Showing Posts For Zeusmeister.5130:

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130


Speed boost would make a great addition, although it doesn’t really matter. So either way, as long as they’re added.

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130



Dungeon Token Fix - Daily Achievement

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130



Here’s the meat of the idea: The first time you complete an explorable mission each day, you will be rewarded with bonus tokens from the dungeon you have completed. After the first run each day, the system defaults to the current amount of token drops in the game.

You already get more tokens for the first completed explorable path each day :S
Last boss gives 15 tokens, 2nd time u run the same path he only gives 5.
If u run another path of the same dungeon you get 15 again at the last boss and the 2nd run of that path only 5 … So achievement is not nessecary i.m.h.o.

What i do like to see is a chance (if even small) for exotics to drop.
Gear drops are complete b.s. right now

^ What he said.

Level 80 Only content.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130


I also support the idea. Having a few mini-games, other than just PvP, WvW etc. would be amazing. Maybe even a game like capture the flag, where you have to run away from now only players, but mobs that are on their side of the terrain, etc.

Harvesting Tool Manager

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130


I also support this idea. Having to hold tools in inventory is completely absurd, we should be able to also STACK them, rather than have to rebuy them OVER AND OVER again. If we bought an item, we bought it… We spent the money, so why shouldn’t we be able to carry it? I find it absolutely stupid to have to go back to the bank or NPC every time to buy more.

Lvl 80 resets (that grant 1 new utility skill or trait from different class)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130


I support the idea, but I highly doubt ANet will ever add it. They tend to do what they prefer, rather than listen to the player-base. Take dungeons for example – They completely ruined them, and when players asked for them to change them, they denied us that, and made it almost impossible to complete them with all the bugs in them, other than if you CHAIN DIE, etc.

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130


Before I begin talking about anything, I know that everyone has their different opinions and many are pro-mounts whilst others wouldn’t want to see them in-game and I respect all your opinions.

So, back to the subject at hand – Why should we even add mounts?

Mounts add a lot of playability to games, they give players a reason to stick around, and maybe even purchase gems if the option is there for them. Adding mounts as dungeon rewards is an even greater idea, I’m sure it would VASTLY increase the amount of players doing dungeons. We could possibly have a flaming horse or beast for the Citadel of Flame dungeon, etc.

End-game is always somewhat boring for players, after they achieve all that they’ve wanted, they really see no point in continuing the game sometimes. I’m a player who enjoys having goals and objectives, and a mount would be one of them. How much more fun would you have riding a beautiful and dangerous looking mount after spending countless hours working towards it. Not only would it increase time spent playing, but I’m sure everyone would have a better experience overall and simply have something to look forward to end-game, rather than just “cool looking” armor. I hit level 80 within the first week the game was released, I have the full CoF dungeon set, and I’ve completed the entire map. Not much really to look forward to at this point, am I supposed to just complete other dungeons and get their “cool looking” armors to? I see no point to this unless I have nothing else to do (which at this point, I really dont).

I’ve been gaming since the age of 6, and I’m 20 now having played over 40 games in total, most of which being MMO’s. Mounts are ALWAYS a good idea, whether we have waypoints or not. Mounts would add a lot of replayability for not only dungeons, but many other parts of the game. This would be one of the best ways to bring in new customers if ANet does it right.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130


I support the idea, I’d even buy it with gems if I had to. Already put over $40 into gems, I’d put upwards of $1000 towards a nice looking mount. I’ve been gaming since the age of 6, and I’m 20 now having played over 40 games in total, most of which being MMO’s. Mounts are ALWAYS a good idea, whether we have waypoints or not. Maybe even add them as dungeon rewards, where you can trade your tokkens for them. It would add a lot of replayability for not only dungeons, but many other parts of the game. This would be one of the best ways to bring in new customers if ANet does it right.

Integrate VOICE-Communication " in game" for party's and more?!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130


I support this. Great idea. Would bring in many new players. Not to mention, it would be A LOT easier to direct dungeon members, especially if it’s their first time running the dungeon, instead of having to type all the instructions on how to properly do it.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130


Running temps are fine, laptop doesn’t get too hot. I also have a dual-fan cooling mat. This laptop barely ever gets hot and it’s a powerhouse. I always have it set to high performance.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130


sigh the forums are bugged, it repeated what I typed multiple times, but when I go to edit it, it just shows what I originally wrote..


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130


So.. When I first played on the BWE’s, I had a flawless 60FPS on MAX settings. When the official game released, I was pushing 40-50FPS(still max). Later on, I went ALL THE WAY DOWN to 15-25FPS(max settings). Last week, my FPS went all the way back up to a good flawless 60FPS. Tonight, my FPS dropped DRASTICALLY. I had to use a GPU over clocking program(afterburner) just to hit 20-35FPS and I have no idea why… My laptop should be able to run this game like it was RuneScape.

So.. When I first played on the BWE’s, I had a flawless 60FPS on MAX settings. When the official game released, I was pushing 40-50FPS(still max). Later on, I went ALL THE WAY DOWN to 15-25FPS(max settings). Last week, my FPS went all the way back up to a good flawless 60FPS. Tonight, my FPS dropped DRASTICALLY. I had to use a GPU over clocking program(afterburner) just to hit 20-35FPS and I have no idea why… My laptop should be able to run this game like it was RuneScape.Dell XPS 17.3" 1080P 3D model
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Intel i7 2760QM 2.4Ghz processor with turbo boost up to 3.1Ghz
Nvidia GT555M 3GB DDR5

So.. When I first played on the BWE’s, I had a flawless 60FPS on MAX settings. When the official game released, I was pushing 40-50FPS(still max). Later on, I went ALL THE WAY DOWN to 15-25FPS(max settings). Last week, my FPS went all the way back up to a good flawless 60FPS. Tonight, my FPS dropped DRASTICALLY. I had to use a GPU over clocking program(afterburner) just to hit 20-35FPS and I have no idea why… My laptop should be able to run this game like it was RuneScape.Dell XPS 17.3" 1080P 3D model
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Intel i7 2760QM 2.4Ghz processor with turbo boost up to 3.1Ghz
Nvidia GT555M 3GB DDR5Any ideas?

(edited by Zeusmeister.5130)

Please adjust Respawn Timers :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130


I had these issues at lower levels, but once I hit 80… I pretty much mop the floor with anything I touch considering I’m maxed out, but it would be nice to see them fix it for the lower levels.

Free Ventrilo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130


Hey everyone,

So, I’ve noticed a lot of people are looking for Ventrilo in-game, and I managed to get a 1500 slot server, so I’ll be giving out free channels for guilds and members who want to voice chat for free, since GW2 doesn’t have it built-in.

Server info:
Port: 3784

Contact “ShutUpWoman” for a channel

A possible dungeon token solution

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130


Not a bad idea, they should look into this. Although, I don’t think the 10% token fee would make people very enticed to use the service, so maybe adding a fee based on the amount of tokens traded would be more reasonable.

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130



Where do I start..

CoF, Magg is BUGGED AS HELL, the devourers do RETARRRRDED amounts of knockdowns and chains, then you have to run through the lava with again RETARRRRDED amounts of knockdowns and chains, THEN you finally get to the room where you have to protect magg and find yourself committing suicide about 3-4 times each. I play dungeons to ENJOY them and save points for armor sets, and I’m missing 300 points from having my full set, but tbh, I don’t think I’m ever going to get that last piece. Costs me more in repairs than I make from the dungeon, not to mention the time I waste. Probably going to look into a refund, this game just keeps on pissing me off.

Why even do dungeons? Trying to understand this game, not trolling.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130


Yup, I’ve had 20 people from my guild quit. Went from 65 to 45. Gotta love when companies make stupid decisions,.