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Charged Quartz Crystals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ley.8973


Keep the time gating. Remove the account bound. I will never be crafting any of those, so I’d like to sell my cooldown for profit.

For 400 gems...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ley.8973


…it is too much to expect an item that doesn’t intersect with basic hairstyles? Just sayin’.


I still need old transmutation functionality.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ley.8973


Just make sigils and runes work the same way as they do in sPvP: you obtain them once, “learn” them and then you can use them as you see fit.

Currently, runes and sigils they are too much hassle for their own worth. Most of them aren’t even worth crafting because they cost gold to make, but they sell for coppers. Whenever I salvage my loot, my inventory gets clogged with useless runes nobody wants to buy. Only thing they are good for is when you’re doing the Mystic Forgesmith daily and need something worthless to flush down the toilet.

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ley.8973


You want feedback? Alright, here’s my piece of wood to feed the flame. ;-)

Whenever I log on, there’s an entirely new set of people around. I’m playing with a bunch of people, I log out, and when I come back after a few minutes, they’re all gone. My favourite faces from the past are nowhere to be seen… the zone chat is full of unknown names. It’s like some cursed invasion of the body snatchers: everybody’s been replaced overnight.

I thought people from the same servers are supposed to be merged together in the same instances? Shouldn’t that be a priority, really?

PvP crafting mats

in PvP

Posted by: ley.8973


I was just wondering about this myself. After salvaging all the duplicates of PvP gear I earned in the past, I got a lot of crafting materials, a bunch of tournament tokens, but only three gear crafting tokens. Silly.

Please dont troll the event timer! Behave!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ley.8973


What are you going to do, stand around all day in a boring zone waiting for one?

Um, what about you actually play the game instead of standing around all day? <wink>
If you’re logging in only because of the prospect of getting a yellow drop worth of 70 silver, you might actually want to consider playing a different game altogether, because, as far as this one is concerned, you’re doing it wrong.


This is just over the line.
You know what? I think I’ve had it with you loot skimmers. Not only you use external timer tool to cherry-pick the profitable boss events, thus causing overcrowding and overflows, but you even have a nerve to complain about people sabotaging your cheater tool, right here on the official forum?

Here’s one advice for you free-riding lot: care less about your timers, and care more about actually participating in pre-events when they start. On the contrary to what many of you seem to think, the boss spawn ain’t gonna get triggered by dancing around the spawnpoint.

Really, the sooner those timers get randomized, the better. This kitten has gone far enough.

Thanks for the Monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ley.8973


I’d also like to have optional monthly tasks. I don’t run dungeons, so I always feel like being left out when it comes to monthlies.

Doing Dragons? Bring a Book!!!!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ley.8973


Now, my question is…. Is this the way GW2 is supposed to be played? Camping and waiting an hour doing shait and just waiting for a boss to spawn?

No, it isn’t. You’re doing it wrong. You’re supposed to play the game as it comes, not to schedule your playtime around some out-of-game numbers you found on a third party website.

Players are not supposed to know the spawn time of a boss. You’re spoiling it for yourself by using Dragon timers. The game is not to blame… you brought it on yourself by using a cheat. This is what all the cheats do: they make the game boring in the end.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ley.8973


It is not just guesting, it is also the fact all the bosses are on predictable timer (say, 2 hours after the last kill, plus 30 minute spawn window). If you know the last kill time, it is very easy to predict the next spawn – and there are several cooperative web apps doing exactly that.

Overflows are not caused by people simply guesting at random. They are caused by people who know exactly when and where to guest.

Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ley.8973


Random spawn timers? You really want people to camp the places all day so that they can obtain a some yellow drop? No thanks. I’ve had enough of camping mob spawns in FFXI, and that was the most annoying, frustrating thing I’ve ever experienced in a game.

That’s kind of the point – to frustrate camping people enough so they go and do something else, instead of congregating around the spawn point and causing overflows. Nobody’s gonna sit around for six or seven hours just to get one granted yellow.
Under current circumstances, people can use those timer websites and guesting to get yellows from all the bosses on every single of their characters in one single playing session, which would be largely prevented by randomizing the timers (because camping one event would prevent them from camping ten other events).

Lionguard Lyns gone - not a fair warning?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ley.8973


I realize she couldn’t stand there forever. However, I hope for three things:
- Captains council tokens to be used as a currency in some future event, so we could spend our leftovers.
- Sturdy gathering tools to be back as a reward anytime soon. They are very convenient, more so than those rewarded by laurel vendor.
- The concept of donating surplus gear to be used again in some future event. It caused our crafted items to be actually worth something, which is pretty much awesome.

Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ley.8973


Overflow is just a symptom. The whole problem is caused chiefly by people abusing the predictable timers of bosses, using third party websites to calculate the next spawn time. Predictability + better loot = overcrowding => overflow. Whole crowds of people appear out of thin air and camp the spawn point right before the spawn window opens; and even if you are crafty enough to avoid the overflow, the fight is over so fast you may be lucky to get your participation registered at all.

I’d say, just randomize the spawning times and make them less often. Bosses should be a rare encounter anyway… something you stumble upon by random, not something you camp and gank bi-hourly. I remember when Behemoth was bugged on our server, appearing like twice a month or so… but when he finally appeared, it was THE event. Today, though? Just a generic loot piñata that appears once every two and half hours.

What was the point?

in Wintersday

Posted by: ley.8973


A nice comment from Massively that sums this event up somewhat fittingly:

My experience with the holiday event in GW2: Excitedly collect 10 socks and locate the merchant who will redeem them. I get a gift bag for my socks. Inside the gift bag? 4 socks.

Yesterday I was collecting some presents in hopes of getting something relevant. As I was repeatedly almost-dying to those golems with their no-fun stun mechanics (if I wanted to stand around stunned with a swirl above my head, I’d play WOW, kitten ), I kept wondering: where did the Halloween event designers go? And why did Anet task the janitors’s son with designing this one?

I know guys at Anet meant well… but somehow, it just doesn’t work. I dunno why, as I am no game designer. I just feel it doesn’t work. Not because of being broken like Karka event was. More like because of being poorly balanced from start… as if it was designed by several separate teams that refuse to talk to each other.

No more 'preview' for all armor types?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ley.8973


Sorry, but this decision is so pointless and arbitrary… so blizzardific. Is it not possible to lock the preview window to show only one class of armor at a time, instead of removing the feature altogether?

Wish I could be positive about this

in Wintersday

Posted by: ley.8973


Well I got to say I liked Halloween much more. There seems to be less activities and overall fun here. Event-spawning doors were awesome, exploding gifts are lackluster compared to them.

I don't see many people in Southsun Cove

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ley.8973


I kind of expected we would actually continue to colonize the island as we did in the launching event. Under the current state of things, the zone is quite pointless.

How to get Rare items?! 78% mf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ley.8973


I remember someone mentioning that MF is broken and actually causes your MF chance go down if stacked too high. But that was a month ago, so it may be fixed already.

Stealth node farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ley.8973


They probably aren’t stealthing, they are merely teleporting to another node by using illegal means. If you see someone appear and disappear like this, try to remember the name, add them to your contact list to verify, and report them for botting.

Presents killing low levels in starting area

in Wintersday

Posted by: ley.8973


Those princesses are even better than Ventari. I outlevel them by two levels, I’m in level-appropriate gear with a rare weapon, but they kill me dead in two seconds.

Of course it is my fault, because I proceed to attack them with several instances of their Confusion stacked on me. :-P But still, they’re nasty. Princesses are good fighters, indeed. And all this for an ugly hat!

Mystery boxes? They changed the spawn :(

in Wintersday

Posted by: ley.8973


Fairly often there is no gift inside at all, only mobs. Is that intentional?

Satisfaction Poll.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: ley.8973


Happy with the game and the service in general. It is still one of the best MMOs I’ve seen. However, they really dropped the ball on this event. Was it an accident, or a direct result of megalomania gone awry, hard to say – but it was not a nice sight.

Maybe the event needs to be heavily retooled and started all over again, perhaps next month sometime. The second time around, it might actually go as planned.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ley.8973


Great concept, lousy execution. The event was seriously undermanned on some overflow servers, resulting in “reinforcement” phases taking literally hours to complete.

Also, there seems to be something else wrong with overflow servers – they don’t seem to remember your progress, thus effectively breaking the event for you if you disconnect for any reason. Seems that after reconnecting, you get thrown into nearest free overflow… which is, naturally, the one where the event already ended. As a result, you miss on ending, you miss on loot, you even miss on exp points.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ley.8973


I kind of liked karka fights. Like, adults doing barrel rolls, infants jumping over people all around. Was fun.
However, the lingering poison wasn’t, the crashes and lags neither.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: ley.8973


I crashed shortly before the end and didn’t even get to see it because login servers were down. And apparently, I wasn’t the only one. It’s silly.

Event did not trigger on overflow server [merged threads]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: ley.8973


Thanks for the feedback and patience everyone. The team is investigating these issues as we speak. Please continue to let us know if the event has not kicked off on your server (overflow servers too). Also, let us know if you are in an overflow server and the event did kick off. Thanks!

Piken Square overflow – catapult finished now (50 minutes after the announced start of event). Nothing happening yet.

Maybe the team might want to restart the event next week, after they’re done catching bugs and other vermin. I’m sad to say it, but this is apparently going nowhere.

EDIT: Karka just spawned onto our heads. We’re apparently supposed to coat our weapons with something from nearby container, except the container is camped by karka. Um… (applause)

(edited by ley.8973)

The one time event, and how i'm not gonna be in it

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: ley.8973


If you couldn’t make it, you didn’t really miss anything. Here’s a brief summary for you:

- Zone to LA. Cutscene ensues (a giant crabby thing bursting out from a sailship)
- Proceed to battle the giant crabby thing. Two minute lag, server-side slideshow.
- Proceed to battle smaller crabby things on the lower level of the zone. Lag considerably lower, you manage to loot some quest items too, but the gathering part of the event is over by now.
- The extermination part of the event is about 2/3 done when everyone freezes, then disconnect.
- When you log back in, like 30 seconds later, the event is over and everyone’s gone. No acknowledgement of your participation, not even some sort of closing cutcene.
- The portal to the new zone doesn’t work. The Consortium announcer keeps spewing the same three words over and over again like a broken record.
- You briefly consider unsubscribing, but then you realize you were never subscribed in the first place.
- The game crashes in background while you type this.

See, that’s basically whole event summed up here for you. You didn’t miss anything. It was actually even less fun than it might sound from this summary.

This is the greatest event ever!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: ley.8973


Arena net, NO COMMENT……. Why do you make a event where 90% population is gathered?

That’s easy to explain: because they were expecting 90% population to be attending the event anyway.
Choice of place is not a problem… underestimation is. Apparently they underestimated the attendance.

CET but no UTC?

in Suggestions

Posted by: ley.8973


Munrock’s got a point. Even though I’m CET (and as such, I have no reason to complain), it should be a matter of good sense to use UTC in global announcements. Pretty much everyone know their timezone is UTC+/-X, but not everyone knows all the other timezones as well.

For example, if someone tells me “9 PM EST”, I really have no idea what they’re talking about. If they tell me 2:00 UTC, I immediately know it’s four in the morning for me.

Less soul /account bound items please

in Suggestions

Posted by: ley.8973


I am somewhat content with things being bind to account. However, character bound has to go, especially on crafted items.

If I can craft something on one character, then all my characters should be able to wear it as long as they have proper armor/weapon specs. Isn’t that the point of having a shared bank, after all? Then why am I being forced to level more than one of each crafting skill? Is it an oversight? A misguided attempt for a moneysink? An overworked item designer with a serious case of schadenfreude? Whatever the cause is, it is so awfully warcraft. It literally reeks of 2005.

Stop letting the "Report" button be abused.

in Suggestions

Posted by: ley.8973


You know, if you want to avoid being reported for a namechange, there is actually a rather good precaution to take: pick a real, proper name. If you insist on using a “clever” chat handle, there is always a chance someone would take it too seriously and report you. Running around with a character named “Soviet -something-” is pretty much like running around with a character named “Nazi Germany” or “Thatcherian Britain” or something. Generally not a good thing to do: as you might imagine, many people dislike having their leisure time marred by reminders of Soviets or Nazis, let alone those of Mrs. Thatcher.

Why I can't talk with invaders?

in Suggestions

Posted by: ley.8973


because in real warfare you do not speak to the enemy you hunt him down and kill him. if you were in WW2 would you stop to ask: hi there, what’s your name ? nice weather we having today huh ? NO you would get shot or stabbed before you even finished saying HI !

because in real warfare you do not know who you’re fighting his name or rank and no soldier cares to know these things about the enemy, only thing a soldier needs to know is: there is the enemy go destroy him and claim victory for your homeland.

Just imagine this, we all have friends on different servers so you go to WvW and you see him and instead of killing him you cooperate with him. That right there is just wrong for WvW, and creates a lot of traitors !

Everything you mentioned actually happened – and I guess it sometimes still happens – in “real warfare”. No matter how much they want us to believe otherwise.
(While admittedly, it is hard to see your enemy’s name on a drone remote control display. It’s hard to tell a wedding from a military convoy on that thing, let alone to read someone’s name tag.)

And honestly, if someone has a problem to fight a friend in a computer-generated environment, they might be doing something wrong.

Allow Inverting of Dyes

in Suggestions

Posted by: ley.8973


How would that work with items with 3 or 4 dyes?

They might rotate clock-wise.
Or possibly, a drag-and-drop mechanic could be employed – just grab and pull one dye slot where you want it, and other dye slots will move accordingly.

Not that we actually need something like that. Though I agree switching back and forth between several dyes is needlessly clumsy at the moment. Especially since individual dye slots are not used consistently between several items, thus simple switching of gloves often means having to re-dye them.

Anyway, do you know what I would like to have in-game? A proper color wheel – one that would fill up with dyes as you collect them, allowing you to see and pick complementary shades. It’d be terrific for colorblind people too, as they could actually have a fitting color scheme without even seeing it.

Can we now get an inspect option?

in Suggestions

Posted by: ley.8973


What if you need one more for the latter levels, and you need someone with X amounts of Agony resistance?
Some players might think “Woa my chance of getting rushed the best gear!” and bang, he joins with full rares and greens.

So the group will have to make do with 4 until they realize their 5th player isn’t doing anything by dying in less than 15~30 seconds every battle.

If they aren’t “geared” properly, they will die too much and eventually get replaced. That’s how it worked before all those “armories” and “achievements” and inspect features, and it was apparently sufficient enough.

You know where this leads, right? People required to have gear from dungeon X before they are allowed to join the group for dungeon X. And I’ve had jolly well enough of that nonsense in other games.

Nah, we don’t need no inspecting, no sorting, no gear assessment committees. Playing supposed to be fun, remember? Being judged and thrown out before you ever have a chance to show your prowess, that is definitely not fun.

Blue squares everywhere!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ley.8973


I used to have almost exactly the same effects in an entirely different game, and it turned out my old Radeon was overheating due to a broken fan.

Constant disconnecting over last ~5 days

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ley.8973


If you aren’t sure whether the trouble is with your connection, try running PingPlotter software. It’ll sit in your background, repeatedly pinging a specified server, giving you results as a neat graph. When it comes to finding “where the trouble is”, it is an invaluable piece of software.

I actually used it to force my ISP to fix their broken network. I had periodic mini-disconnects that would repeat for hours and hours, and ISP repeatedly tried to convince me the problem is on my side. So I grabbed the PingPlotter and made them a few screenshots. They apologized, and lo and behold, my connection is steady ever since. ;-)

What am I doing wrong?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ley.8973


You are not doing anything wrong. Not every starting zone, not every class and not every race is necessarily fun for everybody. Also, different weapon combinations can be entirely game-changing (say, a mesmer with a sword plays different than a mesmer with a staff). Experiment.

Loving the Endgame, Anyone Else?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ley.8973


Okay, this might sound silly, but why exactly are you looking for “endgame” at all? The game has ended, you won, congratulations, you can go play something else now. Try another MMO, or just go play some single player game, and when you feel like coming back, Tyria will be waiting for you (possibly even bigger and better than you left it). You don’t have to stick around if you’re bored, alright? Unlike many other MMOs, you’re not losing any money by taking a break.

“Endgame”, as defined by your usual p2p MMO, is a way to keep people paying monthly fees for a game they’re done with – and since you ain’t playing any monthly fees in the first place, what’s the point in having any endgame?