Showing Posts For brandonp.3612:
i was talking about pvp, and i use med kit in it and keep a bunch of boons and have almost constant prot and i use the trait that gives you 2% per boon and i can tank quite a bit and am doing decent damage
i honestly have no idea what you are talking about, i saw your post earlier today and i thought this cant be right. so i made a build with it and i have been absolutely wrecking face. idk what builds you have been playing with it but the one i made has a crap ton of condi clear and it hits decently hard. also i heal myself/others for quite a bit.
Heya all i am interested in starting a series of videos where i take the communities suggested builds (good or just crazy) and put them to the test. anyone who has a funny or absolutely “terrible” build idea leave it here for me and i will try to do as many as possible. My char/youtube name is Toparr. if you like you can check me out, i am kind of new but i thought this would be a fun thing to try out. the videos would be made in pvp/wvw.
(edited by brandonp.3612)
the blast gyro’s Fskill need to be on a faster activation from 1/2 second to 1/4 second. the activation of that skill is useless in a fight and quite annoying to use on that cast time
ditto im having the same problem
my main problem with it is that they wont talk. and i even tell them how to talk back to me if they dont know how. and i assume that people with 200 ap are using f2p, yeah i know i have no reason to assume it is a f2p char but when they dont talk back or wont acknowledge that they have just done something that affects not only them it is quite irritating. and this has only been a problem for me since the f2p came out. i am not hating on people that are f2p and actually want to become part of the community, i am hating on the people that are refusing to become part of it. If they made any attempt to talk or say anything i wouldnt care because then i could tell them what is up and find out how to help them.
has anyone else had the problem of free to play people joining your lfg and they dont meet any of the requirements you have asked for. they also dont say anything in party chat or leave what they were doing in another map. it is quite obnoxious and i try to be nice at first but when it happens for a simple dungeon run that you want to get in and out of…. ugh. i dont understand why they join with no intent to join you in the first place. they just see someone wants a party i guess. idk. how can we help them learn or fix the problem?
i honestly dont think that trait deserves to move at all, i dont find it useful. i understand why it is good, but i would rather take either of the other traits than that due to the fact that you can never predict if you are going to be playing against someone who is going to be stealthing. even if you do know 100% that you are it still doesnt seem all to worth it, because you still have to hit them. plus anyone who has any idea of what to do, would condi clear then burst you because they know that was your last ditch effort.
hey guys, i wanted to advertise my youtube channel a little so i figured i’d come to the sourcel. My channel name is “Toparr” and i upload engineer content. so far ive posted some pvp and wvw videos. let me know what you think, and if you like subscribe. Thanks for your time everyone GLHF
same. i also got new internet the same day of the beta, but im not entirely sure that it is the problem. whenever i even open the guild wars to login screen, anything else that is open stops working and when my computer finally disconnects from the internet while gw2 is open ill close it out and instantly my computer is connected to the internet again. idk what is going on if anyone has an idea on how to help me please let me know.
ok ok, lets point out the fact that they did this nerf 1 day after they put out the patch….. they didnt give the majority time to learn how to NOT stand in the center of the orbital strike to not die. then when people complained about standing in a big atk, and dying, that it is OP? Second, the “condi pressure” from mortar kit is complete garbage. you cant hardly do any bit of condi damage with the kit. is it there? yes. is it at all damaging? no. the fact that it is a 100% projectile finisher is just a small buff to what is supposed to be our “elite” skill. it is hardly able to be considered better than the mainhand pistol in damage and rifle in condi. plz revert the patch.
every time i attempt to access the hero menu or anything affiliated with that menu( traits, daily, etc.) i get an error that pops up asking to send a bug report and i have had this happen multiple times (every time i try). i have sent the report every time but i have seen no progress in anything changing. if anyone/thing knows how i could get this fixed please assist me.