Showing Posts For brakheart.1407:

New Worlds

in WvW

Posted by: brakheart.1407


I call bs.

No matter how many servers you people implement, it will still happen what has always happened since day 1 of this game: people will migrate to top tier servers and the rest will stay empty. Don’t you realize it’s as if you unlinked the current servers? It would be the exact same thing, and you people seem to want to it in order for the few dedicated wvw people to leave the game so the only ones that’re left are casuals.

Also, you could just cap the number of migrations to 2 or 3 every 3 months or something like that. That way you assure that people don’t bandwagon from server to server just to farm, but I guess you won’t since that’s your only way of getting money from us players (in WvW at least). Maybe you could JUST ADD MORE BORDELANDS TO THE GAME so there are no dead borders and people don’t have to wait 1 or 2 hours in q for Eternal Battlegrounds in top tier servers.

Either way, it makes no sense to add more servers since just a few more than before will fill up and the rest will stay as they are, dead.

Just saying, please think about what you guys want to do to WvW, because you’ve been killing it since the game launched and been patching it so only pve people that just want to siege up behind a keep play the game.

And please, FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, pay attention and care about what players want and complain about in this forum. It’d be nice, you know (not what you did with Sacrx 6 months before the game launched: he warned you guys that culling was incredibly bad and you managed to go 2 years after launch without patching it. Disgusting).

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Computer randomly shuts down when playing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brakheart.1407


What graphics card do you have, and how many watts is your PSU?
It sounds like either overheating, or not sufficient power under load..

Have you tried opening Event Viewer and check the log for possible errors? That could give an indication of what goes on
Also you could use MSI Afterburner or a tool of your choice to monitor your temps while playing – GW2 gives the CPU a good workout, so it’s possible that’s where the overheating problem lies, if that’s your problem..

I have a GTX 970 from Gigabyte and my current PSU has 650W (the other one has 700), so I don’t think it has nothing to do with power.
How can I open the Event Viewer?
I’ve already checked my temps and they’re not out of the ordinary, all within normal standards for an air cooled system, so I don’t think it’s an overheating thing :/

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Computer randomly shuts down when playing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brakheart.1407


Problem: computer shuts down after a playing for a while (maybe an hour or so) and then turns back on by itself after a couple seconds of shutting down. Does anyone know if this is a guildwars2 problem (has anyone else reported the same) or is it my pc in some manner that shuts down the PSU and then turns it back on? Maybe a motherboard problem?

I had this problem about a month ago with my old PSU and thought it might be that, so I bought a new one and not even a month after buying it and using it, the same problem appeared, again while playing guild wars 2.

Any help is deeply appreciated.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

CRASHING - update: temporary fix inside!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brakheart.1407


Arenanet really needs to fix this kitten asap. My whole guild crashed while in the middle of a fight in WvW because of this bs.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

CRASHING - update: temporary fix inside!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brakheart.1407


same thing happened to me right now after updating graphics driver :/

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Anet, pay attention to WvW ASAP

in WvW

Posted by: brakheart.1407


Why does Anet have to always focus on pve and screw (over and over and over again) WvW like they have been doing since the game launched?
Every single piece of trash update has come with a lot of pve and expansion stuff and slowly but surely their messing up the little wvw community that’s left in the game.

Is it their goal to leave this game only playable for pve fans?

Edit: Fix the error bug asap. Game is unplayable. Specially in WvW.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

(edited by brakheart.1407)

High ping after "WvW fix"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brakheart.1407


Mainly what the title says. Haven’t been able to play in WvW today because everytime I got in, I had at least 500 of ping, not to mention the random lag spikes in PvP EVERY SINGLE TIME. Suppossedly you reduced the cap of people in WvW to fix the lags that tons of people were having, but after “fixing” that problem, you’ve created another one, one that doesn’t has anything to do with my ISP I must say.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

WvW Lag March 2015

in WvW

Posted by: brakheart.1407


After that “maintainance” messasge popped saying "complete, I still have 500 ping in Eternal Battlegrounds (I’m in Baruch Bay, a EU server). I’ll try to play on other borders to see if the same happens or if it’s just an EB problem.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Chronic skill lag in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brakheart.1407


I must add to this post that this isn’t a NA exclusive problem. In almost all EU servers it’s happening the same thing. I for once, I’m in Baruch Bay and have had lag ever since the patch came out; not only in WvW, but also in Pve and PvP. Same problem goes for a lot of my friends playing in this server as well.
I already put a post on the spanish forum about it, but it’s almost been a week now and no answer yet :/

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: brakheart.1407


Since 2 weeks ago, when the “escape from lion’s arch” event was about to be released, Ono users all around Spain started having serious connection issues. 30 seconds lag. DC every 2 minutes, making the experience impossible to enjoy.

Us, the Spanish Guild Wars 2 community, have complained about this serious problem in both English and Spanish Forums, with only a “We’re aware of the problems, please forgive us.” for an answer.

If this problem persists, I’m afraid a lot of Spanish Guild Wars 2 users will cease to play the game, leaving Arenanet without a lot of loyal costumers.

Best regards, Acerot.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: brakheart.1407


I’m from Spain and have the 100mb internet package with Ono. I have the exact same problem of massive lag, although i have it all day long.
I’ve called about 5 times to Ono and (of course) they say all my connections are fine, and that there’s no problem from their side.
So…There’s got to be a problem regarding Guild Wars 2 servers, right? This unplayable situation happened about a week ago, when that supposed DdoS attack to Cloudflare began.

Could an administrator of this forum please explain what’s going on? Or at least say something in any post regarding these issues, thank you.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

LAG. DISCONNECTS. peak time BT ISP throttle?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: brakheart.1407


I’m from Spain and have the 100mb internet package with Ono. I have the exact same problem of massive lag, although i have it all day long.
I’ve called about 5 times to Ono and (of course) they say all my connections are fine, and that there’s no problem from their side.
So…There’s got to be a problem regarding Guild Wars 2 servers, right? This unplayable situation happened about a week ago, when that supposed DdoS attack to Cloudflare began.

Could an administrator of this forum please explain what’s going on? Or at least say something in any post regarding these issues, thank you.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

looking for EU guild that raids from 4gmt

in Looking for...

Posted by: brakheart.1407


There are a couple of Spanish guilds that start raid at that time (maybe an hour or so later), and those would be: “Seven Instincts” and “Impures”.
As i said, they’re both Spanish guilds and therefore their raids are in Spanish.
There are also another couple of English-speaking guilds like VII and Red Guard (the two best at the time in WvW). There’s also TUP (The Unlikely Plan) and HoB.

Hope i helped.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Making multiple superior blueprints

in WvW

Posted by: brakheart.1407


I open this post since i haven’t seen any post about this topic on the forum.

It’s true that players can make superior blueprints on Zommoros’ forge. That’s fine.
What’s not fine is that if i want to make 100 superior flame ram blueprints, i have to manually put each item on the forge, and make 1 by 1, instead of (for example), the maximum amount i can make with the materials i have put there.
It’s really annoying spending about an hour making blueprints when the next day you’ll be using about 75% of them. It’s a lot of work, and it wouldn’t be bad if you guys from Anet could develop a system such as the crafting, in which players could make as much as the material they want in one shot, instead of making it individually.

Hope this post reaches someone that, at least, shows the idea to the developers.


Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]


in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


Vizunah…Why do you have to be at least 10 people to go agains 3? ITS kittenING SAD. LEARN TO PLAY ALREADY.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

7/26 - Baruch Bay / Elona Reach / Kodash

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


GD, i was absolutely astonished this evening about how you manage to match that baruch blob in their EB Garrison. I’ve never seen any guild do that, except RG, so my best regards to your GM and all of you guys for such an awesome work
(im also upset you had to die because the wall was closed any many of you were trapped in there u.u).

Greetings from Nuke

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

12/7 Piken/Baruch/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


i somehow knew we were going to fight Piken this week regarding the order server i wasnt so sure though. Still..Jade blobs another week -.-

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Augury Rock / Riverside / Baruch Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


River..pls. is really sad that being you guys 30+ and being us baruch no more than 15, you run from us AND EVEN WAYPOINT YOUR kitten OUT OF THERE. Don’t you guys do anything else besides hiding in your german ac’ed bunkers?
Really boring matchup. Hope Anet doesnt matches up us again.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Desolation / Baruch Bay / Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


Good fighting with you spanish bros. Always nice to meet new opponet.

What’s the deal with siN , i’ve checked your (their) stream and it seems you Raid off at 8:30PM ? and then only 15 player come back at 10PM ?

Always a pleasure to meet you all on the battlefield , had a nice evening playing against BuLL aswell.

Btw when’s your Prime time in spain ?

hf guys :]

our prime-time is from 9 to 3-4 am GMT.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Desolation / Baruch Bay / Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


classy? Classy with a server that only plays in 120 people group? dont think so.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Desolation / Baruch Bay / Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


its seems every single one of foreign guilds only upload to youtube the matches they have against EB baruch’s randoms, RED or Vita… really?

Also, does Vizunah know how to play without blobbling? Is really annoying that you people only fight when we’re outmanned 10 to 1 (at least). And if you run in equal numbers, you all run for your lifes.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Desolation / Baruch Bay / Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


thanks for the bags, vizombies You really are filling up my gold sack

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

World First 250k Kills Ultimate Dominator!

in WvW

Posted by: brakheart.1407


It’s a shame you leave the game just the same day when they put AOE Loot Im gonna miss seeing RG around, but still, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Desolation / Baruch Bay / Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


Jesus Christ Vizunah, could you please stand a fight in equal number SOMETIME? just about 10 minutes ago, RNV was about to fight 15-20 vizunahs right next to garri, and yall just teleported yourselves to base…Really? Do you people have fun hidding and only making points? No kills, no fights?

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Desolation / Baruch Bay / Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


there’s no organization in Vizunah, It’s just 120 people running and dying around like nothing. Oh, and also taking all our stuff just when we are not there to defend, like crows..god kitten it, LEARN TO PLAY ALREADY T1!

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Desolation / Baruch Bay / Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


two things:
first: I’ve heard a lot from my spanish collegues about Vizunah, and i really hoped you guys were a lot better playing :/ yall are paper Yeah, you ppl move about 100 players at a time, but just this evening i was with siN and im sorry to say this, but we whiped you out abour 5 or 6 times. Guess fighting isnt your thing.
second: is there any organized guild in Vizunah besides VSS? So far i’ve just seen that guild in action, and in the other fights, just a bunch of vizunah running around with no organization

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


Also, why does every single foreign guild only puts the fight when they win against RED and VITA blobs? Everybody knows that these two clans have over 50+ people in raid on prime-time, and everybody knows that they are not as good as siN, CS, NuKe, or any other spanish guild.

Please stop making videos about whiping, lets say, not so great players, and start putting the real fights where siN whipes 40+ or CS cleans out Seafearer’s blobs, thank you.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


WTF is wrong with Kodash? Stop touching Baruch’s balls already.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


the timing was just too good for it to have been coincidence. Sorry, but i don’t believe you ^^ Maybe your commander was the one that spoke with a SFR, and you dont know about it. Here in Baruch it happened about 3 months ago or so, and i was very dissapointed when i knew

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407



Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


look Zumy, right now i’ve seen how Kodash opened a wall of Durios and let SFR enter with its zerg. So don’t talk kitten.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


Very sad that both of SFR and Kodash servers have gotten a deal to play against us baruch…Are we really that good that you two servers have to ally?

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Welcome to the EU 1-3 Super Match

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


Oh, and (sorry for the double post)…what do the facebook accounts mean? What does that have to do with playing a Pc game such as Guild Wars? You do know that at least half of those facebook accounts are from people that have never heard of guild wars nor any pc game, right?

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Welcome to the EU 1-3 Super Match

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


Dayra…from where did you get the idea that in Baruch there are many Americans and that’s why we have such a good nightcapping? Haven’t you paid attention to the economy in Spain? Or how many unamployed people are here in Spain? Or how many teenagers have left school and don’t work or study?

Please, first clarify your ideas before exposing them in public. It’s true that in Baruch there are some (mainly) south-american people, but our nightcapping is so “huge” just because almost 6,5 million people in Spain are unamployed. Therefore, there are maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany youngsters and notsoyoung people that play this game more than 10 hours a day (my case, for example). Because of the lack of work here, most of us keep playing WvW until dawn.

Peace out.

P.D.: btw, i hate the T1 style that Elona and Desolation have e.e.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]


in WvW

Posted by: brakheart.1407


I think we all agree that rangers should be prohibited in WvW. 1500 range and 15 stacks of vulnerability in 2 seconds is too kittening much to handle.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: brakheart.1407


I think we should send like a firm collection to Anet, so they can realize what they’ve done.
It’s impossible to play with this OP arrows..D***k? 2k damage for each arrow? COME ON.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Baruch Bay Vs Piken Square Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: brakheart.1407


i think you will al agree that Hunters should be prohibited in WvW. I mean, that much dps with the freaking arrows is just not normal.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Baruch Bay Vs Piken Square Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: brakheart.1407


Congrats to goW (and Piken in general) for farming us Baruchians with your full berserker builds

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Baruch vs Piken vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: brakheart.1407


what’s good in Piken is that almost all the population there is formed by organized clans. Therefore, you people can raid (let’s say) 5 different clans, with about 15 people each, and that way become a lot more effective in WvW and in blob fights. Sadly, here in Baruch we don’t have that many variety of premades

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Baruch vs Piken vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: brakheart.1407


We “baruchians” can’t play vs Piken too many organized guilds in Piken, and too many people within each guild >_<

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Baruch vs Piken vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: brakheart.1407


Today i’ve been witness of a wonderful guild: XT. I believe they’re from the Piken Borderlands, and all i can say is that you guys really have sustain. I’m a member of NuKe and had the pleasure to fight you today. All i can say is that i was really surprised of how 20 people could stand an almost complet server such as BB.

I was wondering: would you guys be interested in a GvG vs us, NuKe?

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

Gandara vs. Baruch vs. Aurora v2.

in WvW

Posted by: brakheart.1407


Aurora Glade is freaking sad. You say that we are the ones that go in zergs? kitten you. There’s nothing else to say:

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]