Showing Posts For leeny.5362:

No response from LMB

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: leeny.5362


Hi, returning player here. Just reinstalled the game. On each of my characters I can click on NPC’s and enemies, but LMB won’t attack. All my keybinds are set to the defaults. All skills work. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Personal Story "Bad Ice"

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


I cannot follow the mysterious figure as some wind keeps knocking me back! Does anyone know why I am missing here? Thanks in advance!

Bristleback Chasm Waypoint not triggering

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Hi, I’m walking all around where the Bristleback Chasm Waypoint is supposed to be and I’ve found it somehow on other characters, but cannot trigger it for some reason on my new engineer. Is there a trick? Thanks.

Edit: Got someone in game to show me. Had to jump up on some rocks!

(edited by leeny.5362)

Changing stats on ascended gear

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


OK it must be the “nut on the handle.” I went to take a screen shot and it wasn’t greyed out this time. I now have my pistol! Thanks so much!

Changing stats on ascended gear

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


ok now I’m really at a loss. I put in the Viper’s Orichalcum Imbued Inscription, ectoplasm, anthology of heroes and the weapon and it’s still greyed out. Thanks in advance for any help.

Oh and bummer about the trinkets not being able to be converted! Thanks though.

Changing stats on ascended gear

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Thank you! No wonder. I have one more question though. My amulet I’m trying to convert won’t show up when I go to the mystic forge. Can these be converted?

Changing stats on ascended gear

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Hi all,
What am I doing wrong here? I’m sure it’s something simple. I’m trying to change Zojja’s revolver to Viper’s. I am putting in Viper’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia, 5 ectoplasm, an anthology of heroes and the weapon and the forge button stays greyed out. I must have the recipe wrong. Any hints? Thanks!

Yassith's Ascended Recipe acquisition

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Thanks for all the responses! I have to admit I’m a bit embarrassed that I couldn’t figure that out! Now I have my Viper’s ascended armor and I’m very happy! I converted some I had on another character.

Yassith's Ascended Recipe acquisition

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


What I’m confused about is how to make or acquire the Viper’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia which I’ll need to convert in the mystic forge.

Yassith's Ascended Recipe acquisition

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Hi all,
I’m so confused as to how to craft ascended Viper’s armor. I see a recipe for the Viper’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia on the Wiki page and I have all the ingredients, but I can’t figure out how to make it. Thanks for any help!

Did not rank up in PvP from Tiger to Bear

in PvP

Posted by: leeny.5362


Ooooooh, I see! I’m sorry for being so confused. My rank is only 46. Thanks for all the replies!

Did not rank up in PvP from Tiger to Bear

in PvP

Posted by: leeny.5362


I am still Tiger.

Did not rank up in PvP from Tiger to Bear

in PvP

Posted by: leeny.5362


I did not rank up from Tiger to Bear in PvP. When the bar progressed it started at Tiger again!

Got Golden Wings, but no Glider!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: leeny.5362


Big Duh! Thank you!

Got Golden Wings, but no Glider!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: leeny.5362


I have the Golden Feather Wings Backpack and I thought the glider came with it! Now when I deploy my glider, it’s on the default boring one. I’ve tried relogging, re-equipping. Not sure what else to do. Anyone else having this problem?

The Predator's Path PS

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Hi All,
I’m stuck on this part in the personal story where I am following the disks. Now I am near Chak Hollow waypoint looking for that star and I only come across a dead frog. I can interact, but nothing happens. No disk and the story doesn’t continue. Am I interacting with the wrong things? Is the star somewhere else? Any help is appreciated. I’m pulling my hair out. lol

(edited by leeny.5362)

HoT event help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


So, I have all the waypoints, gliding mastery and bouncing mushroom mastery and so I can get around the four maps of HoT. Now I need to grind experience. I’ve been wandering around these maps doing random events that pop up, but this way seems slow. Is there a better way? Should I be using the LFG tool somehow? Where should I start? What are the best events to look for or the best places to hang out and wait for events? I looked at some guides, but have yet to see all those events. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Mystic Forge Stone Location?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


I can’t find my Mystic Forge Stones in my crafting materials. I sure wish the crafting materials had a search function. Can anyone tell me what line and what column they are in? I am at a loss. Thanks.

Vial of Condensed Mist Essence

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


I have great news! I found it and I had two vials. I was able to craft Quiver of a Thousand Arrows! I’m so happy with my new ascended back piece. Thanks again!

Vial of Condensed Mist Essence

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Thank you for your answer, but I’m still a bit confused. I went to my crafting station and looked under my mats and highlighted every square under ascended mats and didn’t see a place for it there. Does it only show up after you’ve gotten some? I’ve run about 10-15 fractals, but haven’t seen this yet.

Vial of Condensed Mist Essence

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


I want to craft Quiver of a Thousand Arrows and it says I need a Vial of Condensed Mist Essence. The wiki says I get this from Fractals or from Mystic Forge with a Glob of Coagulated Mist Essence from Fractals. My question is, is this a crafting material that will be stored with my crafting mats? Is it hard to get? Any info on this would be of great help! Thanks in advance.

Diminishing experience Dungeon runs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: leeny.5362


Do you get the same amount of experience if you run the same dungeon path in the same day or is it like the diminishing returns on the loot where you get less until the server resets?

Missing Collector Achievements?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Very interesting! Thank you! I had some tokens and bought some things and unlocked a couple of them. So nice to see them now. Have a Happy Holiday!

Missing Collector Achievements?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


The wiki lists a collector achievement for every single dungeon, but my panel only displays achievements for Ascalonian Catacombs, Caudecus Manor, Citedel of Flame and Arah. Am I doing something wrong? Did anet do away with them? Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Infusion Extraction Device?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: leeny.5362


Oooh thank you! I found it!

Infusion Extraction Device?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: leeny.5362


Hi, Where is the vendor that sells the Infusion Extraction Device? This will save my agony infusions right? And since I have my Fractal masteries this vendor should be unlocked, but I can’t find her any where. Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Best way to get ascended back item?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Thank you for your answer! I saw this in the Note: “The Quiver of a Thousand Arrows is a back item with the same stats, but includes an offensive infusion slot instead of a defensive one.” So, I think I’ll shoot for that one with my build. Thanks for the direction.

Best way to get ascended back item?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


I’ve been playing a few months and just am doing PvE, dungeons and just started running Fractals. I have mostly ascended gear, but am confused about the best way to pursue getting my ascended back piece. What is the cheapest, quickest way? I’m not even sure which to pursue. There are so many to choose from.

Diving Master Ruins of Orr Bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: leeny.5362


I wanted to let you know I got the achievement, but I’m embarrassed to say how. There are 5 Ruins of Orr Diving Master Achievements, not four. I simply overlooked one – twice. I wanted to thank you anyhow. It encouraged me to keep trying!

Diving Master Ruins of Orr Bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: leeny.5362


Thank you for your thorough answer. I’ll keep trying!

Diving Master Ruins of Orr Bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: leeny.5362


I have all 37 of 38 done except the 4th one of the 4 Ruin of Orr ones. I’ve done those four each twice to make sure I didn’t miss one. Is this a known bug or could I be doing something wrong? I sure wanted that mastery point!

Diving Master Diverse Ledges Diving Tower

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


I’m looking for the diving goggles supposedly at Diverse Ledges Waypoint in Lion’s Arch on the Diverse Ledges Tower near the Vista. The video shows the tower and the vista. I cannot find them any where. I am following the Dulfy guide for the Diving Master Achievement. My map does not show a tower or a vista. Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance.

How to acquire mastery points?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: leeny.5362


Thank you so much for your fast answers. Is that the only way? I read something about map completion, but don’t know if that means zones or world. And, I read something about some bosses like Karka and Triple, but can’t verify this any where.

How to acquire mastery points?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: leeny.5362


Sorry, I guess I wasn’t clear. I mean how do I acquire them. I only have 6 left for Central Tyria and my experience bar keeps going up, so I’m starting to panic. Not sure where to get more points.

How to acquire mastery points?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: leeny.5362


Hi all,
I’m sure this has been asked a thousand times, but I’m having trouble finding definitive answers. I read map completion, achievements, some bosses. Now for map completion, does that mean one mastery point for one zone or one point for world completion on a character? I did the Living Story already and found out that repeating it on another character doesn’t give anymore points, so I need to work on the achievements. Does anyone know the other ways to get these precious points? Thanks so much in advance!

Lost in the Jungle Provides Personal Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: leeny.5362


I die at the part where it says Mordrem Guard Waves Remaining 2/3 and I’m reset to the eastern side of the map. There is no green star or arrow or circle or anywhere on the map and I’ve wandered all around and can’t find the waves of Mordrem. Does anyone know where they are hiding? Thanks!

Infusions question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Hi all,
I’m a bit confused. I see that I need mighty infusions for my berserker gear according to Metabattle, but those are offensive infusions and I only have defensive slots. Will this work? Thanks!

Personal Story: Salvaging Scrap

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Thank you. I was talking to the right scrappers, but it must have been bugging on me. After retrying a couple times, it’s now working. Thanks again!

Personal Story: Salvaging Scrap

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


I’m supposed to “Negotiate with the scrappers for the other half of the key.” And, “talk to the leader of the suspicious scrappers,” but I am wandering all over and cannot for the life of me find who I am supposed to talk to. There are two “Suspicious Scrappers,” but they say “Isola does all my talkin’ for me.” I cannot find anyone named Isola either. Any help would be so deeply appreciated! Thanks.

Need Mordrem Invasion Waypoints

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Thanks. Good to know. I just noticed the mail I got had specific waypoints, but those probably don’t matter. Thankfully I just got world completion on another character so I’m ready for the assault! Happy Gaming!

Need Mordrem Invasion Waypoints

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Hi All,
I opened the mail that showed the Mordrem Invasion waypoints, but I was on a character that doesn’t have them yet. I have the Watchful Source waypoint, but not the other two. Can someone please let me know what they are so I participate on my character that has map completion. Thanks in advance!

Norn Personal Story Voice Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: leeny.5362


I’ve done about 5 or 6 parts of the Norn personal story and some of the sentences have no voice over. Sorry if this has already been reported. Thanks!

"Preserving the Balance" bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: leeny.5362


I’m supposed to help the kodan destroy Romke’s horn, but when the horn gets 3/4 of its life gone nothing else happens. No more mobs come and the horn does not take any more damage. I tried walking all around trying to trigger something different. I tried exiting the game and trying it over to no avail. I even tried shooting it on autoattack for five many, many minutes! Any help is appreciated. Sorry if this has been posted before. I couldn’t find anything about it. Thanks!

Salvage or sell rare gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Thanks for all the quick and helpful responses! I’ll get started making my mystic salvage kit right away!

Salvage or sell rare gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Hi All,
So, I’m pretty new but I’m finally running World Bosses and Silverwastes and have been selling everything rare. I keep hearing about ectos though and I’m wondering what they are for and should I be salvaging my rares for ectos to sell or use for something else and if so what? My main question is if I’m salvaging rares then how do I make gold in the game? Sorry if this question seems so noobish! Any help is appreciated.

Weaponsmithing help please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Hi All,
I’m pretty new to the game and I’m currently a level 109 weaponsmith. Not sure where I left off in the guide, so I started back at it trying to make the items in the level 100-125 range. I bought all the materials, made the insignias, hafts and axe blades, mace heads, hammers and spears. When I go to craft them though, I put an item in and most of the other items become greyed out and I can’t seem to make anything new. I’m stuck now at level 109 and not sure what to do to proceed. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much!

How do I set down a bucket? Noob question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


No offense taken! lol It was pretty comical!

Having trouble finding my way

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


I’m in Metrica! Thanks so much! I didn’t realize Lion’s Arch was so big!

Having trouble finding my way

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Thank you for the replies. I’m embarrassed to say that I’m still lost. I’m in Lion’s Arch, but I see six portals, not 4 and none of them say Rata Sum. I kind of didn’t want to go all the way to The Grove, so I took a shortcut through the PvP Lobby. Any help is so very much appreciated. Thanks again!

Having trouble finding my way

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Hi all,
I’m trying to find Metrica Province from Caledon Forest. The Wiki says it is west of the Caledon Haven waypoint. I’m searching and not finding it. Also, is there an easier way to find the cities? Thanks in advance. This forum is always so helpful!