Showing Posts For Ziddy.2583:
They really need to tone down steal. 5k instant cast stun break gap closer?
Nerf that damage by half or at least make it harder to land please.
restart your game asap, it sucks but it’ll be patched no doubt.
Good change. Maybe not 20 seconds, but 15 should be fair. Should also encourage less glass cannon builds which can be easily punished now.
Oh and about your ‘second SPvP video’ which I skimmed through and has like 1 fight against some rank 2 thief in HOT JOIN
I lawled irl.
What is your ‘case’? All I am saying is WvW =/= SPvP
All numbers are skewed because of Level and Gear
Player skills are skewed because WvW consists of people who PvE most of the time
Is that so hard to understand? Or do you like making strawmen arguments?
I think ozoooooo needs to realize stats are boosted beyond what SPvP stats are in WvW. 100% crit damage anyone?
Anyway you can keep tellling yourself that WvW and SPvP are the same thing if it helps you sleep any better at night, but it won’t help your credibility here.
i dont believe this was fixed for tpvp or paids even though it was stated in the patch notes, but someone could correct me
So Jon has admittedly said that they wanted to add more to rangers in general and possibly more classes but ran out of time. He also mentioned having limited resources citing that only 2 people work on actively balancing the game. That said, it is understandable that the amount of work they have limited this patch.
But I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that it should really not take you over a month to come out with the amount of fixes and balance changes that you inevitably did.
So… When is the next balance patch coming? Is it in a few days? A week? 3 weeks? Waiting until Christmas until we can get a BALANCE UPDATE?!
A response would be appreciated.
The nerf is fine and very much needed. A good bunker ele in tournaments was unkillable even with 2 classes a lot of the times and much harder to kill than guardians.
However, no buffs to scepter or dagger kinda sucked.
Apparently bunker guardians are completely OK (hell they got a 2 seconds buff on one of their protection moves)
Not sure if troll or just stupid.
You answered that question yourself rofl.
Everyone is having this prob just chill bro
Once again, look at who wrote the post lol. Anyway expect the patch tonight around 8-11pm PST just like the mad king one was if I had to take a guess.
They never said noon. Some random guy on the forums did, and then they gave their generic response to it without reading what he wrote.
I’m having the same problem on cursed shore (ehmry bay) was thinking it was on my end but it appears to only be this map.
Any news on this?
The last major patch wasn’t at midnight, so hopefully this won’t be either.
Is there even a point to playing a tank in a deathmatch? How many deathmatch threads need to be made everyday?
They’re just as bad in TPvP, but since its a controlled environment, the chances if you getting gibbed is much slimmer, since there are
a. less thieves or even people on the map
b. higher chance of your defensive cds being up
You’re either joking or just really don’t know. Almost every high level team is running a mesmer. 20%? LOL
Nov 15 can’t come soon enough. Do we really have to wait for big PvE content updates to get balance changes? I hope this isn’t a recurring trend.
Just reduce the protection buff from 33% dmg reduction to 25% or 20%. Make it PvP only if you think it’ll effect the PvEers.
If what you say about RTL is legit, I will have renewed faith in
Ele bunkers are a bit too strong
Ele anything else is a bit too weak
If you didn’t already understand this, you shouldn’t make a thread claiming you do.
Its open right now on Ehmry Bay, we should have a low server pop so u can transfer easily i bet. I’ll gladly take your goldZ
As someone who actually TPvPs relatively often I can vouch for his team as being high level versus all the no namers on here thinking they know what they’re talking about. Aside from a 32 second cooldown boon strip, Necro’s really do not do much in the game at the moment. Alone, their condi damage is very subpar and it takes them forever to get up to even 6 stacks of bleed on anyone to let alone pressure a guardian enough to even use his heal. Mesmers can’t really strip Guardians that well either. Save yourself gives you a TON of buffs and guardians can easily reapply protection if they have hammer, so unless you’re made of Illusions that ain’t happening.
There is no eta because they never said there would be arenas. There’s no need for it either, the game isn’t balanced around deathmatch.
Arena Net, I hope you’re reading this. Please be at LEAST making your paid tournaments a priority which means you are working to push it out within a month TOPS. Do not be like Bioware, which promised ranked ladders and failed to deliver in their patch. This was the reason I quit TOR.
Anyway, I hate to be demanding, but the truth is that the game really is getting stale without steady competition.