Showing Posts For Ziddy.2583:
Still looking, please be sure you make the schedule listed above before you contact me.
Looking to tryout all classes now. Drop me ingame mail or pm here.
Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ziddy.2583
I assume my problem is the same as most users. Doesn’t happen to me in other games or at least it’s not noticeable as it is in gw2.
Hold right click to move camera, my right click suddenly stops registering as being held down, the camera stops moving.
I don’t know what you’re thinking. Reduce the cost or increase the reward please.
ApeX is looking to fill one more spot on our team. We are a ‘casual hardcore’ team that plays 2 hours a night.
Looking for
At LEAST rank 30, would prefer if you had some QP
Guardian/Mesmer, but all other classes will be considered as well
Our practice schedule
6-30pm PST to 9:00PM PST Monday-Thursday
Some weekend nights
Whisper me in game or drop me a pm here if I’m not online.
I didn’t know there was DR on cc in Dota2 or HoN either. Those games are failures though last I heard.
Last dev post was months ago. Can we get a comment on this?
January update please?
Almost unbearable in PvP for target skills
Elementalist paid tournaments 7-9pm pst
I’m not gonna lie, that was pretty bad on many levels.
I think this belongs in the wvw forum.
Like I said earlier, without using the macro and manually shattering 3 + 1 for the vulnerability stacks then 3 + 1 mindwrack prepatch, you would never hit 3.5k on heavy golems unless it bugged. 2.5-2.7k is in fact the correct damage for mindwrack, on heavy golems.
unbugged (exploited) shatters never hit heavy golems for 3.5k. They average 2.5-2.7k, so I do not know where you are pulling these numbers out of.
Finally. Well at least it didn’t take the next big content patch. Actually it kinda did. I hope they stop tying in pvp hot fixes with PvE related stuff like wintersday removal.
Still, a few ego’s have flared because of Master’s opinion. No need for it, agree or disagree, nothing to do with SS.
Isn’t he/she on SS?
Yes, so?
Is he not entitled to his own opinion? Did he mention he is speaking on behalf of supersquad? No.
To put this is simple terms for you to understand.
He makes you look Bad. Very Bad.
That is if you are on his team of course.
Okay so PM me said video if you already have it made and I’ll admit it when I see it
Oh yeah? mind PMing me how you’re triggering the bug by doing it manually when I’ve tried it at least 20 times without a macro, and got it to bug only once?
This thread, right here, this is why no one takes PvP in this game seriously.
Come now people, we can do better.
I just see a well played mesmer that got very luck in timing and crit damage coupled with a thief that got a taste of his own medicine. But we can keep debating forever…
And this is why you uinformed people should stop posting. ‘we can do better’. There is a current bug in the game right now, where mesmers shatters hit for 50% more damage via a macro.
Advice, your own, you should take it…It can be done without a macro.
It CAN be done without a macro but your odds of triggering the bug is SIGNIFICANTLY lower. The bug procs with more frequency when the delay between the actions is set to be as low as possible.
Take your own advice and BE INFORMED.
This thread, right here, this is why no one takes PvP in this game seriously.
Come now people, we can do better.
I just see a well played mesmer that got very luck in timing and crit damage coupled with a thief that got a taste of his own medicine. But we can keep debating forever…
And this is why you uinformed people should stop posting. ‘we can do better’. There is a current bug in the game right now, where mesmers shatters hit for 50% more damage via a macro.
I lawled. Is that the same super squad still trying to ride the coattails of beta before everyone and their grandmas caught up to them?
And lawl @ being sponsored by Eclypsia, the biggest esport ‘joke team’ of them all. Go win a lan event before you go spouting nonsense. Talk about ‘arrogance’ rofl.
There are no devs during this, so I honestly am not even looking forward to it much. Just gonna be some people ranting on deaf ears probably.
What gives? I know its vacation time and all but, but any comments on the latest discussions would be appreciated such as:
1. Mesmer exploit where mindwrack hits for double damage.
2. New proposition to have paid tournament rounds played after losses in the 1-2 rounds
3. Why no dev presence in the upcoming NA state of the game
4. More info on the January patch?
I actually don’t even think this Esplen guy even knows what blurred frenzy is. Breakin is exactly right, and that is the same macro all the mesmers in the current pvp scene are using. Some of them even try to deny it when it’s all over their vods rofl.
You don’t need a macro to do anything. But people do it anyway. I don’t see your point. Watch the video, it’s pretty obvious to me. I’ve gotten almost 4k shatters off the macro on heavy golems testing it. It looks the same to me.
Alright so he didn’t daze, he used distortion. And?
He didn’t blurred frenzy, but he still used a macro.
He dazed, decoyed, mirror imaged, mindwracked all conveniently with 1 button press!
Where are the devs? When is this issue being fixed
I doubt the entry into these tournies will be very much. I would venture a guess that a monthly might cost 50-100 QP which is nothing for all these so called ‘pro’ teams that can beat the top 50 QP ladder teams right? Spend a few nights a week and farm them if its that easy for you.
He obviously doesn’t Tpvp lol.
The trait buff was way uncalled for and totally out of the blue. Jonathon Sharp, I am super disappointed by this buff, as I thought you guys at least sort of followed the meta but you obviously don’t. Please start spending more of your time watching top player streams instead of listening to whining people on forums wanting buffs.
Here are some quick suggestions to give you a general direction you SHOULD be going in.
Neuter thief dagger/dagger burst, buff sword or pistols
Tone down Elementalist healing, buff scepter
Buff necro axe, dagger, minions
Buff ranger greatsword,sword,longbow
Buff engi useless kits and mabye make turrets better
Give warriors more condi removal, maybe tone down their dmg a bit in return
Buff mesmer condi damage, condi removal, scepter.
Do NOT buff the already existing strong shatters.
Elementalist magnetic grasp aura and ride the lightning is now fixed.
uh, isn’t ring of fire and magnetic grasp a fire shield?
They should probably buff Scepter a bit
I’d reccomend Earth 3 projectile speed buff or a cast time buff
I’d still love if they made dragon tooth on ground target but i’ve accepted is never going to do that for some reason. I’ll take a faster cast time fire 1 or longer duration as well as a faster phoenix.
Water 1 or 2 or both needs a buff.
Probably too strong, it essentially is a mini stunbreak on an 8 second cd (i understand you still get CCed).
Increase the cooldown, nuff said.
The issue is the invulnerability on a 8 second cooldown traited. It is definitely too strong the way it works now. You could bump the damage up if you wanted to, but I wouldn’t fool myself into thinking it’s okay where it is. Getting focused fire? It’s okay just press 2, and it’ll be up 7 seconds later.
add 8-10 seconds on its cd
replace it with a 2second poison, and it’ll be pretty balanced.
It’s actually almost 4 seconds if i remember right. 3.75 or something.
Add it to the list of things that need to be nerfed, along with 4 second guardian stolen daze, and steal’s mug damage, kthnx.
Treb works exactly the same for me. And by first person do you mean third person?
Maybe stop clicking ALL skills?
Do you know why GW2 is laggy certain times of the day? After 6:00PM PST i get about a 1 second delay in Spvp and have resorted to VPN’s (like mentioned by the players in the state of the game podcast) in order to remove the lag.
Hello, we are looking to try out potential recruits for our pvp team. We are looking for experienced players who can play at a high level or have the skills and ability to pick up quickly.
At least rank 20-30
Can play from 6:30PST to about 10:00PM monday-thursday
Looking for guards/mesmers mainly but open to others.
I don’t get people who want a 1v1 system.
So what are you going to do when someone makes a bunker guardian or Ele? You will never kill them 1v1 with most specs. It’s rather pointless.
Jonathan, can you comment on the ESL interest in your game? I mean this should be huge for you guys that a prominent league WANTS to pick up GW2 right? Whats the ETA on private servers?
Other than that I agree with the OP that you should really look into lowering the cost of paid tournaments and eventually work towards a matchmaking ladder, so you don’t need 8 teams to play a tournament (just 2). Paids are getting better lately, I think last night there were 3 simulatneous tournaments. You guys should keep pushing hard to make this game big in PVP and it’ll help your sales in PvE as well.
They’re interested in GW2 esports and there are still no private servers.