Showing Posts For frodamn.3706:
You want at least exotic gear in every slot to be able to climb in to anything and play it. However if you are looking for gear progression the only real thing there is Ascended gear and Legendaries.
Outside of that, gear isnt the focus in gw2. If I’m remembering correctly they added Ascended gear as a time/money/ingredient skin for the more hardcore players, and then after that added in exotic as another step that was a bit easier to get to and made it so Ascended gear didnt have a large stat gap.
Outside of that, the game is your oyster. Work on world completion, find a guild and do the raids, or become a fractal freak.
You can also use fractals/laurals to get ascended accessories (rings/trinket etc) as a quick and easy way to do that.
Nice to see a video with commentary, however its very hard to read what your thought process was, and also see it in action at the same time.
Maybe shorter notes more centered on screen so we can see and read at the same time? Or if you wanna get fancy you can pause the video, draw some arrows and kitten about whats going on.
I think its pretty safe to say that gw2 was very ambitious in its original view, and its probably fair to say that they probably didnt expect players to play the game how its played.
In saying that Anet probably has enough data and experience to build all the classes from the ground up to make it overall more functional. At the moment the complaints from players are often about balance both pve and pvp and the overall cluster fudge that appears on screen.
How would you guys feel about the idea if rebuilding the classes? obviously some people will hate that idea, others might like it, and it would need some pretty good transparency from Anet so players know whats happening.
They could do stuff like make the specializations enforce a soft trinity (earth for ele makes them more inclined for tanking in a pseudo traditional sense, water healing etc).
Or make the weapons throw classes in to their roles a bit heavier.
Just testing the water here. I do enjoy the game but it does leave somethings wanting and its important to explore all avenues good or bad to go in the right direction.
This was the kind of post I was hoping for so thank you for the run down.
From what you’ve told me it sounds like anet really needs to take a step back and slow down the pvp in terms of random spam, and lots of procs etc for condition damage/boons.
Also from what you say about elementalists having lots of tells thats a very good point and I’d rather see other classes get longer animations/more tells than to have eles get quicker animations/fewer tells.
What you say about the “good luck getting a fire grab” that was the reasoning behind playing around updraft and earthquake. And I believe to some extend you can get very sneaky updrafts/earthquakes using lightning flash mid animation (not sure if this still exists, god i hope so).
And your point about thief being able to 100-0 someone, ive experienced that, even with the auramancer build i saw on metabattle. To me that doesnt really signify that eles are in a bad spot, but more thief is overtuned so its hard, imo, to use that as an example. The lack of counterplay through 1shots and even 1shots through stealth can only mean its not even remotely balanced and therefore shouldnt be treated as the norm in that context.
And just another question. So right now theres no way to go full into DPS specializations and make up for the lack of survive via weapon skills in amulet and runes?
Hi Guys, I’ve returned after stopping a month or so after HoT launch and before that played off and on for a while so my knowledge has some heavy gaps due to meta shifts etc. and I’m just looking for clarification on PvP builds and how they work.
So my question(s) are more around why certain builds in PvP for the elementalist dont work such as going full glass cannon, is it the cool downs? The general stat weights for us? etc.
And why something like this wouldnt work, and what thought process you would generally go through to try and make it work.
The idea behind the build above is obviously around abusing people while they are knocked down which you have access to 2 of with d/d, with Air talent Tempest Defense for 20% damage on knocked down foes, and sigil of impact for 10% damage on knocked down foes (not sure if that translates to 30%), then stat stacking power ferocity for a big fire grab as Sigil of Intelligence gives you 100% crit on weapon swap (in this case attunement swap to fire).
And relying on the random amounts of burning you’ll naturally do as supplement damage, that I imagine would also kick in when they are knocked down giving people random spikes of damage.
I wasnt sure what amulet to take as it looks like they’ve removed celestial, but the paladins one looks like it covers what I envisioned
So yeah, any comments to help guide the thought process, and the minimum requirements to do things in pvp (base toughness/health), and any criticism of the build. Full disclosure, I havent tested it, literally just at work bored and decided to play around with the calculator to get familiar with talents again.
Has HoT lost the scale of the elder dragons?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: frodamn.3706
@Dengar, I agree the idea of mordys weakness is his mind is a sound conclusion and reason. Im saying they way we found out about it was rushed, and instead of just saying “hey we should go in to mind” it would have made slightly more sense to try and go after his physical body first, which could have been an encounter for the personal story, and then after that encounter ultimately failing, we realize we need a different approach.
The Marionette fight is a good example. God i miss that fight, it was so cool.
Has HoT lost the scale of the elder dragons?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: frodamn.3706
I did not realize Dragons Stand had a proper Mordy fight. I’ll have to check that out when I can play some more.
I definitely agree that its unfortunate for Anet that most people have this idea of soloing a giant dragon, and I just want to make it clear im not complaining about that.
And I feel like the Itzel and Nuhoch will get some more screen time in S3 of living story.But the Pale Reavers seem pointless now with mordremoth being defeated.
Yeah I think people complaining about it not being soloable are the people that dont really learn to adapt.
The only way I see most of these complaints going away, is if Mordy is pulling a Voldemort and gathering his strength, and hes gonna come back stronger than ever (since we were still technically fighting him while he was feeding), and THEN the exalted and glints egg etc come in to play.
The content added in HoT feels fine, especially whne you remember that Living story had 42+ updates, and a lot of the living story did tie in to the main story of HoT.
The maps also have a replay factor in the sense that, once you get masteries unlocked, you can go back to areas and explore that much more. for example, Verdant brink and updraft allowed you to explore the canopy a lot more.
The only complaint I have about this xpac, is a lot of its content is centered around being grouped pretty much all the time to get the most out of it, which sucks imo because I do go in to moods were I just want to chill out and kitten while listening to music.
But thats just me.
Has HoT lost the scale of the elder dragons?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: frodamn.3706
So I finished the Mordremoth fight last night and while it was a good fight, and is definitely more involved than Zhaitan, it didnt really feel like we were fighting an elder dragon, and ultimately all the HoT content never really had a “Mordrem are definitely a big issue that we need to address now” (in my opinion). So lets break it down a bit more
Lets start with Zhaitan:
Ignoring most of the original personal story, if we take the ones that are directly tied with Zhaitan and his minions as a threat. You’ve got Claw Island where your mentor sacrifices their life to help you all get away. Not to mention all the Orr related personal story where we are constantly told of the swarming Zhaitan minions. Cleansing of Orr is a good example of how pressing the issue of Zhaitan is, and how his minions keep coming until something is done which gives you this sense of “man this is really a world changing thing to stop Zhaitans influence and power”.
And on to the fight with Zhaitan himself. I think we can all agree that GW2 encounters back then weren’t really made for gw2 combat style compared to now, and while it was very anti-climatic that the only combat against zhaitan as a player, is getting in a turret and pressing 2 for 5 minutes.
But being on the airship, seeing zhaitan flying around, all his smaller dragons trying to kill you, and when zhaitan does finally smash in to ship, its great, you KNOW you’re fighting a big bad dragon and you get that sense of how small you are comparatively, even when hes chilling on the side of the building.
Now lets talk about Mordy:
In terms of build up, Mordy has had a lot through the living story with Scarlet doing her thing, and all the drytop/silverwastes stuff, and how his reach went as far as Ascalon, which is awesome, and its being drilled in to you that this dragon is way more of a threat than Zhaitan ever was.
But in terms of HoT as an expansion, there’s very little development about Mordys power, and even figuring out his weakness of going in to his mind felt rushed and almost like a cop-out.
It just seems really weird that not even a week in and people are already killing Mordremoth so early. If we had all that living story release after HoT, and then once that was completed you go on to do the current HoT personal story, it would have been a lot more intense.
And on top of all that, you dont even fight a dragon, you fight a Behemoth, and its in a small condensed area which seems odd when you’re fighting an Elder Dragon who can invade minds and has such a strong mental capability, that you fight a small version of himself and are confined to a small area, when generally the mind can essentially give you an infinite number of scenarios to be in.
And on top of all this, if we go and look at the HoT Cinematic launch trailer at the end you see a giant creature towering over our comrades, and while that was confirmed to not be mordremoth, where was that type of feeling when fighting Mordy. And where is that creature anyway? We didnt even fight an Tequatl equivalents in Mordy ranks really.
So I guess to summarize, and be more direct about this post:
Mordremoth should have been a bigger and more epic fight. Instead of just fighting him in his mind/dream, we should have had a physical fight with him. Caithe does mention that fighting mordremoth physically would be pointless because he can just regrow, but why not SHOW us that, let us EXPERIENCE that.
And because all of the Modremoth build up content was released before HoT, the HoT story seems rushed.
@Arenanet, does GW2 game engine allow for fights like Shadow of the colossus, and those types of games where you are physically running up bosses and having to attack physical weakspots and the such? If it doesnt allow for that, would/is it something you would want to develop and expand on?
I keep seeing that ele’s are pretty much at the top of the food chain, and there’s a lot of complaints about them.
1) What exactly makes them overpowered, and why?
And my second question is more of a how to
2) What should an ele be doing/providing to the game?
Appreciate any guidance/explanation
I played the game back when it released, got frustrated at PvP because of 250 ping and after playing off and on for a while, and now getting back in to it AND with it going free to play It must be generating a lot of oceanic people.
But is there enough people to warrant any oceanic servers?
The obvious downside for Oceanic players is the megaserver integration. It would be safe to say americans/europeans wont want to play on oce servers getting 200+ ping so it would kind of isolate us, unless there are a few options for us to dictate when the megaserver kicks in.
I dont know why this was overlooked.
The idea is that we are supposed to go back to LA to rescue people, yet we only get a reward when we work together to achieve something, but by playing solo you can get better rewards.
Some times you have to wonder.
If we were to get any other weapons (i hope we do) The ones that make sense are
Torch for like a super aggressive condition based off-hand.
dual-wielding swords for some intense melee burst would be cool.
Would hopefully get all this confusion of what eles are supposed to do. Its like they went “yeah lets make 4 attunements 20 skills, awesome, oh wait that might be strong lets make all 20 abilities really meh.”
Thats the nature of persistent combat environments, you cant say its bad because thats the way its intended to work.
@point number 3, thats not an ok reason to slow down updates to PvP. Its not like gw2 was released as a pve game and then had pvp added in a little later.
They actively kept saying they wanted gw2 pvp to an E-sport and they would work hard to do that.
They need to stop “letting the meta settle” and actually make changes, any changes, just start changing things that are the problem. Not like “remove this and add this” but start doing numbers and nerfing stuff 10% at a time or something.
At the moment what you want isnt really optimal and you would jsut be bringing down your group.
Everyone is currently using berserker gear with full balls deep DPS builds most of the time, and the idea is to just rush things.
There are a few min-maxing things to look out for which im not to sure on and dont really care about.
The below guide is what I used when I came back after i stopped playing for basically a year and its gotten me more aware of the game quite happy with it. Its basically 100% uptime on Lava font which does a lot of damage (obviously you still swap between attunements to throw some regen/cc) and has a near 100% up time on Fury.
From what I understand, you want to have might stacking in a group as a priority because of strong and easy it is (not easy for most people somehow) and then retaliation and blinds are the next thing. The last two are for the whack tanking system which doesnt really exist.
Hope that helps.
They could merge windborne dagger, Blasting Staff and Vigorous Sceptor into 1 trait and free up 2 spots for new traits. Which could break to Ele dependency on cantrips and open up build variety.
Thats actually a really great idea. I mean, we are limited to one weapon set, whats really the harm?
@Zelyhn, you could make a feature film out of that story. God kitten .
@everyone else so far:
I get what you are saying abut eles having lots of damage modifiers and that would be OP, but the thing about balancing is doesnt come in one big step, and it really seems that arena net arent even taking steps.
From the next patch our cantrips are going to be stronger, but they are already in our core pvp build that focuses around water anyway.
This game was supposed to have that “play what you want to play and it will work!” And obviously that was never going to be 100% true, but it shouldnt be how bad it is now
I dont know about you guys, but I think something would be a lot smoother if certain traits werent locked in to the one attunement.
For instance, Piercing Shards really only brings up water damage to a good level compared to other attunements, but it makes more sense that these types of traits take effect to the elementalist in whole.
The ones like Internal fire and Air training are kind of annoying, we are already limited to one set of weapons and we HAVE to swap attunements, there’s no reason to stay in one attunement for 100% of the time and by not taking these types of traits we get shafted.
We are supposed to be masters of the elements, not good with this 1 kinda kitty with the rest.
I took a huge break a few months after the game was released and when I came back, the traits still stick out as kind of messy.
p.s What are elementalists supposed to do in pvp? I honestly havent found anything thats remotely fun. Do no damage, cant tank damage for kitten, its odd that i enjoy pve more than pvp, this doesnt happen.
The problem the seems to be the idea behind Elementalist. They wanted them to be able to do a lot of cool things, but they made them really mediocre at all of them.
Even if you go full 30 in to fire and air you see a terrible increase to damage, and an amazingly high decrease to survive.
The fact that we have to switch between all 4 attunements just to achieve what most classes can do while they remain in one weapon set is stupid.
I honestly have no idea where to begin fixing anything, but they really should just start spit balling ideas
The issue is,
Since we cant weapon swap in combat, if we REQUIRE ranged, but we are D/D we cant. Im not saying we need a gap closer, im saying, you NEED to be ranged.
There is a boss in CoF normal (i think) that does a lot of damage if you are within melee range, I didnt know this and I had D/D equipped and literally became useless to my team. I just sat there hoping some minions would come out that i need to kill, but no, i sat there being useless.
Its fights like these that limit us so greatly that need to be addressed.
The only good heals we have are in water staff, and they have an incredibly long cooldown, with an incredibly un-potent heal, which requires people to stand in it, and really only is good for regen for Cleansing Waters to remove conditions from you/allies when giving regen to them etc.
And all other healing spells are pretty useless in terms of healing. D/D 2 is ok for damage and worse for healing, and 5 is really only for condition removal.
The thing most people need to realize is that GW2 is based on the philosophy of being able to fulfill any role as any other class can.
@Stormy, you could of literally been a thief, done 2 pistol whips and that gaurdian would be dead. And if he had reinforcements, you could of literally escaped with your 25% move speed signet (which baffles me because we get a 10% one and we control air kitten
The problem isnt the “keyboard” work out as people keep saying, I honestly dont know how you can even complain about that, but its the fact we get so little reward out of it.
When you think about it, or combos are really useless. Even if you signet of earth someone and then dragons tooth immediately, they can still dodge it most of the time.
The only cool thing ive noticed about eles is that we can cast earthquake or Churning earth and use Lightning strike to more pin point it. I love chasing someone and using a Earthquake lightning combo to catch them and kill them.
And don you guys find it really stupid that our attunements base CD is 15 second and weapon swapping is a base 10? We are literally at a disadvantage from then on.
that suggestion is broader than just the ele perspective. Damage is just flying around randomly, and the fact you dont have mesmers on that list is astounding. They may not be “bursty” but their damage output is extremely high and sustained at a high rate.
This is a team based game and should be focusing on having players really focus down a target, instead of a 5v5 where each person takes on one effectively making it 5, 1v1s. The team aspect isnt here yet other than leaving one person to defend a point (even then that doesnt happen).
I agree on the necro part, and i should of been more specific about saying “bring everyone down” but my point im trying to emphasize is dont bring us up, and dont bring necros up otherwise thats just more random damage being randomly thrown around causing random spikes in peoples health equaling a random and boring fight.
Lots of these comments really miss the point of what i was saying, so let me clear it up.
1) Im not talking about Keybinds
2) im not saying we are unplayable
3)we arent hard to play
What I am saying is
1)our skills dont have good synergy
2)our traits are worse for synergy
3)compared to other classes our damage, survive, and utility (in pvp) is horrible
I dont mind working twice as hard to get results, but right now there are no results for working the ele how it should be worked.
I literally have over 3k armor (toughness+defense) and just under 19k HP with my new spec/gear in sPvP and a pistol whipping thief still cuts through me, its kitten on a very kitten level.
This games PvP is so bursty it actually makes WoTLK and early Cata look like vanilla/BC WoW.
I understand this is a team game, but that doesnt mean that in a 1v2 you automatically lose, you should have to work for it, kite, keep the enemies occupied. But in its current state there is so much damage going around you can probably kill 1 out of 2 people before they get you to half/kill you.
And seriously, all the people saying “well if you want damage then play a glass cannon dual dagger setup” have you actually tried that in pvp? You die fast with no damage, then you make a thief, who does 2-4 times more damage than DD ever did, and can escape because they are literally built around stealth and mobility.
You guys really dont see the bigger picture.
My suggestion for Anet is really simple, dont bring the elementalist up in terms of damage and survive; bring everyone else down.
The best fights ive had have been weak eles vs other weak eles. Its rewarding, you really need to watch what you are doing because if you do screw up you do lose, and you always have time to react.
A thief however catches you off guard and kills you in a Pistol Whip. Thats not fun, I’m not being out skilled, im being out button pressed.
I bring this up because in the first 2 beta weekends battles actually lasted a while and it was quite fun and involving, and now they all seem incredibly short. Granted this could be due to everyone not knowing how to play anything, but even still fights are quite short.
With every profession being able to do everything in a sense, and the struggle to make this an E-sport. I have to see its doing quite bad.
The biggest problem in my eyes is the damage.
Im not going to go in to great big wall of text details, but what I can safely say is:
GW2 combat really does feel more like WoTLK than anything else. Damage is far to high, the team work aspect isnt really there other than “2v1, spam the damage buttons faster and harder.”
I realize this is still an early MMO and therefore will take some time to address certain things, but its been out long enough for arena net to let us know what direction they are taking and really talk about what they feel is a problem in terms of each area of the game (PvP, PvE, WvW, Events etc).
How does everyone else feel?
I do agree with the people saying all the other classes should be brought down to the elementalists level.
If you really think about it Eles are really balanced, the amount of work you put in is actually pretty well designed for our output. But comparing that output against other classes its terrible.
I came to GW2 with arenanet saying they wanted battles that lasted long while still being fast paced, and it really comes down to player skill. I havent seen this enough to actually think Arenanet has done this.
In my honest opinion (and yes im aware of the flame to come) but right now the PvP might aswell be WoTLK and early cata. Its all over the place, it comes down to who can press the buttons faster. I dont want to see GW2 be a WOTLK/Cata PvP system with ghostcrawler behind it.
And any WoW vets in here will agree that Vanilla and BC were great for PvP and that was extremely fun.
And once again, I agree with all the people saying Ele is the most fun, because it sure is, all the other classes are boring, little work for such high reward is boring.
I’ve been in so many groups to do CoF, and all of them insist on doing the exploit.
I honestly cant see why, arenanet bans anyone for anything.
Am I a bad person for ditching these groups immediately when i learn they go to do the exploit? Would you be annoyed?
@Fievre All I got from your post was “im in denial and my first line proves it, i like mediocrity” So, here is a clip from a very underrated movie
@Yukishiro you’re right, we do have more combo fields, but other classes have better ones. Healing spring beats both our water fields.
Static field isnt really needed because an organized group will have 2 bleed and vuln stackers.
Fire. Well sure I’ll give us this one.
@SeraVerte I’ve 2 shot people too! But then you fight people who actually have a slight idea bout how to play and therefore beat you because you picked an elementalist. See thiefs heartseeker / pistol whipping.
As for the agro system, Anet said multiple times “whoever is closest tanks” so yeah, thats not really a point of discussion about “how well my ele can hold aggro”
I’ve tried so many specs its not even funny, I’ve done ones used by other people that works for them and they all have the same problem. They are just so much effort when you can just go make a warrior, thief, ranger and just faceroll.
I like having to work my class in order to get results, but its just stupid when other classes dont.
And this still goes back to my original point, everyone else can simply do it better than an elementalist can.
Even in PvP i got fed up with getting blown up so I went full earth water, 10 in arcana for the V trait (mandatory amirite) and got full toughness vitality gear and I even went scepter for rock barrier, signet of earth, had around 1800 toughness (give or take a few) and was still getting torn to kitten just by autos and other abilities that take nothing to aim/use
To all the people who keep saying ele is fine, you really need to branch off and look at the ele compared to GW2 rather than the ele compared to each player.
Yes some players suck and therefore will treat the elementalist being mediocre as “OK”
Yes some players are elitest and will fight sucky players therefore will see the elementalist as “Balanced” or god forbid “over powered”
But has anyone actually bothered to really take in what most of us are saying?
The ele is fine, and if all professions (classes) were like ele it would be so much more balanced. And to really grasp this idea, i want you all to go make a thief in pvp, use the defaults, and go spam heartseeker, and then when you are “Advanced” enough (lol) go pistol whip and make it easier.
Most of the posts I see are people going “eles are glass cannons” or “eles only do this, not that”, the people that say this really have no idea about how GW2 is supposed to work, I’m not saying I have 100% knowledge about GW2, but if you are playing this game you need to know this one thing:
Every profession is supposed to be able to do everything in some way or another
And currently every profession can, yes even elementalists! But the catch is, everyone else can simply do it better than an elementalist can.
You watch these videos of elementalists and you see them working twice as hard to try and kill some moron who is literally just auto attacking and is nearly winning.
I’m kind of losing where to go with this post, but the most important thing is this
Elementalists are fun, and their concept is awesome, but right now its not fun in PvP getting dominated by people who are just spamming one or two skills to beat you.
Its not fun to go in to PvE and get rejected because you are an elementalist and other people have already learned that you are only good for condition clearing, which isnt even that important as far as most PvE goes.
Yeah thats pretty much it.
Go to PvP, put 30 points in to water and earth, get toughness/vitality runes, and go scepter for the Rock barrier for another 250 toughness, and watch people randomly chew through you by spamming one move while you press every single button you have to try and stay alive while being a “tank”. Its pathetic.
And yes, I did actually make a thief and spammed heartseeker and every ele was a free kill, actually, everyone was a free kill. Then I learned about pistol whip, and it was even easier.
This PvP is a joke and is no better than 3.1 patch from wow with ret palys and arcane mages vs people in full PvE gear.
PvE is never hard. You can do all this with a smartly placed static field and lava font with Larger AoE attacks trait from arcana.
I’ve honestly tried so many builds. I even went full water/earth with 10 in arcane for the mandatory V trait, went full toughness/vitality/healing power runes and was still getting mowed down with just under 2k toughness.
I cant find any build that works, fires fun and its damage can be ok but then the player decides to attack you and you just die.
WTB Anet saying “dont worry, we are fixing you <3”
its not letting me quote for some reason, but @Kiba
Thats all well and dandy but lets face it, thats still a holy trinity in terms of Gw2, its just you dont have a tank.
If I understand the philosophy right…there isn’t supposed to by anyone tanking. That is…anyONE. In theory, someone should take a couple of hits, roll out, heal, and come back in when their ready. It actually works like that too, only having one person take all the hits makes content much harder than having everyone get into the battle at once.
I agree, this is what i thought it was going to be about, one player going in for a couple of hits, rolling out and another player jumps in.
But the aggro system in this game is still confusing (or possibly broken), I remember watching interviews of Anet and they said that aggro is simple, who ever is closest to the enemy, tanks it. But I dont see this working about 90% of the time, I have seen it work, but not enough to know if this is how its supposed to be.
And this is in suggestions because it was 2 am and i clicked all the wrong buttons, ALL OF THEM.
This is going to be a very short post, because of a very simple reason.
Arena net have said many times there is no holy trinity anymore, everyone can do everything, and everyone can choose what to play.
Thats great and all and I really love the concept, but something doesn’t add up.
Healing power: A stat for healing.
Why is this in the game? It just separates the idea of a holy trinity, because if you are gearing for healing, then you are “a healer” and then can not deal damage as much as you could be therefore you arent “a dpser”
I dont understand the reasoning behind this? I understand why you would have condition damage and power separate, but the healing stat seems out of place.
Its not fun playing a class that requires so much work to get so little reward. Anet says everyone can tank heal and DPS, but I seriously cant find any of the 3 in this class, well, cant find anything that makes it effective.
The long lockout when you switch attunements is puzzling as a design choice
in Elementalist
Posted by: frodamn.3706
The reason Eles dont get a second weapon in combat is because we switch attunements. People dont realize that if we go DD then we are only close range, where as a warrior has a sword for melee, and a rifle for ranged. The skill set for Elementalist is the problem.
The main problem is Anet have some focus on making each attunement to similar. What i mean is, we are supposed to have the same dynamic choices as other weapon swapping classes because our attunements fill that role, but if we go DD we are limited to close range combat and damage dealing, and no matter what attunement we swap to, we dont get any more support or tank attributes.
Yes traits play in to this, but overall the Ele skill set is horrible and needs a rework, there are some great spells, and just horrible ones.