Showing Posts For cobbah.3102:

Waypointing or gliding to escape combat...

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


Of course they would glide away your possibly in an omniblob mebbe , otherwise you wouldn’t complain it is part of the game get over it just like the rest of us have to deal with the crap from daredevil , necro yada yada you know it is a broken game just live with it. Anet does not care ,gliding is one thing they did right nothing like getting hit by seagulls from above makes more fun.

Nerf AOE range in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


Just take it back to the builds where you had to use some semblance of skill, Anet has screwed the pooch with this game as far as WvW especially with the blob servers regardless , not everybody is an adept game player at least back in the day before this meta crap you had some chance of being competitive ,imagine if out of the blue they decided to have a season what a shambles , enough is enough and I for one will be skipping this part of the game it is no longer the fun it used to be , and yes I am not as skillful or nimble of finger as I used to be.Will leave it for the chest thumping kids with no skill and just their metas and blobs. I am sure they will get off on it .

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


Ok ANET you tried it, it sucks now get rid of gliding or you come stand under JQ or BG blobs gliding into you, I mean reallly wth are you guys doing , WvW is screwed and unbalanced as it is do not make it any worse. I for one want WvW back how it used to be . delet this meta crap.

Wvw and pvp, stealth, tactic or cowardice

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


Just delete all stealth , problem solved !!!

What Should Change In WvW!

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


Just an aside lets just make it that siege actually has to be placed and touch actual towers and garrison etc stop this stupid tapping and blocking wp’s they have to commit to siege before wp gets blocked . will make thief and other tappers have to find a new job.

Balancing Conditions for the Next Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


Well what should actually happen reduce range of condi to say 900 , increase the range of siege to 3000 for AC give it cleansing arrows ,get rid of perma stealth ,this will make the likes of toons that have this use actual skill ,they are toxic enough without the invisibility, give toons without condi , massive condi cleanse attributes and stealth reveal, lets balance it properly cleanse the condi and increase the reveal , ANET just has to get with the program ,highly unlikely ,lets release more Gem Store toys that clear condi and stealth. way to make money boys & girls .

Following Jade Quarry Commanders

in Community Creations

Posted by: cobbah.3102


Anyone know who these turkeys are supposed to be ??

Feedback: Pip Acquisition [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


WTH all this fuss about some pips for a backpack that does not even look that flash , does it make you fly , invulnerable or totally invisible no just because its a new thing every kid must have ,harden up and stop moaning and get on with it you give me the pips. either play WvW or not the choice is entirely yours I’m rank 2500 and get annoyed with the pip stuff I may or may not grind a backpack.

Rifle Thief: how does it make you feel?

in Thief

Posted by: cobbah.3102


Thief with Rifle hmmm nah I got a better idea just delete the annoying lil kitten thieves altogether ,and then we can move on with the game . And then developers can actually do something more creative like fix the WvW mess we have with its cancer we do not need more cancer.. are these developers for real or are they on a different planet to the rest of us .

Re-instauring the Dual class system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cobbah.3102


No instead the Devs made up meta and screwed the game ,but Anet does not care one iota about what we think or say ,soon all forums will be locked so they can carry on obliviously doing whatever it is they do which I’m sure is what they are doing now making stuff for Gem Store to make money (what Game? what concerns?)

WvW is part of Guild Wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


Ok all I would like for WvW at the moment with these meta builds is

You have perma Invisible chars ok for perma invisible the cost is lower health pool and less armour , make them use what skills they have ,I mean they dont need those if you cannot see them (insert moan here) , Also the locking of waypoints because someone runs past towers and keeps ,make it so that siege has to actually be built and hit the structure to warrant WP lock , also decrease to AOE back to what it used to be I mean you want to kill siege use siege to do it drop ac enough of this condi nonsense it is getting beyond the ridiculous , and if they want to blob so be it but they have to use siege to clear walls and we know why servers siege hump because they would rather not melt from blob condi the olny complainers about that are the blob servers themselves . or make a bigger condi cleanse for those of us that suck with our chars. but enough from me ,just blowing into the void because of ANETS lack of response to any suggestions.

WvW is part of Guild Wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


ANET are letting it die a slow death from condi ,hoping we get sick of metas and leave then they put more crap in trading post for the pvers

Mistforged Hero Weapons

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


You have to remember that WvW didn’t fit into the scope of the last expansion. We need to wait for the next one. That’s when Anet will deliver us to Valhalla.

Bwahahahah more like WvW hell ,we are doomed to eternal fire not of the good kind.

WvW is part of Guild Wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


And its been moved.

Didnt take long as expected

WvW is part of Guild Wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


Ok so now we know where we stand in the game of GW2 ,WvW is not a part of the game and ANET have no interest in WvWers at all, all I can say is nothing like being disrespected by a company that takes your money and will not even acknowledge your existence well done ANET are you a subsidiary of the airlines .

WvW is part of Guild Wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


I know that but then it will show what ANET really thinks of its customers when it shunts topics it does not want to deal with

WvW is part of Guild Wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


Game discussion lets put it here and maybe we just may get a response on the subject of WvW which is Guild Wars 2 also, as Developers give us no answers and the WvW forums ,all we want is information and responses to our queries regarding this part of the game that a lot of people play ,please ANET stop leaving us in the dark but then I expect this to be locked and blocked before we get answers , think of your customer base

Thank You in advance

Request more communications [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


These WvW forums are a waste of typing if you want to get any response at all I suggest you post in the Guild Wars 2 Discussion forum after all WvW is part of the game and was touted as such ,then you know they will read it they respond in that forum all the time

Request more communications [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


Yes fully agree with the latest episode even more trash in Gem Store and WvW left lamenting never any acknowledgement that they are even reading the true concerns apart from the gripes, has been a lot of good suggestions lately and nada response it is apparent they do not care about the WvW ,any new content would be good .

A Quick Update on DBL

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


Yay a post that ANET actually read well fix this condi mess you have made in WvW give us something for our money and stop giving us Gem stuff in the store. Do something for WvW balance it for one something for all WvWers . Dont care about borderlands give us something to alleviate our pain>

Suggestion about downstate

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


A few thoughts lets take out the taps on tower and keeps the WP doesnt get blocked if a single person kills guards which will be made higher level , only if actual siege is placed and contacts the walls or doors should it be blocked therefore making it more even ,and as for players throwing damage on walls and seige the only damage should be to the person manning it or circle of damage made smaller range ,this nonsense of condi being thrown all over walls and seige only caters to the meta builds and T1 blobs ,PVD is a joke cannot recall in history of too many guys beating on a fortified wall with swords causing so much damage ,condition damage needs to be nerfed somewhat to make the game more skillful (for those that have skill which I do not ) and lessen the stealth on the chars that have it give them more armour or hp , lets make WvW something that is actually competitive and balanced ,for the time we spend there give us some reward bring back the season competitions we had before , PVP gets pandered to for the few lets think of the many for a change and make WvW a more enjoyable and competitive environment (end of rant )

WvW suggestions for ANET to ponder

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


A few thoughts lets take out the taps on tower and keeps the WP doesnt get blocked if a single person kills guards which will be made higher level , only if actual siege is placed and contacts the walls or doors should it be blocked therefore making it more even ,and as for players throwing damage on walls and seige the only damage should be to the person manning it or circle of damage made smaller range ,this nonsense of condi being thrown all over walls and seige only caters to the meta builds and T1 blobs ,PVD is a joke cannot recall in history of too many guys beating on a fortified wall with swords causing so much damage ,condition damage needs to be nerfed somewhat to make the game more skillful (for those that have skill which I do not ) and lessen the stealth on the chars that have it give them more armour or hp , lets make WvW something that is actually competitive and balanced ,for the time we spend there give us some reward bring back the season competitions we had before , PVP gets pandered to for the few lets think of the many for a change and make WvW a more enjoyable and competitive environment (end of rant )


in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


Hmm didn’t think that through ,well will just pve and skip wvw ,guess they rather lose money paying for elitist tournaments instead of fixing their servers . Thanks for response


in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


After 4 Years I think it is about time to make a server for SEA/OCX players ,for WvW a lot of the times it is impossible with the lag spikes pings vary enormously making the game not enjoyable let us have our own identity we are not EU or NA and we will be competitive also for the whole game it will be more enjoyable, cmon ANET think of us down under .
Just a thought think on it

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: cobbah.3102


Just purchased auric longbow core recipe when I clicked on it to open it has disappeared cannot find anywhere ,is this bugged?

Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


This has to be the most inane thing Anet have ever come up with ,wont be WvWing for a week such idiocy they hiring 12year olds as developers these days its as bad as pvding a door with a zerg . Another reason to hold off pre-purchasing Heart of Thorns. Read the forums Anet and stop this madness (as if)

cultivated seed swapped with pet seed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: cobbah.3102


-Made Mysterious Vine backpiece before the patch.
-Cultivated Seed was in my character’s inventory (now replaced with Pet Seed).
-I’ve completed all the Episode 4 story instances and so far made the Chaos Infused Clay Pot, Attuned Grow Lamp, Package of Ley Line Dusted Plant Food and Heat Stone.

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


What no rewards hmmm maybe if you parted with gems you may get it , seems to be the focus of Anet these days the store hardly ever has probs. A wait for a skin is no big deal though its not as if it makes you fly or invincible. Waiting for an interesting living story now THAT is the problem. Dragon age releases in October so take heart people.

Air battles,new golems,naval warfare.

in WvW

Posted by: cobbah.3102


An interesting option , definately need something to make WvW more interesting lets take some of the pvd out of the game also, a group banging on a gate with weaps makes the game a bit lame rams and golems fair enough but being able to power down a gate is a ridiculous occurrence. And mounts and vehicles would be cool also.

Low pop. servers. Please Anet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cobbah.3102


All comments put on any of these forums do not even get looked at by ANET ,stop complaining about stuff you know will never get done ,speak with your gems do not use them to buy the rubbish they have in the store which is of no use to anyone. I am using my power of not playing the game ,it will wither and die but geeks cannot see the big picture. Rant over

Omega Golems

in Suggestions

Posted by: cobbah.3102


Is it possible to make the golems able to be retrieved by the owner have lost quite a few by people who refuse to buy them to build ,but take others just because they are sitting around , if your going to burn a golem at least take a tower. Other siege you can take back why not golems
