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meta build

in Mesmer

Posted by: iSpook.5612


with all the updates I was wondering what the meta build is? What gear stats(ie berseker/cele etc) for pvp/wvw and what runes are most commonly used now?

im coming back to my Mesmer, just wondering what the consensus is…

defensive slot

in Thief

Posted by: iSpook.5612


I have a full set of ascended gear on my condi thief. I am kinda done with the fractals. I was wondering for defensive purposes should I put in toughness or vit infusion(which is better?)? Should I just keep the agnony no matter what?


warriors speak up please

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


when did cooldowns become trivial? I’m pretty sure all cooldowns aren’t fun.

I just think people would have a different perspective if thiefs had to build upto a steal, rangers had to build up to a pet skill, guardians had to build up to agies, ele had to build up before changing atunements etc (all these things are just cooldowns, not two hoops to jump through)

im just saying this is going to be pretty rough on warriors

warriors speak up please

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


so if a thief misses mug he cant steal again until he lands 5 other hits or is it just the cooldown from the steal skill? You see that’s not the same sorry.

The same thing would be that a thief could not steal unless the skill is out of cooldown and it uses all of the thief’s initiative also AND regardless if the steal lands he loses all of his initiative. If you tried to offer that as a balance to thieves they would throw a fit with the idea of a steal having a cooldown and take full initiative. lol thieves would freak. Maybe steal or that dagger 5 skill cost an entire build of initiative(I don’t think theifs would be happy if 5 skill required saving up a full load instead of six?)? That was again a bad example to support your argument…

if you think the burst skill is that good, that’s a fine argument, but don’t say every other profession will have this kind of punishment for a simple miss

(edited by iSpook.5612)

new ranger skills in different traits

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


these two new traits are to help fix the ranger. why must everyone say the exact opposite of the post? do you think having both traits would somehow make the class op?…hardly

I am just saying it would truly open up different builds. I hope rangers speak up and ask for these traits to be able to get both rather than have to choose one…

warriors speak up please

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


wow there were two terrible responses to me.

I guess there are a lot of LB / rifle warriors out there….I don’t think I have ever seen one.

and still my main point that no one can dispute. Just give it up. If you think the warrior nerf is ok, just argue that point. Please don’t try to argue that a Mesmer has two punishment to use clones. The shatter has a cooldown and the skill that makes the clone has a cooldown. Im trying to relate to you that by your argument, the Mesmer should have a build up bar before he can release a clone. Do you think that’s fair?

The warrior will be the first character that will be punished twice for the same mistake. He will lose the power build AND have the cooldown. I don’t know why ppl don’t get that. If you think that is fair, FINE. But please don’t try to explain to me that other charactors face that problem too. All skills and build up skills just have a cooldown EXCEPT the warrior will now lose everything AND a cooldown.

Ranger mobility/pace is what is needed

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


gosh I hate it when ppl don’t think. The guardian and ele damage increases cost 2. The warrior traits to increase are 4 slot traits

The new ones for the ranger to help FIX the profession are not only 6 trait line BUT they are on the same line? How does that make everything better for the ranger? Why must ppl poo on someone wanting to fix the rangers?

Just wait till your profession patch, and I wont dump on you when you notice anet didn’t make your character better either

new ranger skills in different traits

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


and to add why do other professions get blue traits like more damage if attuned to X or more damage if target is on fire (guardian too)

why do those traits are blue and not yellow AND it co-exisit with read the wind so you cant have both?? that cant make sense

about ranger update

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


I agree with the posts, im just saying it is totally hindering the ranger by putting both read the wind and the new trait bonus cripple damage in the same trait line. That is just wrong. It would not be a game changer or make rangers op.

many other profession ie – the guardian and ele both have more damage when set on fire and THEY ARE NOT YELLOW TRAITS. Why should the ranger’s first ever ‘’more to damage’ trait be a final trait?? and why does it have to offset with the longbow trait so you cant have both??

warriors speak up please

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


yeah you just said so many basic weapon attacks don’t connect. You think that is a good game mechanic??? I total understand if there is a dodge roll or a passive at work or your obstructed BUT why do you argue with me over how its good that basic attacks miss for any other reason? Don’t you think that these weapons need to be fixed?

If a sword is in range of target it always hits. I have never seen a sword or hammer miss without there being a reason. Im saying the longbow that a couple of other weapons just miss for no other reason than the animation of the arrow and or projectile just doesn’t want to land. Why is it melee weapons always hit when within range but several ranged weapons are in range but just don’t work while other ranged weapons always hit. Don’t you think that if there is no outstanding reason ie dodge roll or something it should just hit?

AND as for my 2 negative argument you cant give me another skill in which you have to build up power PLUS a miss means you get a cooldown AND have to build it up again. —-->That’s like saying if a necro gets interrupted on death shroud he also losses all of his build up regardless if it work or not. Or a Mesmer failing to shatter and then he cant make another clone until he he uses 5 other skills or even if Mesmer stealths should he lose all of his clones? that doesn’t make sense.

When the cooldown is done you fire off another chance. There is no other skills in which you lose all your momentum and a cooldown-no such thing other than the new warrior nerf

if you earn the build up why should you lose it, you already have a cooldown. Its not like wariors can spam them.

(edited by iSpook.5612)

Thieves Stealth, Too OP?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


thief is not op. One thing that might help you is a tuff condi build. Theifs do not have a lot of pretection or condi removal. (remove condi in stealth is not great). I can kill most any thief one on one with a bunker condi build. that being said…

I think what peoples cripe really is when you have a theif + anyone else on you. While you are fighting the other person, the thief is free to stealth and backstab repeated without too much worry so it makes the theif seem really op because it looked like the theif just appeared and killed you WHEN if fact it was the fact you were looking at the other guy. Its mis-direction that gets the thief lots of kills. When you add a team mate to the theif then yeah they really seem OP because they spent the whole time getting behind you for the stab while your looking at the other guy. that part sucks

Toughness Vitality Healing Power Unbalanced?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


healing does in fact scale horribly.

The ele heals well because of its skills. Even a full berserker ele have very nice healing abilities (in my mind that’s the real problem)

the warrior has a passive heal that is decent but it is far from op. The guardian has many heals and condi removal. Neither profession is a bunker by nature

new ranger skills in different traits

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


the whole point of getting this new trait was because the beastmastery was just wrong.

Even in the video you can see he points out all the different ways you can apply cripple BUT BUT it will all be in vain because rangers will want read the wind in most cases if they are ranged rangers.

yes it is very odd to have sooooo many traits that compete in one trait line. It hinders the builds once again.

even by your own post you say read the wind will be so great, so whats the other skill going to be used for??? you really shouldn’t be a pure melee ranger for many reasons especially for the reason we can have bows and they should be useful. We want the ranger fixed and yet again we will only be able to choose one new trait…

Ranger mobility/pace is what is needed

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


more rangers need to try there survival skills way more. I get good kiting and removes conditions.

rangers should be focusing on is that they will have to pick read the wind or more damage when cripple you WILL NOT get both. I think this is just wrong? Whats the point of having these skills separate again this hinders the new skills far more than kiting.

new ranger skills in different traits

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


please make the two new yellow skills in different traits. You should not have to choose whether you want your longbow to actually connect or get more damage (when crippled mind you) in a build. Again your making rangers sacrificing skills that the ranger desperately need…:(

I don’t even care what other trait line or other yellow skill you switch it with.

Are people overstating the Ranger changes?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


so many haters…rangers don’t want to be op, we are trying to get fixed!

1 traits and pets have always been against the ranger. So many times a ranger has to sacrifice many traits because all of the useful ones are jammed together. I have never had to change so many different builds just to be usefull in a group. As other proffessions its much easier to make builds that all serve the same purpose. IE that just made rangers two new skills that might be useful but they are both yellow skills in the same line so you will never even be able to use them both…and that fixes rangers? no

2 Weapons have been broken

3 pets do not function like they should,,,so much so rangers have even been asking to remove them from the game. that is sad

rangers just want a fix, all you people dumping on rangers might want to think about it before the ‘balance’ patch hits your character and you get nothing you wanted either!

(edited by iSpook.5612)

warriors speak up please

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


there is a penalty for missing the skill, it goes in cooldown as if you used it. You can not keep spaming it. So now you think its fair to wipe the burst bar AND have the skill go in cooldown?? Now they are just removing the warriors unique ability. Why should a warrior work so hard for a burst skill just to have two penalties?

Name other skills your characters have that that have 2 negatives happen when you miss? Other characters simply have a cooldown…

as for the bow, I have all professions at lvl 80, I have played just a few weapons I know are actually broken and the bow is one. Go check it out in an arena, it will not land if the other person is stacking their movement. There are only a few weapons that do this in the game and this is one that needs a fix. Im not trying to make a warrior op, I think any game mechanic that missing every time your pvp target moves is broken. I seriously don’t think the devs made, for this instance, a bow that misses your target so you just use the skills rather than the auto attack. Why would that make sense?

warriors speak up please

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


I am fine with most of the nerfs that are going to happen, because at least will have more rage passive which most ppl use anyway. And I always wondered about the fact I could keep adrenaline for so long after a fight but…

1 our burst skills should not blow if we miss, there are way too many ways to avoid our attacks anyway we are melee characters and we have to keep playing catch up with the target anyway

2 why did they not fix the bow? if ppl hit A and D in rapidly they will miss every shot you throw at them? WHY? The bow is reduced to only switching to it for its aoe fire and nothing more making it useless

Are people overstating the Ranger changes?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


and as I have said in another post…If you want your longbow to connect you need read the wind and now it will shoot slightly faster. However if you want the new and improved 10% you will lose read the wind, they are both yellow skills on the same trait line. So the longbow still cannot have the full set of ‘offensive’ traits…to me that’s the biggest dig on the rangers skills that are for range pruposes

about ranger update

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


and another point, you wont be able to have the 10% damage and fire the longbow faster, they are both yellow skills…

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


I am by no means saying rangers are bad. If you get killed by one…they didn’t use any tricks and glitches or gimmicky stuff like a Mesmer.

To get kills with a ranger means you have real skill because parts of the class is total broken

Mesmers are OP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


I think what he meant by being able to ‘take on’ any other class besides the Mesmer, is not because his class is op, but because he is comfortable with his class and can hang in there with all classes but the Mesmer.

I too agree with that statement. Mesemers can take a serious advantage in pvp. Most of them will use the maps ie hide behind objects or stand at different levels while their illusions can do all the work for them.

there are plenty of tricks of the trade by the different professions HOWEVER the Mesmer is the only class that can force the target off of them and make false targets in there place. To me this is artificial difficulty rather being difficult to kill because of skill.

I think the original post refers to the fact that an ‘unskilled’ player in any other profession can be rolled in pvp in 20 seconds…unless they are a Mesmer. Being a Mesmer guarantees the user extra time before a death regardless if they have skill or not.

I really hope mesmers don’t get any ‘fixes’ to get better. And yes I have a 80 level Mesmer and have refused to play him in pvp after I saw how you can actually trick people. That is not like any other class, even a stealth class like a thief has serious cons to stealth. After a while I felt like such a loser to beat people with a Mesmer just because they couldn’t click there mouse on me. There is no need to use shatter skills, most just use each illusion once they take damage, no need to shatter them when u wont take any damage

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


how can people still complain about such a broken class…If I get killed by a ranger I take a bow to them.

date on engineer and ranger patch?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


Does anyone know when the patch for these two professions actually come out?

about ranger update

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


I agree with vox and the other posts, I am just saying that it is too gimmicky. Even with what vox said you will need an order of skills to use or one particular weapon to use. The ranger has way tooooo many traits that require multiple steps to be useful. This trait isn’t good enough again…best case ie I hit my shortbow bow for about 1k. If Im able to spam cripple I could shoot for 1100?? And that is if the damage is taken off the top (while cripple is in play). I was hoping for goodies like the other classes have…

Many other classes have useful traits and slot skills that you ckittene regardless! what build you are. Like a slot skill skill to pop fury, offensive sigs like + to power of precision.

about ranger update

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


I feel like ranger skills are to gimmicky. They are cool, but you need to take several steps in which to make them work well.

I like the idea of 10% damage trait, but under cripple? Immobilize and frost are way too short to count so im focusing on cripple. Short bow has a cripple, a trap (target will have to walk into it) and a pet has a short cripple. So really we are traiting full master skills for 10% for maybe 5 seconds? Why couldn’t it be while under the effects of a bleed or any conditions in general? That way our only pure offensive skill sharpening stone could be useful? There are several skills and pets that would work. Trying to keep cripple on pvp or dungeon bosses are futile. This master trait will only work for rangers for 4 seconds at a time?? Not worth it for me…

and a ps…I still think the shortbow needs more to be viable now. It was nerfed too far. It needs more damage or at least it should apply the bleed without needing to be shot from behind the target…

any thoughts fellow rangers?

ascended ring question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iSpook.5612


I know that you cant wear 2 of the same rings…but Im looking at red ring of death and crystalline band. They are the same stats but one has a defensive slot and one has an offensive slot.

can you wear both of them or is it that you just cant wear the exact same one?

fractuals mat drop question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: iSpook.5612


ok I did not know about versitle ag you could jam into your gear. I just found them thanks

fractuals mat drop question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: iSpook.5612


I have the agnony orb things but you just cant put them into ascended gear until you infuse the rings with the different materials in the mytic forge, thats the materials I am looking for.

My question is how to get those materials without going to higher fractuals because I have no AR and people said don’t do higher fractuals without AR.

(edited by iSpook.5612)

fractuals mat drop question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: iSpook.5612


Ok so I have my ascended rings and I want to infuse them for AR. I looked up what I need to use in the mystic forge. However the materials cant be bought/made as far as I can tell.

I have been told by many people not to go to any fractual beyond 9 without AR, but I don’t think the materials I need drop fro the lower fractuals I have been running.

So I guess my question is how you get the materials you need to infuse your rings? Do I run higher fractuals without any AR or do you get the materials another way?


pvp pet skills trait

in Ranger

Posted by: iSpook.5612


I noticed when I traited more condition damage, recharge on pets skill regular or f2 there seems to be no change in cooldowns or more damage? I was wondering if pets are nerfed in pvp?

also I traited incoming conditions and I still get feared and stunned quick a bit? Is it not working either?

gear question about damage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iSpook.5612


Im looking at the ascended accessories.

What would have more damage using the power precision ferocity OR the more precision power toughness?

If you get the full set, I notice you will loose about 10%ish in ferocity but you will gain 5 or so to crit, but the standard p/p/f will give you more power and ferocity…

so what set would be better for damage in the long run?

tank warrior question

in Warrior

Posted by: iSpook.5612


Im 80 with 26kish hp. I am using him for dungeons and fractuals right now. At some point I want to try him out wvw.

I have enough for a couple of ascended pieces and didn’t know if I should add some healing or keep going vit/toughness

My focus is surviving. I didn’t know if its a better choice to keep all gear vit/toughnes based or get assessories based in healing/toughness for a warrior?


tank warrior question

in Warrior

Posted by: iSpook.5612


I am a vit / toughness build with my armor(no healing). I really want to have a lot of survivability. So I was wondering what accessories I should use to be better.

Should I continue my accessories with vit/toughness or for the first time start adding the toughness/healing power?

I wasn’t sure if adding healing in the six accessories make a big difference? I am looking for the best tanking way to go with the warrior…

ascended back item?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iSpook.5612


the rings, amulet are easy to get. And I know how to make the weapons, but how do you get the ascended back items?

agony question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iSpook.5612



I am confused with agony slots. I know there are three types of slots for different upgrade components but where does the agony resistance go? I have ascended gear but have no idea how to put agony resistance on them?

sigils on off hand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iSpook.5612


so if my main hands has a bleed, could i put the bleed duration sigil on my off hand and it still work on my main hand?

sigils on off hand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iSpook.5612


do sigils on your off hand effect your main hand skills?

thief question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: iSpook.5612


when the trait says 5% to duel skills, does that mean whenever u have two weapons out? Does it mean u have to have two of the same weapon? or only skills that happen to use both weapons at the same time?