Showing Posts For cimon.5798:

Stop stacking servers

in Looking for...

Posted by: cimon.5798


im pretty sure i asked the bandwagoners to come back to their origional servers. not the people who got treated poorly by their server or the folks who didnt like their server because they didnt serve punch on fridays at the softball game after wvw.

If that last phrase was the type of attitude I saw on my server I would leave too.

i don’t see any attitude it was more of a poor attempt at being funny didn’t mean to offend you or anyone else for that matter. what my intent was is getting this derailed thread back to my point. as every post that followed my original was kinda not on topic but kinda on at the same time so i figured to be more specific would encourage the kind of conversation i was going for. and i know what im doing here will not change anything but i was hopeing that since the wvw end of season chest was so godawful that maybe the bandwagon folks might find it in their hearts to return to the servers they so coldly abandoned for posibilitys of fourtune

Stop stacking servers

in Looking for...

Posted by: cimon.5798


im pretty sure i asked the bandwagoners to come back to their origional servers. not the people who got treated poorly by their server or the folks who didnt like their server because they didnt serve punch on fridays at the softball game after wvw.

How can I show casuals the importance of TS?

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


that’s another fine point there. explaining your actions be it a successful or unsuccessful action would indeed go a long way. especially since you guys tend to come up with names for things and then scoff at folks who do not understand your intent.

and yes sorry unknown i kinda cherry picked from your post

(edited by cimon.5798)

Stop stacking servers

in Looking for...

Posted by: cimon.5798


hi how are you all doing today i come to make a request. all of you who bandwagoned off your original home server please return to it whatever it was so this game can possibly be fun again. now before i hear but the cost of gems or im not moving because of X or Y just think about all the boredom youve caused yourself and other gamers on this game and see if you feel justified after you take that into account

How can I show casuals the importance of TS?

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


id like to start off with saying i do indeed use ts when i feel its needed. however there is a few reasons not to log on to a community TS especially in the community that i reside currently. one of the main reasons not to go onto a community TS server on my server is the constant member stealing that occurs from smaller guilds to larger ones. now this in and of itself is not too big a deal but it really limits the amount of things a server can do in wvw by making the entire fighting force one guild it tends to be just zerg fest and multiple objective fighting becomes hard, not impossible but more difficult then need be. another reason is the amount of people who assume that because they have a c.tag that they are infallible now again mind you id say a good 50% of the time they run fun runs and do good but listening to other folks who may have insight is good as well. then of course there is lag issues inherit in the game to begin with coupled with a few bad computers and some folks who simply can not run both at the same time due to whatever limitation their hardware has. now my solution is going to sound a bit silly but generally the most simple solutions sound pretty silly at first. type, yea i know you cant fight and type at the same time and it becomes increasingly difficult to execute commands to others while fighting in fast paced combat such as guild wars presents but all in all dis-including a part of your warriors because they are deaf is not a smart military choice by any means. so if it becomes so tiresome that you can not type and fight assign someone to do it for you on TS. i know your kinda asking a bit much but the overall server cohesion will noticeably increase and maybe foster a few friendships in the process. i have not truly commanded in quite some time but when i did or my friend ahnk did we would type and then move or be en route and giving commands that would ensure our objectives where understood before reaching them. so just a little food for thought

why anet why :(

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


yea my grades are getting better so i guess thank you a net

why anet why :(

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


i just want it to be worth losing my education over again

why anet why :(

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


look i know alot of folks come on here upset about one thing or another. I on the other hand feel as if this needs to be said and looked at carefully. instead of going to my blowout match of BP, FA, NSP in wvw im actually not going to be a slacker and do my homework. yea thats right homework this is what its come down to anet im going to go do the right thing instead of goofing off and pvping. someone needs to go feed the quaggins to get that wheel spinning and get some ideas working or something cus i cant be a honor student or something id lose my street cred yo

Cannot cancel siege - Lost an Omega Golem

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


i made a post about this and a dev answerd its because of the item dupers so its disabled until they get a fix on how the items are being duped

can not put blueprints away

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


We’ve temporarily disabled the pack-up skills on all of the deployable siege weapons to stop the siege duping exploit. A real fix to this will be coming with the release on Tuesday.

ty for the quick reply ill pass on the info to my guildys

can not put blueprints away

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


theres a bug right now where i can not put my blueprints back into my inventory after atempting to deploy them you press number 2 and it just says content is temporarly disabled try again later

So how does this solve zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


someone wanna throw a link in here i would like to know where this new info is coming from and i cant seem to locate it

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


this is not the case the only reason they got rid of them was because they were exploitable and encouraged hacking. i know you can dispute this further by saying o but i don’t even gvg or i hate gvg so why would i come here to complain if it weren’t for the fact that this buff is lame.

That’s factually incorrect. I’m sure Habib’s post has been thrown around here many times, so you can find it if you look hard enough.

but in all honesty there hasnt been enough time with the buff in place to call this one way or the other

That I agree with.

so it goes to reason either your a part of the gvg movement or close enough to it to try your hand at discrediting my previous statements. so i instead ask you to please try again

You are the one spouting factually incorrect statements and making gross assumptions about GvGers based on your own, limited experiences. If you don’t GvG, how do you have any remote idea of how many complaints are coming from GvG and how many aren’t?

well if i find that post you referenced ill come back and say i was incorrect for the reason of the original orbs removal. as for my ability to reason out that a majority if not all of these complaints are from the gvg community i think it is pretty much as obvious as the sky is blue or the grass is green. i mean for instance you say i have limited experiences. why is this? is it a assumption that since i think gvg is bad i clearly have never done it? not meant to sound snarky but if you have not noticed my grammar is quite bad. i don’t know what else to say besides i disagree with your statement here based on the fact that most of what i said is not a “gross assumption” but rather a observation of this community’s seemingly organized backlash against mechanics that were in game already. we knew for a great deal of time were coming back.

(edited by cimon.5798)

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


im not so good at that for this i apologize but this is also kinda my point. i said something to someone from kitten and here you are someone who is also from kitten but not involved and your dropping some sort of random insult on my writing. it really goes to prove my point that this is a gvg complaint and folks who dont even really have a opinion are being asked to come to these forums to demonize something they have little to no understanding of. i mean what you said literally has no bearing on the discussion but here you are. i would instead ask that you don’t read what i write if it such a abomination to your eyes. otherwise feel free to chip in here and add something to this discussion

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


no need to try again it is literally the only reason you folks wont give it a go. they came on these forums and flooded it with their nonsense. something i have been seeing on this forum is omg the imbalance is the reason they got rid of the orbs to begin with QQ. this is not the case the only reason they got rid of them was because they were exploitable and encouraged hacking. i know you can dispute this further by saying o but i don’t even gvg or i hate gvg so why would i come here to complain if it weren’t for the fact that this buff is lame. but in all honesty there hasnt been enough time with the buff in place to call this one way or the other so it goes to reason either your a part of the gvg movement or close enough to it to try your hand at discrediting my previous statements. so i instead ask you to please try again

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


You can seriously take your GvG complaints and stick them. WvW was made for fun, not for two elite groups running around being jerks to everyone else.

this guy right here has it right the sole reason where even hearing complaints right now is due to the gvg community. and hes spot on gvg people are generally elitist and jerk like in nature and if you dont think so see how they act in map chats. they have for the most part ensured most people who pve wont even come into a wvw map other then for map complete

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


i disagree is all i can really say man sure yea the buff rewards the people that have it but the biggest server out there is not always necessarily the one with the buff and it changes frequently. also it really does give small groups something fun to do now and again. now i d agree the way it rolled out was bad with the lag and whatnot. but kill wvw no i doubt it highly this game has way to many people dedicated to fighting the good fight to worry about that over a buff that can be removed easily

How would you fix Bloodlust?

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


this is clearly just a sorted attempt to cover more of the first page with this nonsense.

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


Kaamau.5341: WvW is what you make of it, any portion of any activity that takes place in there is as valid as any other, open field combat on a larger scale will always take place in this game mode. This is simply because large groups of people are moving from location to location to siege and defend. These groups are bound to run into each other and attack each other. What GvG did is larger scale open field combat, but rather in a controlled environment. So it is part of WvW because it exactly replicates something that will happen and will happen often. sure its more controlled and more fair then these battles normally are. But what is wrong with players going out of their way to create something where they can test them selves and give themselves a greater challenge? Isn’t what the majority of players play this game for? a challenge?

And finally. You should have more respect for guilds in this community. The put in hours and hours of time into WvW NOT doing GvG and probably putting in more time that your self. So to put them down in a such a way just shows you lack respect for those who put in their time FOR your server.

well i guess first off i must qualify my statements. i have been a avid wvw player since beta. i literally bought this game for wvw and couldn’t be happier with the current system and the direction its heading in. gvg does not replicate anything that occurs in wvw it is literally just a formal blob meeting. allbeit the blobs are indeed smaller and controlled but its just a mini zerg there’s not really any sport in it but who am i to judge that aspect. what i will say is it indeed directly affects wvw and poorly i might add. one it over inflates the egos of those who participate in such activites and it sepperates the the player bases. your fun as you so call it may very well be fun but it was not offered hinted at or even so much as mentioned when you bought this game therefore it should be expected that the game performs how it was advertised as a strategic siege placing tower/keep cappin rvr game type. if i go out and buy something lets say a a steak. i buy this steak with every intention of eating it after i cook it to my desired liking i go ahead and wear it as a hat now sure im having fun but does it make me right? and should the rest of the steak eating community have to now wear it as a hat? no is the answer i would choose. the simple solution here is find a game with the things you like in it already don’t try and make games change for you

(edited by cimon.5798)

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


well to be completely honest your not getting replies from the devs because that would encourage your rash behavior.

1. the gvg community needs to go anyhow the sooner the better

2. it wont have much effect at all if the guild was worth anything to begin with

3. no the buff has not been around long enough to demonize it yet. sorry you and your pals gunna have to wait till there is actual data

4. wvw was never about balance its about tactics on a large scale and structure capturing your open field fights and gvg where a kittened squirrel frog offspring of it

in conclusion i think its about time this pretend wvw community that’s complaining about this just stops. your like 1/100th of the wvw community and just because you 30 or so people spam forums with the same posts over and over doesn’t mean you have tons of folks backing you. even if you did this is what we all signed up for it was fairly obvious from beta that it was a siege using fort capping kinda game play and if you don’t like it sorry but to bad

Yeah I know don’t you just hate that GvG community that only makes up all of the guilds dedicated to WvW and have an effect on the score. If only they would find a different game to GvG in. A game focused on guild battles. Some game with a title that sort of describes GvGs. But besides that, I mostly agree with you on 3 and 4. The reason I dislike your post is because you don’t believe in improving something that already exists. Ex: GvGing in WvW. Ex: Updates to content to make it better (the buff). Why would you ruin something in the game that people find fun when you don’t need to? The key word was game, something meant to be fun. I can somewhat understand why you think what you do though if you come from one of the lower tier servers where GvGs aren’t as frequent and guild groups don’t participate in WvW activities, but your sour attitude towards it isn’t needed (which is a bit hypocritical coming from me).

i come from a server where the GVG community is pretty toxic to the server though we did just get to say bye to one such group. alas im not allowed to name and shame but the reason i come off as kinda sour is because the circumstances have indeed soured me

Thank you

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


why because i genuinely enjoy the game and wanted to show thanks? i would ask that no Anet employee replies here just take the complement and move on

How would you fix Bloodlust?

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


like not trying to sound to mean ere but isnt there like OVER9000 other post about bloodlust cant ya all give it a rest?

Thank you

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


Devon you are largely unappreciated and id like to say thank you for all the work you have done. i dont know how you hold it together. i know id be mad if i had been working on something for a long time only o have folks demonize it before they could possibly understand the impact of it. so with that being said keep it up.

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


well to be completely honest your not getting replies from the devs because that would encourage your rash behavior.

1. the gvg community needs to go anyhow the sooner the better

2. it wont have much effect at all if the guild was worth anything to begin with

3. no the buff has not been around long enough to demonize it yet. sorry you and your pals gunna have to wait till there is actual data

4. wvw was never about balance its about tactics on a large scale and structure capturing your open field fights and gvg where a kittened squirrel frog offspring of it

in conclusion i think its about time this pretend wvw community that’s complaining about this just stops. your like 1/100th of the wvw community and just because you 30 or so people spam forums with the same posts over and over doesn’t mean you have tons of folks backing you. even if you did this is what we all signed up for it was fairly obvious from beta that it was a siege using fort capping kinda game play and if you don’t like it sorry but to bad

Let's salvage this fiasco

in In-game Events

Posted by: cimon.5798


lol bottom line being all gvg is about is some sort of sembilance of a fair fight when in reality its just a smaller zerg smashing into a same sized zerg

Let's salvage this fiasco

in In-game Events

Posted by: cimon.5798


the solution was to get rid of that mode of play through this buff because it allocated manpower in the wrong direction. wvw was never about open field it was about strategy based on seigeing towers and keeps either for offense or defense. gvg was just a crap players way of feeling good about his/her self when in reality they couldn’t cut it in wvw to begin with.

Simple Solution to The Bloodlust Controversy.

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


orge you are not and never will be the voice of the wvw community

Never claimed so, but its good to see haters like you brimming with envy. Makes my day.

Well you may not have but you indirectly did by saying the community has said that they don’t want this, when only those who have taken the time to come to this forum have said it, not to say all who have come here want it gone and in another gvg cry QQ post you were toted as such. So your words coupled with theirs makes it definitely look like your trying to be some sort of special snow flake.

Simple Solution to The Bloodlust Controversy.

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


i vote that this post gets removed due to the huge amount of GvG post’s by the same group of people harassing the forums with there garbage. but if i was pressed i would vote yes the buff was a intended mechanic and yea sure balance may be a issue but its not like it is set in stone and cant be tweaked and worked on. case in point they removed it once because it didn’t work right now its round two and if it does not work again it will get removed again pretty simple.

An option to disable "orb" buff on myself?

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


Can’t the side with the buff just take off a few accessories to even out the stat disparity, for GvG? i dont recall who said it first but this right here is the best solution Anet is not going to do anything for your unintended game play mode and if they do you best believe it wont be in wvw. so please stop posting in the wvw forums about GvG i am more then certain they gave you a place to talk about it try using it. who knows maybe the reason your not getting cooperation from Anet is because you wont even use the area they set aside for you to speak in.

A message by Ogre regarding bloodlust and PvP

in Community Creations

Posted by: cimon.5798


@ esuni well seems you live in magic fairy land or something because our gvg folks on my server suck 10 of em aint worth 1 pug in a actual wvw situation i.e. takeing and defending a location or leaving it stable with siege

A message by Ogre regarding bloodlust and PvP

in Community Creations

Posted by: cimon.5798


@ esuni tbh your gvg comunity sucks at wvw in a large way. ya all dont defend you dont place seige and you whine forever about a lackluster carebear pvp wannabee thing you kids came up with after school. and its kinda funny that you think your gvg community leaving will do anything but help wvw as most of the pve (guilds on my server at least) dont go to wvw because of how absolutely arrogant and horrible the gvg community is. your lil X v X fights are worthless and gimmicky at best.

An option to disable "orb" buff on myself?

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


i personally hope that the orb buff makes everything completely uneven so that these fight clubs and gvg things can just stop already

A message by Ogre regarding bloodlust and PvP

in Community Creations

Posted by: cimon.5798


Honestly i cant wait for the GvG folks to quit.

GVG needs to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


see the thing is on my server me and a lot of fellow wvw folk have noticed the gvg groups don’t do anything for us other then occupy a small amount of enemy’s briefly. sure they can capture objectives but they hardly ever attempt to defend them and god forbid they drop a piece of siege in a keep or tower. they use there commander tags to gather the militia up and go guild hunting. of course they net a lot of wxp but there attitude is a issue because of it. for some reason they think because they may have fought a good guild and won or did well that they know how to meta. so my solution is get them off the wvw maps and wasting wvw space and resources. now ive also noticed some folks argue that they like smaller scale fights and would rather not get involved in zerging well i don’t like or involve myself in the zerg either but i still capture objectives from camps all the way up to keeps with my small group. now this is a reflection of my particular server and should be viewed as such that server being FA.

GVG needs to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


hi i was wondering if u guys over at anet could give the gvg folks a wvw like map to gvg on. gvg is kinda a hindrance to wvw as it creates some cue issues as well as bodies on the map who are not working for the server. granted same can be said for the opposing server but that’s only two out of three servers kinda a wee bit crippled plus as u can see a lot of folks around these parts want to gvg. so in conclusion id really like to see a wvw map with no objectives on it so folks can gvg to there hearts content and not interfere with wvw.

need to change my password and lost seirial

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: cimon.5798


ok managed to get a ticket in hope they can help me

need to change my password and lost seirial

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: cimon.5798


i have all my email and account info saved into my pc so i never have to type my infor for forums or to login but ive forgotten what the heck i changed my password to and im going to buying a new pc soon and do not know what to do i cant even put a ticket in because of this loss of serial

u guys did a roll back?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: cimon.5798


server just crashed a bit ago me and some folks finished cof and now we have nothing to show for it all work gone

Henge of Denravi welcomes you!

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


u had me at ventrillo server the teamspeak one im on now is lame

No Ascended Gear Through WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


personally ya all should just pve some take a break from wvw once in a while and for the love of god stop complaining every 20 min that would be nice too

L80 needed to be able to gain world ranks?

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


yea they said so in the blog post im pretty sure

No Ascended Gear Through WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


ya all could i dunno do dailys takes like maybe fifteen min. sometimes ive even done my dailys by accident

Nerfing Catapults is the WRONG direction

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


catas aoe splash was never intended to go through a door sorry but thats just silly to have that remain plus think of it this way now you got 50 more supply u can use on something else in a tower

What are the New Items for Badges?

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


plus im pretty sure u can do your dailys mostly in wvw wich will net you them groovy assended thingys

What are the New Items for Badges?

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


sorry bout your luck wvw guess it might be time to suck it up and play some pve :P

Frequent disconnect from WvW on all maps.

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


FA same thing i cant even get back into wvw says theres a network error and that i should check my internet connection

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


another shot of there escapades into our spawn from craigtop


1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


cd did not get any better not to even say there bad of any sort but there doing the same exact things they have been for two weeks. what has happend on ioj at least is there isnt enough folks interested in fighting cd anymore. upon reset the guild im in went into the ioj bl and tbh i felt like we were the only guild there. we dont need more people on our server we need more people in wvw that are already on our server. hopefully we get our folks together and try to finish stronger this week. but i kind of feel like alot of folks are hopeing we get pushed down a teir or something. btw ioj stonemist is cool and all but dedicating more then half of our overall forces to get it not worth it at all

Guardian > all - intended?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cimon.5798


hi i play both a theif and a warrior and sorry ya all but theif out dmgs warrior with ease and with the right traits the health pool thing is neglagable now mind you i dont get dmg like that fella in previous posts but im also not even in full exotics yet on theif or warrior. so in light of this current argument if you folks want to send me gold so i can buy exotics i will do dps tests and videos at any spec requested on either toon on any boss or mob not inf ractle land as i have not taken the time to do fractles

(edited by cimon.5798)

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cimon.5798


what arah path takes 2-4 hours?