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Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: kellian.9712


Also I am able to understand your point but not agree with it.
You believe that the story is a heroic quest which should give you a precursor.

Hmm…What I actually said was “killed an undead dragon that was “terrorizing” the world, If THAT isn’t worth getting a precursor but killing some random mob in Orr is…something is seriously wrong with whomever thought this through.”

The point is, as stated before, doing something…anything that revolves around completing an epic quest of some kind, should have a just reward and give you a shot at a precursor. Thank goodness Anet see’s some validity in this and is changing it around (though who knows when we will see that content at this point).

Also grinding does not equal difficult it just equals a time sink. It’s a terrible, outdated game mechanic that has been around forever in MMO’s and is, frankly, completely worthless. If some people feel the need to hang on to that as a way to show achievement, what can you do. We can go on and on and have another tiresome 25 page discussion on that one topic too which will most likely just deteriorate into name calling and hardcore vs casual nonsense.

Thankfully there are some things coming out soon that might finally break that trend and allow fun, newness and progression without the need for a grind…oh happy day when that happens.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: kellian.9712


Now you come here and say “I don’t like it the way it is, change it to something I like.”. It is rather obvious that you are the one who can not adapt to the situation.

Interesting…really interesting. I didn’t realize that a game forum was only for singing the praises of how great everything is. Funny thing about folks like you is, you bury a snide comment like this in the middle of saying you understand my point. So which is it? I thought we were having an adult conversation, but clearly that’s something you’re not to keen on at this point.

If you had bothered to read and comprehend anything I said, you would have understood my point. In a fantasy GAME you should be rewarded for actually doing some HEROIC act, not by some silly RNG generator, or worse yet have to rely on the TP (see D3 for how well that works long term).

It’s been that way since the dawn of P&P games and the majority of the history of PC gaming. That’s the point, this isn’t some glorious revelation or epiphany here, It’s not new. The reason that system has been around so long is because it works and makes people feel like whatever they acquire has some meaning behind it, even if it’s only in their mind since whatever it is isn’t real anyway.

(edited by kellian.9712)

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: kellian.9712



I couldn’t disagree more on basically everything you wrote. But you’re not going to change my mind and yours doesn’t seem like its open to change either, so no point continuing the conversation as it probably wouldn’t serve much purpose.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: kellian.9712


All I can say to this, Is I completed story mode, killed an undead dragon that was “terrorizing” the world, If THAT isn’t worth getting a precursor but killing some random mob in Orr is….something is seriously wrong with whomever thought this through.

Because completing the story is hard. The only problem I had with the story were the random crashes. Getting 500 gold for a precurser was much harder =)
Oh and yeah the dragons are also a joke.

If you have so much money:
1. Buy lvl 80 rares from tp ( or craft them ) until your inventory is full
2. Go to the MF
3. Throw your rares in there until your inventory is full
4. Was there a precursor? No: Goto Step 1. Yes: End.
It is that simple.

You seemed to have missed the point. Story mode is a “epic quest” where the reward should is certainly more deserving of a precursor than some RNG of some random mob. Story wise you just killed the main bad dragon, difficulty aside, that’s pretty “epic”.

You’re saying it’s not hard, but then talk about buying whatever you need off the TP? I suppose that is harder? Or maybe killing a mob and getting lucky with a RNG is somehow is an amazingly difficult achievement?

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: kellian.9712


Legendary weapons are promised to ‘evolve’ with the game so if you do all that work, it’s not wasted. THAT should be the main reason for wanting a Legendary, although the bling factor is just as important to me. Prestige is really just a nice to have. That being said I want to work for it to feel better about that prestige. I will value it more if it was hard to acquire.

I DO NOT however want to grind mindlessly for years to get one. That is bull kitten.
Clovers are account bound, why not make precursor as well (IF THERE IS A REASONABLE WAY TO GET ONE). You should not be able to just buy a Legendary.
You have to earn many of the gifts, why can’t we earn a precursor?

You can earn one. You buy one.

and ^ attitude and thought process is one of the biggest problems with the game right now.

What’s wrong with earning the gold to buy something? Is there something inherently evil about that which makes me a sick person?

In the real world, I guess if I were a farmer and milked my own cows for milk, I’m a good person.

But if I’m an office drone and I spent my hard earned money on buying milk from the grocery store.. kitten I’m literally the devil!

First off nobody called you an Evil person, unless you inherently feel guilty about something and would like to get it off you chest. :-)

Second, this is a game not the real world. Let’s not pretend they are the same, because they are in no way the same. People escape into games to get away from the real world. The idea of playing a fantasy game where the endgame basically revolves around how quickly you can earn money is ridiculous to me. Knock yourself out, you’re playing in the parameters Anet has set, you are playing the game the way you see fit in these parameters. If this is the game they want, then it’s all good, it is after all their game. All I’m saying is a game I thought would be a long term thing for me personally might end up being a stopgap until Neverwinter comes out now.

Pointing it out however is not a knock at you or anyone else, its a knock on the system they have chosen to create. The way I see it, basically nerf any and all drop rates (or just make them insanely low to begin with), and take the “fantasy” out of the fantasy game, turning into a glorified market sim pitting the have’s who enjoy that sort of stuff Vs. the have not’s who don’t.

(edited by kellian.9712)

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: kellian.9712


Legendary weapons are promised to ‘evolve’ with the game so if you do all that work, it’s not wasted. THAT should be the main reason for wanting a Legendary, although the bling factor is just as important to me. Prestige is really just a nice to have. That being said I want to work for it to feel better about that prestige. I will value it more if it was hard to acquire.

I DO NOT however want to grind mindlessly for years to get one. That is bull kitten.
Clovers are account bound, why not make precursor as well (IF THERE IS A REASONABLE WAY TO GET ONE). You should not be able to just buy a Legendary.
You have to earn many of the gifts, why can’t we earn a precursor?

You can earn one. You buy one.

and ^ attitude and thought process is one of the biggest problems with the game right now.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: kellian.9712


. A precursor should be guaranteed if you worked for it.

That is why there is an option to buy it on the outpost.

If you hardcore grind for a day, you make 50g. That’s about two weeks worth of hardcore farming, and maybe a month and a half of regular play.

Or if you’re feeling lucky, go gamble.

Hardcore grind for a day and make 50g?

You grinding and actually playing the game or grinding the AH, because right now the ONLY way to make 50g in one day for a normal human being is the later. I for one didn’t sign up for endgame to be an economic sim.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: kellian.9712


All I can say to this, Is I completed story mode, killed an undead dragon that was “terrorizing” the world, If THAT isn’t worth getting a precursor but killing some random mob in Orr is….something is seriously wrong with whomever thought this through.

Frankly I could care less about ever getting one (probably never will), but this is just another case of fragmenting the community and fostering the whole “casual” vs. “hardcore” argument, that I for one thought wouldn’t be in THIS game considering what had been said about it.

The Hunter

in Crafting

Posted by: kellian.9712


Please Guys…this thread is mainly about the skyrocket price change rather than anything Else

skyrocketing prices are a result of 2 things; 1 – the lack of precursor drops and 2 – the amount of $ in the economy (IE inflation brought to us by those with an insane bankroll right now). There are some large threads about both around here someplace on the forum.

The Hunter

in Crafting

Posted by: kellian.9712


Thats not true. If you farm cursed shore/dungeons and other stuff you can EASILY make 10-20g/day. That would be about 600g in 2 months. If you had farmed since the game was released you would have like 1500g.

I don’t know what to say other than I find that highly amusing, especially when I get maybe on average 2+ hours a day if I’m lucky to play (and often times in not). hey knock yourself out with all the gold you got, more power to you…I just find it not the norm.

(edited by kellian.9712)

The Hunter

in Crafting

Posted by: kellian.9712



If making money was as easy as you say and as quick as you say, some of the costs of these things would probably be 5x what they are now. Also I don’t buy anything at the TP, so saving isn’t the problem…its the lack of being able to make any $ through the normal means of playing the game other than being basically forced to play the TP game to get anywhere (something I don’t enjoy at all)

The Hunter

in Crafting

Posted by: kellian.9712


They have to change their game, because YOU can’t get a precursor?

Sry but 250g in 2 month is nothing. You can’t expect to get a legendary for casual-playstyle within 2-4months. This is a long-time-goal. They didn’t promise anything.

A-Net can’t change their game every month because everyone want to have the most expensive stuff in the game. Some ppl managed to get multiple legendaries. There is no problem at all.

A Karka-chest every two months? And maybe 1000g for monthly hu? The “stupid ppl” here? I laughed at this point. A-Net is deleting every single post with some kind of trolling or even less than trolling in it. But some people can offend others while whining about everything they can’t manage to get. Seriously?

You just have to work for your weapon.

I’m not to worried about getting a legendary because it’s so far out of reach…but this comment 250 gold in 2 months is INSANITY! I’ve been playing since release and my main has like 20-25 gold and my alts a couple gold a piece.

I do dungeons, farm mats (trying to get crafting up to 400 and sell extra), and do the dragon events every day. The only way to get that much in 2 months is to A – play an unhealthy amount of time or B – play the other “game” called Trading Post. If I wanted to play a economic sim I would go play an economic sim, not a fantasy MMO.

The idea of getting that much gold just going through the game and playing a decent amount of time without going way overboard I find completely unrealistic. I average about 2+ hours a day playing the game, some days are longer (like a good Saturday session) and some days I don’t get on at all (usually during the week)

Sounds like all this boils down to is another “casual” vs “hardcore” argument (and who really knows what either means anymore) that people have been having since the dawn of MMO’s.

Final Rest, how do you get it?

in Crafting

Posted by: kellian.9712


Well after doing the Warmaster Laddron’s event last night all I can say is JEESH!

4 champions and a “world boss” at the end in a place that is all out of the way. No wonder nobody wants to do this one. We started with a duo who beat the 1st champ after a LONG kite battle. Finally got a few more to join us toward the end and beat the other champions and the eye with about 4-5 people.

Nothing of interest dropped from the chest (a few blue’s and one green), and the chest was a glorious chest. Tried going back later when it reset, and there was no one around interested in doing it.

Stands to reason it might be this quest that drops the staff as I can see how this has not been done all that often. However, there was nothing in the quest itself or the dialogue, at least to me, that suggested anything about a staff called “final rest” having a chance to drop here.

The only thing even remotely linked to the staff would be what the eye says about disturbing his resting place and the location of it being a catacomb. Other than that, there was nothing else between the 4 champs, or the rest of the quest that suggested anything of interest other than it being just another quest chain. But the sheer isolation of this quest, and how not alot of people have probably completed it, is a big mark in it’s favor…so I’m not sure what to think as to if this is or isn’t “the quest/world boss”

(edited by kellian.9712)

Final Rest, how do you get it?

in Crafting

Posted by: kellian.9712


Guys, there is a bow called: “Final curse” Does someone know where that bow drops? Because then it is most likely final rest is in the same place.

Someone has final curse, because it is listed in TP for 2 gold and 69 silver. If you preview it, it has the same style as final rest. Some grey-ish colours etc. Aswell as the name is “Final curse” wich is similar to “Final rest”

Couldnt find any information about final curse on the internet ;s

I obtained Final Curse for my Ranger during the Big Karka one time event from the final boss chest.

My 2nd is a Necro and this Staff looks pretty sweet, run the dragon events all the time and my Rare item % is VERY low.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kellian.9712


I’ll just add to this that in certain areas where the spawn rate is outta hand it seems like it’s not a constant thing. At least from my experience, you kill a mob and it re-spawns almost immediately (even if you down it in say 10-15 seconds), this goes on for like 3-5 more spawns then stops and seems to go back to the 95-120 second spawn time you’re saying it’s set too.

As far as examples I can give the Troll Cave in Lornar’ Pass as one example (and there was no event going on at the time). The pirate island in Gendarren Fields as another example, and this one happened just as I described in the paragraph above.

Lost Shores: Creating Winners vs. Losers

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: kellian.9712


One of the things that made me pick up GW2 was the good stuff I was hearing about the community, and how this was a different kind of MMO game.

Now one patch/event later we are seeing the same old MMO discussions we have seen since forever. “casual” v “hardcore”, “have” v “have nots” and a new one as we now have the “fair” v “unfair” discussion.

I will only say this isn’t a sim game, it’s a fantasy MMO game (I know amazing) and any relation to real life is simply coincidence. So to say real life is x this therefore a video game must be x is just really bad logic and thinking.

The real issue for me is, GW2 has suddenly turned into every other MMO out there, I didn’t play GW1, but was drawn to GW2 because of all the good things I was hearing, yet here we are having the same discussions that every MMO had/has. Once you lose your uniqueness or the reasons a certain segment decided to play your game perhaps its time to take stock and reassess things.

Was it worth it?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: kellian.9712


There was nothing…NOTHING that was worth the aggravation that was this event. I mean 2-3 hours of doing the same thing over and over again, with lag to the point you couldn’t even see what was being attacked.

Cut my losses and left during the craziness that was the “reinforcement” phase (I mean what was THAT about?). Could have gotten every per-curser in the game, and a 100 slot bag and it wouldn’t have been worth it to me.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kellian.9712


Again, what Anet has done, which wasn’t part of the community before, has ignited this same old “hardcore” v “casual” gamer nonsense that is part of every other MMO community.

Up until this Ascended item stuff, I rarely heard anything about this divide. Low and behold release some content like this, and it turns into every other MMO community in the history of the genre. “Hardcore” players rushing through content, complaining stuff isn’t hard enough or is to easy to get time wise. “Casual” players saying the complete opposite.

Way to bring the community together, something that I really thought was a pretty strong point of the game until the last few days and the discussion on this new content.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kellian.9712


No screw you. Yes, ANet please make this new change and spice thing up. Thank you.

Good to see that great community Anet was looking for is being greatly enhanced by this decision!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kellian.9712


vysaek.8290 – you must have missed where i also said “from what I read on the blog post this is what it looks like”

There is information out there, and the information doesn’t look promising. Hey at the end of the day its a FTP game that I enjoy playing with the family. One of the reasons we decided to play it was no gear progression. if that changes and gear progression becomes the norm, we will just find another game, or something else to do.

No one is “raging” stating an opposing opinion is just that, stating an opposing opinion. Sitting back and not saying anything, considering we enjoy playing, would accomplish nothing.

But again your wrong, I have tried this system in LOTRO, its basically the EXACT SAME SYSTEM they tried with radiance gear. Furthermore, as you can see the links others have posted it is clearly stated that this is just the beginning.

Are we really arguing about facts now? Anet releases a blog that clearly states this is just the beginning of all of this, how much more information does one need to form an opinion? This was a game that was supposed to have no gear progression, that is what they said and part of why we bought the game. Now they are doing something different.

pretty sure I have all the information I need, but I’m willing to see what the Dev’s say. Maybe they change their mind (probably not), maybe they change how it’s implemented (probably not). That’s why I’m waiting to see what they say, maybe they have a change of heart (again probably not)…but I like the game enough to give them a chance.

“how much more information does one need to form an opinion?”

All of it.

The bottom line is you are going to like this system no matter what they say, while some of us have been playing these games (MMO’s) for years and know where this is headed based on their own blog post, and have played systems like this in the past.

if you really don’t see it, and really don’t see a philosophy switch (just based on their quotes about the game before release and what their blog post from yesterday says)…then how can we (you and I) have a real discussion about it when you refuse to acknowledge something that is plain to see for everyone else that is the basic starting point of the discussion?

Dont misunderstand me, please.

I know and i understand what you are saying, what you are trying to tell me.

I have my own opinion about the matter.

I do WvW, dungueons and PvE. I have nearly full exotics and they have the look i wanted to give them. New content? new equipement? Lets give it a try and then i will make up my mind about the thing, if i like or not. Until then i will stay neutral.

I didnt bought the game because of the gear, i bought it because of the PvE mechanic, WvW, Lore of the 5 main races, Dragons and such. Playing i have seen things, i know they are there but i dont know HOW to do them (Ej: Isgarren). I have had a taste of the lore of Kodan, i have travelled through the sky fighting dragons, i have helped my team going through traps in dungueons with the mesmer and so much more.

So, from my point of view Gw2 is a whole, not only the gear progression. I played FFXI back then when only had 3 years of live, i know the meaning of grinding, gear progresion and hardcore gaming.

This, so far has nothing to do with it.

But, that is my point of view, you have yours. Every single of you looks the game on a different way, and NONE of us has the right to say what is good, or what is bad. We can give our opinion, but we can demand nothing to Anet and get angry to a company because every single one of us finds something we dont like. It’s THEYR game, we are playing it.

That is what i am saying.

I understand you, i am not trying to convice you. I am just saying, we cant jugde a whole, by a tiny bit of it. That is all.

You can add meaningful content and progression without the need for “gear” or a “gear progression system”. GW1 did it very well.

Gear does not = progression

I’m going to say something, and again no reflection on you or anything as you might not even be in this group, but companies can sometimes cater to people who zoom through content so fast they run out of stuff to do.

The minute a game company starts changing the core for what their game is for these folks, they lose almost everyone else. I’ve seen it before in other games as there is just no pleasing them. They will burn through content faster than you can make it, then complain about progression or having nothing to do.

I’m not saying that is what they are doing here, they may actually think this is a good idea. I’m just saying I’ve seen other companies do this to accommodate a certain piece of the audience, and it always ends up badly.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kellian.9712


Not to mention this infusion mechanic has been done in other mmos before (radiance in lotro and resistance in vanilla wow being prime examples).

So radiance/resistance only worked in ONE Dungeon in Lotro or WoW?
Yeah, that would´ve been irrelevant, just like it is in GW2.

Actually, Radiance gear worked off a doom/gloom mechanic that was found EVERWHERE in the game, not just one dungeon. It was also a “gear check” what is your radiance score was often asked before doing certain dungeons, and there were actual radiance “requirements” for even getting into certain content.

So to call in “irrelevant” would just be wrong.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kellian.9712


vysaek.8290 – you must have missed where i also said “from what I read on the blog post this is what it looks like”

There is information out there, and the information doesn’t look promising. Hey at the end of the day its a FTP game that I enjoy playing with the family. One of the reasons we decided to play it was no gear progression. if that changes and gear progression becomes the norm, we will just find another game, or something else to do.

No one is “raging” stating an opposing opinion is just that, stating an opposing opinion. Sitting back and not saying anything, considering we enjoy playing, would accomplish nothing.

There is information, ok. But the WHOLE information or only a tiny bit?

And what does acomplish stating an oposition in something you dont fully dont know? they only added a preview of what it is going to come and you are all jugding it event without knowing the whole thing! Even without testing it! Its like a baby cry for eating something you dont like, and you event had a taste yet.

But again your wrong, I have tried this system in LOTRO, its basically the EXACT SAME SYSTEM they tried with radiance gear. Furthermore, as you can see the links others have posted it is clearly stated that this is just the beginning.

Are we really arguing about facts now? Anet releases a blog that clearly states this is just the beginning of all of this, how much more information does one need to form an opinion? This was a game that was supposed to have no gear progression, that is what they said and part of why we bought the game. Now they are doing something different.

pretty sure I have all the information I need, but I’m willing to see what the Dev’s say. Maybe they change their mind (probably not), maybe they change how it’s implemented (probably not). That’s why I’m waiting to see what they say, maybe they have a change of heart (again probably not)…but I like the game enough to give them a chance.

“how much more information does one need to form an opinion?”

All of it.

The bottom line is you are going to like this system no matter what they say, while some of us have been playing these games (MMO’s) for years and know where this is headed based on their own blog post, and have played systems like this in the past.

if you really don’t see it, and really don’t see a philosophy switch (just based on their quotes about the game before release and what their blog post from yesterday says)…then how can we (you and I) have a real discussion about it when you refuse to acknowledge something that is plain to see for everyone else that is the basic starting point of the discussion?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kellian.9712


vysaek.8290 – you must have missed where i also said “from what I read on the blog post this is what it looks like”

There is information out there, and the information doesn’t look promising. Hey at the end of the day its a FTP game that I enjoy playing with the family. One of the reasons we decided to play it was no gear progression. if that changes and gear progression becomes the norm, we will just find another game, or something else to do.

No one is “raging” stating an opposing opinion is just that, stating an opposing opinion. Sitting back and not saying anything, considering we enjoy playing, would accomplish nothing.

There is information, ok. But the WHOLE information or only a tiny bit?

And what does acomplish stating an oposition in something you dont fully dont know? they only added a preview of what it is going to come and you are all jugding it event without knowing the whole thing! Even without testing it! Its like a baby cry for eating something you dont like, and you event had a taste yet.

But again your wrong, I have tried this system in LOTRO, its basically the EXACT SAME SYSTEM they tried with radiance gear. Furthermore, as you can see the links others have posted it is clearly stated that this is just the beginning.

Are we really arguing about facts now? Anet releases a blog that clearly states this is just the beginning of all of this, how much more information does one need to form an opinion? This was a game that was supposed to have no gear progression, that is what they said and part of why we bought the game. Now they are doing something different.

pretty sure I have all the information I need, but I’m willing to see what the Dev’s say. Maybe they change their mind (probably not), maybe they change how it’s implemented (probably not). That’s why I’m waiting to see what they say, maybe they have a change of heart (again probably not)…but I like the game enough to give them a chance.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kellian.9712


vysaek.8290 – you must have missed where i also said “from what I read on the blog post this is what it looks like”

There is information out there, and the information doesn’t look promising. Hey at the end of the day its a FTP game that I enjoy playing with the family. One of the reasons we decided to play it was no gear progression. if that changes and gear progression becomes the norm, we will just find another game, or something else to do.

No one is “raging” stating an opposing opinion is just that, stating an opposing opinion. Sitting back and not saying anything, considering we enjoy playing, would accomplish nothing.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kellian.9712


vysaek.8290 My only argument against that is the following:

When you are told something won’t happen or won’t be included, then it gets included after the fact, no matter how small that IS a change in philosophy.

I said this in another post but Lotro tried this, and it was a miserable failure and it took them some time but they eventually got rid of it and took it out of the game. The tried almost this EXACT thing.

Clearly we all need to wait on a dev post on the subject to get further clarification but from what I read on the blog post this is what it looks like.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kellian.9712


You knew for the very start what game where you buying, why the rage now :S

I know I bought a game that announced no gear progression.

This ^ – When researching this game It was made clear that any difference in gear would be cosmetic only and their would be no “gear progression” as we have come to know it in other MMO’s.

So the problem for me isn’t so much the “stats” or anything, it’s the idea they have basically changed their philosophy on what the game is and where they want the game to go. If this is just the beginning of what they intend to do, you know this won’t be the last of it.

That’s my problem with it, that they seem to have had a change in philosophy for what they want the game to be moving forward. Maybe I’m wrong and further clarification is needed, but I’ve been in other MMO’s that tried this after the fact and the move was a complete failure.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kellian.9712


Well, I’m another old LotRO player (cheers to others!). I remember the “radiance” fail and can’t get rid of the feeling, it is very similar with the new “Infusion”.

Starting my GW2 adventure, I hoped to:

1. Never be forced to farm a specific gear to be able to do any content.
2. Never see another “gating mechanism” to make illusion of progress.
3. Never be in the grind mill of “new, better gear” each update… What’s next? Clestial, angelic, uberpower tier?
4. Never hear the same old chat:
“Hey mate, you wanna do the dung, its cool”
“Sure, why not”
“And what’s your Infusion?”
“40 only”
“Owww, go kill some centaurs noob, we take 200+ only”

It worked till now, but I’m really worried about the new concept of Infusion gating…

As someone who played Lotro as well from the beginning, I remember, and not with great fondness, the radiance gear disaster. After reading the blog post this sounds eerily similar to what Lotro was trying to accomplish with radiance gear.

This sounds like it’s going to turn into a gear check in order to get a group for certain content which is what i heard Anet was against, and why I decided to try out GW2 in the first place. Is this a philosophy change by Anet going forward with this and future content? If so they have just changed from a game that was different in that regard to one that is just like every other MMO in that regard. Interesting to see if this is a permanent philosophy change on how they are going to handle the game going forward

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kellian.9712


I’ve read alot of what has been written and from my point of view…if there is going to be a gear grind in this game, FTP or not, I’ll just move on and find something else to do/play.

Now, I really like the game right now and hope this isn’t the case. More than willing to wait for an official response before casting down any sort of final judgment on the matter.

If the last 10-15+ years I’ve spent playing MMO’s in some capacity has taught me anything, its that gear grinds bring the absolute worst out of people. If your trying to form a helpful community, creating or adding a gear grind is absolutely the wrong way to go and flies in the face of that.

Looking forward to a response on the matter…

Halloween Event Feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: kellian.9712


The Halloween events were, for the most part, pretty good. I enjoyed the way Lion’s arch looked, the dynamic events and doors were unique to GW and pretty well done.

As some others have said one of my only complaints would be the clock tower. I tried it and it turned from fun to frustration. Won’t affect me that I won’t complete it, wasn’t planning on having the time to do all the Halloween stuff anyway, but this certainly could have been improved.

Now, I understand the need for difficulty and that’s fine, but when you can’t see your character around the larger character models (IE Charr & Norn), it boosts the difficulty up more than it should, and in some cases makes it impossible depending on the group configuration.

I would only suggest an option to either do it alone, set a smaller cap on the amount of people doing it at one time, or separate the larger character models or make everyone the same size when they do it. When you’re trying the clock tower and you have 3-4 Norn/Charr characters running with you as a Human, you can’t even see where you are and it becomes a guessing game. Your other option is just to keep switching instances until you find a “group” that has minimal amount of large character models or if you’re really lucky none.

Aside from that, I enjoyed the events from the scavenger hunt on down…overall pretty well done.