Showing Posts For kreven.6017:

message to devs about a new stat

in Engineer

Posted by: kreven.6017


i love the new deadshot amulet thats been added in pvp, it made me revisit condi engi how about we have something similar in wvw i mean trailblazer is like a better dire why cant we have a better rabid

making throw gunk unblockable

in Thief

Posted by: kreven.6017


making it unblockable now would definitely help now before hot engi was not a reflect master it is now.

making throw gunk unblockable

in Thief

Posted by: kreven.6017


because of the high reflect scrappers have throw gunk has became very hard to land. most of the time its a disadvantage for us thieves

necro definitly not op

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017




pvp matches u see atleast 2-3 necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


I’m sick of ppl saying that necro can get cced easy they have 8 sec of PULSING 3 STAB every 17 sec that’s 8 sec of cc Immunity every 9 sec also they have a stab shout and a stab trait also teef cant burst down a necro with rise up I don’t want necro to be destroyed hell just shave it a but like with the sheer amount of convert they have or maybe making changing the 8 sec of pulsing stab to a 10 sec 3 stab so it can have some counter play

pvp matches u see atleast 2-3 necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


my opinion is they need to lower all classes. gw2 in 2012 we had quick condi burst and normal burst but not as much as now they need to tone this down here both in dps and condi

pvp matches u see atleast 2-3 necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


there are only 4 classes currently being played to the point of exploitation scrappers reaper tempest revenant plz fix this game ive been playing since launch, my first build was hgh condi engi back in the day I really hate how a necro can click his way to legend plz lower the bunking power and insane number of condi duration and the ability to sustain while hitting 8k stupid pet atk

pvp matches u see atleast 2-3 necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017




pvp matches u see atleast 2-3 necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


definitely not because theyre op or a clicker safe class man its cause necros are cool

The Idea of Chill Damage is Moronic !

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


um no defensive utility? necro has a shout “rise up that makes my sd teef autos his 600” :/

im critting necro 600

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


I play a zerk sd teef and am critting these clickers necros 600 either buff me or nerf them a zerk teef is not supposed to be hitting 600 to a class that can basically condi blast me and still be sustainable

im critting scrappers 600 :l

in Thief

Posted by: kreven.6017


plz up our dps or nerf their tankiness I’m zerk teef I’m not supposed to hit 600 crit

impairing daggers

in Thief

Posted by: kreven.6017


why r impairing daggers 900 range when they move slow as balls and is kitable easily please make it a bit faster the only way I seem to hit it is with port and cced ppls

necro stab balance

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


meta is the stab trait

Scrappers needs NERF.

in Engineer

Posted by: kreven.6017


nerf scrapper lol lol sure but be sure to also nerf chill condi necro and condi invuln with the 8k hitting pets tank druid

necro stab balance

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


is it me only that think that necros stab went from non to one of the most I play teef and I cant seem to cc them most of the time because of their 1) trait stab 2) pulsing stab at reaper 3) shout

I mean what meta build other than condi necro has 3 stabs like that other than rev " but that’s something else cause most are glassy while necro is bunker as balls" mixing that with the almost perma weakness it gives and converts, condi bombs, transfers and stuns etc
I am thinking that if they nerf they nerf slightly so the community doesn’t flip

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


its not the damage that kills me its the condi which is also unblockable honey

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


also marks are way bigger than nades range I can go all day

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


also ur 4 hits like a truck so being unbloc is kinda stupid to classes where aegis is there think like guard

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


chill poison hurts more than shrap

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


and grenades hit 10k

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


plz nerf this it has very little counter play or hey why not make engis nades also unblockable and why not make teefs vault unblockable and Mesmer shatter too yeah make that unblockable

thief staff 2

in PvP

Posted by: kreven.6017


It really isnt worth it. Youre better off using staff 5 for spamming 1

I’m really against the spammy playstyle hated it back in heartseeker days don’t like it now with vault I only ask anet to complete designing the dare devil because we r getting out of the meta for the first time since launch

thief staff 2

in PvP

Posted by: kreven.6017


its range that hits everytime is soo very specific its not practical especially for a melee class u need to be like 200 300 away form target to hit and in combat it rarely hit cause we are in constant motion. also syning it with steal is bad because steal takes u to right at ur target so using it with steal will not work properly too

thief staff 2

in PvP

Posted by: kreven.6017


another thing that sucks about staff is vault doesn’t sync with steal
and acts weird with sig port

thief staff 2

in PvP

Posted by: kreven.6017


also necro got a convert on aa so why not teef get evade on aa XD

thief staff 2

in PvP

Posted by: kreven.6017


ranger has a pet that hits 8k and other than hit me today 10k while being bunker I don’t care about evade if its op don’t put it just fix it so it hits 3 times and not 1 or 2 sometimes

thief staff 2

in PvP

Posted by: kreven.6017


sometimes it only hit once literally makes me question why it takes initiative when it hits as hard as auto sometimes :/

thief staff 2

in PvP

Posted by: kreven.6017


hi I have been having issues with landing number 2 staff
please increase radius or range or whatever and improve make it evade or something ty

put runes of aristocracy in pvp !!!

in Engineer

Posted by: kreven.6017


I know wat ur thinking I’m not asking for perplexity runes or dire armor, I simply play a rabid p/s not p/p engi with 2 kits and elixir s and I simply want my might stacks increased while having condi stats its unfair that power/cele get 2 amulets for might

put runes of aristocracy in pvp !!!

in Engineer

Posted by: kreven.6017


hello I’m kreven ive been playing condi engi for ever and I was wondering how come all might stacking runes are power
I would love it if u add the runes of aristocracy in pvp to make condi might stacking builds viable

cant redeem my HoT code

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kreven.6017


so my password works with entering the game and my account but when I type my pass to redeem my HoT code it tells me this password was hacked or w/e please help fast before bwe ends

Pistol cd reduction MAKE IT BASELINE!!!!

in Engineer

Posted by: kreven.6017


Before patch u don’t know how many times a 12 sec static shot has saved me having it at 15 sec to me is crap . I mean rifle gets this amazing trait while pistols get 150 condi increase comon anet let’s not kitten the condi engi

Pistol cd reduction MAKE IT BASELINE!!!!

in Engineer

Posted by: kreven.6017


Hello I’ve been playing condi engi for along time in gw2. And taking the pistol cool down reduce trait has affected my build greatly . I mean why does rifle get a reduction and a 10% increase in atk speed when pistol only gets 150 condi increase . please anet make it baseline or add it to the pistol condi increase trait

Is it possible to do something while waiting?

in PvP

Posted by: kreven.6017


I dont even know why anet did this it was way better before when u couldve wvw or dueled while waiting plzzz give us that back cant keep doing nothing for 8 min per game