,8% of the game, too?

In the other 98.5% it does not matter which class you play.
Plus, it’s been proven, over and over again, that condi shatter just isn’t a competitive choice in high level PvP.
Want to troll hot join and unranked? Sure. Winning a Championship? No.

Yeah it does too…
Mesmer is only wanted in WvW for veil. Thief is hardly ever wanted for group play, etc.
in OPEN world PvE you are right it doesn’t matter. But some people actually play more that just one game mode. GASP!

January 26th Update: Your feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


Honestly? The profession balance was horrible from a PvP and WvW perspective. Simply removing quickness Rez and stomping along with the amulets would have been enough to nerf the bunker meta.
Instead, whoever came up with the balancing does that, then nerfs classes into the ground, complete ignore other, and super buff others instead of making small changes.

The change to alacrity alone could have been fixed by simply nerfing outgoing alacrity to 33% and leave the mesmers at 66%. That plus the quickness nerf fixes most issues with bunker Mesmer.
Druid wasn’t even touched, nor was the sustain of scrapper.

Ideally, instead of looking into fixing bag compacting and trivial QoL fixes there would be people reading and commenting on the sub forums so that they know what is working and isn’t. A dedicated balance team would go a long ways to this end

(edited by YuukiAsuna.3417)

Balance Patch 26th January - This is it?

in PvP

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


The ele sceptre ‘fixes’ did nothing, as usual. Oh and they listening to absolutely ZERO feedback from the players.

It’s rather unbelievable, is it not? Every single ele player keeps saying that scepter needs sustained damage buffs, preferably through autoattacks.

And what do they do? Almost the complete opposite. And their insane obsession with Shatterstone, a skill that was basically dead on arrival, is borderline creepy.

Hey watch you say about Anet’s balancing team! If you say that YOU DONT THINK THEY DID A GOOD JOB a moderator will come and ban you. Just happened on my main account XD

Anet literally does not have a dedicated balance team.

Nah. I’m pretty sure they just pick random skills and say that’s too strong we’d better get rid of that! Followed by even more nerfing all while having a grand ole party. I don’t think it bothers them that no one wants to play warrior in PvP, or Mesmer now, etc

No, I’m serious they actually do not have a dedicated balance team on staff. As far as I’m aware balancing efforts are done by anyone available.

And if that’s a case they have major issues that need solving. Otherwise there will never be any semblance of balance

Mesmer Balance Changes

in Mesmer

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


Ikasun or something like that. And lvl 25 I think. I’ve been playing a kungkittenmaster so just been taking my time leveling up in PvE helping the guildies that moved over with me adjust to a new game.
And gold seller spam is horrendous but if you turn off map and faction chat it isn’t nearly as bad.
Definitely have a game/tv show on stand by if you stuck in a long queue. It’ll calm down as the weeks progress though I think.

WOW censoring F*U ahah
It will. Lol was the same in its early days: 2h+ of queue time.
I’m in master Hong, sadly.
I’ll still add you in F.List for dungeons tho, it’s always nice to do them with friends and all since you can take turn for the bids ahah x)

What will be the future filtering functions …this is likely to be awfull ….

other words withkitten?

The future will be a censoring of any and all things negative about Anet. Entire posts will be converted into Anet kitteneed this kitten kitten kitten, etc.

Did soldier amulet really need a change?

in PvP

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


@Teutos: That’s a bit subjective, dont you think? I mean how many people actually have fun playing against condition builds? Shall we have Rabid, Carrion etc removed aswell?

Bunker Mesmer used Soldiers too, and since they tried to remove Bunker Amulets soldiers had to die
deal with it

One build abuses of it – Removes the amulet instead.

That’s as logical as removing Marauder because Scrapper is abusive with it, despite marauder being fine on pretty much any other build.

Welcome to the world of mesmers. Find something that works? Everything but the actual problem is nerfed.
Remember the time interrupt was “OP”? They nerfed power block but not the actual problem which was confounding suggestions. List can go on too.
The problem is Anet cannot balance. I don’t know why but it’s literally impossible for them to balance the game b

Mesmer Balance Changes

in Mesmer

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


One day, in a galaxy far far away Chaos will never be plagued by computer problems again. One day.

Anyway, it’s unfortunate that after all the suggestions that were made here on the forums to make the class better in terms of balance Anet decides to knock us back to cave men playing with stick.

Mesmer Balance Changes

in Mesmer

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


Oh my god tho… x_x I come back to see this and immediately feel a need to go throw up in my mouth.

Welcome back Chaos!
Glad you came back to suffer with us all!

Balance Patch 26th January - This is it?

in PvP

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


The ele sceptre ‘fixes’ did nothing, as usual. Oh and they listening to absolutely ZERO feedback from the players.

It’s rather unbelievable, is it not? Every single ele player keeps saying that scepter needs sustained damage buffs, preferably through autoattacks.

And what do they do? Almost the complete opposite. And their insane obsession with Shatterstone, a skill that was basically dead on arrival, is borderline creepy.

Hey watch you say about Anet’s balancing team! If you say that YOU DONT THINK THEY DID A GOOD JOB a moderator will come and ban you. Just happened on my main account XD

Anet literally does not have a dedicated balance team.

Nah. I’m pretty sure they just pick random skills and say that’s too strong we’d better get rid of that! Followed by even more nerfing all while having a grand ole party. I don’t think it bothers them that no one wants to play warrior in PvP, or Mesmer now, etc

Balance patch is a failure

in PvP

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


We still need a bit more time. I am happy that the no-skill builds like bunker mesmer are gone, but still need to see how more matches play out.

bunker mes took more skill than condi spamming lol

Yep but people wont accept it, anyone thinking that 123 spamming condis on a reaper or now 1-2 skills and AA on thief is any more skillful than bunker mesmer is a kittening joke.

And that’s really saddening too. Because Mesmer will never move beyond being a hot join/wvw roamer hero class at that point.
Was bunker Mesmer strong? Yep not denying it. But the devs went about it the wrong way when they nerfed it.
Now you’re better off playing PU condi Mesmer so you can hide from the thieves spamming their AA’s since you won’t contribute to the team anyway

(PvE) Hopping / Signet of Inspiration dead

in Mesmer

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


Do you think they realize that this is a druid nerf too?

Once they realize that it’ll be hot fixed so only Mesmer boons are fixed to subparties like that.

Balance patch is a failure

in PvP

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


We still need a bit more time. I am happy that the no-skill builds like bunker mesmer are gone, but still need to see how more matches play out.

Please tell me more about how Chrono bunker needing nerfed meant that Mesmer as a class gets nerfed into uselessness as well.
No time needed to see that. Mesmer has already been down this road before and we all know that you have to have a team built around a Mesmer for portal plays, thief hard counters Mesmer, and on and on.

(PvE) Hopping / Signet of Inspiration dead

in Mesmer

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


It’s the biggest hit we could take. This is heavier than alacrity nerf in my opinion. It makes mes passive damage go down from 10x quickness to 5×. It’s such an incredible hard hit into the face, it’s stupid.

ANet – statement – NOW! =_=

I’ve been asking for Anet to answer in previous post but all they care about is maintaining safe zones for the devs so the forum mods forum banned me.

I mean, we are adults(supposed to be) so whatever words I say may hurt your feelings but kitten it they won’t kill you. Plus it wouldn’t nearly be as bad if they actually came out and talked about it.

Mesmer Balance Changes

in Mesmer

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


You made the clan? Awesome!
(Main account got banned so on this one till its banned as well)

(PvE) Hopping / Signet of Inspiration dead

in Mesmer

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


It’s obvious someone(s) doesn’t like mesmers and the more you bring up how bad the balance is the more prone they are to ban you!
So you can do nothing but support them and play the game, but when the moment comes that you speak out against the atrocities they want to call balance they’ll forum ban you. I would know.
I love my Mesmer. But this is BS

Mesmer Balance Changes

in Mesmer

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


That I can live with maybe. Because it also affects Revs, etc. but still hurts.

Balance Patch 26th January - This is it?

in PvP

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


The ele sceptre ‘fixes’ did nothing, as usual. Oh and they listening to absolutely ZERO feedback from the players.

It’s rather unbelievable, is it not? Every single ele player keeps saying that scepter needs sustained damage buffs, preferably through autoattacks.

And what do they do? Almost the complete opposite. And their insane obsession with Shatterstone, a skill that was basically dead on arrival, is borderline creepy.

Hey watch you say about Anet’s balancing team! If you say that YOU DONT THINK THEY DID A GOOD JOB a moderator will come and ban you. Just happened on my main account XD

[OMFG] Official Mesmer Forum Guild

in Mesmer

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


In-Game Mesmer: Creae
Role: Scholar
Home Server: Seafarer’s Rest(EU)
Primary Playstyle: PvP, WvW roaming
Time: EST US evenings