Showing Posts For freelancecoma.8629:

I'm done playing thief. How about you?

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Definitely ele or mesmer for me.

Welp I made a promise...

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Oh and just a lil fact I find hilarious and adorable Combat Medic was my first ever title. I rock that like a hurricane. Scorps! Wooo! Ok im gone for real for now by all tyvm.

Welp I made a promise...

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Thanks guys I used to use 0/30/20/20/0 love it for backstabs and might stacks and all that, but real talk. I seriously stayed up all night for the sake of my fellow thieves, so I need some rest. I bid you all aideaux (Freelance bows to his fellow thieves) ty for being helpful everyone. Im out for now gnight I guess haha

Welp I made a promise...

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Lol idk what I want, but I know my thief needs a break from fractals lol. Thanks though ill give it a crack, but im a very poor broke thief (irony is funny guys) oh and (Karma is a total puppy). I just never focus on stuff in gwars. I just play it to have fun with like minded players.

Welp I made a promise...

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Oh thank you vincent. I have much more experience killing players anyways haha but yea I havent slept in over 24 hrs cus of how much time I put into making sure that 8 min vid helped explain me a lil better. Im never using it again tho. As a respectful duelist I let my theif fight in the clothes that she prefers and the ones id rather see her in. Cus yea hell hath no fury like woman in uncomfortable clothes amiright?

Welp I made a promise...

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Im just not used to being so… Hang on… Did that boss just look at – *dead. I rage when I screw up I really do, but I cannot handle getting one shot. Thats why I dont 1 shot people in WvW anymore. It’s not very nice to the goslings haha.

Welp I made a promise...

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Absolutely. Zerker thief is probably sick, but as a duelist, my thief was also that before I ever forced her to dawn the garb of a Glass Cannon. But I did that to test a builds potential before I shared it to try and be fair to my fellow thieves. Maybe Im just a noob. I bet you could play my build a lot better than I did. You obviously have more experience than I in the GC area. So do whatever you want to man. Just make sure you have fun doin it right? I mean otherwise, why bother playing a game?

Welp I made a promise...

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Yes! I agree. But this isnt about metas. This is about fun and diversity. Lol I.always preffered valkyrie since if you take HK you have almost no need for precision. Bit of a waste right

Short HS Help?

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Hm not sure, I never have problems, but im only a human. Maybe asurans are too advanced to pull it off?

Welp I made a promise...

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Oh man tho Dan got me good haha. almost caught me off guard eh? Never I am always on guard. Check my messie build if you doubt me. Its a supportive bunker, but dont get me wrong, my thief is open to sharing me with my mesmer xD oh goodness. I swear I have a totally real human gf and no her name is not Lanaya lmao she’s not fake, but she does live in the arctic circle, so dont try to verify this xD

Welp I made a promise...

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Hm well, it was supposed to be pve, but I suck hard at using it there. Id recommend trying it in pvp. I actually killed stuff there. Hotm is just easy on my cpu for recording. I hang out I hotm all the time. Its my “zen garden”

Welp I made a promise...

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Bwahahaha oh yea she did. She was so kitten ed bro. My kitten in the dog house!

Welp I made a promise...

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Ah, well I apologize, but I did not make the build for you sir, I made the video for my fellow thieves. If you can respect that, then go ahead and change it however you want Ty Gl Hf.

(inb4 cant tell if trolling or just clever thief)

Thief PvE spec simply?

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Ah, well I would form a goal first, then design a build around that goal. A good pve thief knows that the more damage he does, the more he must compensate for the extra risk he takes to do it.

Welp I made a promise...

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Oh, but I suppose I should mention, I never intend to go into too many specifics, cus I want everyone to give my “idea” a shot and then “build” around it so they can have as much fun as they wanna have with it

Welp I made a promise...

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Yup yup. I dabbled with it in a fractals 28 or something, but I was super tired and I wanted to record it, and we all kept messing up (especially me) and I tried to support my group the best I could, so I took bucket duty, but my sleepiness screwed us, and I failed sooo hard. Ready? I missed 3 buckets in a row. :/ and then I got insulted. Then I raged hard at myself. Thats why “My thief was mad at me” I represented my profession poorly. But I had never been a GC thief before, and I had to test a build before I posted it right? Ugh oh well I tried. I was way too tired to play though.

Valkyrie Armor

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


I bought mine and I love it!

Welp I made a promise...

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


And here it is guys as I promised. I hope you all enjoy my video. You were all patient/honest with me and for that you have my thanks. Thanks especially to the individuals who gave me a chance to earn their respect. (they know who they are ) so I hope this link works:

Zack's weekly controversial topic #6

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Wow man, you have a lot of wisdom, but hey guess what? My thief guide vid is almost done! Yay lol im excited.

Ty lux for teaching me how to thief

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Wow fella your computer sounds better than mine

I am a support, everyone.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


When I say that it is in refrence to my goal. Not who I am. My goal is to share everything I know with anyone and everyone. So, any questions you have for me, please ask them. You can do that here if you like, however you can also privately ask me questions in personal private messages do whatever it is YOU want. Gl and Hf.

Ty lux for teaching me how to thief

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Lol! Mesmer steal OP as kitty kats haha! Anet Nerf plox asap tytyty

Glass Cannon Hybrid Dps (viable! Yay!)

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


So umm I made this forum to share what I know not to imply my way is law. So, for informational purposes you all can ask anyone in here about the topic of this forum. If you want MY view on the topic im working on making a vid for that. Thank you all for making this forum effective at my original goal for me. (ty for doing my job for me xD )

My Ranger im only level 19 need suggestions.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Ah yes indeed. I must ask you your goal in playing this game. Do you wish to crush your opponents through force or out play and out smart them?

That new player question.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Psibird. To help you as much as I can. Ill make a video for you on Youtube

My channel on Youtube.

in Community Creations

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Hello all. This is my personal invitation for all of you to watch my first Youtube video ever. It is titled “bunker mesmer by freelance” It is about my mesmer build, and its not that great quality wise. I tell you all this so you may judge it fairly. I will make more (better looking) content later on. For now I hope you all can use the info it provides ty for watching and helping me out. Gl out there.

Bunker Mesmer Refrence Guide.

in Mesmer

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Hi fellow Messies! This is an ad of sorts for my new and very first Youtube Video. About my Mesmer. You are all welcome to watch it, just be fair to it please before you judge it. I hope you all enjoy my vid and my build. My Vid is called “Bunker Mesmer by Freelance” ty all for your time. Lemme know if you liked it.

Glass Cannon Hybrid Dps (viable! Yay!)

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


ok everyone i can still make a guide for thief and i intend to do so as i promised. it will be a video on youtube, but my channel has just received its first video, so i extend an open invitation for you all to watch it. IT is not what i promised however that WILL come later. I Promise it will be made. This promise i will keep. ty all i hope you all enjoy the video. (its called Bunker Mesmer by Freelance. Only watch it if you want to, i cant make any of you watch it, nor would i try to.)

Ty lux for teaching me how to thief

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Lux? Lux?! Lux!!!!! I sorta miss being in your guild man. I left to avoid a potential argument with a member in gc. So I hope im still welcome, but I have my own guild of which im the only member. I offer you an invitation to join as an officer who never has to represent

Glass Cannon Hybrid Dps (viable! Yay!)

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Wow everyone. Thank you all for sharing everything you all know in this forum. That is beautiful for me to see. Thanks for using this forum to do that.

My Build Guide. (W.I.P.)

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Thank you Walker, for your compliment. That means a lot to me.

My Build Guide. (W.I.P.)

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Hello everyone thank you for all your support and your patience. Ill still provide a guide for you all as I promised. I will upload my guide video to youtube asap. Ill post alink in this forum when it is viewable.

My prediction for future thief builds...

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


I know that warrior is going to keep getting buffed to the point where even they will be 22222222ing with their GSs.

Lol! I sincerely hope this doesnt actually happen

My Build Guide. (W.I.P.)

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


It is on the way
i am going to make a text version here.
Im going to make a Video Guide first.
the video will be on Youtube for whoever wants to watch it.
But the guide will be available to you all at some point.
i have to record it first though lol.
So please have patience with me as this is still a Work in Progress.

Do you want a unique dps build for pve?

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


ummm lol idk how to remove my own post haha. so i will simply let this thread die. Ty everyone for all responses.

Do you want a unique dps build for pve?

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Thank you so much i will be removing this post as it has served its purpose. that being said, i will send you a link to my channel in a PM so you may use it as you need/want to.

My Build Guide. (W.I.P.)

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Fair enough Walker. Fair enough. That being said, thank you for recognizing my sin of choice. Pride. Now, i hope i made myself clear in my intent. I WILL deliver what i promised in THIS Forum! Give me the time i need to do so please.

(edited by freelancecoma.8629)

My prediction for future thief builds...

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Lmao Zach, you are a funny guy. However, just because you are a thief player, your information is not any more or less important than any other player’s, and i know you know a lot about your class of choice. I say this cus i respect you as a player and person, and it relates to what you said. “I’m a thief. the kitten do i know?” what do you know? Idk for sure, but i’d bet you know a lot about a great deal of information. Specifically i assume you know a lot about the Thief.

My Build Guide. (W.I.P.)

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Hello everyone and thank you for your interest in what i use to make myself an effective dps In PvE. now this guide is a work in progress and is not finished yet haha. However, to fully understand my build you must first understand my intent in sharing it. This is what i personally enjoy playing. That is why i play it. How do i make myself effective? That’s what i hope to cover here.

So with all that in mind i hope you all will respect my information for what it is. Information on how i make my build effective for dps based on the Type of Damage i choose to do. if you like Hybrid Dps give it a shot and give my build a shot.

This build is not inherently unique. you may already have a build for hybrid dps at your disposal. If so, Great! Im not trying to suggest i know more than any of you. I am trying to help you be as effective in pve as a dps in any situation.

So gentlemen, you are welcome to copy my build to the T. But, my build has no right way to play, so you can use any traits, stats, and gear you want to make my build fit your playstyle and your situation

Therefore this is a specific guide about a broad topic. the main topic is Viable Dps in PvE. however i will share what i know to make your personal build effective, if that is what you guys want me to talk about in this forum. However, i will cover the specifics of my build, and how i deal damage with it in this forum. Not right away lol of course, in time. Merely sharing my build is not my main focus in doing so.

My Main Goal: i want to help everyone play effectively as they can and have as much fun doing it as it relates to the role they chose to fulfill. So, stay tuned for my full and finished guide

So, My traits are 30/30/0/0/10 for “optimal dps” What i use is dependent on my situation. The gear i use is whatever i want to use(stat wise). My utilities change constantly to help me survive not necessarily do more dps. so if that’s all you need from me, then thank you for taking interest in my build. if you want me to be more specific about my build i will do so eventually.

(edited by freelancecoma.8629)

Glass Cannon Hybrid Dps (viable! Yay!)

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


sure thing! a thief can use swords, pistols, daggers, and the shortbow. i think that is all of the weapons a thief can use. i may have left something out and hopefully i will be corrected if i did.

My intention is information

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


If I offended anyone ever on these forums, I am genuinely sorry.
My intent is positive, and if I act negatively, then understand I am making a mistake. now, I want to share as much of my knowledge with you all as I can, so you all may utilize it as it relates to you. That is my goal. Just wanted to give you all a better understanding of me as an individual, so we may better understand eachother.

Thoughts on dungeon build?

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Alright I have not actually seen your build but from a dps point of view, I can assure you it is viable, as long as you have the knowledge and skill to make it such.

Glass Cannon Hybrid Dps (viable! Yay!)

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Ah ok. Well any weapon set can do damage. That being said. Use whatever weapons you are the most comfortable with, and can use effectively to do the “type” of dps you want to do. I hope that makes sense to you and answered your question.

Glass Cannon Hybrid Dps (viable! Yay!)

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Ah! Ty for understanding me. Yes, I agree with you on our view of what viable means to us. In that respect, I hope you can see the logic behind my traits as a dps build in pve. Ty so much for sharing your information with me and our community.

Pro pve thiefs help me out with surviving :D

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Lol Zacchary, you humble me so effectively haha

Do you want a unique dps build for pve?

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Oh! Well ty for your interest in what I have to offer. Umm my channel is brand new and at the moment has nothing of mine to view. However I am uploading a discussion video on my bunker mesmer build. Just fyi. The video and audio are not great. If my channel becomes popular and thrives, I will try my best to make all of its content first and foremost, informative. However for the sake of maintaining interest, I dont want to make anyone so bored they just dont watch my vids. With that in mind I intend to eventually improve the video portion of my content on youtube. So my point is its not a perfect vid but hopefully I can make my thief vid a lil better somehow.

Pro pve thiefs help me out with surviving :D

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Lmao to verify, vincent and I do NOT have a homosexual relationship. I called him “my man” as a term of endeerment, because he has earned my respect. This can mean whatever he wants it to. To me it means I consider him an intelligent player, and someone who is a respectful person. So I sincerely hope my respect for him is valued by him cus I feel he deserves it. That means (assuming he also respects me in a similar manner,) that we have mutual respect for eachother. Just makin sure no one gets the wrong idea about either of us haha.

Pro pve thiefs help me out with surviving :D

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Vincent! My maan! Lol good to see you, and absolutely! You are 100% accurate in that statement.

I was merely trying to give a simple example for the sake of the forum topic.

that is why the “holy trinity strat” imho is the most potentially effective for pve in Gw2. Please note this is my opinion only, however, I believe I formed It based on what I know as “facts of gw2 pve” and "facts of pve in other mmo’s. Thats all I got for now. Lol.

Do you want a unique dps build for pve?

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Thanks Tower, ill make a video guide for you as per “request/prefrence.” I am making a video cus you clearly would prefer a video. That being said, I have to let my mesmer build upload before I can make another one of equal “entertainment” quality.
That being said, my videos are first and foremost what you may also refer to me as (only if you feel it is a fitting description) I wont force you gentlemen to do anything, and I would never intentionally decieve anyone here. So that being said. I will try to make as effective a build guide in the form of a Youtube video, because it is what my audience made clear they wanted. (even if the only one who watches it is Big Tower lol)
Again thank you all for your input and especially for the support I recieved. As my repayment I will deliver what I promised. In time lol.

Pro pve thiefs help me out with surviving :D

in Thief

Posted by: freelancecoma.8629


Ok, thank you for being clear in what you want to know. That being said, you can do whatever you want to increase your survivability as long as it makes sense and is viable in your preffered playstyle and role.
So to better answer your question, are you looking to be a dps in pve? If so, one way you can increase your survivability and maintain good damage is to throw 15 points into Acrobatics and grab Power of Inertia and the minor trait after that.

This gives you more dodges than usual, and therefore makes you more survivable while not reducing your dps (by much lol). You do not NEED ptv gear to imcrease your survivability. in my opinion in gw2, you can do any dungeon as a glass cannon, if you know 2 things, how to avoid all types of damage or at least counter them, and which mobs or bosses have “one shot” mechanics.

With the knowledge I provided for you I hope you can best answer your own question as you see fit. Gl in PvE!