Showing Posts For lolzertank.1928:

Need help with a build

in Guardian

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


yeah good points here guys, I wish they would overhaul the staff abilities. Change them up and actually make the useful… I really love the idea of having a staff on a guardian.

Need help with a build

in Guardian

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Yeah I know it’s not that good, I mostly use scepter/focus as my swap weapon. but I just wanted to have it for might and swiftness between fights and stuff lol. and for zergs, mostly silverwastes and such x)

Need help with a build

in Guardian

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


what would be a good build for a guardian using a Greatsword and Staff? (pve)

personal story journal bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


I have just completed the personal story and defeated Zhaitan, yet my journal say’s im still on chapter 7. It doesn’t say anywhere of zhaitan’s defeat or anything. I still got the achievments (I think) but the story journal is bugged.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928



Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


It’s been dayss since the last update where they screwed this up and I haven’t been able to play AT ALL since.. still no news from the devs about this. It’s like they wont even acknowledge it. and who knows why they seem to think the black screen under water is one bug and the graphics settings they blow off like it’s nothing. They are the SAME bug

Every map change – every time I go under water – every time I get a cutscene. the screen goes BLACK and my graphics go from low to high and it lags me out. particularly the SUBSAMPLE to native settings. it resets itself. Please fix this before My long week off is over. Such a waste I can;t even play with this.

Sneaky Graphics Patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


im really upset with arenanet right now. i havent been able to play since the update because of this bug.. they havent given any news either saying theyre at least fixing it.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


I just opened a support ticket and they tried telling me that “maybe my graphics card drivers need to be updated” which they dont. and you all have the same issue too.. so useless.

underwater black screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Hi folks! We just managed to get our first reproduction in studio for this issue and are investigating. You could help the effort by:

1) Post the type of graphics card you have in this thread (or PM me your info) and
2) File an issue with Customer Support so we can get your DirectX Diagnostic info.

Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience!


The black screen isnt the real issue, (yes it is but there’s more to it than that). The graphics settings change themselves when you go underwater and refresh themselves. I use subsampling and it changes back to native every time i go under water OR change maps OR see a cutscene. it’s all one problem.

My video card is AMD Radeon HD 6530D. 512mbs. run in 1920×1080. But I use subsample instead of native.

Sneaky Graphics Patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


im having the same issue and i havent been able to play since the update because my pc sucks and it resets the graphics settings EVERY map change or cutscene or when i go under water.. worst of all ArenaNet hasnt addressed the issue yet.. -.-

Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


There needs to be a Post merge. There are multiple post of this issue popping up.

I was one of the first to report this issue and mine has been merged to this topic. So they are, but there being more than one post about it is good. Because then the Devs may see it quicker and -Hopefully- fix it sooner. I can’t play because of it.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Arena Net… May we get a reply on this issue? Thank you.


Or at least fix it so I can actually play the kitten game.. I havent been able to play because of it.

try toggling back and forth between auto detect then best performance. you’re gonna have to do this every time you zone or get out of a cutscene though.

yeah that’s what ive been doing… and You dont need to toggle best preformance and stuff. just toggle “subsample” and “native” rendering every map change. It’s still unplayable. Every time I go underwater or in a cutscene it does this.

(edited by lolzertank.1928)

Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Arena Net… May we get a reply on this issue? Thank you.


Or at least fix it so I can actually play the kitten game.. I havent been able to play because of it.

Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


same here, what ever happened in the patch made the game unplayable for me.

same here I hope they fix it..

Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


The graphics settings i make reset after each map load in 25 august patch. My comp is pretty old so i run in sub sample to get better frames per sec after each map load my graphics gets sharp like it reset to native or maybe super sample and i have to go back into the settings click native and back to sub sample to get it back to normal not sure if other options are being affected i haven’t taken the time to check. But it happens after each map load in every time i enter a new map or fractal instance. Its more of an annoyance but i figure its a bug. And i don’t see it listed yet so hope people notice.

same exact problem!!! im glad im not the only one, and I did post a topic about this not long ago lol. but another is great xD

underwater black screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


I get this too!! and it also changed my graphics settings when I go under water or change map and I have to rechange them every time. ONLY after todays stupid patch

Graphics settings reset after each map load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Firstly I have to say that I play on the lowest settings, with my the “subsample” setting on instead of my native resolution because I have a crappy video card.

Now when ever I log in starting today after the updates, It still says I have it set to subsample yet the visuals disagree. The game appeares as if I have it on supersample and it’s very laggy for me, of course everything looks much better than it usually does but that’s the problem. My pc cant handle it.

So what I do it, I change it to native and then back to subsample and it’s back to how it usually looks. How I always played it, and it runs okay again.. here’s the real issue. Every single time I map change it resets so I have to do it all over again. and Even weirder. when I go underwater the screen goes black for a second and resets the setting back to high (even if it says theyre still low). So every time I go udnerwater, every map change, every log in it does this. I can’t even play because of it.

Character creation camera bug [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


I’ve been having the same problem, it’s really annoying. I hope they fix this.. My monitor is in default resolution (1920 × 1080) so I dont know why this happens…

pink textures

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


This is usually fixed by either -repairing the client, or updating/replacing graphics drivers.

yeah i tried repairing the client, seemed to work!

pink textures

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Another screenshot


pink textures

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


This was happening everywhere i went where plants were suppose to be and didnt fix it when i restarted the client.. restarting my computer fixed it and i repaired my client.

Is this normal, is this a client error, or do you think this is a graphics card issue(i hope not). Just wondering!


original guild wars

in Lore

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


I tried the game for an hour about, Super fun. I’ll definitely love to finish the 3 campaigns at some point. But i’d rather play GW2 for now.. and yes I neeed those books too!

Im kind of a lore nut, I was with WoW as well which is probably why I played that game for so long. Now I really wanna get into the lore of Guild Wars

original guild wars

in Lore

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


I’ve watched some of WoodenPotatoes gameplay, it’s pretty cool. I’ll probably play through the campaigns myself, not if the game is too dead to play though. or if its more of a single player game and i can do the campaigns alone.

original guild wars

in Lore

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Who here played (or still plays) the first guild wars? what am i missing lore-wise? I have the game but only tried it like once. Not sure the what the whole story is..

returning player, few questions.

in PvP

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


The hero tab is relevant only a bit. Basically what you equip there will be the same in pvp, however it does not affect your stats at all, you just choose a weapon type. It got easier now so you can just use whatever you want as long as you have your weapons and armour that cannot be hidden equiped. While you used to have separate gear sets for pvp and pve/wvw, your level actually never mattered in pvp. Everyone has access to all skills and most traits, while having the same stats. Hence why it’s called structured pvp.

Stats from weapons and armour got merged into an amulet of your pick. Futhermore, you can/have to choose sigils for your weapons and runes for your armour. You used to be able to mix several different types of runes, however now you only can pick one type. This all is done from the pvp build interface.

And yes, as said above, there are still runes for armour, they were never sigils

awesome thanks .. but the runes for your armor are pve only right? I dont see an option to add runes to armor in the pvp interface. Like we used to be able to, so i guess like you said. Only one now lol.. now that i get it I actually like this way better. much simpler

Nope, they are for pvp, too. Right next to your amulet, you have a slot for runes.

Oh I know I have one slot for one rune. if thats what you meant, but not like one for each piece of armor. like they used to, thats what I meant lol.

You pick a rune type, you still get all 6 bonuses. As I said you cannot combine them anymore, but you still have 6 runes, they just have to be the same type.

OH I get you now. makes sense

returning player, few questions.

in PvP

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


The hero tab is relevant only a bit. Basically what you equip there will be the same in pvp, however it does not affect your stats at all, you just choose a weapon type. It got easier now so you can just use whatever you want as long as you have your weapons and armour that cannot be hidden equiped. While you used to have separate gear sets for pvp and pve/wvw, your level actually never mattered in pvp. Everyone has access to all skills and most traits, while having the same stats. Hence why it’s called structured pvp.

Stats from weapons and armour got merged into an amulet of your pick. Futhermore, you can/have to choose sigils for your weapons and runes for your armour. You used to be able to mix several different types of runes, however now you only can pick one type. This all is done from the pvp build interface.

And yes, as said above, there are still runes for armour, they were never sigils

awesome thanks .. but the runes for your armor are pve only right? I dont see an option to add runes to armor in the pvp interface. Like we used to be able to, so i guess like you said. Only one now lol.. now that i get it I actually like this way better. much simpler

Nope, they are for pvp, too. Right next to your amulet, you have a slot for runes.

Oh I know I have one slot for one rune. if thats what you meant, but not like one for each piece of armor. like they used to, thats what I meant lol.

returning player, few questions.

in PvP

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


The hero tab is relevant only a bit. Basically what you equip there will be the same in pvp, however it does not affect your stats at all, you just choose a weapon type. It got easier now so you can just use whatever you want as long as you have your weapons and armour that cannot be hidden equiped. While you used to have separate gear sets for pvp and pve/wvw, your level actually never mattered in pvp. Everyone has access to all skills and most traits, while having the same stats. Hence why it’s called structured pvp.

Stats from weapons and armour got merged into an amulet of your pick. Futhermore, you can/have to choose sigils for your weapons and runes for your armour. You used to be able to mix several different types of runes, however now you only can pick one type. This all is done from the pvp build interface.

And yes, as said above, there are still runes for armour, they were never sigils

awesome thanks .. but the runes for your armor are pve only right? I dont see an option to add runes to armor in the pvp interface. Like we used to be able to, so i guess like you said. Only one now lol.. now that i get it I actually like this way better. much simpler

returning player, few questions.

in PvP

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Currently, PvP and PvE gear carry over to one another. You essentually wear the same stuff and have the same look(s) from one the the other. The difference is PvP does not look at your gear’s stats. As an example, no sword is better than another sword in PvP. Its just the “looks” that may be considered better. All your stats come from your PvP gearset, which can be accessed by clicking on the helmet at the top of your UI while you are in the HOTM. There, you can swap sigils, runes, amulets, and traits. These, however, will not carry over to PvE. If you use different weapons in PvE than PvP, you will have to swap them every time you go between the two.

Hopefully I covered everything. Let me know if you have any more questions.

Thank you! you were very helpful.

returning player, few questions.

in PvP

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


So I havent played GW2 since it came out almost, especially the PVP.. and I don’t quite understand something. Does all of our gear scale to 80 now? I remember having to have seperate pvp gear when you enter the mists and seperate when you leave like your regular questing gear..

Are there no stats on our gear/weapons now. Our stats are just on the trinkets and sigils for our weapons? what about our weapon types, no sword is better than any other? just a bit confusing if someone could explain this all i would be very grateful. thanks!

Also there are no sigils added to armor? i remember looking at the shopkeeps and buying pvp items and sigils and adding them to my armor and stuff.. now its just the pvp armor tab? the hero tab is irrelevant?

(edited by lolzertank.1928)

Living world season 2 buy

in Living World

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


The actual price varies dependent on how many episodes you have already bought/unlocked. Each episode on the pack is currently 160 gems(down from 200) each. If it costs you 480 gems, that means you were only lacking 3 episodes.

oh interesting, i might have randomly logged in on my characters while it was happening then! good news

Living world season 2 buy

in Living World

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Why is it on sale for 480 gems for me then? lol. odd

Living world season 2 buy

in Living World

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Thank you JustTrogdor you have been very helpful! and Wetpaw, that’s pretty neat but im kind of an achievment nut and lore nut so I neeed to have it LOL.

Living world season 2 buy

in Living World

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Season 2 has ended. So if you purchase it you get the entire season. Of note, it was available for free to all players that logged in during each episode.

Oh and the complete season 2 pack is 1600 gems and contains 8 episodes.

oh okay thanks! kinda sucks i missed it when it was free, but oh well. I dont mind buying it.

-I didnt know it was free at one point lol- that makes more sense

Living world season 2 buy

in Living World

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Are we in season 2 still or is this season 3 or what. I dont know how this works

Living world season 2 buy

in Living World

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


So.. i just came back to the game after like a year or two, and you have to PAY for living world!? I thought this was a free to play game.. sort of upsetting but not a huge deal. How much gold would i need to convert to gems to get it? i think its like 400 or 450 gems right now… and also how long will season 2 last. Can I also buy season 1 ?

Lastly will i be able to play it all the way through? thanks!

personal story changes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


They are still working on it. You can read more on the personal story in the wiki:

awesome thanks!, kind of upset that by the time i finish the personal story they will have fixed it.. and it’s too late now. I really dont want to restart my character, I guess I have to read about it >.>

I suggest they add a feature where you can access the storyline and repeat it all from the start (the instanced storyline) and maybe just give no exp and no other rewards besides the first time doing it. Just to repeat what happened.

System requirements

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


I wish i got into the beta so i can see how well it runs :/

personal story changes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


yeah I was lookig at that.. i dont know what im looking at because i dont even know the original story.. and did they already restore it or are they working on it? I cant tell.

personal story changes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


What happened… I stopped playing about a year and a half ago.. When I played back then I didn’t get my character very far at all, my highest was maybe level 25? But I decided to come back and actualy get to 80 before the expansion… I noticed the whole personal story is gutted and leaves a whole bunch out like (woah what happened, why did that part end we never found out what happened) For instance, (im a human and chose the origin where my sister got captured by centaurs) I remember that going waaay differently. Now I rescued her.. never found out WHY or WHO is betraying the queen.. i remember in the old version I went to someones house and found him guilty.

I have no clue what’s going on, the queen randomly said theres undead spotted in this field and my character was like “oh no zytan’s[?] minions” firstly I dont know who that is besides he’s a dragon… there is no explaining. I dont remember this fro back then maybe it DID go this way and ill find out soon… im just super confused. Are they gonna tell me who he is or did they change it because of the living world thing.

Can someone please explain the story or just tell me what is going on, a lot of cool parts of the personal story are gone for seemingly no reason.

-oh and why do we get to do personal stories every 10 levels instead of every like.. 3-
x) thanks

(edited by lolzertank.1928)

System requirements

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Well I do meet the minimum requirements, and i usually get like 25-35 fps. and some areas im lucky to get 45fps… and then others i get like 15fps. So maybe im okay, Ill upgrade at some point but I cant right now lol

System requirements

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Will the expansion have the same system requirements as the base game?? I can barely run the game as it is.. I would be soo upset if It demands a better pc..

Or will it just be the same?

Suggestion: Change Display Name

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


I’ll just have to live with my display name. It’s not that bad of a name I just wish I used one I actually liked, I thought it was just going to be used to log in with or I could change it later..

Suggestion: Change Display Name

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Here is an idea out of supercell’s CoC playbook. A 1 time only name change option. It couldn’t get abused and those who made a poor name choice or inherited a name they don’t care for like me could make the change. Anet would stop getting a bunch check a requests for it.

World of warcraft also has this, ANET neeeds to do it too!

Suggestion: Change Display Name

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


It’s still ridiculous.

Suggestion: Change Display Name

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


They lost me as a player because they wouldnt allow me to change it.. i’ve evern considered buying the game again to start a new account but I dont want to do that.

YOU SEE THIS ANET? you’re losing players because of something so stupid, It can be simple but noo.. WoW lets you change your display name once and then never again ever. I think you should do the same. This is ridiculous

Suggestion: Change Display Name

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


I know its not the same thing. I tried saying Display name but people think its character name. Then I used the word account name. Im just talking about the name you see here.. thats too bad though


(edited by lolzertank.1928)

Suggestion: Change Display Name

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Yes! same. I would be happy with just one chance to change it.

Suggestion: Change Display Name

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


isnt that for character names and not for the account name?

Suggestion: Change Display Name

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


I along with many many other plays would really like to be able to change our display names.. I don’t see a problem with it or why why can’t at the time. (unless it reveals personal information). Games like World of warcraft allow this but only let you change it once so everyone isnt constantly changing their display name. If SOME people are allowed to do it, why isn’t this an option? Maybe have it show your old display name beside your changed one for a month after change so people get used to it and only have a one time change so people dont constantly change it. I made the mistake of just typing mine randomly when I created this account.. and I REALLY wish I could change it. Just something to think about.

EDIT: I’m NOT talking about Character names.. Im talking about ACCOUNT names.

(edited by lolzertank.1928)

LF PvX Guild on any server.

in Looking for...

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


I shall apply immediately, This sounds perfect!