(edited by blue.8629)
Showing Posts For blue.8629:
Is there any news on fixing the DC issues, it’s really annoying preparing for wurm for an hour to have be DC’d and miss the event due to the amazing mega-server system. It’s well kittening complete bullkitten.
Oh shut up, get in a guild or a community and jump to a map, organise the event and it’s easy. 6.3k tokens at the moment, and pretty much 10 champ bags every round. It’s not hard, if people are going to be lazy, you’re going to get nothing.
Swap the medium and light.. like seriously, how did that even happen?
Is it just me or does the medium seem to more of a light set and the light set more medium?
Especially the back on the medium..
Game loading slow and windows not showing up properly
This started off after a week of break and then coming with the map not loading straight away and loading times increased, basically after the tower of nightmares patch.
I have just did a repair and I now have a issue with spell icons not being there and windows not properly loading.
thanks for any response
you also get those “level 79 stones” when you finish a zone and you’re level 2.
that’s just the reward you get for zone completion, it’s not level dependent.
Which is my point.. A level 2 can use the stones, a level 80 cannot..
Completing zones at level 80 yield 3 level 79 trans stones or a black lion guys… here’s the issue.. Level 79 at 80? is that a joke?! why not maybe 1 level 80 instead?
It’s becoming annoying going to the class master and redoing my traits each time I enter WvW and when I come out, as an ele it is vital I do this or it pew pew dead in WvW.
I cannot see a reason, and with the new vamp over WvW I am sad that this wasn’t implemented. Pretty please Anet?
Same, longer loading screens and gotta wait for the map to load properly, also its laggy. Can’t see it being my issue, patch dropped and then all these problems arose – guess we’ll have to wait for a new patch?
Edit: also I tried moving the game to another partition, repair and deleted dat file – made no difference.
Sometimes certain audio aspects don’t play and other times it goes completely mute, it doesn’t happen often – and a restart fixes it, but just wanted to get it out there
Can anyone relate?
can’t pick up the Essence, another underwater bug.. yay
Seriously en-counted some kind of bug with underwater story missions.. really badly done.
The one where you’re in the LA sewers, pull all the mobs, die and they all come to the beginning of the instance, much easier..
The thing is, watching videos the content is like amazing, and I can’t see a benefit of removing it, ANET gain nothing, the game is pay once – and the fact they don’t want people to take time off will just push people away from the game for good.
Do I got bored with the game and left in January, and recently returned. I don’t get the living story, I come back and there’s still nothing to do – i’m in the same position I was 10 month ago, bored, nothing to do all the same. They latest addition to this amazing new living story lasted what, perhaps 2 days – why can’t you leave the stuff in? The adventure box seemed cool, sure I can look at the entrance in Rata Sum, but that’s not really fun.
Without all this content I feel it’s just the same thing every day.
You create amazing content, from what i’ve seen, and then you just remove it – why?! It’s less for the player to do and a somewhat waste of Anet’s talent.
So they event is busy 24/7 has nothing to do with people guesting why I haven’t been able to do this event for the past 2 weeks, it’s complete bs.
This is becoming seriously annoying and when I do get to one there’s always loads of people from other servers, like wtf.
dungeons get boring… these little exploits keep them fun
guild guild guild… it’s why they are there…
I wish they skills.. ye my kind of game
fun game, but gets boring quickly… play something else until monthly update
wtf is a dark warrior…
The issues gw2 is having, and this is what you want?… my dear old cauliflower…
But let’s kind of put a bit of reality into the whip idea, they aren’t really a weapon are they?…
I think a whip it just, well… dumb.
In my opinion I think that monthlies should just be a bigger version of dailies. I have zero desire to pvp or run dungeons especially when I can only play in short spurts of time. Then I also have to wait for wvw and wait to form groups. I just feel that the monthlies now are not very accessible to players like me.
Good job you have a month then, ey?
Also wait for groups?! get in a kitten guild? follow commanders. Bloody hell – how fickle can you be?
So my mouse has basically packed in after a few years, looking for a good mouse to basically use with GW2 – and while i’m buying new stuff, a comfortable headset for long use, preferably light.
I just put it down to, fractal = for the super hardcore and leave it at that!
Yeah kittenty, but there’s people that only do fractals, and people that will be kitten But even now I’m sick of seeing twillight all over the place, I think this way will make each frac weapon more unique
Thanks guys – mm strange, ye i’ve ran it many times and just dps’d him down – easy.
No idea – best run it again and see if it was a funny moment
The site is slowly becoming a non-option it seems…
Sporadically today, and especially tonight, no one in our group could get an LA overflow so we could ‘get together’ to enter Fractals.
If you are from EU – get someone on a NA overflow to inv you (pm the first person you see in the NA gw2lfg section) and you got an overflow. Works the other way around as well. Giving the option to force oneself into an overflow might be a good idea although that will require additional system resources (more servers will be on at any given time), although this could actually be a great idea for interserver PvEAnd again I dont want to use any other tools that the game includes.
Teamspeak, Ventrilo, Mumble and other VOIP are not ingame. Are you saying that you are not using ANY of those for voice communication ?
The point is, there is clearly a lot of people that want a dungeon finder, and we haven’t heard of any changes – people pay, they wish to have their opinion heard. And no one can say they are against the dungeon finder! Wanna run a story on a alt? boom easy. I can’t see any reason to not have a dungeon finder.
So we use a third party site, and that’s ok? It’s ANets game they should of thought of something right? After all, they say this is another AAA MMO..
The last boss doesn’t seem to go down in my last run :o
We literally can’t make a dent in his health, and took us like 10 mins to get 5% down after killing all crystals.. seems strange?
Anyone relate?
Give us something in game..
If you hate, play something else… change your style.. seems if you need forums to tell you how to play, you’re a bit of a empty box. Change stuff up, you know – think.
I had no issues, but maybe it would be nice to have a difficulty level and rewards scaling to the level you pick. I would like to take on a more difficult personal story on another character, it would keep me more interested and play for longer!
The only people i normally see around dungeons or AC, and what about people that play later?
All i want in an option to say what you’re looking for… TA EXP. Done. Have the option to invite and request to partys – what’s the issue? Sick of spamming LA..
We need a window, sick of sitting in LA spamming, or in over-flow with other people that don’t speak English…
Fix Noll? Kthxbye
so bugged at Noll.. still wow.. please Anet fancy releasing and update that works or fix the bugs i don’t know before the second phase? …. useless
YES! Standing around in lions arch for ages is really fun…
don’t care if people don’t like the dungeon system in wow, at-least i’m not sat around bored
It’s a joke, my servers is always full, but the zones are normally always empty… I should expect to be in overflow, never been in it since launch…
I play farshivers peak, and i am looking to move – despite our population saying high, our wvw numbers are normally poor, we tend to always lose and general population is not really there, it’s been ages since I had even been over flow.. i am looking to move!
Staff is stupid! You can actually see this size increase when you pull it out easily, it’s so off putting and cheap!
Mad king was easy mode… for obvious reasons…
Well… Don’t see why both couldn’t be used?
you get epic boots in the end for dooing an easy jumping puzzle that takes 1min to complete, of course it is worth it…
Easy right? no.
Epic? I think you’ll find its an exotic, you actually done it? Because i don’t think so, guessing you’ve never received an exotic as you called it epic…
Meh overall rubbish event, can’t complain – it is okay, nice art styles and voice overs. But content seems a bit buggy and rubbish to me
Were you fast enough?
Yeah but just don’t allow transfers between EU and US, simple!
And as far streaming, people could just not watch – and ANet could alternate it, IE EU get event, the next event US get it first?
Why can’t they realise it at different times for EU and US and stop it at different times? So a different time zone gets and event before, big deal…
If people think it’s bad and a rip off (gems) thats fine, I can see there point of view, it has been very buggy and nothing really amazing, but thats fine. People feel cheated for the gems and that again is cool, a lot that aren’t happy are gw1 players, with good reason. The game runs on micro transactions a lot of people who paid for that feel ripped off.
Also less of content for cheap. no one asked ANet for this, it is there marketing plan, and hey! if they did have a sub model, would it hold up against others? From this event, I would say no. They claim to be a AAA MMO, and it’s simply not the case.
I did the one that gives you the V page, I don’t know the name.. as it doesn’t spawn ha!
Also all the doors are open and seem to be bugged here :/ wish a red would shed some light