Aurora Glade
Aurora Glade
okay so i decided to come back to complete the living story and have been enjoying it, up until i hit bitterfrost frontier, seems i made the mistake many made, after making the cold resist potion decided to take a break then come back and, ohhh thats where the fun began and confusion, who ever thought to tie the story into dailies like this needs a good talking to, absolutely ruined the flow of the story for me, anyway ive reworked out what i need to get and have everything except for the suet, well, ive been collecting it off of mobs, after finding out not any creature drops them like it said, so i was collecting the suet and then check inventory, not in there, check bank, not in there, soooo this is where im stuck, where exactly is it.
Aurora Glade
charr and quaggan(including transformed angry quaggan) codpieces and merkins.
Aurora Glade
Well i was running a frostfire build, the whole concept behind reaper was to be a slow rumbling monster that if you got to close to could keep you sucked in with its chill and damage, by nerfing and changing everything to such an extreme level that core concept of what a reaper should of been with like builds i was running is now absolutely destroyed. I dont want bleed damage, thats not what this class and build needed, people bleeding out can simply kite off heal up and wander on back to their hearts content it will also effect pve on different levels, reaper was by no means o.p, i am so sick and tired of Anet kittening about with our characters and missing the mark every single kitten time. I was actually looking forward to getting back into wvw again after the patch but now im not even remotly motivated.
Aurora Glade
hahahaha what a ripoff, but after waiting for months for the trailblazer stats to get fixed in the mystic toilet I no longer fund this game with real money anyway so I wont be buying any of these.
Aurora Glade
were forgetting the key word here “should” fix, not “will” fix…
Aurora Glade
fix our stuff fix our stuff fix our stuff (starts banging wooden spoon on frying pan) fix our stuff fix our stuff fix our stuff (urges everyone to get up and make some noise) fix our stuff fix our stuff fix our stuff…
Aurora Glade
I demand an answer in these official forums, I purchased a product and it is faulty and we have had no customer service, if this were any other product other than a game ide either have a refund by now or contacted consumer protection. How much more direct do we have to be to even get a peep out of thee people.
Aurora Glade
merry Christmas and may all your games be good ones.
Aurora Glade
gem store first!
I usually purchase gems with real money often, mostly for fashion and any new hair styles etc etc, but until I hear some sort of real response to this issue im not spending another cent, and even then im abit iffy now about supporting the gemstore, seems that’s all they care about these days.
Aurora Glade
new patch, no fix and no response so posting another bump reply..
Aurora Glade
what the hell is this true?, where was the warning, why were we not told, why only these stats, how does this impact on balancing, why does it impact on balancing, why were we not told this sooner after waiting for so long after not being told at all just to be left hanging, did the balancing team think that not telling people these things was a good idea and that we would not be kittened off?. Black Desert is starting to look better and better as the days go on, specially since my endgame WvW isn’t doing all that well right now either.
Aurora Glade
(looks around the thread to see is anything has changed…. nope….) Yaaaaawn
Can someone tip a bucket of water over Anet to wake them up please…
Aurora Glade
still sitting here twiddling my thumbs, im not going away.
Aurora Glade
still no mention of it in the patch notes that I saw, so I am still not spending money in protest of this shockingly bad service.
Aurora Glade
This is a faulty product that I have purchased, I want my product fixed please, if international laws were upto date I could imagine alote of class actions against companies these days, not naming Anet as one of them I suppose because they are reasonable and have a pretty good rep, but none the less, sometimes its the small things that can annoy the churning stomach that is the gaming community.
Aurora Glade
still checking daily to see if theres any reply here…. hello, anyone?.
Aurora Glade
I think im going to give up on this im not going to wait day after day after day twiddling my thumbs waiting for a fix, this is obviously very low on their priority to do list even though its an important part of broken content. I cannot begin to imagine it is even difficult to fix considering the other stats work. In protest I am not spending another cent in the gem store until we at least get some sort of update on the situation.
Aurora Glade
me to, lol anet, I mean really if you don’t want me to play your game just come out and tell me
Aurora Glade
I see theres more stuff in the gem store to purchase, but game halting mechanics are still on the backburner, yeeeeah, well the more this happens the less I tend to spend real money on something.
Aurora Glade
I feel like ive been forgotten in a waiting room somewhere (blinks eyes and stares at blank wall)….
Aurora Glade
(listens to the crickets in the background)
chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp….
Aurora Glade
can we please have some sort of official reply to this please, ide like to know if I need to throw away my hard work or not and start again.
Aurora Glade
Okay so I spend my time and gold figuring out where to go and what to get to finally make trailblazer insignia so I can stat change my ascended set, go to the mystic forge and oh look, no option for trailblazer insignia to insert in forge. I do not remember it stating anywhere that these insignia were not usable in the forge to stat change, please tell me this is a bug and that I havnt just wasted my time and gold for absolutely nothing, or have I just been trolled by Anet.
Aurora Glade
I missed out
Aurora Glade
A request to Anet, please make a return for the minion harvesting tools to the shop, there are many necro’s wandering around in the world lost and lonely and would love some company on their long farming journeys, thankyou.
Aurora Glade
tested for about 30mins and got my first crash already, sent a crash report.
Aurora Glade
i’ll admit my earlier words were abit hasty and harsh, the reaper is a wrecking ball if people or even groups try to come at you, use your chill elite then your might shout and rise shout with the minions tough stacker trait in death, then 5 and just go all necrocopter on them until they all fall over. Like someone mentioned its a point of getting used to it all and adapting.
Aurora Glade
basically it doesn’t matter about anything when it comes to builds or skill, because the simple fact is everything the reaper does, is just to slow, it’s like fighting with one hand tied behind your back.
Aurora Glade
after playing for awhile now ive found the reaper to be almost utterly useless in wvw and pvp, it is slow kitable and easily avoidable, I love what they tried to do but for me its a huge miss considering I look at wvw as endgame, if you want to play the new OP “must buy xpack” class then go for the rev hammer thrower. Ive played over 5000 hours on necro and to be ballparked into an even slower and dumber spec that everyone can run from and laugh at has just about drawn the last straw for me.
Aurora Glade
still love yah anet, even watching the download bar on the client is giving me a semi
Aurora Glade
playable statis, get in game, prepare afew things, get ready for full download…. client crash, download all over again…. thanks.
Aurora Glade
Congratulations on your human precursor! Try not to get too frustrated by the grind, you’ll have crafted a Legendary Adult Human in no time!
ide just like to lol at this… lol
Aurora Glade
It’s amazing how much the mind helps in our healing process, this is why things like positive thinking, friendly environments and even things like placebos actually work. Spending time in an environment even that of a game that gives those good feelings does actually help, so keep your friends close and hug a quaggan a day and you’ll be fine.
Aurora Glade
is there any feedback on the crash reports people have been sending in, is it shedding any light on the issues?.
Aurora Glade
still getting random desktop crashes, but heres another issue that adds to the frustration, random disconnects, frustration especially when you don’t enjoy sitting in a queue for another half hour or so to get back into wvw like I am right now.
Aurora Glade
no loot and client crash with few seconds to go so no end reward for first event, fun times…
Fix The Client!
Aurora Glade
you are not complaining because upgrade extractor is too expensive. You are complaining because you are too cheap to pay a few gold to buy a new sigil or rune.
If you can’t even afford to do that. I doubt Anet will ever be able to make money of you.
Its not a case of me being to cheap that’s not the point, I have plenty of gold and I can buy gems if I so choose, the point I was trying to make was Anet has outpriced their product, far beyond what it should be (in my opinion) and there for restricting their sales, they would sell alote more at a reduced cost and potentially make more money.
And that’s why I suggest they intentionally made it expensive because they wanted players to buy new sigils and runes rather than recycle them except in extreme circumstances. It’s a way to stimulate the economy as well as control the quantity of items via a subtle hand. And that’s more important to them and the game in the long run than a few paid gem sales or gold sink/sequestering from exchanging.
yeah don’t doubt it…
Aurora Glade
yup today it seems to have gotten worse, multiple freezes, crashes to desktop and a flicker black screen.
Aurora Glade
you are not complaining because upgrade extractor is too expensive. You are complaining because you are too cheap to pay a few gold to buy a new sigil or rune.
If you can’t even afford to do that. I doubt Anet will ever be able to make money of you.
Its not a case of me being to cheap that’s not the point, I have plenty of gold and I can buy gems if I so choose, the point I was trying to make was Anet has outpriced their product, far beyond what it should be (in my opinion) and there for restricting their sales, they would sell alote more at a reduced cost and potentially make more money.
Aurora Glade
I was just about to convert my ascended sets stats but luckily decided to google some info on it first only to find out I will lose the runes and sigils if I do so, I mean really?…
okay okay so I go to the shop and look up the extractors mmm yup I thought I remembered them being an over the top price and my memory was correct, just for the armour alone I would take a 60 gold hit as a loss if I didn’t extract them, not that big of a deal I suppose, if I wanted to extract (weapons not included) I would have to fork out approx. $29 of my countries dollars to do so.
The point im trying to make is directed at Anet, if those extractors were a more reasonable price (in my opinion) you’d have some more of my juicy money, but as it stands I am willing to lose my perplexity runes instead.
I know this topic has been posted before but I wanted something to do while I ate my toast and had my morning coffee before jumping into wvw
Aurora Glade
so youre having trouble with your amd cards just as we are having trouble with NVidia cards so that’s not the common problem then, however we are having the same problems and they have both started happening recently which can only conclude that it was something done to the client, I suspect. As that link mentions about new graphics options, that sounds like to much of a coincidence to me.
Aurora Glade
i get the flickering black screen usually after alt tabbing out and back in or similar, it bogs the machine down so much you cant do any thing, cant ctrl alt del either for task manager cause when it brings it up its either black or just not there, have to reboot. Theres no crash so no report just flicker flicker flicker black black…. it just now happened again.
That sounds like you are running in FullScreen in a resolution that is different than your desktop resolution. Have you tried running the game in windowed full screen mode to see if that helps?
Yeah running in fullscreen but all my resolutions match i will try afew things and see what happens including windowed fullscreen.
Aurora Glade
i get the flickering black screen usually after alt tabbing out and back in or similar, it bogs the machine down so much you cant do any thing, cant ctrl alt del either for task manager cause when it brings it up its either black or just not there, have to reboot. Theres no crash so no report just flicker flicker flicker black black…. it just now happened again.
Aurora Glade
yeah im running a gtx 760
Aurora Glade
crashed again….
Aurora Glade
getting that flickering black screen thing then another outright client crash, this flickering black screen thing has just started recently
Aurora Glade
just crashed again
Aurora Glade
Was in wvw and had the client crash on me earlier, and it happened again just recently in sm while we were fighting but the thing is this time someone on teamspeak said they crashed at the exact same time I did and we were in the same place in the lords room and were both running NVidia cards, so what the hells going on with that then. I thougt it was just random crap from the client but if its NVidia specific then why in all the gods hasn’t this been sorted out?.
Aurora Glade
yes well if anything ever did change my mind it would be my overwhelming urge for a tasty noodle dragon. I really do want one of those tasty little(not so little) guys…
Aurora Glade