Showing Posts For crimsonvapor.1937:

Tools Minor Trait

in Engineer

Posted by: crimsonvapor.1937


Yeah, I understand that. I don’t have a problem with the numerical value. I’m just wondering why it is completely replacing an existing minor trait.

As in, the old minor trait isn’t there anymore. Just a trait that gives 15% faster recharge rate that was ADDED to existing minor traits in other professions.

Thanks for taking a stab at it though.

Tools Minor Trait

in Engineer

Posted by: crimsonvapor.1937


Hi forum people!

So during all the revelations over the week, it was my understanding that a lot of the profession attributes (Tool Belt Recharge Rate for Engi) would be made partially baseline and the other part would be rolled into the minor traits of their respective trait lines.

Maybe I missed something in a Anet live stream, but it seems every other class had their profession attribute added in as a minor trait in their former profession attribute trait line. Engineer, however, had its recharge rate reduction replacing a minor trait that was already in place.

Not going to make assumptions or anything. Who knows what these interesting new changes to Engineer will bring to its overall balance? Maybe the awesomeness of the changes to Engi will make that replaced trait unnecessary.

So overall, I’m just curious why it wasn’t just added in, instead of replacing an existing minor trait. Probably just something I missed in a Ready Up. Hahaha.

TLDR: Inertial Converter got replaced by profession attribute, while some or most other professions had theirs added in to existing minor traits.

Constantly crashing tonight?

in WvW

Posted by: crimsonvapor.1937


Yeah, same here. Froze on me twice. Had to use task manager as well to end it. Both times happened within an hour of each other. Both times happened at supply camps in WvW. One of an enemy camp and the other was an ally camp. Died once because of it.
Never happened to me before prior to this latest patch. Crashes yes, but not a freeze like this. Worst part is I had to pay for a WP and repair because I was out of the cities.

[BUG]Engineer Mine Field Toolbelt Skill

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: crimsonvapor.1937


At the time of this posting, I did not know a bug thread was started in the engineer forum. I will update this post to try and keep updated information on here. Already submitted an in-game bug report.

A recent fix was applied to the Engineer Toolbelt skill: Mine Field in the recent (5/28) patch. Once the mine field is set down, there should be a sequential skill to detonate the mine field. The recent fix now makes it so that the sequential skill disappears when an allied player walks over the mines from the mine field. To top it off, the mine field goes on a 20s cooldown, ignoring any toolbelt recharge rate increase from the traitline.

Only time the recharge ends is if nobody steps on a mine for the 20s cooldown. The Mine Field skill is then available for use again, but stepping on the old mines before laying down the new Mine Field would send the skill back into a 20s cooldown.

Entities that seem to trigger the skill cooldown includes: allied NPCs, allied players, enemies, and the engineer himself.

Makes no difference whether traited for Speedy Gadgets, Rifled Barrels, or not. Possibly not trait related.

Surprisingly, Throw Mine, the main skill, works fine as far as I can tell.

Tested in WvW and Lion’s Arch.

Other information from engineer forum thread: Seems to be affect underwater combat as well.

(edited by crimsonvapor.1937)

False Rally

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: crimsonvapor.1937


This has only happened to me once since I started playing in Beta, so I wasn’t sure if it is something to worry about.

Earlier today, I was playing my engineer in Lornar’s Pass. My GF and I activated a mystery box and the mobs that spawned were the princess dolls. During the course of the fight, I was put into the downed state. I think one of the dolls I hit with grenades earlier died and I rallied, or so I thought. I was up and walking around, but I felt something was wrong when my healing skill wasn’t activating. It wasn’t on cooldown either.

I figured that I might as well attack and help finish off the dolls. I pressed #1 and instead of shooting from the hip with my rifle, my engineer threw something. There was no explosion, so it wasn’t a grenade. Most likely it was the downed skill “Throw Junk” (#1). Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to bring down another doll to see what would happen.

Although it is probably unrelated, a while later in the same zone (Lornar’s), the environment froze. I was still able to move around, but the mobs I was fighting weren’t moving at all. This has happened before and is not new to me. I re-logged my character and after a semi-long loading screen, it gave me the game-client error and I was forced to restart the client. The interesting thing was that after logging in, my character was in a different area than where I left him. My GF who experienced the same freeze, had a Lion’s Arch loading screen for a while before it switched to Lornar’s, but she showed up at the right spot. I was roughly 5 minutes away from where I left my character and my dailies got set back roughly 5 minutes as well. Not sure if this is relevant, but just want to include it if it provides any clues.

Anyways, not sure if it has happened to anyone else, but just wanted to throw this out there just in case.

Combo question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: crimsonvapor.1937


Can’t believe I missed that. Was sure I read that article twice. Thanks Awesome.

Berserker Fix?

in Mesmer

Posted by: crimsonvapor.1937


I think you’re referring to this post OP:

As far as I can tell, they haven’t adjusted it yet.

Combo question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: crimsonvapor.1937


I am pretty sure that it can be used by multiple finishers since I have thrown down Chaos Storm and see confusion pop up 20 times or so. All or most of the finishers were projectile finishers I’m sure, because of the people in the back.

Combo question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: crimsonvapor.1937


Sorry if the answer can be found somewhere, but my researching has failed. Therefore, I have decided to post here instead.

Does anyone know who’s stats/attributes are used to calculate the damage of any effects created from combo fields? Say if an elementalist creates a Fire Field and a ranger fires a projectile through it a burning effect is created. Is the burning (condition damage) based off of the elementalist or the ranger?

[Mesmer] List of bugged abilities and traits.

in Mesmer

Posted by: crimsonvapor.1937


So I have been checking the forums for a couple days now and I have yet to see anyone mention anything about this, but does anyone else have any issues with Phase Retreat teleporting you into anything? On Sunday, during the Ancient Karka event I used Phase Retreat and ended up inside a rock.

I know Anet recently corrected an issue with it teleporting Mesmers under the map (which I have experienced several times), but it still seems possible to teleport horizontally through walls and objects. There were instances where I would teleport into walls and up past a hill with an invisible wall, effectively getting me stuck there.

Of course, in most cases, a blink would get me out of that jam, but it is a time-consuming workaround if I don’t have Blink set up and my utility skills are all on cooldown. Also, I have not played much PvP or WvW, but this would be horrible to have happen if there is a wall or rock to teleport into.

I would have attached a screenshot, but the rock that I teleported into on Sunday appears invisible when you’re inside it.