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Merciless Weapons put at 2 Tickets?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zelfic.1594


Since I’m collecting them, I also want to know if this change is intended or if it is just a mistake… and if it is intended, please Anet, reconsider (at least until I get them all xD).

Where's Ours?

in WvW

Posted by: Zelfic.1594


Why do have this scenario in my head where an Anet dev go and rummage through a garbage bin, find a 3 day old banana peel and say “Here you go!”?

Something like this? (9:38)

(edited by Zelfic.1594)

Legendary Prec bugs [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zelfic.1594


Overlord’s Defeat and Modniir’s ruin have issues- I’ve identified the problems and we’ll hopefully have them fixed soon.

Er… any update on this? An ETA maybe?

Twilight Vol1. Legendary Collection.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zelfic.1594


I hope they fix Modniir Ulgoth’s bug with the next patch. Yesterday I had to waste more than half an hour waiting for him and reading to his egotistical rambling, all in vain.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zelfic.1594


So I decided to finish my LS S2 with one of my characters and found out that it is bugged. Only 2 vine chambers appear when you are expected to destroy 3. I hope you can fix it soon u_u.

Lack of official merchandise- Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelfic.1594


What about an improved Rytlock plushie? This time, one that really looks like him. And a Tybalt plushie. And t-shirts with catchy/witty/cool phrases from Rytlock and Zojja, and maybe GW2 memes like “the table” one.

We need Camels carrying supply

in WvW

Posted by: Zelfic.1594


We will get furless dolyaks: CLICK

Saving/Loading presets: GW1 had it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelfic.1594

Search for Merryeli’s comments.
Basically, right now they have their hands full with HoT stuff, but templates are the next thing in the list.

Sharing is caring... necromancer style

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zelfic.1594


Ok, random (and surely not new) idea. Since supporting our party via “sharing boons” apparently doesn’t fit with our theme, what if instead of that we just share some of our traits passively?, we already do that with Vampiric Presence, letting our allies siphon health. What if we share some of these too?

- Spiteful Renewal: Consume conditions to gain health when you strike a foe below the health threshold.
- Close to Death: Increases damage to enemies below the health threshold.

- Barbed Precision: Critical hits have a chance to cause bleeding. Increases bleed duration.
- Target the Weak: Increases critical-hit chance for each condition on your foe. Gain condition damage based on your precision.
- Parasitic Contagion: A percentage of your condition damage heals you.

Death Magic
- Putrid Defense: Take less damage from poisoned foes.
- Corrupter’s Fervor: Inflicting a condition on a foe grants stacking toughness and reduced incoming condition damage.

- Decimate Defenses: Striking a foe with vulnerability increases your critical hit chance.
- Cold Shoulder: Chill lasts longer, and chilled foes deal less damage to you.

Is this a viable option? What if our allies only got watered down versions of their effects? (i.e. Decimate Defenses giving 2% per stack to the Reaper and 1% to his allies) What other trait would you want us to share? Would this change as a whole be enough to fix our PvE-party problem and stop us from being the ugly selfish duckling?
Take a chill pill if needed, and discuss.

Save specs to flip between them

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelfic.1594

Look for Merryeli replies. Basically, it is on the table but right now they have their hands full with HoT stuff. They MAY work on the templates just after that is done.

BWE 3 Reaper Specialization Feedback Thread

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zelfic.1594


First of all I will say that playing Reaper was extremely fun. Thanks Robert.

Now the feedback…

Reaper’s Shroud

I would like for RS#1 and RS#5 to receive a little damage boost… and that’s it. I think that Reaper’s Shroud is okay as it is. Hopefully you will make Vital Persistence baseline so that we can try other trait lines more freely.


GS#1: I understand the idea behind the low speed but let’s face it, it is not working. We have plenty of more reliable ways to apply chill, and in PvP/WvW an opponent needs to be immobilized, stunned, knocked down, distracted or utterly kittened to actually get hit by the third link of the chain. Even in PvE it is a loss in DPS. Please reduce the cast time or it will just stay there, in our skill bar, forever unclicked.
GS#2: I love it. It is a shame that even with it we still aren’t top tier DPS.
GS#3: It would be nice if it was a bit faster.
GS#5: I like it, but the terrain still makes it fail a lot.


NCSY: This one should be instant cast like the other non-healing non-elite shouts.
Suffer!: Or, as everyone calls it, “the bad plague signet”. It may sound nice on paper, but most of the time it feels extremely weak. It needs to be a stun break. Also change it so that it can transfer 1 condition and corrupt 1 boon on the opponents, or give one of our conditions and receive one of their boons, or give us Resistance. I loved Brujeria’s idea of adding Revealed to it, THAT would fit perfectly with its name xD.
YAAW: Considering how Might works, this skill ends up working against us. Please increase the duration of the stacks, and add Fury.
CttB: Please reduce the CD a little more, without lowering the chill/stun/stab of course.

Axe auto still bad. 10%?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zelfic.1594


Maybe someone suggested this already but, what if we get a chain instead of our current axe autoattack, and give the third link an effect similar to that of Mesmer’s sword 1c: “Stab your foe and rip a boon off of them. Does additional damage when the target has no boons.” Just changing the “rip a boon” for “transfer a condition”, and do additional damage if we have no conditions on us (or less than X number of conditions).

Axe auto still bad. 10%?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zelfic.1594


One of the reasons we are more conservative about axe when it comes to balance is because axe uses a unique attack action in our game that cannot be avoided using positioning. Normal melee attacks have an attack arc and normal ranged attacks use projectiles. Enemy players can use positioning and movement to avoid these attacks. Axe 1 and 2 by contrast just hit you when you are in range regardless of your positioning. While some utility skills (like Corrupt Boon) also use this targeting method, it’s rare on weapon skills and thus we are wary of buffing it too much.

Here is my suggestion for Axe #2. Forget it as it is, its ‘uniqueness’ is not worth the hassle. Now that we tasted the awesomeness of Reaper’s spin2win, why don’t you give us THIS instead?, our body is ready to do the Meat Grinder. Keep the current Axe #2 damage and life force generation, revert the range to how it originally was (600), add cleave, pull, ‘whirl finisher’ and an awesome claw animation similar to that of Grasping Darkness (instead of Meat Grinder’s enormous axe) and let us enjoy.

As for the animation on axe 1, it was changed because of an exploit with cancel casting that allowed players to get significantly more damage from the skill by continually canceling it. At the time I tried to just adjust the original animation so we could keep it but due to its construction that ended up not being feasible. The resulting animation looked extremely choppy and didn’t sync well across races. You are always welcome to make suggestions on alternate animations you’d like to see, but going back to the original animation at this point is extremely unlikely.

IMO Necromancer/Reaper’s axe skills should look direct and “brutal”. Axe auto-attack current animation is really underwhelming, we wield it like a badminton racket. THIS is what I want: a diagonal cut, a horizontal cut, and a vertical cut that smashes into the ground, each of them with their corresponding slash animations on the foe. If the ‘uniqueness’ of the attack action is in the way, please drop it and change this skill to a normal chain, I’m sure that we can live with that.

As for Axe #3, like other people said it would be nice if it had ‘blast finisher’, and/or if it converted 2-3 boons instead of 1. It would also be interesting to get Fury or Resistance instead of Retaliation.

(edited by Zelfic.1594)

Necro Changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zelfic.1594


Remember what Irenio said:

Hey all.

I just returned from San Francisco and am going to crash hard from the busy weekend at Twitch Con very soon, but first I wanted to clarify something:

During the skill balance stream on Friday we weren’t able to go into depth or even talk about the reasons and expected results for changes we did reach due to time constraints[sub]1[/sub]. Because the June 23rd patch was mentioned during the stream many people seem to expect a patch of that size and magnitude.

This coming patch is NOT that big.

Tuesday’s patch will have those changes we discussed in the livestream, some bugfixes, and more, but it is a step in the right direction. It is not the end-all.

There shall be more.

1. (Although maybe Ice Bow 4 changes didn’t really need explanation)

So let’s try to give our feedback in an orderly (and nice, if possible) manner so that Robert Gee can take it into account for the oncoming patches.

Option to hide shoes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelfic.1594


This would be awesome.

Outfits You Wanna See

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelfic.1594


I would love a necromancer-appropiate outfit that doesn’t look as if it was scavenged from a random trashbin, or stolen from a children’s party magician. For example:

- Grenth’s Regalia Outfit:

- Grenth Costume (GW1), as an outfit:

- And maybe an outfit based on Palawa Yoko’s concept art:

Also, since I only play (male) charr (and asura, but they don’t have this problem), I really hope that every future outfit is designed to be skin-tight. Just look at the Shadow Assassin outfit, the Crystal Nomad outfit or the Mad Scientist outfit; all of them have an air bubble or something like that around the belly and, even while using the skinniest model avaliable, they make you look as if you ate an entire watermelon in one bite.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelfic.1594


Before Reaper arrives, can we get the Grenth’s Regalia Outfit?

And this costume from GW1, Grenth Costume, as an outfit:

Also, what about an outfit based on Palawa Yoko’s concept art?

And let’s not forget good ol’ Dhuum. I’m sure we can get some awesome outfits from his personal wardrobe? I mean, it is not as if he will need them for a while, is he? xD

And that scythe!

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Also, please try to not make charrs look fat while using them. I have this problem with almost half of the outfits out there and I’m using the slimmest charr model.

(edited by Zelfic.1594)