Showing Posts For dgenxp.4983:

1 year hibernation - what has changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


An Entire season of living world that can now be replayed at the cost of 200 gems per episode, 2 new maps Drytop and Silverwastes, wardrobe addition, megaservers, 2 new healing skills per profession, 2 new stat sets (Nomad and Sinister) this is just a few

Mordremoth better be like TEQ

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


I envision it probably being a combination of 5-man group content, NPC armies keeping it occupied and when its weakened enough some sort of large weapon to finish it off. It will probably require some sort of organisation like Vinewrath / Marionette.

I’m happy with this as long as there is allot more HANDS ON ACTION from us the players not just stuck on some airship pressing 1. I personally don’t want it to be some open world Zerg fest that will take away from the epic feeling killing it.

I love this game so I really hope they can deliver on this fight as I have seen it becoming progressively better over the last year mainly hope the hype has a pay-off.

I can’t wait to stomp it right in its heart.

Weird and annoying issue with my Game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


Cant seem to find a thread on here for this so am i the only one thats getting the following problem

I have a problem with the screen going black, switching briefly to the desktop with an error saying Nvidia geforce has crashed then going back to the game all fine again, a short while later it does the same thing again, this tends to happen mostly when new models come into the screen or certain effects play which is a nuisance as it often happens during a battle, then by the time it switches back on i am either dead, dying or nearly dying.

this problem however is not predictable as some times i can spend hours on the game and this does not happen, but suddenly it start happening with no real trigger so recreating the problem is almost impossible.

this is the only game i own that this problem occurs in there are other games i play with significantly better quality graphics etc and this does not happen on them. so it leads me to believe the problem is in this game, does anyone have a solution or at least knows why this is happening any help would be appreciated.

my specs are:

AMD 8X Processor
16GB Corair Ram
Geforce GTX660 SC 4GB (Factory settings no additional overclock)
XFX Black 500W Power supply
Windows 7 ultimate

An Honest Discussion About Living World

in Living World

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


Maybe not, but i just can’t help but get this feeling they are.

I’m happy either way just hope they resolve these sub plots sooner rather than later. As i can see this trend not going down well with other players.

If they are not going to go down the expansion route however, based on the time frame we have so far, we could be looking at nearly 6 years for us to take out just 2 dragons after Zhaitan, thats provided season 3 takes us to Mordremoth.

I just cant see people playing this game in 15 years in its current format. This is just for the remaining 5 dragons. IMHO they will need to speed up or we will never see any other places in Tyria except what we already know. Perhaps Cantha as we are not sure how close the DSD is to it.

Im just hoping they resolve these or at least give us an expansion per dragon so the LW can be used to lead us to the dragons and resolve any sub plots.

I love the living world story just hope they can make it work without over a decade of it.

(sorry if this makes little sense i’m typing it as my brain spews it)

An Honest Discussion About Living World

in Living World

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


I can’t help but think this is there way of bringing an expansion to the game it all seems to me that there is one coming.

They have some “big projects going on behind the scenes” as Colin Johanson himself said, with all these open story elements i can’t help but get this feeling they are going to release the answers behind an expansion.

If so I am very happy with there delivery process. I am intrigued however if this is not the case how long are they going to drag out these arcs..

Next Patch is for PvP only?

in Living World

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


Not Complaining as such just when I read the announcement I got this thought that they won’t be releasing the next Chapter, I am hoping its not the case, I don’t PvP so it would be a shame to me if there is no patch for us PvE Players.

I’m all for changes to PvP and if they release them simultaneously then i am perfectly happy just read it and put 2+2 together and hopefully i’m just being too pessimistic to arena net.

I don’t mean to offend or complain, it was just an observation as the date of the PvP stuff is on patch day.

Next Patch is for PvP only?

in Living World

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


I hope this is not true but they say there is some big changes coming to PvP on December 2nd, this will coincide with the next chapter of Living world, considering this was so much shorter than last patch I am hoping this is not the case. As there is certainly not enough PvE content here to keep us happy until the 16th December and we have only been back into Living World for 2 patches and they surely are not already taking a break.

What do you guys think not sure what to make of it but if this is the case i’m sure many people will be unhappy with it, even me at the moment i’m hoping its not the case so im in hope that we will still get a patch for us PvE’ers but given there history im not expecting this

My thoughts on Tangled Paths

in Living World

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


@GscGunner: yes we got 1 single Weapon token after killing Zhaitan with 0 new armor skins, at least in this we are getting 1 free armor skin each patch until the season ends so imo 1 weapon skin in Personal Story to 6 armor skins in living world i go with the armor skins its a better deal, but that is just my opinion

My thoughts on Tangled Paths

in Living World

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


Considering this season is only 10 Chapters this one I think could have been combined with next patch as it only took me about 1 hour to complete first time and around 30 minutes the second time, this doesn’t matter to me on saying that I enjoyed this weeks story and the cliffhanger though predictable was interesting. I just feel it was a waste of a whole chapter.

My thoughts on Tangled Paths

in Living World

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


I Completely Agree 100% ^

The rebuilding of Lion's Arch

in Living World

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


lol your joking right – that would mean they would actually HAVE to release content every 2 weeks….

Frustrated yes, hate this game absolutely not… Been my favourite game since the start just seem they are a little lax sometimes…

wrong sub forum (no bump)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


ok thanks shall do

wrong sub forum (no bump)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


hmm not sure how to do that i’m sorry – I am not promoting anything I am annoyed at it and it needs to be fixed. But I can understand how people would think im promoting it so I changed the title.

but help me out I’m not sure how to move entire topics i seem to be only able to change the title

wrong sub forum (no bump)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


I was playing the game earlier tonight in Caledon forest and the great jungle Wurm popped up – but before we have a chance to get a hit in for the reward some Mesmer has cast Feedback on it and it dies very quickly, this caused quite an uproar with people including myself who did all the pre event stuff only to have some player cast a single spell and kill it before we have a chance to get a hit in as it fears everyone at the start.

It is probably something they need to do to the Wurm and not the feedback spell perhaps increase its health to be more in keeping with say SB as i can see this imbalance causing more problems in the future.

I hope the devs see this and make a change to the Wurm, but i am only one person out of many so unless people agree with me this will probably never be addressed.

What do you guys think be nice as I am only stating my opinion as i believe this is an exploit.

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


Maybe a lead up to an additional Personal Story (one can wish aye) just a change of scenery other than just orr, maybe a new level 80 zone. but i think they have completely abondoned the personal story as this is never really mentioned anymore

Post your Human!

in Human

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


This is my Main Human Female hunter character she is as kitten in game as she looks


It's Expansion Time

in Living World

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


I can agree that a boxed product for GW2 with additional marketing behind it would benefit the game in more ways that one.

However, a traditional expansion will not benefit GW2 in any way. By traditional I mean 10 or so new character levels (never going to happen, because of power creep issues) and handful of new zones and a dungeon or two.

Why? Because like it or not that model is inherently flawed it only creates ghost towns of old content (which we have already in my opinion) and after a while introduces one of two things, either a skip to 80 scroll or the nerfing of existing content and devaluing any items from that content by result although less so when we are talking about cosmetics which is pretty much all there is aside from the newly added utility of legendaries (and their never to be the second best guarantee).

As much as I want to see new zones and even new continents if they are made available in the traditional ways it will simply thin out the playerbase even more and by proxy feed into some of the other things I mentioned above (although it was not entirely without sarcasm, for ArenaNet that touts on innovation, I really don’t see them giving into those problems).

In short: substantial landmass additions no, more content yes. If they want to add landmass then they will have to do it in a way that does not reduce the original game into essentially a single player venture.

Honestly if they announced an expansion, by that word alone users have certain expectations… ones which ArenaNet might not want to meet (power creep and invalidating existing zones by adding more and more landmass). Or maybe they do… but I don’t think anyone likes seeing content they spend years making be reduced into an empty wasteland by comparison to what came after.

There is a reason why they like temporary stuff and it is not only to keep players coming back for all patches (because if they don’t they miss it) but also to avoid there being more content than the player base can populate same reason why they went with rotating activities.

As i do agree with you on this to an extent, i do not believe that adding more landmass will reduce player base but more spread them out.

Here is my 50 cents, If you ever played GW1 IMHO this is what an expansion should be no extra levels, no gear grind just another story to experience, with the exception of 2 extra classes in each some new features and some different weapon types. There were a total of 3 independent stories, as most are aware these were Prophecies, Factions and Nightfall all taking place on other continents in the world, and independent from each other until you got to the main city then you could go to another one of the other lands and play the remainder of that story, I loved this concept and i played each game regularly though Factions was not my favorite in fact my least favorite but i loved the Assassin Class Fricken awesome. They did release an addon for prophecies which was cool and introduced you to the Asura. This made the entire game replayable for a while, i think if they added a simular concept to this game with all the choice options like in this game it would be so Epic and provide players with alot more play time, but this dont seem like it is ever going to happen..

Now I know ANET said they were not going to follow the same route as the first game which to me was a bitter disappointment as that made it totally stand out from the rest of the Warhammer online clones of the time (yes this includes WoW), with the instanced quests etc this was Epic, though the heroes and henchmen were really stupid at times, I say they should at least learn from the success of GW1 and impliment some of the features they introduced in the first game… buuuut no

2 good updates in a row

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


Well I will definitely give this a try, but i am really disappointing that there seems to be no actual mention of them creating new areas to explore, it seems they like to recycle what we already have, this is cool and all but as someone who has explored 100% this would be just another filler which will play through once and disappear again until next patch, I am one of those, I really want to see some other places, and i’m not reffering to Cantha or Elona as this is a new game these areas may still come but i am not holding my breath.

I would really like to see some of the named areas on the world map actually opening up as i love this game but is getting very stagnant to me right now, and each week i look with anticipation trying to guess what the new LS will be only to be shot down with just an update to what is already there, please ANET give us some more explorable land and this game will be the best again..

The New Blog Post for Second Half of Year?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


Trying to do updates every two weeks means the quality control is going to suffer big-time. This game already has a ton of bugs. Updating so often will just make the situation worse.

Well this is not entirely true in affect the updates will take approximately 6 weeks to complete as there are 4 teams on it in revolving cycles so they have 6 weeks to build and polish, I do understand your concern and it may take initially 6 weeks for anet to get it right.

as I said previously this was a big thing for me as my original thought was two weeks = rushed content but the extra teams made me feel a sense of relief even excitement for the future.

The New Blog Post for Second Half of Year?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


I personally love the fact they will be doing 2 week content updates aka living story, I also agree with allot of the criticism regarding empty zones sounthsun boredom etc but these are just minuscule, I firmly believe in there own terms they will fix the bugs when they fix them and I have no beef with that, the point is they will get fixed eventually just like when they released the game they said it will be ready when its ready, I firmly believe this company knows what they are doing and I fully support the direction in which they are going,

I will admit I did loose some hope for this game a few months ago thinking that updates were taking far too long monthly living world got stagnant really quickly, the other lands are just locked and I really believed that the few lands that already are opened will be all they were going to work on and this got really depressing really quickly

After seeing the video that was linked on here and the fact they are going to naturally open the other areas…. (CRYSTAL DESSERT PLLLLEEEEEAAAAASE) and the fact the new living world stuff will be every 2 weeks with actual permanent content as well as the temporary stuff and one of the biggest things was the fact they had more than one team working on it so each two week update may have taken over a month planning so this equals quality not tacked on.

I know I am waffling a bit but I personally have become very excited for the future of this game a feeling I have not had since the release, so they must be doing something right