Hej I am struggling with this example:
{"id": 214, “tier”: 2, “name”: “Aeromancer’s Training”, “description”: “Gain precision while attuned to air. Reduces recharge on all air weapon skills.”,
“slot”: “Major”, “specialization”: 41, “icon”: “https://render.guildwars2.com/file/A747E59680760ACDDEAACBD053BF3C7F1A335919/1012274.png”,
“facts”: [
{"text": “Recharge Reduced”, “type”: “Percent”,“icon”: “https://render.guildwars2.com/file/9352ED3244417304995F26CB01AE76BB7E547052/156661.png”,“percent”: 33
{ “text”: “Precision Increase”, “type”: “AttributeAdjust”,“icon”: “https://render.guildwars2.com/file/E1E7C4D3A6E62F3D5C9F627CE8175BFB0C614CBE/156652.png”,“value”: 190,“target”: “Precision”
“traited_facts”: [
{ “text”: “Ferocity Increase”,
“type”: “AttributeAdjust”,
“icon”: “https://render.guildwars2.com/file/E1E7C4D3A6E62F3D5C9F627CE8175BFB0C614CBE/156652.png”,
“value”: 190,
“requires_trait”: 396,
“target”: "Precision"}
I dont understand the traited facts. Why should this skill increase the ferocity and the requiered trait is an engi trait ?
(edited by kobi.5236)
Ring of fire doesnt do extra dmg if you trade Persisting flames. The ring is actuall 7 seconds long like it should be , it just doesnt do dmg in the 2secs where it last longer.
(edited by kobi.5236)
I just had a dream about the hall of hero’s in guild wars 2, it was pretty awesome. The hall of hero´s was so shiny and on every match the arena changed. It was more green while we had relique run, the altar was more golden on king of the hill but even if the area changed a bit the hall where still shiny! This made me think. What´s even the direction of gw2 pvp? Is there even any?
If I look back on the past 3 years there wasn’t a real direction. You created a lot of capture maps with secondary objectives and 1 team death match map. Why isn’t the HA format fitting for gw2? To have a row of maps with different main goals to achieve the victory in the hall of hero´s. I watched the pvp ready up about stronghold and 1 thing was pretty important for you guys “this map creates diversity – you can play a troll thief, support, offensive, runner etc. etc.”, If you got a fast rotation with different play types you create automatically different roles. If you include a relique run map u probably need some cc and slow. If you got some king of the hill you will need some support and so on. The community wished gvg and ha for 3 years now, tell US, what is your plan for the future?
(edited by kobi.5236)
Hands down but if you really put trebs on the stronghold map(s) then it will fail. A treb as a huge influence on the fight.
If u adept the old gvg system and maybe 1 out of 6 maps got a treb then its cool , but if every map got a treb then gg wp bb
I am talking about this quote from colin
“Shacknews: Let’s turn to PvP. What can you tell us about Stronghold?
Johanson: Stronghold is our brand new game mode. It takes inspiration from the GvG game mode and from the Fort Aspenwood game mode from the original Guild Wars. It draws a little bit of inspiration from MOBAs and from what make Guild Wars 2 such a great PvP game.
The fundamental concept behind the game is to find and kill the enemy’s Guild Lord in their stronghold and, along the way, your team will fight for and gather supplies. You can spend supplies to hire troops that march towards your enemy’s stronghold, you can man a trebuchet to defend your own stronghold, and occasionally Heroes will appear on the battlefield that you can fight for control over. Whichever team wins them over, the Hero joins their side and joins the assault on the enemy stronghold. Within the stronghold, there are gates you need to bash your way down to fight your way inside and when you’re all the way in the heart of the stronghold, you can kill their lord and win."
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Yesteday I played ac, last time I played Ac was some month ago and I noticed that all you get for killing the troll or some champs is 1 lootback and maybe 1-5 silver. Why dont encurage players to try to kill them instead of simple skip?
All of you know the troll in ac -
the big dog in cm p2
the giant champ in coe p3 after deffing
the whole room before lupi in ahra
What´s about you give those champs an extra reward for killing? Just go back to the 50silver each , then people can actually kill those for extra money.It´s a fix value and not all about this random * . Try to get 1 of those into every part in every dungeon. A champion which is hard to kill but in the end worth to kill with good groups.
(edited by kobi.5236)
thats the dungeon reward but not a monster kill reward
1 year ago i remember that 1-2 mobs in ac gave 50s each , today i played ac at they give only 5s ? Are there any mobs left in the game which give such a high gold amount ?
Hello, I am new player to this game. I run levels 50, 40, 30 everyday. I am very disappointed about droprate of fractal weapons. Everytime I got a weapon, it was either speargun(5x) or torch(3x). It would be cool if I could exchange those for other weapons I want. I think this would make me happier and also buy more gems.
I dont know if you are trolling or not but if you are new to the game , you can be lucky that you allready dropped 8 fractal weapons. People in my guild with under 500 fractal runs got more then 8 weapons and people with >500 like me got 3 – seems legit
since they allready have all the tools avaible it would be so easy to test it.. Most of the events are scaling good and you could just try that every event is scaled to a partipition size of 10 , to have it hard
it´s called a hard mode tho.. ofc it shouldnt be like oh no we failed this event lets surrender.. but it should have a good amount of influence
pdavis – you probaly mean about failing an event on purpose to to have less to do to clean the whole map but you need to think the other way arround ..if you managed to suceed a row of events the bonuses are just getting better.. let´s there is an event where you first have to defend people , then build there farm up again and then killing the champ which destroyed it.. thats an event chain , you could just fail it on the first event yes , but if you for example manage to defend the seperahts , they gonna help you cleaningthe map, if you succeed the following event building the farm up again you recieve +300 vita as a bonus stat and if you manage to kill this giant champ then you get an extra life for the hardmode an all bonuses are getting multicated with 2 ..;)
Yep its enough to do and isnt that the point ? I would like to run such an experiment on the beta server just to see how long a 5 man group would need for 1 map. It might be something between 45min-120min .. It Should be that hard and rewardning aswell
Added some of your concers
tell me where is differents if i run 60 min fractals or 30 min a dungeon or maybe 60 min into a hardmode?
Concerns :
C:The maps would be more empty cause people play the new content.
M:I dont think that this is a problem. This mode is just enabled for charackters with 100% map completing. and ask yourself – how many times where you running in maps you allready have done to 100% ? except for guild missions and maybe some world bosses?
C: It would requiere a lot of work for anet to change the enemies that they get hard and fun
M: Again – they got the tool to do so , if they first needed to develop a tool for that i would agree that this requieres a lot of work but look on the asura fractal dungeon. The harpiers are getting one extra skill if they are lvl 82 (?) , so they got the tool for that.
C: Events where mobs spawn again and again,thats a problem.
M: it´s easy to change the mob respawn to infitie , that´s not the problem, the problem is that the events should be one time only events and they should give something good. I gonna talk a bit more about the idea
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The hard mode :
The hard mode is a new thing to do in gw2 – gather up 5 people and try to clean every single map to get a unique title and nice rewards.
How to do so ? just click on the little icon on the the mini map and you are switching to the hard mode, your group will get a pop up if they want to join you to handmade map.
this map is a new instance from the map where most people are on, its an instance so you will only see your
party running on the whole map. On the left top corner you see the status how far you have cleaned the map.
But care , the monsters are hitting like a truck. Even in queendale little bees are lvl 80 and are dangarous.
Oh yeah there is still a lot to do in every map, its not only killing every enemie but you remember the dynamic events. Events are triggered if you run into the certain area , they are only triggered ONCE, so try your best to help out !
You dont need to suceed the event but if you do so , you will recieve some help.
Questions & Answeres
Q: When is the mode activated?
A: Your party needs to be level 80 and your character needs to have the map on 100%
Q: So how do we clean the map ?
A: just kill every single enemy on the map – even the little white rabbits.
Q: What about world bosses?
A: World bosses are deactivated
Q: What´s the end reward?
A: If you clean every map in Tyria you get an extra title to honor your mission, in general the loot is better from the enemies and for every map cleaned you get an end chest with cool stuff
Q: What about events in the area?
A: Once you run into the normal event area they pop up
Q: Will events respawn?
A: No they won´t, you have 1 chance to succeed the event
Q: Do I need to succeed every event?
A: Nope you don’t, events aren’t included in the handmade process they just give special bonuses
Q: Which bonuses ?
A: The bonuses are different from event to event. You safed some seperaths? They might join your group and help you in the future battle. You helped the farmer on the lake ? He might have some extra bread to spare that you get more life (vita).
Q: What happens if I die?
A: If only you die, your group can revive you
Q: What happens if the whole group dies?
A: Your whole group will only be able to respond 3 times, after that you are game over and you have to restart again.
Q: Can I earn more lives ?
A: Yes hard events might give you extra lives. Maybe even little crazy Asura´s
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We have asked this since 2 years , do you really think anet gonna change anything ? Feedback in closed and open beta has been mostly ignored , not many community request came into the game and about the collin quote , there came new skills.. 3 new heal skills ! HURRA ..
It´s cool that the core mechanics are finished 2 years after release but i wouldnt hope for any changes game whise.. I dont expect new maps , new skill , new profession , new elite maps , hard mode , new dungeons , hard titles or anything we loved in gw1 .. This train is gone and its gone for a long time now
If you compare this with the effort of for example creating a new map – then the differnce should be huge
You scale the enimies up to higher level for example , they might even get new skills and so on.. That you instead of fighting lvl 10 enemies in queensdale – you fight lvl 85 enemies
This idea is probably as old as guild wars 2 , but I would like to have a discussion around it and maybe even a dev response.
Some people might know a “hardcore” mode , like for example in guild wars 1 where you had hard missions or hard map´s to clear.
Anet? – People complain about no content , wouldn’t it be so easy to create a huge wave of content just by adding a hardcore mode ? You don’t need to do a lot.
<Include a button for hardcore mode>
<port players to an instance of the map>
<scale the enimies up that it gets difficult killing them- quensdale example enemies lvl 83>
<set the respawn timer of enemies to infinity>
<deactivate the world boss on this instance>
<change the events that they activate once you run into the area note1>
<progress bar of how many enimies killed>
<add a new title for clearing all maps>
<add rewards where players feel satisfied>
Tada you just created content for many hours
Of couse you need to figure out a good scaling that it is challing but not impossible , but I know that you can do that.
What´s your opinion? Could this really work just with this? Wouldn’t it be better content to play together as a 5man group? Since Anet got a good scaling system the whole mode could scale from 1-5 players even.
I think its all a scaling factor and it should be a challenging mode. The low level maps should be a bit easier but still hard and higher maps should be extremely hardcore, but I definitely think this is a good way to create new and hard content. We take all you loved about gw1 and take into gw2
note1* What do you think , should events be disabled or enabled ?
Any other ideas ?
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Anet- this is a honest question , I was actually excited to gather all exo´s to get this item and now you want to tell me , that an item with is more then 1000g worth is a completly nosense joke ?
For everyone who doesnt know what this item brings ya . Once a day you can change karma into something , you can choose between those 3:
5000 karma for 3 obsi´s
5000 karma for green sigills (worth each 20 kobber if you are lucky)
and now please pay attention
5000 karma for 50 Pile of Bloodstone Dust
(edited by kobi.5236)
@ Dee Jay you dont need to be in the guild .
Just join the TS about 19:00 and go into channel 1 or 3 ( for a english lead)
or go into channel 2 ( for a german lead)
And that is actually the whole point ..
There needs to be a balance between – Difficulty & Time offered + rng and progess
You can waiste your time on hard conted but still earning no progess and if the rng doesnt tricker you stay at 0 all the time feeling running into a wall
You QQ so much .I can see bad things like its harder to organisate w vs w and teq and the wurm but srs ? A gf just started to play this game and we are actually seeing people arround so we got a great time cause the world isnt empty anymore ..ofc it need some improvements but for god sake stop qq about good idea which is still worked on ..they got 10 members workung on megaservers so give constructive feedback , the idea is nice But , you should do deead or dat because off <<<<x
I feel like the new trat system got some nice ideas—
its really cool that we can change our traits on the fly and its really cool that you designed hey do this or that to unluck a trait
it cant be true that most of the traits are really really crazy to archieve ..how the kitten shall you cmplete a map lvl 40-50 if you are lvl 35 and want a simple trait ? you really need to think about that .. It would be okay kill boss xy in area 35 oder do a dungeon thats all reasonable but what the hell did you think about complety maps where you cant go as low charackter ..aswell its to expensive to buy the trais ..
Its not even funny cause i enjoy the game its just really frustating not to get rewarded in a nice game where you spend a hell of a lot time in
post above ++1
80 attempts on the great junglewurm ;
40 times defeated
And 2 exotics
200 hours of Organisation , explaining and helping new players that they can defeat it and 2 exotics .
Is this really fun A-net ?
Edit – There should be a healthy balance between
Difficulty & Time offered + rng and progess
You can waiste your whole time on hard content in gw2, but you wont earn any progess ,if the rng doesnt tricker.
So it feels like running into a wall , with no chance climbing over it
(edited by kobi.5236)
ye its kind a sad
Ye I would like to buy those aswell
Is there any chance and items like those are comming back ? My girl friend just started this game and she looooves cats so I would like to buy her one xDD
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_White_Kitten (this one)
(edited by kobi.5236)
he sold a lot of cookin stuff
cant find him sadly
noone knows? sad
Why the hell is he gone on kessex hills..!?o.o
Thats totoally not true ..I played early on only pvp , had about 250k glory without using boosters ever since beta . I am just sad that i didnt use them while i played , i mean who would know that remove glory ?
So after you decided to remove the glory , can we expect some exchange ? I can´t and i wont play for 250 hours spvp cause i dont like it , i actually i hate it but thats off topic .. Please let me know if you thought about this
Well there are more games where you actually change visually by the progession but the armor drops until max level are just simple and ugly .. People stated that there are some “fine” pieces but if you think that maybe 1 set is ok till lvl 80 then its just really sad.
Dont know if i stay inculpatus cedo .. Can you give some examples for what got added ? since i didnt really notice a difference.
Like the buff food bug is since beta not fixed , how hard can that be ?
Well, then i ask you something.
What is a “good looking armor”?I actually like the low level armor, because they are simple.
Do not get me wrong. There has to be progression and if you look at the armor “tiers” you will see that there is an armor progression.
However this is fortunatly in a very simple way.Do you want flaming armor on a low lvl character with lots of particle effects, etc?
The armor you find in the game are practical and simple designed.
There are still good looking armor in there. At the beginning and later on (though as a med. armor player you need to embrace the longcoats ).
If you ask me about " what is a good looking armor " I answere you , I dont care about my looking till lvl 80 but some players , maybe espicallly girls do .. I can understand it in the way you want to feel connected to your hero and if your hero just looks trash it might not be that cool . You are right in the thing its just a simple one but why cant there be something more cool ? It cant be that hard to design an armor which aint floating arround with paricles for early levels .. I think its enough if they just look a bit nicer , the game got some nice end looking armors but there should be something inbetween .. some armor sets which you just can find on special area´s or bosses , which are a bit nicer the the simple starting armor
(edited by kobi.5236)
@ tolunart I totally agree with you that this is an option .. I bought her some nice weapons but , this isnt an option to a new player . People who starts without anyone wont get a nice armor until late in the game . And thanks that you mention the trading post , thats again something i can add to the list since , the shop , trading post etc aint getting explained at all
@jaken like you said , its basicly the same armor till level 80 what you can get dropped and i feel thats something bad .. if you get first time a green item and it looks like the same ugly kitten like before and you getting just better stats then it is kind a frustrating cause you cant see your progession (visuall) . I totally agree with the point about " just explore " but I feel like there should be a tutrial which explains most of the things for people who wont just do something and see what happens .
Like if you wanna find our yourself ? Then skip the tutrial but if you feel overhelmed by the impressions you get then there should be a nice tut. Cant be right that you just get thrown into the cold water ^^
(edited by kobi.5236)
Brother I really tried .. I said to her , you can get a nice armor and weapons later on . But she doesnt want to level up (just saying to lvl 80) for getting really nice looking armor .. its more about that the blue/green/ yellow armor things you get dropped are looking crap ..you getting told you are a hero in your story and if you look on the cut szence´s its more that you are a random trash cause your armor looks like you live in a slum
I would sort them in different categories :
The combat :
- Teach people Combat
- More focus on the fights , interupting on important skills should have a good impact
- Balance the field/finisher system and maybe add some new fields and finisher (for example)lighting and fire = Chaos field
The build !
- More viable Builds
- More Skills
- More Team builds ( and i feel this one if really important)
Extensions :!
- Hard mode in dungeon maybe even in PVE maps
- New Achiements for longer term motivation
- New Maps , new dynamic events more influce on the maps
- New clases
- Exclusive Weapons for the Champs / Dungeons / PvP / WvsW
- World Tournaments Like Snowball at
- Combine minigames and Guild for example could there be a monthly guild vs guild Dragon bash tourny
Nice to have features :
- Build teamplates
- Armor teamplates
Quality of life improvements
- Action House – sort armor after light, medium and heavy !
- Conditions on events with many people(rework)
- Give us the money from Coin bags straight
- Give us straight up karma instead if liquids since you cant change the value
- Higher max bank tabs
- Condition Damage builds on structures , i can put bleeding on a tree but dont a tree wall ?
- I want to buy 100x something at an npc ? I really need to click 100times ? what´s about i just write how many i need
- PVP modes and formats- GVG / HA
- Better Rewards in PVP
- Visual WvsW rewards (like /rank )
- WvsW que , show the estimated time or the number you are in the waiting list
- Different Comannder Colours
- PvP should aswell be able to earn money
- Rank 1 / rank 2 / rank 3 to make older emotes
- PvP do something about the grindtitle2
Guilds :
- Guilds should do an alliance ( maybe for impact on W vs W to create uniq buffs for alliances)
- Guild feature , when was the person last online
- Guild Halls
Other :
- Which Dungeon Path Did I Complete Already(Interface Polish)
-Nicholas the Traveler
Stop the facepalm smashbutton spam
- Call for boss champs even on the next map that people can gather up , i mean if a dragon is in the sky you can see it out from the next map !
- Minimize or hide the meta events on the right top corner , to see whats happning in the world if there are more events !
- Gem shop , Show items whitch are permanent or will leave the shop with a timer (new mark or something , still cant figure out whitch items stays in the shop)
- Continue of Balance
(edited by kobi.5236)
So like the title said i returned to the game to take a look on the game .. I would say that I played at start a lot pvp and pve but since the pvp in my opnion was bad and i really didnt want to grind the pve events , so I stopped cause I felt there wasnt other endgame content.
So last week I returned to the game and took a new player with me cause I felt like , “hey its actually a good game lets play a bit ”. So I wanted to share her point of view , what she likes and dislikes and what I think after I returned ..
So lets start. We started in the class selection , her first char was a necro .. We started in sylvari area and I just took her with me and said “follow me , we gonna explore the world and do some quest´s” . On the way I tried to explain her the basic´s .
Whats about the 5 first skills and the other 5 , what are traits etc.. After we played about 3 hours she was really upset and kind a mad .. I was to fast for her and she was just helpless cause she didnt know what to do . We did maybe 8 heart quest´s and some events .. So we stopped playing for that day.
She was really mad cause you can do a beautifull champ and the area was that pretty but her armor was just ugly as kitten .. So she quitted the game and deinstalled it .. She were confused about the map ,helpless cause she didnt know what to do and ye ugly , that were pretty much the core problems .
But I was like.. Okay I might have screwed up , I gonna try to explain better so please give it another shot and yes she did !. She tried different classes , warrior , mesmer and ranger . She enjoyed the dmg from the war but the ranger was more the way she would like to play. So I really tried to explain a lot better and we started to play her personal story . She learned about how to explore the world what to do and where to go , so it was a good expierence but she still got mad .. We played until level 28 and she was really upset how ugly she looked like .." what the kitten is this , i am looking kitten , this game su(x) , how cant there be any good looking low level armor, every mmo got that, etc.. (a lot what i couldnt tell you know cause of flame ^^) " . It ended up that she walked arround naked . So in a short summary this was basicly her impression .
Nice charackter creation
Beautifull and charming world
She likes the personal story
The trait system
Live updates(ls)
Ugly armor sets !!! (really important for her)
That she could chose a weapon after the “tut” with no idea why and what they do
Really hard to learn cause there isnt a real tut
jumping puzzle (but i dont share this)
confusing minimap
(that´s the point of view from a new player , mine are coming on the next page)
And well I need to agree with her. The armor sets are really ugly compared to the rest of the game and like many of us beta players allready said early on .. You need to devolped a good explaining tut. I feel like the point with the minimap is just a habit so I wont say thats negative . but if I would do a summary by my own (only with things which you anet can do better , then it would be this list)
(edited by kobi.5236)
*place holder what do you think ?
Edit * Still working on the picture adding it later but i felt like i allrdy could post this with a crappy picture*
Hey guys since I heared that anet is working on a GvG arena ,many old vetranes where super excited about it so I made some thoghts about one of the main problems anet has about GvG and how to solve it.
GvG – should be viewer friendly and if possible In the open World -
So I made some thoughts about GvG and how to resolve another wanted feature Guild Halls ! .
So its start with your guild hall . Guild halls could be instance and some parts of the guild hall in the open world .
Q:Wait what ? both instance and open?
A:Yes , so imagine your cool looking Guild halls , people relax in it and you can custimize it and actually other people can see it but not randomly walk into your peace zone .
Q:So how can I get a open guild hall?
A: Kobi introduces the 5th map – The Glory arena of the mist´s
On this map there is only 1 Arena and maybe the jumping puzzle . The Arena is the place where guild fight for fame and glory in a GvG match. The arena is in the center of the map and it formed like an 0 . The Arena is ofc inside the 0 and the battlefield actually can change . But later more about that .
Q: What is GvG ?
A: GvG means guild vs guild and it was a great mode in guild wars1 .
Q:Now we got a arena but where are the guilds ?
A:They are placed on the upside of the 0 in a pyramid form . Kind of hard to descrip but watch the picture ( adding a kitten one now while i still work on the good one) . This upside section in devided in 3 section – The first floor – second and 3rd .
On each floor a guild can represente your guild hall on some rooms which are open that everyone can see them . You can watch the GvG matches by just standing in your guildhall.
Q: How gets my Guild a spot on this ?
A:Fight for it ! climb the ladder and win vs other guild . Only the best are represented .
Q: But there are many guild so only maybe 20 guilds gets represented ?
A: No , Lets take a example . This weak – Riverside – Elona – Underworld are fighting against each other . So only those 3 servers can get on the 5th map and get a place for your guild .
Q: so whats if Riverside has 5 guilds represented , elona 2 and underworld only 1 . Will this have any impact on W vs W ?
A: In my opnion i would love it . Maybe you get bonus 2 points for every guild on the spot so that the guilds fighting for the server gets fame and do somethng for the matchup but what do you think ?
Q: So you can only get GvG matches fron the current Match up ?
A: No , The matchmaking will find you equal opponets but it preferes Guild from the current match up .
Q: Whats about my ranking ? How do it raise ?
A: Every win gains you some points and on every lose you lose some
Q:Whats special if my guild is on place 1 or 10 ?
A: You automaticly go into a montly battle for guild caps and good prices
Q:How can I else come to a montly tournament ?
A: There will be weekly tournaments where you can earn points to get invited to the tournament.
Q: Guild caps ?
A: yes you can wear a guild cap once you fighted with your guild in the arena
Q: I want to specate it , how do i do this ?
A: You can just port the 5th map and actually see the match in the arena just by walking by or you talk to tolkano and watch it by the observer mode.
Q: You said earlier the battlefield can change ?
A: Yes there a different maps and the team who has the lower Ranking can decide on which map there is getting played on.
(edited by kobi.5236)