3. Spawning world bosses using consumables for guild merits/influence.
You guys made a game where people can join 5 guilds at the same time. So people join one for guild missions with friends, one for WvW raids, one for doing dungeons and, for example, TxS only to kill Tequatl and Wurm. We can’t even comprehend why you did such a thing since even players from 500 people guilds join TTS or TxS just so they can kill Tequatl/Wurm. Do you really think that giving people the ability to spawn those events will somehow magically change the way guilds work? The only thing that this will lead to is flaming and whining on the forums because guilds with 35 players are able to spawn Tequatl, but it’s too hard for them to kill it! Nerf it! Just like what happened with the Mad King jumping puzzle.
ArenaNet idea: Tequatl and Wurm might be fun events for casual guilds to try. Let’s make it so that they can, given the guilds are able to grind for merits and influence, queue their own world bosses!
In doing so, we will force our guild mission content on all the guilds that are not designed for guild missions at all. On top of that, offering double rewards for having to do guild missions not only in the guild that is meant for that, but also in a world boss guild just so they can unlock the content the guild is purposed for is obviously out of the question.
Question: Now you expect people to do guild missions in more than one guild? What for? Will they get twice as much commendations? Probably not. Will we be able to gather enough merits to spawn Tequatl twice and Wurm once a day? Everyday?
TxS guilds exists only to keep all the people together in one place because we all want to kill Tequatl and Wurm. We never wanted to do guild missions together, or any other guild activity for that matter, to be honest. Not to mention you allow players from different servers to join the same guild. How do you expect TxS or TTS to gather influence and merits for those “consumables” if each server carries its own influence?
You can’t just force those ways on every guild. Certain guilds serve one purpose and one purpose only. We kill Tequatl and Wurm and that is the only thing we do, as everyone has their own guilds for guild missions already.
Our solution: If you really want us to spawn those events using influence/merits you should make sure that both will not be server-based anymore on the same day as the patch hits, not half a year later.
You might think that this post is just another old man’s rant, but it is not. Since the information release of the Megaserver patch we had pleasure to talk about it on TeamSpeak with at least 500 of our guildies and those are the concerns that were raised.
Now, ArenaNet! Don’t take this the wrong way; the idea behind this Megaserver patch is awesome it will help casual players in whatever they want to do, but it seriously hinders the thousands of organized non-casual players like us.
To give you the simplest example, look at your statistics, how many times did Vabbi kill Tequatl or Wurm? Now let me ask you another question: do you really think that the great population of Vabbi gathered around and did that? And do you really think that getting more casual players on the same map will lead to them successfully finishing those hard events? There is a reason we have an organized guild like this, because it takes a lot of organisation and cooperation and teamwork to kill these bosses.
You usually do not get feedback like that from communities like ours because we know that it will probably get ignored anyway and we won’t accomplish anything, but this time is different since the patch puts the survival of guilds like ours in serious question. Lots of people in our guild, like myself, only play this game because we have these events where the organising and doing them as a team is the last fun part of Guild Wars 2. If this ends, many will consider leaving, like me.
This is a serious matter to us, so I’d like to ask the general community of the game not to use this topic for flaming or trolling because you won’t accomplish anything anyway.
As a leader of TxS I am also asking members of our alliance not to participate in flaming wars if any were to occur. Be polite, respectful and stay on topic.
(Big thanks for Chiiwii and Fyridor for spell-check and grammar ^^)
(edited by agenciq.8043)
(I would hereby like to request forum moderators not to merge this topic with other Megaserver feedback threads. We don’t just want to give feedback, we want to raise serious concerns here regarding the future of guilds like ours, rather than being lost among flame and suggestion posts. Thank you in advance.)
At the start I would like to apologise. It is not my intention to offend anyone, especially not ArenaNet nor any person that plays in GW2. I will state the facts as they are without any sugar-coating and sometimes truth is harsh, so don’t take it the wrong way.
Let’s start with a short introduction; I’m Agent, one of the three leaders of the biggest EU community dedicated to slaying Tequatl and Triple-Headed Wurm and probably all the future “hard” bosses we might get. The TxS Alliance, as we call that community, is a home for over a thousand players enjoying the complicated events in-game. The Alliance is spread over 4 multi-server guilds; TKS, THS, TSS and TXS. We usually kill Tequatl at least twice a day (more than 300 confirmed kills) and we managed to kill the Triple-Headed Wurm over 50 times since its release. This all would place us amongst the most experienced in these events.
Of course, we are not the only ones; NA servers have its own community called TTS (which exists of 10 or more guilds and houses around 5,000 players). Since we operate in the same way I think that I speak on behalf of all those people.
We have created said communities for these hard events, but with the upcoming Megaserver patch, that will most likely come to an end. This is why:
1. Average population per map copy: +225%.
This is how we organize our events: Get around 120 people on TeamSpeak, guest to a server, check if the map is empty, invite all your members and kill Tequatl/Wurm. I guess I do not have to remind anyone that maps fit 150 people at most.
ArenaNet’s idea: Get everyone, regardless of server, on the same map. This way, every instance of every map will usually be almost full.
I understand the point of view of developers; you basically want to squeeze as many people as possible on a map so “casual” players will always have someone to play with.
But hey.. what about the NON-casual players?
Question: How we are supposed to do these events now when ¼ of the people will end up on map instance one, ¼ on map instance two, ¼ on map instance five and ¼ on whatever other map instance there is? If your answer would be: “But people from the same guild will end up on the same map!”, that might be true, but to what extent? You will end up on the same map, but that map will already have people on it. What happens to those people when more guildies try to join in and the map is already full? Do those people get ported over to a different map instance, or will the guildies not be able to get in anymore?
Not to forget about: “Average population from the same guild as the player on joined map: +5%”. As mentioned before, we are not just one guild; we’re spread across four.
Our solution: Guild-specific map instances. Since we can pay gems to make our private pvp arenas, why can’t we pay gems to create our private Sparkly Fen, or Bloodtide Coast? Where only specific guilds can enter?
2. World bosses spawn time changes.
I do not know what statistics you guys look at in your office but I can tell you now that no-one will kill Tequatl at 04:00 AM in Europe. How did you even pick those times? Since September we kill Tequatl every day and I must say that our guildies never asked us to kill Tequatl at any of those ridiculous times before.
ArenaNet’s idea: Since we already squeezed all the people on the same maps so they are not empty, how about we limit world bosses to only one kill per day, at a realistic time? That’s great! Now these maps will always be full at this hour because, let’s be reasonable, there’s only one time most of the people will manage to join after work/school/university/life in general. (Which is 19:00 cet)
Question: What exactly was wrong with Tequatl/Wurm spawning every 2 hours? People/Servers could pick whatever hour they wanted to and finish those events at a convenient time but now they can’t. “You will be able to spawn those bosses using consumables bought with guild merits/influence” NO. Which takes us to the problem number 3.
Our solution: Um… leave the spawn times like they were and everyone will be happy? Because there was totally nothing wrong with that.
Problem: Gold is essentially the only currency that matters in the game.
Problem: Not everyone can gather enough gold for the things they want.
Problem: Low drop rates and low RNG make the game feel unrewarding, leading people to rely on farms for gold, because gold can be used to bypass low drop rates and low RNG
I had to split my post, so I could respond directly to this.
1) Gold being the main currency is not a problem.
2) Everyone can gather enough Gold to get things they want. You can either put in efforts to get the Gold, or you can buy Gems and convert it. The only problem would be the players who don’t want to put in the efforts to make Gold. Vol gave some advice to help with this problem, so please read his posts.
3) Low drop rates / RNG = rarity. Rarity is not a problem. The individual player’s needs and desires are the problem. They want the best rewards here and now, but don’t understand that if you make something easily obtainable, the item is no longer rare and desired.
This is a virtual economy, you may not assign the same speculative rules.
Read through why increasing wealth inequality is bad for a real economy and then apply that setting to gw2 as an argument.
PS Eve does not have a global economy.
This is spiraling. Let’s stop discussing possible “solutions”. Before discussing a solution you must first prove a problem. I have yet to see any evidence internally or externally that there is a problem.
Speculation on player wealth is not evidence of a problem.
An anecdote is not evidence unless it demonstrates a systemic problem.
Working as intended.
Get off the wall and come open field fight
The game is slowly dying anyway…
Guilds are dying off anyways. Within the last few weeks I’ve seen many hardcore WvW guilds and commanders pack up and leave. It’s going downhill, and fast. I do not think EoTM will solve the problem, even though it was created with good intent.
I’ll wait untill the usual friday blobbing is over I think.
We decided to add to every fight this night(even tho we waited few times just because of respect to guilds on GH who probably wanted to fight on their own) since AM guilds do not respect others open-field and also added themselves everytime. Just wanted to show what happens if we start doing the same.
And nope, we didn’t run close to each other, just every orange pop on the map was like a magnet this night. You don’t see AM out of keep/towers too often so it’s some kind of Christmas for us!
I personally don’t care much for blobbing.. I only care for the massive skill lag that comes with it.. but that’s the game’s engine atm. Not that I want to encourage blobbing tho.. I’d like to see things differently but it is what it is atm.
Had some good fights when not affected by skill lag. :P
Hehe guys, this LNM guy is raid leader on ELE STAFF. I think it says enough.
How do you expect him to lead on GvG when he would be forced to take dmg because there wouldn’t be 30 melees around? mistform > dead frog.
End of story, I’m tired of those ppt servers.
Thank you to all the protagonists of the map GUNNAR.
Including Fury and INC!
So funny weekend!Edennae
Elem staffStream Sunday night, look At 1h01
Streaming a 50man blob is the most boring thing. It would be extremely fun to see what happens if you chose the “best” 20 of you and gvg us. I’m sure you will laugh at that possibility because “the wvw is all about the points, yo” and you will continue to do whatever you want, while i will continue to laugh at fail streams like this.
Again if some guild from this boring match up wants to step up and GvG, just drop a whisper.
Some nice fights being fought between [VoTF], [SOUL], [GoT], [INC] and [HT].
Although our numbers aren’t that many, we tried to make a stand.
Also at some points we ran past vale and saw [SOUL] fighting a big red group and no.. didn’t count.
We stopped and watched while being on top of the ‘bridge’ when another (I think) red PUG group (+/- 15) ran into that fight. [GoT] decided to jump in and give backup to [SOUL]. At that time the fight turned into a 3-way-fight which was intense, fun and long. Props for that!
After that [SOUL] opened up south outer and inner Bay with cata’s while [VoTF] was in open battle with [INC].
[GoT] kept the doors closed towards Bay so [INC] couldn’t get in to safely buff up etc.
[HT] joined in by jumping on [SOUL] (both walls where just opened) and [INC] went through watergate and roflstomped [GoT] while we tried to get onto inner walls…
Fights went on and on.. but [GoT] finally capped bay and held it for like 30 min. or so… We were undermanned and when [SOUL] went homeborder.. we were surprised that we didn’t get run over earlier?
Thanks for the fights!
@FooThaitroll, if thats your message.. why bother?
Then you have GoT to apply to GuildofTweakers, ‘the’ Dutch/Belgium guild in GW2.
(edited by Zephyer.5716)
well its not hard to wipe anything with 91 man in TS but u still failed
H A R D (CORE) Gunnar’s hold http://lastflightofthecrow.webs.com/
3rd day SPRT off-raid because of one Piken open raid can hold all 4 maps with inc 500+
A shame, i was looking forward to fighting you, although i don’t quite understand your admiration for an off-peak, map-hopping karma train.
Edit: Also, sorry to MYA for leaving you on gh border yesterday. There was no way we could have gotten a fair and good fight there. Thanks to everybody who delighted us with their presence on Abbadonns border and eb (Yes, we have the luxury of being able to almost freely swap maps in this matchup. Praised be the blow out matches and the lower tiers!)
(edited by Monkeymonger.9235)
Props to Piken Smallscale! \o/
P.s.: http://www.twitch.tv/fliyr/c/3009576 – Piken farming us all week.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
huh? I am sorry but I see a dev playing the game as intended.
You GvG kids are way too arrogant, take your bikes and go play outside please and leave us play WvW…
That GvG Community LOL
Stop being a fanboy please, its pathetic.
What will you do when all the “GvG Kids” leave ur game and you have no one to play anymore with? Because lets be realistic, hardcore WvW guilds are the backbone of every server. They organize the community TS, raids, command Pug raids, etc. etc.
Someone made a good post in another thread and said some of us didn’t ask for or want this helping hand no matter how insignificant you think it is they’re still stats that can’t be accounted for by who ever happens to not have the orbs during the fight.
Guilds don’t just fight at windmil, we roam and we look for each other in the lakes. My guild doesn’t fight because all we want is the victory we want the challenging fights against good guilds and bigger numbers that’s where the fun in the game is for me and I’m sure some guilds share a similar mindset. I want to know I outplayed my opponent if I lose I want to know what I did wrong the bloodlust buff makes that very hard to do.
In fights where guilds make a point of players having the best gear and food it’s hard to know if we won because we played well or if it was just the bloodlust buff. Imo it cheapens a win and makes it hard to learn from a loss.
(edited by Asrok.2193)
GTA 5 anyone?
No thanks. Waiting for PC version.
I love the new content, not the combat buff. Let the individual fights be determined on skill (and population). Remove the bloodlust buff and provide access to a non-combat buff such as magic find/gold earned/mercenaries/400+ crafting material nodes/etc…
Anet gave you what you want, your Spvp right smack dab in the middle of WvW. I’m talking about the ruins in case you didn’t know.
to be honest, that wasn’t really what nearly anyone wanted. there wasn’t a single thread requesting them to plop sPvP with stat buffs in the middle of WvW anywhere leading up to it, and the overwhelming majority of players voted in disfavor of it in the thread about it. this isn’t limited to just GvG players either. a good number of people who play WvW as Anet intended didn’t want it either. but, Anet wanted it, so everyone is stuck dealing with it.
this isn’t something that will kill GvG only either. the ridiculously lopsided matches the seasons will bring will only be exacerbated by the ridiculously lopsided stat buffs. so it will kill WvW itself. matches will boil down to two scenarios. spawn camping, or getting spawn camped. neither is really something an entire game mode can be based around, and it’s quite obvious that people will just avoid WvW entirely at that point. sure, some may be stubborn and optimistic, and try to stick it out for a while, but eventually the boredom will overwhelm even them. the end result really is pretty obvious at this point.
Most arguments for/against bloodlust focus on GvG. I run in a WvWvW guild that can field 30+ people. Organized GvG is not our main activity. A seperate battleground for GvG won’t help us. We want to play WvWvW together in our group. Our definition of fun is roaming the battlefield, knocking on keeps, and getting into good large scale fights usually against opposing guilds(I thought that was the point of WvWvW.) We don’t want to split up to hold capture points. We don’t want a stat buff. We want fights to be fair.
Just tonight we came upon a good guild who we really respect. We would never give up the chance to fight them and many times lose. But then we saw that they had +150 stats. This ruined our enthusiasm and turned a hard fight into something nearly impossible.
When the situation changes and we have plus 100/150 it invalidates our victory. Not only do we have an unfair advantage it will be invalidated by the enemy who will undoubtedly proclaim “They only won because of bloodlust.”
(edited by KcB.6890)
Will never do GvG in sPvP – Because i want to play with my WvW build and gear.
sPvP’s rules, gear choices, and class alterations make it a completely broken option for GvGs.