Showing Posts For lordsith.8519:

Minions like cake too!

in Necromancer

Posted by: lordsith.8519


Not a game breaker at all…so it might be patched or not at all. Necro’s pets gets annihilated in WvW and to AOE, so the Cake isn’t going to help much at all. PVE….meh!!!!

Cheating and its effect on the game

in WvW

Posted by: lordsith.8519


Of course the effect is that you become the victim of the cheat. I think that because nothing is being done (at least visibly) and no feedback from the aformention game company we will see a lot more of this until the non-cheaters get frustrated and quit. One can only hope that there would be some sort of announcement acknowledging that this is happening and they are working on it, but sadly there is not. I imagine that this thread will be gone by this time tomorrow. Such discussions as this aren’t allowed on the forums.

how do you fight vs rampage

in Warrior

Posted by: lordsith.8519


And after the balance patch rampage is going to hit even harder…..I use rampage and I love it. Don’t really care about SOR.

Staff skills are BORING

in Necromancer

Posted by: lordsith.8519


Necromancer staff has some of the best skills in the game which you can combo off if you have enough experience.

Example: “Good” sword/dagger thieves with multiple teleports will try to be relentless against you. Get good at predicting thieves and you can make them teleport into reapers mark and combo from there.

I have 2500+ hours on my necromancer and I think that marks are actually too good because the opponent has no real chance to dodge them. I’ve always said that marks should have a 1/3 or 1/4 second delay before actually going off, starting from a dull colour to turning bright green when they activate. Would actually give them some counterplay lol.

Feels ridiculous being able to start any fight just casting mark of blood at the opponents feet and they have no way to dodge it.

That’s ridiculous..I dodge marks all the time. Your opponents either aren’t paying attention or just don’t care because the damage isn’t doing much to them. And since that most people are carrying condition cleansers or reducers…The staff IS VERY BORING. I have a necro and I just use the staff for tagging, but I can’t tell you for a fact that no matter which way I go (condi or power)…it has little affect on those that I am fighting. And I agree with the OP…it needs some changing.

Predict friday's balance changes

in Engineer

Posted by: lordsith.8519


Since grenades are consistently reported as the maximum DPS kit, yes, I’d expect that to get nerfed adjusted.

They are even too weak, considering that a grandmaster trait is mandatory for their use.
Balancing them over the traited version was already nonsensical – it goes against the whole point of having traits itself. Nerfing it further while still balancing it upon Grenadier would just be madness.

Yes, it would be, but look at what they did to the Mesmer class and tell me that this isn’t possible. Secondly, they have a track record of nerfing high dmg kits/abilities and breaking high dmg builds.

Predict friday's balance changes

in Engineer

Posted by: lordsith.8519


I don’t have much hope for actual good changes. Balance changes always brings nerfs and I expect grenade kit to get hit kitten this one.

ANET should shut down WvW during a DDOS

in WvW

Posted by: lordsith.8519


I agree with Caedmon, our guild usually wvw every night (about 20 of us) and none of us can stay on for more than 5 mins without d/cing. Our whole map was the opposing color and we couldn’t do anything about it because of the ddosing.

Looking for info on lag in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: lordsith.8519


What kind of issue are you specifically having that could be related to lag?
Skill lag, rubber-banding, etc.
A) Healing is the worse, I have to hit it 5-6 times in a row before it registers.
B) Executing anything that isn’t an auto attack.
C) Definitively rubber banding..all of sudden everyone around me is frozen in time and yet I can still move..30 secs later, I am all by myself in a completely different location.

What server are you on?
A) Jade Quarry

Has there ever been a time when you or a friend are experiencing lag, while others in your party are not?
A) Yes, 5 man parties and two of our teammates swear up and down that the rest of the party is not with them when we are standing right next to them.

Has there ever been a time where one party in a map is experiencing lag, while other parties in that same map are not?
A) Yes
Do you experience the lag at very specific times?
A)During peak zerg hours (for me it is between 5-9pm central time). My friends and I can tell when there is a nearby zerg (even when we can’t see them) because all of sudden everything starts becoming laggy.
For example, when 1 zerg is facing another zerg.
If so, can you estimate how many players are in each zerg?
A) On average between 12-30 and it is just one zerg…so if I am with a party of 4 others..we know when a zerg is coming because of the lag.

is this dmg legit

in Ranger

Posted by: lordsith.8519


No offense, but you got what you deserved. You are running around in no armor and basically no defenses. A yak could wipe out your party.

Portal bomb "solution" & portal limit gone

in WvW

Posted by: lordsith.8519


I was just thinking the same thing. Everyone portals and then cleanse the condition (the debuff) immediately or have a ranger, elementalist or engie who can mass clean conditions and we are back to the same place. Now if you added the fact that the debuff can’t be cleansed or you are stunned for 10 secs and such where it can’t be cleansed…then you might have something there. But the limit needs to stay regardless. Havng 50 people teleported at once is a bit much.

(edited by lordsith.8519)

Please fix invulnerability in WvW BL

in WvW

Posted by: lordsith.8519


Exactly Balfour!

Please fix invulnerability in WvW BL

in WvW

Posted by: lordsith.8519


Yes, we all understand that…but players should not be purposely using this exploit for an advantage.

Please fix invulnerability in WvW BL

in WvW

Posted by: lordsith.8519


Yes, the server Kaineng is doing the same thing. Anet please fix this.


(edited by lordsith.8519)

Unable to delete characters

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lordsith.8519


Try it now everyone, I was just able to do it.

Unable to delete characters

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lordsith.8519


Same here, I am unable to delete a character….what is going on with that?