Showing Posts For kitsune.3741:

Charr Female exclusive hair cut bug 2015

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsune.3741


There’s a fix on one of the January releases.

actually a bit disipointed this is a bug,i chose this hair specifically because i thought it was a feature with the hair and thought it looked really good on my charr is it possible to get my hair style kit back when its fixed then.

bladed chest armor

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kitsune.3741


so is the bladed chest from a tier 4[everything done] in the brink by pure RNG or is there another method.i just recently hit a tier 4 and though i now know i was dumb for assuming this i thought that the chest piece would have been a nontenured first time like how vine wrath is with there chest and now i don’t even know if that is the correct method,if possible i would appreciate any confirmation on its method of acquisition because after trying to complete the light armor of that for the past few days most of that only missing one piece it is highly discouraging.
Edit:after checking around seems like there is a bunch of conflicting answers,but genuinely assumed to be the map completion……though with out anyone actually getting that piece i remain skeptical.

(edited by kitsune.3741)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsune.3741


i have the mastery to challange the itzel champion but if im talking to the right blademaster[the one in the cave] he will not allow me to challange the champion.

Defiance and Soft Crowd Control

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kitsune.3741


for the sake of exact clarification when you used the chill example it was said that the movement speed won’t be slowed does this also apply to the CD increase or does the CD increase still apply.[i know it mostly goes with out saying but can never be to sure]

Behold, eles, we might get WARHORN!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kitsune.3741


its definitely a possibility but if we assume everything in the data mining is specialization weapons then theirs that second staff that doesn’t look druid like and the weapon that is druid like is a torch which because they announced on stage that it was going to be staff feel like that would cause a bit of a backlash if they changed that

@Devs Skill Split and Minion Health?

in Necromancer

Posted by: kitsune.3741


just remembered that…they do that really worried about that now hope they don’t in terms of that i enjoy my minions in pve

June 23 Specialization Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitsune.3741


will pet Ai be included in this patch or the expansion?[if at all] but other then that the changes look great[though will admit im slightly sad at the spectral walk change understandable though]

Reaper: Add Some Support!

in Necromancer

Posted by: kitsune.3741


please note that they said they where reworking the blood tree to be our support tree

[Suggestion][PvE]Taking a look at MM Necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: kitsune.3741


can see how that would work I think the protection bit will help minion survivability if used properly however that being said having a button or two for minions would be nice. perhaps the new specialization will have a couple talents you can chose to help minions[please note I said choose as in have other choices to pick if your not into minions]

[Suggestion][PvE]Taking a look at MM Necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: kitsune.3741


on a personal basis I love what there doing with minions in the changes, true with the current version I’m going for I lose out on death nova however I gain another condi transfer that can be useful particularly when combined with unholy martyr and still get the increased damage then threes the beyond the veil thing which would help there survivability however there would be two things I wouldn’t mind 1.AI to be fixed in pve and pvp its not fun to lose a fight because the minions decided they didn’t want to fight at that moment and the second is less likely but might help necro in some regard is for there to be another set of minions of the shadow verity providing a bit more support with there actives instead of damage

Feedback on HoT Stress Test [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kitsune.3741


over all I would say the stress test was rather good. the content was fun to play I had more fun then I thought I would with the adventure and the wyvern fight was interesting. I am curious at how the wyvern will progress as development goes forward with the lack of a failure state it removes the difficulty and just makes it a long fight[I assume this is mostly cause stress test so understandably not there and such] also I appreciate that even though it would make the fights easier outside of the gliding to access the fight the fight itself didn’t require you to have the defiance against the wyvern mastery thing though I would increase the knock back a little bit to make it a bit more risky other thing that I’m looking forward to with the wyvern is seeing how the burning change I heard about[at least I think I heard about] where it stacks intensity instead of duration will effect the fight given how the knock downs can put you in an unfavorable position with the fire.
as for the reinvent itself very mixed for me I enjoyed the mace axe combo but found the hammer not as enjoyable seemed to lack the same flair with the utilities the road might be a bit too strong with how much stability you could get. other thing there are a couple other concerns about the reinvent I have but with out a comparison of what the other classes will be like I will wait on that end

Lunatic Inquisition able to use normal skills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsune.3741


I noticed this as well……and for some reason gw2 doesn’t have a bug abuse in there report tab so i’m not entirely sure how to report them pointed this out to the people in the game and well……….as usual for exploiters they didn’t care and said its fine cause anet let it pass

Feedback/Questions: The Wardrobe System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitsune.3741


every time I ask someone about the reason armor skins are separated by armor class the general accepted answer seems to be so I prepare for the class I’m fighting[personally disagree with that even so but that’s just me] however after a bit of looking I didn’t find anything that says the outfits are active or deactivate in wvw and assuming it is active in wvw wouldn’t that render this reasoning invalid because that warrior is wearing a dapper winter outfit[which in the armor system would likely be classed as light armor] and charging at my face now I could be wrong but clarification would be nice.

alliance armors?

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitsune.3741


been thinking that the molten alliance should get a full set of armor similar to the atherblades and the toxic armor should be finished as well to have them be on par with the atherblades set think it makes sense in of it self thought it was going to be a thing when I read about the flame armor that just game in the gemstore but sadly it was not meant to be

new transmutation stone

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitsune.3741


from a mechanical standpoint we could have the stone turn the armor piece into a mutli armor type skin[which does exist in terms of the gasmask and the gemstore mask] as for the small scale wvw bit only thing I can make my case with here is the icon and going back to partial effects and weapon types which that are being used which I will admit is a tad weak for an argument

new transmutation stone

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitsune.3741


a counter argument to that is that in a wvw sense if you are going to be fighting players in say wvw or something there will be so much stuff on the screen that the armor will also likely go unnoticed and because transmutation stones are only for pve world and wvw and not the pvp world it shouldn’t harm that much outside of that in say a dungeon or something a skin is a skin

new transmutation stone

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitsune.3741


I can understand that but would still be a nice thing to do classes do have there own partial effects and symbol to distinct the classes and by doing this+new weapons and ability’s you can fill in class arch types to a T which I think would satisfy people[also it would add anet something new to make money off of from there gem store]

new transmutation stone

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitsune.3741


was having a discussion with the guild involving about the armor type restriction and one of us brought up the idea that they could sell a sell a special transmutation stone that could let you change armor types of an armor [heavy to light or medium to heavy etc.] I know this is unlikely to happen but thought I would try putting it up to see what people thought

culture update?

in Charr

Posted by: kitsune.3741


not really sure whats wrong with the helmet it self I said tier 3 light simply because of that tail

tier 3 light

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitsune.3741


with the sylvari getting there armor updated to show off the glow they have im wondering if it would be possible for the tail issues for tier 3 light pants to be fixed at the least

culture update?

in Charr

Posted by: kitsune.3741


apparently the sylvari culture has gotten an update on a few of the culture armors recently and with how some of the newer armors have had less issues then normal for charr I’m curious if tier 3 light pants will get a rework at some point anything think that its possible[on another note anet although not all the newer stuff was clip free I can appreciate the work that was put into the ones that are and hope to see more of it in the future]

So, what's wrong with Charr armor?

in Charr

Posted by: kitsune.3741


don’t have any pictures on me but it consist of armor stretching of the human version to fit the charr so it creates a few problems that takes away from the race when you notice them and are consistently looking it at easily noticeable giant floating pads for one the horn/ear issue[helmets are an issue for every race in some way but the neck of a charr just makes it seem worse] tail clipping issues for quite a bit of the armor[tier 3 light included] and I think the back pieces have an issue of floating a foot away from your back. they are minor things but with anets response to the question on this at pax+how the last few gemstore armors went people[my self included] feel like its not going to get any better leading to people feeling like they don’t matter due to there choice of race they play and depending on how extravagant the armor design gets in the future it could get worse I know you asked for pictures but those are pretty simple things to look out for in game if you want to see the problem people have[that and with some of the armors the clipping/floating shoulder pads is more prevalent in motion

We Are...

in Charr

Posted by: kitsune.3741


a good friend of mine recorded this for you

We Are...

in Charr

Posted by: kitsune.3741


that’s pretty good

A Response To Charr Armor

in Charr

Posted by: kitsune.3741


it does really suck that they essentially alienated us for playing the minority and if this was only a problem for post launch armors I could somewhat accept that response but this was a prelaunch problem where the majority/minority factor has no influence in the design of said armor It strikes me as strange

crashing after few mins on loading

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kitsune.3741


  • Crash <—*
    Out of Memory: arena=Environment, cat=Map, allocBytes=36833492, arenaBytes=39761520, fallbackBytes=62388, align=0 ,
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 4896
    BaseAddr: 00400000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 17121
    When: 2013-03-24T14:13:02Z 2013-03-24T10:13:02-04:00
    Uptime: 0 days 0:08:14
    Flags: 0
    thats the error i get and here are the error logs
  • Error Logs <—*
    Mem Arena ‘Environment’ capacity exceeded. Attempted alloc category: ‘Prop Packfile’ Size: 65372
    Model ‘0×016519’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
    Model ‘0×01986c’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtrunfidl
    Model ‘0×016519’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
    Model ‘0×019864’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugmturn l
    Model ‘0×019864’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugmturn l
    Model ‘0×019864’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugmturn r
    Model ‘0×019864’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtrunfidl
    Mem Arena ‘Transient’ capacity exceeded. Attempted alloc category: ‘Uncategorized’ Size: 179048
    Model ‘0×019864’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtwalkwlkfx
    Model ‘0×019864’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtrunfidl
    Model ‘0×019864’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtidlerunf
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×0265ff
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×026605
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×026606
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×026602
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×026604
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×026603
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×026601
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×026600
    Model ‘0×016519’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
    Model ‘0×016519’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
    Model ‘0×01986c’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtwalkwlkfx
    Model ‘0×016519’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
    Mem Arena ‘Default’ capacity exceeded. Attempted alloc category: ‘Uncategorized’ Size: 6821687
    again i have attempted 2 reinstall several times removed all broken files defragged even attempted another computer format but it still refuses to work

crashing after few mins on loading

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kitsune.3741


i recently had to format my computer due to a virus and ever sense then i had an issue with gw2 crashing and some serious loading issues i can’t participate in any major battles anymore cause i would crash indeffinintly somewhere in the fight useualy near the end[for pve stuff] in wvw i would crash almost instently also seems to like happening upon entering a loading screen every other game loads fine and im not haveing any issues with them i have attempted 2 redownload gw2[about 4 times] and it still dosn’t fix the problem can anyone help an example of something that normaly occurs while playing would be this picture


reobtaining town clothes

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitsune.3741


nothing complicated just a way to get your basic town clothing back if for one reason or another its lost simple merchent in LA could do that