Showing Posts For jazdarc.1367:

Confusion Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


Massive bug!!!!
So much for condition damage being damage over time?!?!? 2 seconds to fully down you with CONDIs!!

Additional proof of the condi meta not only being too strong, but also being completely bugged…..
GG anet…. Please fix

Aurene won't interact with Ooze Generators

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


Ok i just downed while typing that post, the exhalted dude rez’d me and now aurene killed the ooze generator! <3

Aurene won't interact with Ooze Generators

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


Same here, been killing oozes for about 20 mins now, nothings happening.

My problem was with the first one..

(edited by jazdarc.1367)

Event Bugged - Free the soldiers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


I tried my two daily guesting passes, and nope.
With the megaserver I noticed that even though I guested, the IP of the map stayed the same.

The even is still bugged at the same place. 6/7 soldiers rescued. and won’t complete.

To note the IP of the map I was on is

Does anyone know when they reset the maps? Would/does this fix the issue for a bit before it bugs again?

Thanks all!

Event Bugged - Free the soldiers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


Hirathi Hinterlands -Event Bugged – Free the soldiers trapped by spiders.

Need this as part of the HOPE tier 4 collection has been stuck on 6/7 soldiers rescued for the last 4 days.
Cannot complete it.
Can you please fix, or send me the achievement I need?

WvW borderland rotation poll

in WvW

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


Yes! I was annoyed with this also! I definitely do NOT want the desert borderlands back!

I didn’t realise how much I disliked the Desert Borderlands, until the Alpine came back, For me, it’s due to the Alpine being much smaller, so when swords pop on south camp, you actually have a chance of making it there to defend if you respond straight away. If you miss out, you’re bound to see the attacker there for fights.

This was NEVER the case on Desert Borderlands, unless you just happened to be close by…. Meaning we never really got fights…. Which is what we play WvW for… Which I believe is why the desert borderlands are detested by so many.

Please scrap the Desert Borderland maps or use them as an alternate EOTM map and start working on alternatives. They are too big and are only good for Ktraining. Unless you can shrink them…. Start spending your time on making new maps.

I am not voting in this poll at all due to the option I prefer not existing.

Let’s Talk Scoring…

in WvW

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


Winning the skirmishes in off peak times will still matter it just won’t decide matches anymore.

So you won’t be opposed to the idea of us implementing EU, SEA and OCX “peak time hours” then?

Let’s Talk Scoring…

in WvW

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


TLDR: it’s not a “night time” issue. it’s a population balance issue. designing around a set time period that does not reflect the play time of all or some players is unfair and will only server to further the imbalance and alienate more players.

Tyler – Totally agree with the above and am glad other players understand this. “Night capping” isn’t a thing. The issue here is population balancing 24 hours of the day. The changes you have proposed address a problem that you have incorrectly identified and will alienate players – as why bother playing in off hours, when their contribution isn’t counted equally. You will lose players.

Solve the population balancing issue and one side won’t have the biggest influence on the score, no matter the time of day.

I also don’t like the idea of the Last Stand, it also creates inequality.

+1 to Skirmishes and +1 to the 5 min tick ideas! I think these two might help solve a lot of issues start with these first!

Love the attention WvW is finally getting!
-Much appreciated!

ANET-Night capping is not a thing!

in WvW

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


SO -Can we all PLEASE drop the term night capping….?… It is not a thing.

Alright then. Let’s call it this instead:

Imbalanced PPT from exponential score growth during periods of times when WvW has so low population its willfully being abused by players to gain an advantage by fighting without any opposition for a matchup winning effect.

There you go.

And guess what? It still need to be balanced.

I await a retort.

We call it “Population Balancing”….. Consider yourself retorted.

Wow- did none of you “night capper believers” comprehend my post? I see some of you got it! HURRAH

Night capping is not a separate issue, in fact it’s the exact same thing….. For you all to still call it a separate issue to Population Balancing is why people are getting so offended….

Signed your entire international community outside of NA, and those in NA who play in non prime time hours….

(edited by jazdarc.1367)

ANET-Night capping is not a thing!

in WvW

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


“Night capping” is Crap!
The term night capping has people overreact to it because frankly it’s offensive.
It suggests that in a worldwide 24 hour game mode, that someone who plays outside of your own hours should be valued less or scored differently just because of the time they play.
For ANET to actually call it night capping had me vote for the other option immediately, as I had echo’s of MO’s comment return to mind –
“if you’re into WvW, typically, you’re really into PvE”
Please ANET don’t lose touch with your INTERNATIONAL community like you once did with with your WvW community, and please call it for what it is…

Allow me to spell it out for all of you who still don’t understand.
If you’re playing WvW and there are 5 of you vs 20, that’s what you call a population imbalance, just because it happens to be in your night time doesn’t make it a night time thing.
WAIT! – ANET? You have already mentioned that balancing population is an issue? Then why additionally are you using an offensive term of “night capping” for the exact same issue, and treating it as a separate issue? It suggests exactly what we are all thinking, that you value your international community less.
SO -Can we all PLEASE drop the term night capping….?… It is not a thing.
Signed your entire international community.

Scoring option for "Night cappers"

in WvW

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


Agreed – Night capping is Crap!
The term night capping has people overreact to it because frankly it’s offensive.

It suggests that in a worldwide 24 hour game mode, that someone who plays outside of your own hours should be valued less or scored differently just because of the time they play.

For ANET to actually call it night capping had me vote for the other option immediately, as I had echo’s of MO’s comment return to mind –
“if you’re into WvW, typically, you’re really into PvE”

Please ANET don’t lose touch with your INTERNATIONAL community like you once did with with your WvW community, and please call it for what it is…

Allow me to spell it out for all of you who still don’t understand.
If you’re playing WvW and there are 5 of you vs 20, that’s what you call a population imbalance, just because it happens to be in your night time doesn’t make it a night time thing.
WAIT! – ANET? You have already mentioned that balancing population is an issue? Then why additionally are you using an offensive term of “night capping” for the exact same issue?- It suggests exactly what we are all thinking, that you value your international community less.

SO -Can we all PLEASE drop the term night capping….?… It is not a thing.
Signed your entire international community.

(edited by jazdarc.1367)

[Suggestion] making roaming more meaningful

in WvW

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


Hate to say it but “Roaming” is a CHOICE.

Spoken like someone who has never been outside of T3…
Clearly you haven’t visited the deserted borderlands, or the empty battle grounds of the lower tiers where roaming is the only option of WvW.

[Suggestion] making roaming more meaningful

in WvW

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


Turn the wasted middle of the maps (where the oasis event was) into a dueling arena!
Where equal numbered small fights 1v1, 2v2 etc Verse each other, winners gets points for their server?
That way smaller numbers can feel contributory.
Larger groups have the entire of the rest of the maps.
IDK just bouncing ideas, but think that would be fun!

Your top 5 priorities for WvW-Overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


“your top five priorities”
speak now or forever hold your peace.

1. Maps are too big , especially on lower tiers, the emptiness is ridiculous.
2. Roamers -HoT Killed gameplay in WvW for roamers, bring back elements where an individual can be effective in gameplay.
3. WvW guild hall upgrades only achievable in WvW and make them not as powerful.
4. Make the outnumbered buff way more powerful if you can’t balance populations.
5. Rewards, if i spend 10 minutes running to a keep 1 spike is not enough… Increase the rewards a heap to help us get back the people that we’ve lost and then some!

Please don't scrap DBL

in WvW

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


Maps are pretty, but now I understand why there are only skinny toons in Tyria… I run, and run and run….

And I knew people who loved WvW, who quit the game all together because the Alpine borderlands were too big… There’s no way i’m trying to get them back to play the expansion now… Fail Fail fail.

Where are the PVP leaderboards now?

in PvP

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


LOL Thanks Chaba!!! That was annoying me for quite a while!
It didn’t help that when they removed the PVP leaderboards, that they left the following text at the top

“Welcome to the Guild Wars 2 Leaderboards. From here, you can track where you stand compared to other players in PvE, PvP, and WvW.”

I was so confused. :-)

Where are the PVP leaderboards now?

in PvP

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


When I’ve previously logged into the leaderboards, I could see WvW, Achievements and PVP.

Now I only see WvW and Acheivements.
Where did the PVP leaderboards go?

They haven't forgotten wvw (it seems)

in WvW

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


Nightcapping is NOT a thing… Call it for what it is people AND ANET…. A limitation on the PPT scoring system! It has nothing to do with the time of day.

For example-
Prime Time – God forbid, the server with the most players gets the Higher PPT in WvW

In your off time- (how dare someone play and get points, when you’re not playing be it Night time or whenever!) – God forbid, the server with the most players get the higher PPT in WvW…
I believe that’s called WvW PPT people. That’s how the game is scored.
Stop being ignorant and insensitive by blaming it on people outside of your time zone, by saying it’s “night capping”. It is not our night.

Anet please stop offending your global players, otherwise on behalf of your global players, turn your servers off at ‘night’ and provide us all with refunds.

WvW under maintenance?

in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


So I know the stress test has a minor window, I’ve been keen to get in and experience. But when I enter the lobby, and run up to the portals it says WvW is undergoing maintenance.
I’ve tried to avoid the portals by pressing b and entering wvw through the menu choices, but get the same error message.
There wasn’t responsive people in the lobby when I questioned it, but for the minor window the stress test is open, I’ve not been able to test it..
Anyone else getting this error?

This has been the same for the past 24 hours.

(edited by jazdarc.1367)

Mesmer Skill Failure

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


Oh Hai! Just noticed this post after I posted….

I’m having the same issue. I’m not sure what is causing stealth to fail and also need suggestions.

Im leaning towards it also being the master of manipulation trait, but I’ve tested it on NPC’s that don’t have a ranged attack and I still revealed. I don’t run mirror of anguish. I’ve also still revealed without running the master of manipulation trait against lords, guards and NPCs not just in WvW but in PvE.

Looking for a good non stealth Mesmer build until sorted.

I never had an issue with this pre trait changes patch.

Mesmer bugs 6/23

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


Revealed! -Stealth Broken??

Hi All,
Maybe there is something I am missing, but since the trait changes patch I’ve been having issues with my Mesmer being instantly revealed after stealthing. This isn’t trait specific but related to stealth in general. (I’ve tested it with different traits) It doesn’t happen 100% of the time, more like 75-80% of the time.

Before the trait changes patch that went through I never once had an issue. So I’m not sure what has changed????

Is there an option that has changed? The only new option I have changed is the Maximum AOE range one ticked.
I do have autoattack in the options switched on. But before the patch I also had it switched on and it never revealed me. I realise that some professions have access to stealth reveal skills, so I’ve tested it on ambient NPCs, and guards, and the exact same happens I am still getting revealed….

Im really stumped as to why this keeps happening. Is it a lag issue? I am in Australia…. We really need local servers…

In the meantime since my stealth is broken, I’m now googling good Mesmer builds that don’t involve stealth, as currently my stealth is useless.

Any advice would be great, or if anyone has experienced the same problem and knows how to fix, please let me know.

Ossuary of Unquiet Dead bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jazdarc.1367


I’m experiencing the same issue, just thought I would post so I will hear when this has been fixed.
I have reported it as a bug in game, twice.