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in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


No need to read anything other then first post.
There are 2 possible options
1: you must be a total noob who just began to play, or a pve brainless carebear
2: you are a troll who tries to frame

Not agreeing with OP that Thief is op?

Must be a thief.

Stop defending it because you don’t want it to be nerfed.

i’m a necro/rev/ranger

an guess what. thief isn’t OP.

the only time thief can kill you easily is if you are in full berserker.

add soem valkyr and soldier gear to your build. and theif’s dmg to you drops off massively.

my necro can literally ignore a thief that attacks me. soldier/valkyr build for necro with full vamperic build.

my revenant has more hp and evasion. and can massacre the thief in a head to head brawl. unless thief is running condition build, it will lose.
my rev is berserker/soldier build

my ranger literally laughs as my pet makes their stealth WORTHLESS and my vines, traps, and longbow lays WASTE to the theif.
my ranger is berserker/valkyr build

i focus on dmg, with toughness. sure i sacrifice a bit of offense. but considering it makes it so theif can’t hurt me at all. its easily worth it.

learn to play. otherwise the first time u fight a fear necro, or a condition mesmer, or a GS/rifle warrior. you gonna be crying again.
(seriously. fear necro will fear you off cliffs. condition mesmers are JUST A PAIN TO FIGHT. and GS/rifle warrior. you lose hp fast)

so stop using berserker. and stop acting like a 6 year old.

This is probably the best day I have ever had on these forums.

Thief is op though, stealth > any skill anyone can ever use.

It doesnt even matter that they can’t fight bunkers, they’re only meant to decap anyway. Developers said so.

no argument about stealth spammers.

they can rot in hell (cant kill them so i usually just leave them)

but dmg wise with the occasional stealth is fine (shadow refuge is the reason i like theives in dungeons)

stealth spammers can go die. but the occasional stealth (like shadow refuge + the stealth heal 6) are fine.
my old theif used d/d and p/p. partially cause i liked it like that. and partially because i wanted to show people i don’t abuse stealth xD

i use stealth when i need to step back and get some hp.

so if they increased reveal duration to 10 secounds. i honestly would not mind. as i use stealth maybe every 15-20 secounds

But today our survivabilty are near 0 without stealth !
We can spec into toughness and vitality but in this case we do no damage at all !

There should be a balance, today it is broken.

As is, thief just needs :

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


So, taking into account everybody can two shoot us, our backstab should be buffed at least by 100% ! if not 200% !

As is, thief just needs :

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


this suggestion is too reasonable to be implemented.

Giving thieves sustain? when they have Shortbow 5?


You want thieves to become the only thing anyone ever plays in PVP?

Thieves shouldnt get diddly.

except nerfs.

Maybe I am the only one, I prefer sustain than shortbow 5.


in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


Speaking about backstab ! Why the hell thieves can inflict 5k if it crits damage every 5 secs if they can stealth then move behind their opponents then land a strike that crits then wait for revealed finish then stealth….
1k dps ! Too OP !

Staff Daredevil PVP

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


I have tested SA, DD, Tr to get a taste of the new weapon and traits
Each 20 secs I have KD, in between, I do damage with staff 2 and bound dodge.
it is not bad but not great and boring !
Also it was the more efficient for me.

As is, thief just needs :

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


It seems our damage are fine, I don’t personally think it is but it is fine for the devs.

So keeping the damage as it is, thieves can be viable if when stealthed they get protection and resistance.

So we Will be able to use hit and run tactics !

Because today, we can maybe hit for 25% of the HP Target only twice in a fight ! Shadowstep has a too long cd so if we try to hit a third Time instead of fleeing we Die.

Our damage doesn’t scare anyone ! to beat someone he has to be AFK or a be a bad warrior or ranger !
Or make our damage in Line with our survivability

Daredevil "The Flash "P/P gameplay PvP

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


It was nice to watch
Is it not overkill to take Unhindered and withdraw ?

Daredevil unblockable attacks a bit too good

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


Can you tell me which attacks are unblockable please ?

Counterplay to Revealed

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


The issue I have with Revealed is that it’s a self-inflicted Nerf.

I can understand other professions applying Revealed on Thieves, but the Thief themselves self-inflicting Revealed is stupid and illogical.

Exactely, I think the solution is that our own skills does not apply revealed anymore because now there are other professions that can apply revealed to us.

We can also triple the longer of stealth because with the skills that revealed us it is really too initiative costy to be in stealth

You kidding me?

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


If you are so disappointed, request for a refund, I am thinking about it now.
Furthermore, another non thief class with a stealth…
Too much reveal, too much stealth form others classes, where is my thief !?

You kidding me?

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


I, for one think daredevil looks pretty strong and mostly hella fun, and if I get HoT I will definitely reroll a thief just to play it.

Sorry, I was axcited when I read the DD specialisation, but when I tried it, I almost cried !

New to thief

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576



For levelling :
First, choose weapon you like

Also, take a short bow, ranged aoe weapon is priceless during event !

Dager/dager if you like to stealth
Sword / pistol if you like to tank

I liked to use weakness on poison from deadly art
Trickery is good, more initiative, steal is buffed

In pve, you don’t really need Shadow art and acrobatics, according to me !
I tend to prefer Deadly art over Critical strike.

An Idea for Reveal and Stealth Interaction

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


What Azmodey said makes sense, he didn not explain it properly.

If your reveal is usually from 4 to 6 seconds, then Stealth should be buffed from 5 to 10 seconds. If the mechanism you propose is a simple subtraction of stealth time – reveal time, then stealthed needs to be reasonable buffed for this to work.

Most of our stealth is 4 seconds when traited, if we get hit by a 6 seconds reveal, then end up with -2 secs of Reveals, making things unbalanced again.

the math needs to be redone and made reasonable, because then we will end up with 3 secs of stealth – 4 seconds of reveals, and it won’t achieve the intended goal.

SO what he meant was, Either really increase the duration of stealth ( I say at least 5 seconds) OR completely limit all Reveals by 2 seconds maximum.

I hope it’s clear now.

yep, not each skill only stealth skill

An Idea for Reveal and Stealth Interaction

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


I repeat myself I know.

If there are skills that reveal stealth I think the stealth thief skills should be unlimited in duration not 2, 3 or 4 or at least tripled.

My suggestion to alternate Thief & Stealth.

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


Before we start on this suggestion let us be clear on this one thing: Stealth is not a mechanic unique to the Thief. It is quite obvious but, I want to be safe to point it out.

Thieves are the master of trickery, subtlety, subterfuge,and cheap shots. The things we do sometimes are beyond the wildest dreams of any other professions.

It is therefore natural that the Thief’s stealth skills be of higher quality than other profession’s stealth utilities.

OK let us get to the point
Introducing the 3 types of invisibility:

Camouflage – Stealth – Ghost. Please bare with me boys and girls.

I. General info

a- Camouflage is considered level 1, therefore it is affected by reveal. Camouflage however reduces movement speed.

b – Stealth is level 2, it is also the most common type of invisibility, the current profession will have access to it. It is still succeptible to reveal.

C- Ghost however is the prestigious and most intricate one. and it not bound by movement speed and is immune to Reveal. Very few skills have and invisibilty of Ghost quality.

II. More Details

Cloak: Mostly available to every class. Rangers, Dragonhunter, Engineers using elixirs,etc. Mesmer’s Prestige.

Stealth: Only Mesmer Elite Mass Invisibity grants this, and Scraper’s Sneak Drone.

Ghost: Only exclusive to the Thief. HOWEVER it is only accessible through combos finisher. So moves like, C&D, Blinding Powder or Shadow Refuge, or even traits will be either turn out to be Stealth or Camouflage quality.

Now for example, if you do Smoke Screen+ SB #2 you get Ghost quality.

So far, I think this will give us room to breathe without making everything absolutely obsolete. It will let our oponents be just as versatile in taking us down.

What do you think?
Please rate out of 10 and discuss, I won’t get offended if you put -5/10. I just want good arguments that are for and against this idea.

Thank you. Please don’ say stuff like « Yeah I don’t like the term Ghost, i like x,y,z » because that is not the point.

again, ty.

They are fixing thief by removing revealed debuff from our own skills or it it is n’ont the case they are killing thief class.

Patience is a virtue.

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


I patiently play a mesmer… And did you know ?
To beat a thief with a mesmer, hit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, dodge, F3, F1.

To make him rage don’t forget to use stealth to stomp

Stealth is not a thief mechanic

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


Then why thief is the only profession to have special attacks from stealth?
I mean, the class is balanced around it, with “normal skills” toned down to compensate the powerful stealth skills.
So why are we the only profession with a hard counter to our mechanic?
Everyone suffers from stun, daze, KD, KB etc etc but there isn’t a skill that prevents a warrior’s eviscerate or a ranger pewpew, so why in the earth there must be something that prevents a backstab?

If the “puff” part of stealth is too strong, let reveal affects only visibility so we can have the stealth buff (with all of our skills) but be visibile to foes.

And for the “chain backstab” problem, we can have 2 types of reveal. Self reveal, applied after a hit from stealth, that will work like it is now, and the reveal applied from others that will let us access stealth abilities while not being stealthed.

maybe !
Devs are adding releaving skills because they will remove the revealed debuff from our own skill.

Returning to the game, what is viable?

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576



I think you’ll get more than what you are looking for here

See you

The Coming Tide - Future of the Thief

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


Maybe anet adds a lots of reveal skill because stealth will be unlimited ?

What I'd like to see when Thief gets checked

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576



I think venom should work a kind like signet. with a passive and an active.
Just an example :
Passive : apply poison (or chill or etc…) for X secs each third strike
Active : apply poison for X*2 secs every strike.

then it should be usable with any set.

Backstab Trapper Roaming

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576



I have used trapper runes with :
-condition : great survivability but can be long to kill.
-hybrid : more damage but far less tough

Also, in my opinion it is now the best way to be stealthed.

I never tried with full front damage, it seems great.


a real new talent : stealth dodge

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


During my nap, yeah, I am an old man, I had a dream.

After a successful dodge, you go stealth, isn’t a great idea ?

A little joke these hard times is always good !

Shadow's Embrace vs Shadow Protector

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


thanks a lot.

2/0/6/0/6 is better for me. Don’t know why at first, but now I’ll never go fight without sleight of hand !!!

Shadow's Embrace vs Shadow Protector

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


Shadow’s Embrace is far better, just trust me on that. The solution for your initiative problem would be to pick up trickery. 20606 is the most efficient trait spread a thief can run in WvW basically no matter what build or stat spread they’re using. Learn how to use sleight of hand and mug on a ridiculously low cd and you will easily make up for the damage lost from crit strikes. Honestly with 20606 dp you can literally just spam shadow shot and autos with air fire and easily outdps and outpressure the boring backstabs you get from x6/6/x/x.

Nice alternative I never tried ! Let’s go ! thanks

Shadow's Embrace vs Shadow Protector

in Thief

Posted by: azmodey.4576


Hello all,

I am trying to figure out what’s work best in WvW especially roaming but I use my build in zerg too also.

I can’t choose alone

My spec is a classic 0/6/6/2/0 D/P, using Hide in Shadows in heal and Infiltrator’s Signet to break stun about the most pertinent skills I use and Shadow’s Rejuvenation for the traits.

I have tried the two traits, I cannot use the two because I lack initiative if I am not using Infusion of Shadow :

Shadow’s Embrace :
This trait great, bye bye blind, bleed, freeze… but my regen with only Shadow’s Rejuvenation seems not enough except when I fight against full condition damage oponents.

Shadow Protector :
It seems it works better in addition to Shadow’s Rejuvenation a nice 2k heal even countering the condition damage I am suffering but I feel lacking some cc counter.

Each time I try one it seems I lack something but I cannot what is lacking most.

Do you have a opinion ? a solution to get more initiative and avoid using Infusion of Shadow ? I have tried D/D it seems slower but less initiative costing.
Any idea ?

thanks, Azmodey