Showing Posts For defragger.2483:

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: defragger.2483


It would be really great if they add this option to unranked matches too.
I cannot understand why they are differenciating between these game types…

Suggestion of a new kind of game in spvp.

in PvP

Posted by: defragger.2483


The only things i am missing at the moment is something arena like 2vs2 3vs3 thing and of course something like huttball :P

Should we expect a new feature in October?

in PvP

Posted by: defragger.2483


But we got this dragon :P

I dont think that arena net cares much about us pvpler…

The top 10 things you want to see changed.

in PvP

Posted by: defragger.2483


1. PvP MapEditor
2. More Game Modes
3. Better Balance
4. Lower AoE DMG
5. Better telegraphed skills and animations

Map Editor for real custom maps

in PvP

Posted by: defragger.2483


Hi, is there any chance in getting a mapeditor for real custom maps?
I think that could help a lot in getting different gametypes into pvp if the player are
able to design maps.

strange lines on floors

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: defragger.2483


Hm i tried a place in rata-sum and it seems the lines are gone, maybe we should take a easy to reach place and take some screenshots. Where did you search for these lines?

strange lines on floors

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: defragger.2483


Yayy 13.4 fixed these lines for me too where 13.5 beta doesnt do the job.
Hopefully they know what they had changed cause in these beta drivers the bug appears again

strange lines on floors

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: defragger.2483


Heya i got this …. lines too

1. you can find these lines in rata-sum
2. no older graphics driver does anything to these lines
3. no graphics option does anything (neither ingame nor the catalyst driver stuff)
4. antialiasing makes these lines smoother
5. the line got corresponding lines in the sky
6. if i am running over these lines, the lines are over my character

handles the same topic

ill add my dxdiag too, would be nice to get an official answer to that lines, i mean the thread was created 7 month ago and there is sillt no answer/ solution to this?


Wierd Lines on Floors - Graphics Bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: defragger.2483


And up again…

btw just tested today ati driver beta 13.5 (still no changes)
tested all options, still no chance to get rid of these lines

Wierd Lines on Floors - Graphics Bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: defragger.2483


So theres still no solution for that, think we should keep this thread up…

btw i just saw that the lines on the ground have corresponding lines in the sky, maybe that helps understanding the main problem here

ATI Graphic issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: defragger.2483


triple buffering for opengl? thats the only triple buffering option i am able to find in ccc

ATI Graphic issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: defragger.2483


Oh ok thx so there is no solution yet

ATI Graphic issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: defragger.2483


Hm no chance to get rid of these lines

ATI Graphic issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: defragger.2483


Currently i am using catalyst 13.3 driver packet version 12.10.17-13032a-154717e-ati

The system is new installed so no nvidia left

ATI Graphic issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: defragger.2483


Hi i changed my graphics card from nvidia 460GTX to ATI 7870, now i got some graphics failures, it seems that there are gaps between some textures, sometimes bigger then in this screen. I already tried 3 different driver versions. (System is core i7 2600K, win 7 64bit with 16GB ram)

Does anybody know a solution for that?

Greetz defragger
