Showing Posts For electricity.7682:

Mobile Gaming: Time for a New Laptop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: electricity.7682


Sorry for my delayed response, I’ve been absorbed for the past few days, Im in the us….
and thank you everyone for the help

Mobile Gaming: Time for a New Laptop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: electricity.7682


Does anyone have *personal experience playing GW2 on a laptop via mobile or satellite networks? Any recommendations?
Believe it or not the entirety of my GW2 experience has been on my employer-issued Dell Latitude E5420 with updated drivers for the HD3000 graphics. I have to run it in the low graphics setting obviously but; even though I almost exclusively play via a mobile broadband or satellite internet connection while in the field, I’ve only experienced lag on a small handful of occasions even when doing the Maw with 60+ other PC’s.
However I want to upgrade and get my own laptop, one that has very nice capabilities in regard to graphics and performance as I often have multiple browser windows open while I play as well.
Of course I’m tempted to break down and buy my first Alienware laptop (father of three lol) I would like to get similar performance for less.
Any suggestions?

Less Armour Swapping, More Armour Upgrading

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


d_mn…. should’ve been a femesmer… then u wouldve looked pretty…. instead of pretty silly lol

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


just in case: there was a game long, long ago (i guess its ok to mention it since its not competition now) called baldur’s gate. that was one of the most innovative things about that game: a person could choose an amoral or evil path in addition to playing the good guy. I’ve been involved with rpg since elementary school and to this day this remains one of my all-time favorite games because of that. Did anyone else play that? Is there anyone reading this that also joined the slavers? Man talk about the best of times and the worst of times…. There’s a certain kind of joyful comedic release to being so theatrically evil…. and in an mmo it would add a welcome depth of feeling if not everyone was on your side.

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


thats entirely not the point… u are joking right?

Guild Armor variety/options/types

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


Thats a good point bro…. hopefully though enough people will agree so that we can see more guild armor in the future.

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


this seems to have disappeared from the suggestions list…. hoping to bring it back up now that others are awake

Less Armour Swapping, More Armour Upgrading

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


One of the most tedious aspects of RPG’s in general, for me, is having to constantly swap out armour pieces for more effective ones in order to stay competitive, regardless of how ridiculously mismatched I end up looking. I find this especially jarring, considering that all the NPC’s get to stick to the same outfits throughout, in fact, I find that an immersion-breaker. The cosmetic and functional should be entirely separate. The Secret World gets this right by having your outfits’ stats tied to upgrade items that you can freely swap out when you find something you like the look of better. I would very much like to see that system in GW2, instead of having to use Transmutation Stones all the time. Granted, if that were the case, then we’d have no reason to buy them but that can easily be resolved by replacing them with Gem Store-exclusive (cosmetic) armour sets.

Given that GW2 is far less gear-dependant than other MMOs, this issue isn’t so bad here, however, I do feel like it doesn’t cater to those, like me, who prefer consistency.

Hear hear!!! Why not the option to craft/add additional upgrade slots to armor or to simply remove one one upgrade and exchange it for another? Why are we punished for upgrading more than once by sacrificing the upgrade to the ethos? Why not have both of these options? Or at least some better system that addresses the issue effectively….

Really bummed with the guild update...

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


I feel that the influence required for these missions (and to unlock them in the first place) should scale with the amount of people in your guild.

Exactly, it would follow the scaling theme used for virtually everything else of comparison and it would make sense. A small guild would benefit no more or less from the benefits of upgrades, regardless of level, so why should we small-guildies be forced to earn/pay an exponetially higher fee for the same benefits gained?

It’s almost like we’re little mom & pop stores trying to compete with wal-mart.

Without this issue being addressed we have no options, only a choice:

  1. We can join a mega-guild but have little to no say in how the guild upgrades or what the guild focuses on.
  2. We can create a guild with *actual friends that we *actually know, and then either accept the cold, hard fact that we will never achieve what we wanted to when we first dreamed of guilding together or grind, grind, grind….. and where’s the fun in that?
    My brother and I formed a guild a few weeks ago and sadly did not anticipate the maddening stagnation that will soon beset our upgrading schedule. For now we’ve chosen to solicit the membership of new guildies in hopes of forging something worthwhile.

Good Luck to all the other small-guildies out there, may your guilds be strong and prosperous!!!

Guild Armor variety/options/types

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


I love this game, don’t get me wrong but for a game with guild in the title, why is there only one skin for each class of guild armor? It forces one to transmute perfectly good leg armor to get a semi-cohesive look. And what if one prefers the look of chainmail etc ?

Or why not just offer full suits similar to the armor skins at the gem shop even it was only one type? Headgear, gloves, torso, legs and foot-gear; c’mon guys… the guild armor is disappointing… and unless I’m missing something it doesn’t get any better or more varied.

While I’m complaining, it would be really super-cool if there were more guild emblems to choose from also, another hundred or two wouldn’t be hard to add with a good clip-art file and a couple of day’s work. That way we dont start running into other guilds using our ‘brand’ and those of us that belong to guilds with unique names can have representing icons that are more appropriately themed.
crossing my fingers*

Transmute town clothing to armor.

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


Yes! I would love this option, and any others that allow for further customization.

An option to disable right click targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


Mighty Joe is right, all sorts of unkind descriptors come to mind but to be polite, its just plain dumb. I’ve accidentally killed at least two eagles and countless rabbits because of this…. and since it’s predetermined that I’m supposed to be the good-guy, this kind of behaviour is very unbecoming….

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


<shameless bump>


Pretty Please?

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


I STRONGLY agree, my first character was a thief and street rat. After advancing a few levels, I was so frustrated to find out that my storyline had been predetermined for me that I deleted that character and started over. To have no choice in ones ethical orientation is fundamentally contrary to what this game is supposed to offer.

Please Arenanet! Please let us be bad…. we promise to be good at it. Lol

Realism for Mobs / Helper NPCs

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


  1. Mobs should be able to jump, and those that can fly should use that ability to pursue a player in combat.
  1. Enemy that has reason to (bandits, svanir, predator creatures) should pursue a player instead of just chasing the player off of their turf.

NPCs that offer help for certain segments of quests would be invaluable. Some chapters of ones personal story would be impossible for some professions without the help of friends or friendly players willing to step in to lend a hand. This would also add another layer of immersion in the story.
- Continuing that line of thinking, the NPCs that do become part of your personal story shouldn’t treat you as an absolute stranger after an instance is over, as a human it gets ridiculous how Thackery, Countess Anise and others treat one as a nobody given how much the player has done to save the kingdom from implosion.
All in all though, a fantastic game!!!