Showing Posts For Zgroza Czarnych.6190:
@ Angelyne.2936 not zerg is problem only night VS play big zerg on all maps 24/h and this is EU ?
Hmm nah sorry Zgroza but there is 99% french-speaking people of eu on VS. You are making an huge old mistake
Canadians, Africa, Australia are you know where is french language ?
I agree, Tier 1 it’s kitten right now. It’s not tier 1 it’s a a slaughterfest for vizunah to enjoy 24/7.
People gave up on it, it’s way too tiring to fight a server such as vizunah, yet we’re stuck in tier 1 for god forbid how much longer. It kills the will to play wvwvw, it doesn’t let people get exploration, it makes the game not fun to play at all. We need something to fix this, ASAP. SFR lost already too much…
Vizunah is just not EU server there is too meny ppl from not EU why we cant play
just kick all IP not from EU and problem is gone
Anybody home at anet?
AN looking for “motivated people to join our team”
You know w8 5 years then some one in home
I love ranger skills recharge why not all skills make for ranger recharge 500 sec ?
Plz AN make 500 sec recharge any ranger skills
And I love this Concussion Shot recharge 25 sec
but what do uuuuuu
- Daze: 1 s
- Stun: 1 s
PLZ 0.1 sec plz AN plz plz plz 0.1 sec
(edited by Zgroza Czarnych.6190)
In GW2 stealth is balanced around the very idea of FREQUENT combat stealth.
Yep, frequent, but now is something like 75% stealth 25% no…..
And your argument is..?
argument is ? Is not balanced ?
Stealth does not prevent all damage. In fact, it doesn’t prevent any damage. It prevents direct targeting. There is a very big difference between the two.
what dmg get thief in stealth ?
Not 100% what you mean, but if a thief stealths and doesn’t move, and you keep swinging, the thief will take all that damage. All stealth does is prevent you from seeing/targeting the thief for a few seconds. We’ve said it before, and will continue saying it, stealth =/= invulnerable. You do know you can use most abilities without having a target right??
my ranger cant see thief then I dont do dmg only my RF go in space and 0 dmg
I make barrage on myselfe and thief in stealth do dmg on me and he dont get any dmg
Stealth does not prevent all damage. In fact, it doesn’t prevent any damage. It prevents direct targeting. There is a very big difference between the two.
what dmg get thief in stealth ?
Let’s talk about “e-sports”…
Did you ever play GW1? If your monks took two seconds to respond to a spike by the enemy team, you’d be dead every time. Quick reflexes, situational awareness, and anticipation are all a central part of most competitive video games.
I don’t really care for Backstab spikes. I don’t think it’s, like, necessary for thieves. But you’re complaining about 100-to-0-in-two-seconds-flat builds when you’re playing a warrior designed to do just that and only that. Your build does telegraph its attack much more, but you also:
- Do more damage total.
- Have much more hp even with your “glass cannon” getup.
- Get 5 seconds of invulnerability.
Do more damage total. – nice stealth breake all dmg
5 sec invulnerability – nice and 120 sec recharge
RF is rupt (stop do dmg and fire in space) in stealth moment
You honestly have no idea what you’re talking about, and that’s fine, but do not give out false information.
Rapid Fire is not interrupted. Neither is Kill Shot, or many other channeled abilities. If you manage to break line of sight by hiding behind a wall or getting behind the target, then it is interrupted, but simply stealthing does not stop the ability.
get your ranger and go to wvw and show me how you give thief your all arrows from RF when thief go stealt.
Im w8 for your video.
Stealth also doesn’t interrupt skills in progress. This is the complaint by thieves. For example, if you stealth while a Longbow Ranger is using Rapid Fire, every single arrow will hit you while in stealth. I don’t think you even know what you’re talking about with this part.
buahahahaa Rapid Fire is interrupt when you go stealth. Stop talking liers. If RF always hit then I know where you are but RF is rupt and dont lie.
it isnt interrupted unless he walks behind you.
RF is rupt (stop do dmg and fire in space) in stealth moment
Stealth also doesn’t interrupt skills in progress. This is the complaint by thieves. For example, if you stealth while a Longbow Ranger is using Rapid Fire, every single arrow will hit you while in stealth. I don’t think you even know what you’re talking about with this part.
buahahahaa Rapid Fire is interrupt when you go stealth. Stop talking liers. If RF always hit then I know where you are but RF is rupt and dont lie.
<- w8’ing
<- w8’ing
The whole point of a thief is to be stealthy…. I really am saddened by peoples response to this…
kitten it, if we want to make classes more fair then lets make all the classes even:
- Remove stealth on thief
- Remove clones on mesmer
- Remove 100 swords (Or whatever its called) from Warriors
- Remove full heals and barriers from Guardian
- Remove minions from necro
- Remove attunements from elementalistsSeriously, the class is fine. Latency issues exist, sure, but that has nothing to do with the class. Stealth makes thieves who they are, without it, they are a pointless class.
Im sad as a Ranger we have nothing you felt worth listing
On topic, if a thief is hit in stealth it should drag him out to allow people who see a thief coming or are fighting a thief have a chance to counter stealth by using an AoE or swinging their weapon.
If thief cant kill and other char in 2-3 sec it is noob thief.
And more if AN do nothing with Stealth on end 2012 Y. I stop playing in GW2.Let me be the first to say, “Aufedersein”
You not first
I agree with what dank said about dodging. A lot of people dodge right away when a p/d go stealth, I think it’s habit from fighting backstab thieves, but a good p/d usually waits for a good time before he uses sneak attack it also gives them time to regen initiative and heal. And about staying with the group, I agree halfway. From my experience when someone starts running away and I chase to try and down them, that’s a bad move if the group is fairly large, cause ill have my back to everyone else and start eatting damage pretty hard.
Aside from that, have you tried playing a p/d thief before, if not try it sometimes, you’ll have a better feel for how a thief moves when using stealth. I gotta say most of the time when I’m stealthed people do things that just really don’t make sense like eles using aoe skills miles away and I’m still standing next to them , never took 1 step and thinking , really even if I wanted to be there at that spot i couldn’t move 3849494 mph across the map to where your aoeing
Are you playing thief ? If its true just start playing ranger or different char.
My first 80 was a ranger and played it for about 5k kills. Then I made a mesmer and played it for about 10kish kills. Then I made an thief and then ele (all 80’s). The majority of my playtime is between the ele and thief now because I find them the most fun. I’ve played just about every thief build out there.
That said I can handle thieves from any build with any of my classes, unless they just outplay me.
I totally agree with everything loading said..
OK make video with this ranger who get 5k frags in 1 month Im w8 for your link. Show me how easy you kill meny thiefs.
They should delete the thief class in this game, as they have done such a bad job making it worth playing, not enough beta tests I guess. Nerf the class to the ground like in SWTOR and then loose most players, this game will be truly f2p in no time.
Its true this is stupid 1 thief like from different game.
Dude you cry about every single thing, I bet if you uploaded a video of you playing it’d be funny as hell because you’d be so bad. I usually don’t say this but, Learn To Play.
If backstab gets nerfed and NOTHING else gets buffed, this class will only have P/D condition thief to run because of the lack of options ANet gives for other builds.
I play 8 years in GW and I kill 1v4 in Random Arena and I know what Im talking.
Thief must disapire from GW2 becose noobs like you cant learn to play GW2.
If you playing thief and you cant kill any onther char in 2-3 sec you just noob.
I make thief for test and on 20 lvl no 1 can kill me only different thief.
(edited by Zgroza Czarnych.6190)
I agree with what dank said about dodging. A lot of people dodge right away when a p/d go stealth, I think it’s habit from fighting backstab thieves, but a good p/d usually waits for a good time before he uses sneak attack it also gives them time to regen initiative and heal. And about staying with the group, I agree halfway. From my experience when someone starts running away and I chase to try and down them, that’s a bad move if the group is fairly large, cause ill have my back to everyone else and start eatting damage pretty hard.
Aside from that, have you tried playing a p/d thief before, if not try it sometimes, you’ll have a better feel for how a thief moves when using stealth. I gotta say most of the time when I’m stealthed people do things that just really don’t make sense like eles using aoe skills miles away and I’m still standing next to them , never took 1 step and thinking , really even if I wanted to be there at that spot i couldn’t move 3849494 mph across the map to where your aoeing
Are you playing thief ? If its true just start playing ranger or different char.
They should delete the thief class in this game, as they have done such a bad job making it worth playing, not enough beta tests I guess. Nerf the class to the ground like in SWTOR and then loose most players, this game will be truly f2p in no time.
Its true this is stupid 1 thief like from different game.
My main is a thief. I am WvW as a guardian and mesmer. I have not died to a ‘1 shot backstab’ thief in quite a long time. This is because I know how to deal with it.
First and biggest problem is the rendering issue, this needs to be fixed before any changes are made to a class. This issue is terrible, I’ve found myself in the middle of an enemy zerg, they just appeared around me, they were not thieves…
Second problem is that people complaining don’t know how to counter the thief or have come across a thief who has all of their cooldowns available and were not prepared for it. Roll a thief, learn it and know it and then you will see that it’s not so terribly OP against an experienced and skillful opponent. I’m not saying this is easy to counter but there is a way.
The 1st two lines really sum up your argument. Play an OP class to counter an OP class..gotcha! Pick one of the holy trinity.
Say what you want..this thread would not be so long if ALOT of the paying customers were not dissatisfied with the thief class being overpowered with broken mechanics.
To sum up the imbalance and broken mechanics:
1.Damage is still too high. See my recent thread on 75% health wiped in under a second on my warrior.
2.Amount of re-stealthing with certain builds like the pistol condition build is out of control.
3.Ability to move across land faster than anything in the game. We never bother chasing a thief in wvw.
4.Ability to revive or finish downed players in stealth. Any action performed in stealth should break it..period. Stealth gives you the -almost always- unopposed element of surprise.
5.Ability to get out of any fight. If you commit to a fight you should pay the price like the rest of us.But yes..thanks for your unpredictable arguments:
1.L2P. I’m sure the person hacking the orbs was thinking the same thing.
2.Play a thief or a holy trinity class..coz it’s all about skill, yo!
3.Play another game.I’m sure Anet is sensible enough to realize when there is significant imbalance in-game and move to address it before they lose a player base that does not thrive on taking advantage of these imbalances.
Every company makes mistakes..but not every company leaves those to fester..and fester..till they start losing the majority of their customers.
AN know this “problem” but thief is marketing char to get players from WOW, Diablo3 etc… You know “noob on the board”.
For me I just leave GW2 if 2013 Y comming and thief will not absolutly change.
The whole point of a thief is to be stealthy…. I really am saddened by peoples response to this…
kitten it, if we want to make classes more fair then lets make all the classes even:
- Remove stealth on thief
- Remove clones on mesmer
- Remove 100 swords (Or whatever its called) from Warriors
- Remove full heals and barriers from Guardian
- Remove minions from necro
- Remove attunements from elementalistsSeriously, the class is fine. Latency issues exist, sure, but that has nothing to do with the class. Stealth makes thieves who they are, without it, they are a pointless class.
Im sad as a Ranger we have nothing you felt worth listing
On topic, if a thief is hit in stealth it should drag him out to allow people who see a thief coming or are fighting a thief have a chance to counter stealth by using an AoE or swinging their weapon.
If thief cant kill and other char in 2-3 sec it is noob thief.
And more if AN do nothing with Stealth on end 2012 Y. I stop playing in GW2.
The whole point of a thief is to be stealthy…. I really am saddened by peoples response to this…
kitten it, if we want to make classes more fair then lets make all the classes even:
- Remove stealth on thief
- Remove clones on mesmer
- Remove 100 swords (Or whatever its called) from Warriors
- Remove full heals and barriers from Guardian
- Remove minions from necro
- Remove attunements from elementalistsSeriously, the class is fine. Latency issues exist, sure, but that has nothing to do with the class. Stealth makes thieves who they are, without it, they are a pointless class.
lol impresive and what you want do remove from ranger ?
Whatever you do, drop Pain Inverter. We want to see ranger combat, not asura combat.
hehe I have enough footage from today for Pain Inverter Volume 4.
but out of curiosity if I was to replace pain inverter in the build, What would you like me to use as an ability?
Taking Suggestions, I may just do pain inverter 4, then do a new set of movies based off what suggestions people make.
replace to SotH Singnet of the hunt
Whatever you do, drop Pain Inverter. We want to see ranger combat, not asura combat.
99% this fight cant win without PI
You can win only becose PI nothing more
I dont play thief Im not noob I playing ranger. But I just make thief and I jump to wvw thief 4lvl I kill 40% foe
14lvl 70% meeting ppl down hmmm
20lvl 90% foe downed and Im down only from thief.
what gameplay? thief have no gameplay compare to the other classes.
It hits like a truk, has 4 ways to be invisible IN FIGHT and it is too easy to play.
I just do a BG with something like 6 thiefs it was a totally stupid game. Some fights i take more than 25 heart strike.
A no brain class like this should not be on live! Why did you do a beta seriously? Thief are ruining the game because it has so many advantages compare to its burst.
Absolutly agree and if AN dont do with this thief somthing I just stop playing in GW2 this is stupid I like playing in pvp/wvw etc… and I cant. Facking Stealth WTF !!!
Still wont effect speed during combat, I’ll stick to shooting bunnies.
Signet of the Hunt boost speed during combat too.
SotH lol good skill 10% speed impresive all characters if not fight with me I cant be faster and all can easy run me.
Ranger WTF is ranger.
Any way we could possibly get a skill that negates stealth and makes it unusable for up to 15 seconds at a range of 300 units with a 25 second cooldown? It would also instantly knock anybody in stealth out of it if they enter that AoE. I believe it would help with our usefulness in PvP, and would serve as a slight nerf to thieves and anybody who uses stealth (in case you weren’t planning on nerfing the stealth for thieves, which is in dire need of it).
AN buahahaha trust me nothinh change. You have only 1 way just start playing thief. You will see then AN do somthing
kitten is a shlt
ranger is kitten what more you need ?
Okay, if it is so easy explain how to do it. Please provide the lines of code for reference.
this is not code problem only project
this is easy and have low priority why its bottom to make.
Next if its not easy then project is very very baddddddddddddddddd.
Welcome to OOP.
and what ?
This error is easy to fix. And what you want ?
This is stupid how hard is fix this, this is easy problem.
Nothing is as simple as it seems.
Think of coding like playing jenga. If you pull out blocks near the bottom you can easily topple the entire tower. Likewise if you mess with a bit of code over there you can make another part of the game break. This is why new bugs keep coming up because when you fix one thing it can have a negative effect on other things.
If it was an easy fix it would have been done already.
It is easy if its not easy then project is shti. Im IT engineer and I know what Im talking.
AN is too lazy and errors like this has low priority, whats meen gw2 has too meny critic errors.I’m sorry I refuse to read that post the way it is written lol.
and ?
This is stupid how hard is fix this, this is easy problem.
Nothing is as simple as it seems.
Think of coding like playing jenga. If you pull out blocks near the bottom you can easily topple the entire tower. Likewise if you mess with a bit of code over there you can make another part of the game break. This is why new bugs keep coming up because when you fix one thing it can have a negative effect on other things.
If it was an easy fix it would have been done already.
It is easy if its not easy then project is shti. Im IT engineer and I know what Im talking.
AN is too lazy and errors like this has low priority, whats meen gw2 has too meny critic errors.
(edited by Zgroza Czarnych.6190)
This is reset to 0 or to 200.000 for me like 285.000 and I need 300.000 to 500.000 or all 500.000 ?
Is some oficial info about this or only from users ?
For me problem is I done all crafting.
This is stupid how hard is fix this, this is easy problem.
(edited by Zgroza Czarnych.6190)
wvw ranger is good only becose have long bow and barrage but ranger is kitten in wvw.
Hi all,
how work now survivor achievement ?
I have 285.000 exp and I dont die. I have done meny events in WVW I end SE explo p3 with 177.000 exp nothing give me more, nothing append exp to this achievement.
WTH to do to append exp to this achievement ?
I cant zone, no exit gw2, what block this achievement, whats problem ?
What block to append exp to this achievement ?
(edited by Zgroza Czarnych.6190)
ok last update + delete local.dat from main GW2 dir help
try delete local.dat from your GW2 dir restart computer and try again
last update + delete local.dat from main dir gw2 help me too
cant they remove the patch ? a link to something to remove it and let us play while they fix it ?
you buy game and servers are full then AN dont need you now
To be honest I would prefer something that would make it work
I have this problem for 3 days after 2012-11-13 and they do nothing with this.
I have 2 sugestion from support
1. limit RAM to limited OS – and I limit my RAM to 3GB
2. change OS 32-bit to 64-bit
first I do secend I cant do.
I w8 3 days and AN probobly is not interestning make fix
16GB on HD in 1 file this is insane.
My girlfriend has the same issue right now. Had the typical 32-bit out of memory crashes before the patch, now the client won’t start at all. She’ll probably stop playing if we don’t find a way around it (and no, reinstalling the operating system is not an acceptable solution). She has Windows XP 32 bit. Tried using the /3GB switch, didn’t make any difference.
Mony back + mony for waist time in game
Im w8 3 days for resolution this problem and we see then what is problem.
But my conclusion is from e-mail from support
“This error is given due to the limitations of the 32-bit operating system. I understand your frustration, however your choices would be to either upgrade your Windows from 32-bit to 64-bit or you can also try removing a stick of RAM from your system and then retest Guild Wars 2”
I remove RAM to limit for OS 32-bit first to 3GB next to 2GB. And I cant play. Secend resolution is upgrade 32-bit to 64-bit.
Before upg 2012-11-13 I dont have problem with playing with 2GB,3GB,4GB,6GB RAMS
What conclusion ?
(edited by Zgroza Czarnych.6190)
I’m having a similar issue since patching, stuck on black screen, have to end task and restart to get my pc running normally.
welcome ;P
i cant play, i cant log in
after starting the launcher it freezes there and im force to close it with the task manager and after that i tried to use skype and it says that i have too little memory to use skype. Seems that gw2 stills use the memory after closed. :S
welcome in club
after kill process in task menager you need restart computer to normal work