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Ascended food incoming (spoilers)?

in Living World

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


“No good can come from feeding it [bloodstone dust] to living beings.”

Living beings like…Mawdrey?

Misconceptions regarding Level gating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


Most of what Colin says makes sense. Gating things farther away in level terms, but making level up more quickly so it takes the same amount of real time makes sense, and help feeling the first levels as more rewarding.

Yes and no. They are equal from a pacing perspective, but if the enemies you face from say levels 30-40 are balanced based on the idea that you’re going to have access to an elite skill, then it’s going to increase the challenge when you wind up facing them without one.

Feature pack 9/9: feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


The whole skill challenge being locked caused a lot of confusion among veteran players on our guild chat. I can’t imagine that it is going to be any clearer to newbies.

If you’re going to make something “simpler” by level-locking it then you need to tell people why they can’t do it. It should say something like: “You are not experienced enough to understand what this place of power can teach you” or “Come back and fight me when you’re a little tougher.”

Sword > Great Sword

in Guardian

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


Altruistic Healing. Greatsword autoattack #3 gives might, which heals. Criticals give vigor, which heals.

(You can also get Zealous Blade with 30 points in Zeal, although the OP and most AH builds don’t go that way.)

The kill-an-animal-and-revive mechanic?

in WvW

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


First thing to remember: if you get downed and then revive, your downed hp will be lower the next time you go down. There’s no infinite yo-yoing. How many times is he actually going to be able to pull this off?

Second thing to remember: if you’re both hitting the mobs, you’ll be the one benefiting if you go down. The other guy is taking a risk bringing mobs into the fight – he’ll be taking more damage and he’s giving you the possibility of a quick rally as well.

Silvari immune to Zhaitan?

in Lore

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


The main problem with the “sylvari are already corrupted, nightmare court are the real thing” is that corruption seems to be a one-way journey in the universe of GW. You don’t get better from becoming Risen or an Icebrood or a Branded…or from falling into Nightmare. (It’s a key plot element in the Moon Shield arc.)

How you prevent players from buying gold to goldsellers ?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


The exchange rate is the biggest problem currently and can also become the biggest solution against gold sellers. First of all, the actual price of gems shouldn’t matter too much because it’s being generated by Anet and is therefore free income for them, and they are actually limiting their profit because of how horrible the exchange rate is that no one will buy gems for any reason.

The gem cost and $→gem rate for buying items like bank slots, character slots, etc is comparable to other MMOs. Why do you think the gem-gold conversion will affect people buying those?

I don’t know what kind of controls Anet puts on gem-gold conversions, but I suspect that they are being very conservative with the ratio. Making gold cheaper in terms of real money might bring them more short-term profits but it is also going to cause in-game inflation that could have long-term negative effects.

As an extreme example, let’s say Anet sets the price of 1 gem to 1 gold. Now anyone with $10 to drop on the game suddenly has 800 gold. Fixed prices in the game become almost meaningless, because you can easily afford anything. Prices on the TP, on the other hand, skyrocket – if you’re not buying money, you’re not using the TP, because you can’t compete. Forget about getting the last few fine materials to finish this crafting tier, they’re 10 gold each. And the Dusk you hoped to buy? It’s been relisted with a price in the tens of thousands, putting it even farther out of reach of the people who aren’t spending additional money on the game. The non-RMT population leaves, and even the gold buyers trickle away as they find the only way to sustain their place in the economy is to keep pumping real money in.

Obviously that particular scenario is not going to happen (barring another decimal point error) but even smaller changes in the same direction will have an effect, so you can see why super-cheap gold is a bit of a concern for Anet.

How you prevent players from buying gold to goldsellers ?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


I understand they are almost always criminal in some way. But you seem to not understand how CRIMINAL your own gem prices are. The amount of gems you get a dollar is simply that – CRIMINAL. It is an abysmal deal, most players will not ever use credit cards in your gem store, because you seem to not understand how to offer attractive deals to your clients. This is also a fact statement, none of the 80+ players I have talked to about the gem prices have been even remotely happy with the dollar -> gem conversion.

This is what my analogy was alluding to. That the legitimate patent holder/inventor of the Koenigsegg are also, in a way, criminal, because they are abusing their power, be it backed by law or not. Hence, also my choice of the word totalitarian.

You seem to have a very vague definition of the word “criminal”, if it includes “using legal methods to enforce the rights granted to one by law”. But I’ll assume you’re using it colloquially as a stand-in for “something I don’t like” or perhaps more specifically “someone charging what I feel is too much for a product”.

I think the problem here is one of unrealistic expectations. How exactly do you, personally, come up with your concept of a “fair” gold/gems exchange rate?

Are you basing it on the black market prices? You’re aware that they are tied to the official prices—they have to be set enough lower than the official prices to be attractive to buyers despite the risk. So if Anet lowers their prices for gold, the black market prices will drop too. Given the minimal investment required to farm, gold prices would have to dip extremely low to close the gap.

Maybe you’re basing it on how much you’re willing to spend. I’m pretty sure Anet has done more market research than you have, but lets consider what might happen if they decided that you were right and shifted the gold prices. Now all the people who were willing to buy gold at the current price get more, and a bunch of new people (like you) decide to buy gold with real money. So what happens when all this new gold hits the economy? That’s right—inflation. Prices go up on the trading post, because people have more gold to spend on things. You might think that if gold prices were lower, you’d be able to afford to drop real cash on that legendary precursor, but you’d be competing with the other people who had the same idea (and the people who want to profit from them) and the prices would rise.

That inflation would also be bad for all the players of the game who don’t, won’t, or can’t spend real money on gold. Their purchasing power would decrease, making it harder to have any real interaction with the market—pushing them away from segments of the game like crafting and possibly from the rest of the game.

(As an aside: Why would Anet care if they leave if they’re not spending money? Because an MMO lives and dies based on its community. They need those people playing to keep the population up and keep the worlds alive, to keep the interest of the players who are paying.)

So basically, there are strong economic reasons for Anet not to reduce the gold prices. Your argument seems to be “but I think they are too high”. Do you have anything concrete to support your position? Any reasons why reducing the gold prices would benefit Anet and the game long-term instead of just you short-term?

banning halloween griefers?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


Some people are jerks. While you wait for an official response here are a couple of workarounds so you can enjoy the brawl and kitten off the griefers at the same time:

1) use a tonic (I don’t know about you, but I’ve got stacks of them from opening bags) and brawl somewhere other than the Forge area. Nobody to grief means griefers get bored and go away.
2) do a high dive from the deck of the tavern into the cauldron (the one up by the vista and the entrance to Troll’s End).

Airships and Fort Trinity, who contributes what?

in Lore

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


Well, the zeppelin is for aerial mobility, which the Asurans have not mastered yet. (If you talk to the Asura onboard he’s pretty defensive about it.)

Also, Charr technology has the important military benefit of not exploding, summoning extradimensional creatures, or otherwise disastrously malfunctioning if you look at it the wrong way.

10/12 Tarnished Coast/Fort Aspenwood/Blackgate

in WvW

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


I was in for a while on Weds night and our commanders were making every effort to concentrate on BG and not mess with FA. (As much as you can with zerglings in play, anyway. There’s no controlling some people.)

We pressed them hard enough on the bay keep and their supply camps that they actually had to let you guys out to play, and five minutes later we started hearing “FA at the garrison water gate”.

I mean…really? No supply lines, no control over any territory in between your spawn and there, we’re pressing the guys who are keeping you bottled up, and you’re poking us at the garrison? I know it wasn’t deliberate, but you were great allies for BG.

dry toast pvp, harcore pvpers from daoc/warhammer bored. couple of ideas

in WvW

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


I don’t know where you’re playing that you feel a lack of community. Down in the middle tiers, our servers all seem to have it in spades. Maybe because we get a lot less of the bandwagon effect.

I’m glad we don’t have the same opponents all the time. That’d get boring. When the free transfers stop, I think things will be a lot steadier as servers settle into their niches, people begin to recognize opponents, etc. Even with the current chaos, though, we’ve heard about other servers and how they fight, we’ve heard of certain guilds, the players get together on the forums and reddit, etc, etc. So I don’t really buy the lack of community.

Rezzing doesn’t ruin a thing. It just means you have to adapt your tactics. (If you’re fighting a group with good tactics and coordination, trying to rez a defeated player is asking to wind up dead yourself.)

The only thing I mostly agree on is the player names, but I don’t think the average player should have them. I actually think that would be a great thing to be able to buy with Badges – it’d make a perfect vanity goal for a hardcore WvWer.

How have we possibly not taken over the world by now?

in Charr

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


Based on what happened the last couple of times we invaded human lands, the real reason we haven’t taken over the world yet is because we first have to figure out how to keep our enemies from blowing up their own kingdoms to stop us.


in Ranger

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


I have Hideous Bearthing.

Are all exotics "equal"?

in Crafting

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


Based on data that other people have collected and my own research into dye forging:

The Forge appears to have roughly a 20% chance to upgrade the rarity of the resulting item. This value appears to hold true regardless of category – my results with dyes match the results of people forging rare greatswords to try to get precursors. So on average, you’ll need to feed in 5x as many rares to get the same number of exotic results. I suspect this is what Anet is referring to when they say that using exotics increases your chances.

What’s interesting is that the “named” exotics seem to drop at the same roughly 1/5 rate compared to the basic exotics, based on this data: (, almost as if they were a higher “tier” of rarity. If all exotics are truly the same then that’s just a coincidence. It could be easily proven one way or the other by forging 4 named greatswords a few times (until we got a “regular” exotic), but I don’t have the bankroll to support that kind of experimentation…

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


Character Name: Aznable Ashclaw

Compelted the “Light in the Darkness” quest while in a party with my wife’s character, Milindria. At the end, she chose “making an innocent suffer” as her greatest fear. I declined to advance my story, and we both ran through my LitD quest, where I chose the dishonor option.

When we finished up the arc, we both wound up on the “suffer” plotline with “Striking off the Chains”.

Claiming hierarchy with claiming camps, keeps, castles....

in WvW

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


Good communication is as important to a war effort as weaponry, tactics, and manpower.

If your intra-guild communication is so bad that your guild officers—the ones you trusted enough to give the ability to claim a site—are not aware that you have claimed the central castle in the game then how can they be possibly be doing an effective job of defending it?

Invulnerability... again...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: drnuncheon.8029


Sometimes mobs spawned for an event are invulnerable while they are getting into positionor delivering dialogue, but they definitely should not be attacking if that is the case. I hope you reported this with /bug.