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TWO characters with a forced name change

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mathras.2450


  • Anet does not notify about name changes other than the log in notification (when you have to change it). This is their policy, if you want to discuss it with Support (and get a canned response), do so.
  • Anet only blocks specific words when you make a character. Other name bans are likely due to some other player reporting your name as offensive. Anet has never provided any details of how the reporting / name change process works beyond that point (and likely never will).
  • The term “midget”, can be considered offensive to “little people”. I’m guessing the term “killer” is offensive to non-violent types. The argument that both of these “offenses” are beyond the pale in terms of PC-ness is valid, but not up for discussion here (again, take it up with Support).

If you’re going to find words like “killer” offensive, what are you doing playing a game which involves killing thousands upon thousands of innocent creatures? The point of this thread is that I’ve received no justification for the name changes. They were just changed for no apparent reason.

TWO characters with a forced name change

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mathras.2450


I forgot to add that this happened within a few days of the first forced name change. That’s the thing that raised alarm bells, to be honest.

As for contacting customer support – they haven’t contacted me, so how would I know how to contact them? I haven’t even received an email, which is standard practice in every other MMO I’ve played. For all I know, instigating a conversation on the forums is as likely to gain their attention as emailing them/calling them/sending them a carrier pigeon.

Sorry, but this is a very poor way to treat a customer.

TWO characters with a forced name change

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mathras.2450


Recently I attempted to log into one of my characters and was greeted with a little pop-up box informing me I had to rename that character before logging in.

I wasn’t happy about it as I liked the name – but what really annoyed me was I hadn’t received an email, an in-game message or whisper. Nobody had bothered to communicate with me at all. I was just told I had to rename the character in a tiny box, with no reason why.

Asking around, it emerged that some people find the term offensive (in my country it’s not at all offensive) so I thought “okay, well if I’ve offended someone, fine.” I intended just to let it slide and continue playing the character with a new name.

Tonight I discovered that another of my characters had received a “forced rename”. This time I can’t think of a single thing anybody would find offensive about the name. It’s not an offensive name.

What’s more concerning for me is that both of these chearacters are rarely played – one I use for dungeons a few times a month, the other is a new-ish character that hasn’t been out in the world much yet. Now, given the amount of abuse, harassment and hatred I and my guild have had from certain elements of the community, I’m beginning to wonder if people have been reporting my names for the sake of it. That may sound paranoid – but I’ve been informed by several people that I’m being mass-reported by their friends/guild/family/pets for various offences such as defending a keep in Edge of the Mists, or completing an event people wanted to exploit.

Since I wasn’t actually doing anything wrong, these mass-reporters would make up any old reason to report me. I’ve had a few tell me they’d get this name or that name banned (innocent names). Some told me they were reporting me for “botting”.

I’d like to ask ArenaNet three things: firstly, why have you forced me to rename my character “Deranged Killer”? Secondly, why couldn’t you be bothered to contact me about this? Thirdly, have you been swayed by reports? Is it a case of “x amount of people are reporting this player, let’s look into something we can punish him for”?

For the record, the first character I received a forced name change for is around 8 months old. His name was Digital Midget. If that’s so offensive that it needs to be changed, why wasn’t it changed before?

The whole thing is very suspicious to me, and coupled with my friend receiving a suspension on shaky grounds (again with no contact from ArenaNet) I’m wondering – why are players who play the game being punished, and those who exploit, cheat, harass, abuse and insult allowed to continue? I’ve personally reported dozens of players for obscene language, threats and worse, and they’ve been there the next day, and the next week, etc.

I’ve seen names around with racist/homophobic undertones for well over a year that were reported by various players – and yet the name Deranged Killer is offensive? Come on.

Has Crafting XP been nerfed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mathras.2450


So no confirmation?

Has Crafting XP been nerfed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mathras.2450


How many levels does 1-400 give now?

Somebody said only one level, but I’d like confirmation of that (preferably without spending 20-30g finding out…)

Has Crafting XP been nerfed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mathras.2450


I’ve read in a few places (crafting forum, reddit, in-game) that crafting XP has been nerfed since the feature patch. Other people claim it’s still the same.

Note: before the patch, crafting from 1-400 would give you around 7 levels of xp. I can confirm that this was the case a few days before the patch (although I used a booster).

Has it been changed, or is it bugged for some people? If it has been changed – why? So people can’t circumnavigate the, ahem, “controversial” new changes?

I’m posting here instead of the crafting forum because it gets very little attention. Has anybody here levelled 1-400 in any crafting discipline since the patch?

'vet players' & the new onboarding; theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mathras.2450


Some people defend everything anybody in a position of authority over them does and lash out and people who dare to complain. I believe such people harm the game far more than anybody who complains about things ever could.

Launcher crashes before login screen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mathras.2450


Fixed this by deleting the Local.dat (if you’re having a similar problem you may want to try it).

I can't log in on my Necro

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mathras.2450


I couldn’t log into my necro at all last night. Earlier today I could log in to him again, but now I’m getting the same error. He’s my only non-level 80 character, and he’s parked in Iron Marches. This is starting to get annoying.

Permanently Red, map complete woes

in WvW

Posted by: mathras.2450


Yay, Baglands again! Four weeks running, man. Gotta love it.

Why do people play anything other than a war?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mathras.2450


When was the last time you saw an all-warrior roaming group in WvW?

Oh, that’s right: never.

New content and the Living Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mathras.2450



Just out of curiosity, are you planning on locking new achievements behind the Living Story “adventures” every two weeks from now on?

Personally, I’m sick of having to dawdle along with Rox, Braham and other characters who sound like a type of cereal. I appreciate that you’re finally adding new things to the game (although, I’m sure most people will agree, there’s a distinct lack of the new content we’d actually like, such as WvW fixes/zones and precursor crafting) but I really don’t enjoy the story in Guild Wars 2. I never have.

Perhaps you could allow those of us who don’t want to play through the Living Story to just do the achievements separately? And while you’re at it – remove aspect crystals, they were funny for about 5 minutes.


Edge of the Mists - Anet's stance?

in WvW

Posted by: mathras.2450


Trolling and being/feeling trolled are based on motive and perception, not action. This is not a single player game, and so your actions will bring consequences from the others you affect in the game.

You are being ganged up on because you are a bigger obstacle than the entire other side, and the other side considers you to be a bigger obstacle than everyone else on your side. With this common enemy, why wouldn’t they gang up on you, even if there might be a weakly stated and never enforced rule against it?

It is nice that players can finally do something against those whose motive is to derail. Back when Queensdale and Crown Pavilion were being trolled, there was nothing to be done because there was no kick button and no way to attack other players.

Here’s your mistake: you’re assuming you’re in the right, just because you’ve gathered a group of like-minded people together. If you were capable of thinking about this objectively, you would realise that you’re doing something that is not in the spirit of the game at all.

Me, and others who enjoy defending (there’s lots of people on every side in Edge of the Mists who enjoy it) are merely playing the game in the way it was intended. As I previously stated, we know that the game was intended to be played this way because there are siege weapons IN the keeps ready to be built. There’s even a reward for defending.

You hate defending because it gets in the way of your attempts to bypass a key element of WvW: killing other players. You hate defending because beating a group of defenders involves a little bit more thought than merely autoattacking in a zerg.

There is NOTHING to stop you, or anyone else, from defending your OWN keep. There’s nothing to stop you from spreading out instead of standing in a big bunch and wondering why that nasty arrow cart is killing you.

Defenders are not the problem in Edge of the Mists – the problem is that people like you have an entitled attitude and believe you “deserve” karma, experience and loot just for being there. It was exactly the same with the Queensdale train – except here, it appears certain people have found a way to stop people from playing the game through devious means – as you yourself have admitted with your “ends justify the means” spiel.

Once again – this thread isn’t about your guild, or you. It’s about Anet’s stance on karma training. You’re only weakening your position by continuing to post inflammatory comments here. If you want to contribute, you could try to find a solution that pleases everyone who plays in Edge of the Mists, not just the “majority” you perceive to be in the right.

(edited by mathras.2450)

Edge of the Mists - Anet's stance?

in WvW

Posted by: mathras.2450


People organizing to avoid fights though, that turns my stomach. Go to some PvE zone if you are completely unwilling to fight.

If only said PvE zones and dungeons weren’t nerfed so hard. If only flipping keeps wasn’t the best (and one of the few) way of obtaining dragonite, and flipping all objectives the best way of obtaining karma. People will optimize whatever can help them get to where they want faster, and EotM is no exception.

Full disclosure: I am in said guild, but I have not gone back to Edge for almost a month since my last alt hit 80. Just like I have zero issue with you defending, I have zero issue with coordinating to avoid fights and maximize rewards. Additionally, if your presence is hindering the progression of people on all sides, I have no issue if they band together to try to stop you. When pressure from defenders is too great, we would take a break or find another overflow. It’s recommended you do the same when your defense keeps getting shut down.

So you’re advocating enemy teams working together to kill members of your own side, because they dare to play the game as intended?

Don’t forget this is a multiplayer game. If you get in the way of people’s progress they will look for a way to run you over or knock you out.

As far as playing as intended, your motives can, will, and should always be called into question. If you’re killing bosses early in Boss Blitz, if you’re throwing down flame rams 1200 units from gates, if you’re deploying 100 ballistas in keeps, if you’re defending in EotM, people will try to determine why you’re doing such a thing.

There is not much ANet can do against trolls, because they can simply fake ignorance and say they’re new. This is why there will always be things outside of the scope of the lettering of the rules. That’s why the answer to you question is yes, the ends to justify the means.

Now stop crying, get off your fake moral high ground, and learn how to better place your own ACs and other siege.

Linking to a deleted reddit post in your signature of you impersonating someone in [EotM] isn’t helping your image any. Your cherrypicking of this post and complete ignorance of my previous post (written on your request, I might add) is also noted.

So you genuinely believe that defending a keep in Edge of the Mists is “trolling”? If players weren’t supposed to defend, then there would be no cannons, mortars, burning oil…

Basically, what we’ve ascertained here is that you consider an aspect of gameplay which is completely intended by Anet as “trolling” and you’re willing to break rules in order to stop players from defending.

You’re also accusing me of various things based on, well, nothing at all.

The post in my signature that you claim is “fake” actually corresponds nicely with your own views on the matter – most peculiar.

Now, once again you’re attempting to hijack the thread and make it about you and your guild, with your personal attacks and slander.

I didn’t reply to your previous post because it didn’t address my initial post: you merely made a few excuses as to why people are karma training, and implored Anet not to nerf it.

What actually needs to happen is a comprehensive tweaking of the zone to ensure that ALL players – not just karma train players – can enjoy the area without fear of harassment and abuse. That could happen in the form of increased rewards for defending or killing players, or increased rewards in WvW in general – or a toning down of rewards for farming empty keeps, which surely can’t be what Anet intended the zone to be about, and feels very similar to exploiting, in this player’s opinion.

(edited by mathras.2450)

Edge of the Mists - Anet's stance?

in WvW

Posted by: mathras.2450


People organizing to avoid fights though, that turns my stomach. Go to some PvE zone if you are completely unwilling to fight.

If only said PvE zones and dungeons weren’t nerfed so hard. If only flipping keeps wasn’t the best (and one of the few) way of obtaining dragonite, and flipping all objectives the best way of obtaining karma. People will optimize whatever can help them get to where they want faster, and EotM is no exception.

Full disclosure: I am in said guild, but I have not gone back to Edge for almost a month since my last alt hit 80. Just like I have zero issue with you defending, I have zero issue with coordinating to avoid fights and maximize rewards. Additionally, if your presence is hindering the progression of people on all sides, I have no issue if they band together to try to stop you. When pressure from defenders is too great, we would take a break or find another overflow. It’s recommended you do the same when your defense keeps getting shut down.

So you’re advocating enemy teams working together to kill members of your own side, because they dare to play the game as intended?

(edited by mathras.2450)

Edge of the Mists - Anet's stance?

in WvW

Posted by: mathras.2450


I’ve asked you before to stop trying to derail this thread. Why are you continuing to do so? This is about karma training – not a single guild. Yet you’re coming in here with very defensive comments – it seems a little suspicious.

If you have something to add to the discussion, be my guest. Perhaps you could offer a solution to the problem at hand? Decreased rewards for capturing objectives, or diminishing returns? Or as I suggested in the original post – if Anet intends this to be a PvE map, they could remove the ability to kill other players?


Edge of the Mists - Anet's stance?

in WvW

Posted by: mathras.2450


The thing is, i’ve been in quite a few eotm maps with [eotm] commanders and if the zerg rocks up to blue keep and its defended they 99% of the time say “it’s defended guys, skip it and roll on”.
Theres no reason to try and take blue keep if its being defended, none, nada, zip.
If you want to sit there on a sup ac for 3 hours going “omg, omg, i’m going to get those uplevels, i’m gonna kitten them so hard” and then the zerg rocks up and goes “hmmm, nope. lets just wander on” of course you’re going to be upset.
I understand you want to play that way, but the other 99% of us don’t want to be ac fodder and will move on, yep, you defend that, we’ll flip the map (which also gives more points in wvw btw and is a solid tactic – who knew?).
Are you also seriously claiming that that guild has commanders on all maps on all shards for every team?… seriously?
as i said in the last troll post:
who won in the shard i was in last tuesday at 9am? how many points? if its a serious match where are the records?
if a zergbusting guild like the rather amazing and incredible [TA] guild rocks up and starts easily destroying every one in seconds but caps nothing – are they “matchfixing”? are they playing as intended? do you want them removed from the game for not playing your way?
This is attempt #2 at trying to convince everyone that the eotm map is the same as queensdale train. Nice attempt but i’ve had great fights, amazing ambushes, heroic defenses and made quite a few friends. If it gets removed because of a handful of petty people it will be a great loss to a lot of people.
but, that may be what the op wants.

Why would I want Edge of the Mists to be removed? It’s my favourite zone…

Can you (and others) stop trying to derail the thread, please? This is about karma training in Edge of the Mists and Anet’s position on it, given recent abusiveness that seems to be taking over mapchat every time anyone decides to do something other than “ktraining”.

Edge of the Mists - Anet's stance?

in WvW

Posted by: mathras.2450


To make matters worse, guilds organize on all three sides and monopolize the map by intentionally avoiding each other and griefing defenders (typically by mass reporting the player with false accusations).

Its utterly disgusting what EotM has become, and I was a huge fan of it before and just after launch! Its Queensdale Train 2.0 and it makes me sick!

I’m not going to discuss that guild here, because I don’t want to derail the thread and get it locked. Clearly, though, this kind of behaviour is just not acceptable.

It really is a shame, as Edge of the Mists used to be so much fun – everyone could do whatever they wanted without being called out for being too low-level or not doing this or that. I hope that Anet can salvage something from the mess it’s become.

Edge of the Mists - Anet's stance?

in WvW

Posted by: mathras.2450


Hello everyone!

I’ve been playing in Edge of the Mists for a long time. I play in “regular” WvW zones too, but I find Edge to be more interesting – it’s a beautifully designed zone, albeit with a few flaws.

Recently – over the last month or two – the zone has changed. Previously, you could go to Edge for a bit of fun at any level. You could capture a keep, defend a keep, roam around killing people, try out some guild tactics… whatever you wanted to do.

However, times have changed, and now a lot of people are using Edge to level up in the “karma train”. The karma train involves, as far as I can tell, groups of players trying to capture as many things as possible, as quickly as possible, for maximum profit in gold, champ bags, karma and experience.

Fair enough, if players want to do that – that’s cool.

Unfortunately, the “karma train” has been getting steadily more abusive and single-minded. I’ve witnessed some horrible arguments in mapchat because some people would like to defend or kill other players, and apparently this is interrupting the karma train.

My question is this: was Edge of the Mists intended as a karma train map? Do you, Anet, support the karma train in Edge of the Mists? Should players be allowed to karma train? Should they be allowed to defend? If you support the train, why are players allowed to kill players?

As for the abusive players who karma train – I’ve personally reported a few, and I’m sure others have as well. I also know of new players who have, after encountering the hostility in Edge of the Mists’ mapchat, decided to quit the game, or avoid WvW altogether. This reeks of the same toxic atmosphere that pervaded Queensdale prior to the removal of the champions in that zone. Perhaps a solution along these lines would be advisable?

AC guides or help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mathras.2450


I’ve been playing for over a year on and off, and I’ve recently been working on a legendary.

I have generally tried to avoid dungeons – I’ve never liked them – but now it seems I have to do them to get my legendary.

I’ve looked on youtube for guides but I’m aware that dungeons change. Is there a comprehensive, up-to-date guide for AC? Or are there any guilds or groups of players on TC who would be willing to show me how the exp modes are done?

I have every class at 80 besides necro – which class would be best to do it with? Any general tips or pointers?

Thanks for your time.

World colour

in WvW

Posted by: mathras.2450


Tarnished Coast.

World colour

in WvW

Posted by: mathras.2450


So basically it could be a very long time before my world is green again?

World colour

in WvW

Posted by: mathras.2450


Hey – I’m relatively new to WvW, and I was wondering how the colour system works out. Does it swap every week for each world in the tier? Basically, I’m sitting on 80% of the last borderlands map, and my world never seems to own the keeps I need to complete it.


Legendary crafting: best way to get mats

in Crafting

Posted by: mathras.2450


going by standard drop rates for open world PvE alone, it will take you years to get all the mats (literally).

This game is designed around gold. Gold is the end game here. By the time you’ve farmed 250 of any given T6 mat required for the gift of fortune, you’ll have made enough gold to buy the rest.

If you are a hardcore crafter, I hate to break it to you, but crafting a legendary is about 25% world exploration, and 75% gold grind.

Are you sure about this? In the one spot I’ve been using I seem to average 2-3 of my required mats every 4-5 minutes.

Legendary crafting: best way to get mats

in Crafting

Posted by: mathras.2450


I’m fairly new to crafting, although I’ve been playing for over a year on and off. I recently decided to go for Twilight on my main character. I have most of the Gift of Mastery completed and I’ve been stockpiling metals so the Gift of Twilight shouldn’t take too long (apart from the dungeon part, I hate dungeons…)

However, early on I sold most of my mats, and now I’m sitting on less than 100 of each required for Gift of Fortune. Is there an easy/decent place to farm for the mats? How long would it take? Would it be easier/faster just to farm gold and buy them? Is there another way to acquire them (chests/boxes or something?) Is there a zone/area in which all 8 required mats drop without too much running between mobs? If anyone has any secrets to making this as quick and painless as possible, I’d greatly appreciate it!

25% speed increase for every class

in Profession Balance

Posted by: mathras.2450


I find it strange that some classes have access to a 25% passive speed increase, whilst others don’t.

Elementalist, Necromancer, Thief and Ranger have a 25% speed increase signet. Of those signets, one has a useful active (Thief).

Yea you got no idea there. The elementalist speed signet is significantly a LOT BETTER than the thief on the activation (blind versus blind and stunbreak and damage not even a comparison) so please try to at least get your facts straight before posting anything

Actually, I have both classes at 80, and the signets are similar enough not to warrant a mention. So please take your patronising attitude elsewhere, thanks.

25% speed increase for every class

in Profession Balance

Posted by: mathras.2450


I find it strange that some classes have access to a 25% passive speed increase, whilst others don’t.

Elementalist, Necromancer, Thief and Ranger have a 25% speed increase signet. Of those signets, one has a useful active (Thief).

Engineer and Warrior both have access to a trait that gives 25% speed increase (20 points for engineer, 10 for warrior). Of course, Engineers also get perma-swiftness.

Mesmers and Guardians get… nothing.

Some people might question the point of a passive speed increase. Here’s two reasons I find it useful – if not necessary – when playing the game: levelling and roaming. If levelling via map completion as opposed to mindlessly zerging Queensdale (which, alas, has become the trend lately) then a passive speed increase really helps. My Guardian took significantly longer than my other classes (excluding mesmer, which I’m still working on) to get to level 80. Then there’s WvW/PvP – obviously, when grouping with people spamming swiftness, it’s less of a problem, but if you’re a solo roamer or in a small group, no passive speed is a nightmare.

The thing is, I only notice it because I’m used to it on other classes. If no classes had the 25% passive, I wouldn’t see a difference between logging in my Mesmer and my Elementalist, in terms of running around.

In a game with no mounts, it seems only fair that every class should have the same opportunity to use the same level of speed increases. I think each class needs a passive 25% – and, seeing as 4 of the 8 already have a signet giving this effect, I suggest all classes are given a 25% increase signet. That way, everyone has the option of using the speed increase. Of course, some people won’t use it – that’s their choice – but currently, it makes no sense at all. Imagine in other games if 50% of the classes had a free mount, 25% had to use specialisation points in order to obtain a mount, and the remaining 25% had no mount at all.

Oh, and I know we have access to the 25% through various runes (Speed and Traveller) but that’s more for end-game, not for levelling… and of course, most people want to use different runes for their build.

Cheesiest/most annoying thief build

in Thief

Posted by: mathras.2450


p/d with perp runes is thea easiet/cheese build.

It’s the equivalent of the hambow build, requires no skill to play but honetsly, after coming up against it (more and more it seems) I just don’t stay to fight, and there’s nothing they can do.

In zergs it does nothing as well. It relies on someone sticking around and trying to fight you.

How does P/D work with perplexity runes? There’s no interrupts in P/D, correct? Just curious as this has been intriguing me (confusion and torment are my favourite conditions in this game).

Cheesiest/most annoying thief build

in Thief

Posted by: mathras.2450



Do you know of a link to the specific spec? I haven’t thief’d for over 6 months, a little out of touch with the class :P

Also, what should I use offhand?

Cheesiest/most annoying thief build

in Thief

Posted by: mathras.2450


Just out of innocent curiosity, what’s the cheesiest/most annoying thief build knocking around at the moment?

Condition/Fear Necro: help needed

in Necromancer

Posted by: mathras.2450


Thanks for the replies. In sPvP I was using something like this:

Was I way off? Should I stay away from the fear duration stuff?

Condition/Fear Necro: help needed

in Necromancer

Posted by: mathras.2450


I recently started a necro – it’s the only class I hadn’t played previously. I’d like to eventually be roaming around WvW with him either solo or in small groups.

I’ve heard mixed things – but a terror/condition build would interest me (are they pretty much the same? Or are there two separate builds?)

I briefly experimented in sPvP and found my attempt at a “terrormancer” to be reasonably powerful, although I got rather confused as I don’t know the class or the abilities, and I very rarely sPvP.

What sort of spec should I be aiming for? Would I be right in thinking Carrion or Dire gear would be best? Scepter/Dagger and Staff? Am I right in thinking that using minions just to level up is the fastest/easiest way to go?

Thanks for your time – apologies for my lack of knowledge on the class.

Just hit 80, and...

in Engineer

Posted by: mathras.2450


I still haven’t settled on any one build or playstyle with my engi.

I used various kits, turrets and the like whilst levelling but I’m primarily interested in two things: rifle, and WvW.

I’d like to do some decent damage and also be able to CC well (traits like sitting duck for example). I’ve looked through the forums but I haven’t found a build that’s caught my eye yet.

Not really interested in static discharge as I have my berserker d/d thief for glassy damage.

Keeping the rifle and using it primarily is pretty important to me (as a RP thing, my character was designed to be a rifle-wielding maniac) so if there are any builds that could work for that, I’d be grateful.

Also – any ideas regarding gear would be good. I always struggle to gear up my characters. I won’t be needing ascended gear as I don’t have the time to grind it out.

Thanks for your time.

Sword and shield - making it work

in Guardian

Posted by: mathras.2450


Thanks for the replies. I’m often going to be roaming solo/in small groups so I’m less interested in support and more in killing things. Is there a viable build for this?

Sword and shield - making it work

in Guardian

Posted by: mathras.2450


I’ve recently come back to the game and just levelled my guardian to 80. From the start, I planned him to be sword/shield (for RP reasons) and tried to find a build that I could work with.

As I’m more into WvW than anything else, I was advised to go for a burn-heavy build, and did so. However, since coming back I’ve found my burn build less effective (in PvE) than previously. I’m not sure if it’s been nerfed – I’ve been away from the game for a while, but I thought our burns used to last longer?

I really don’t want to play the character without sword/shield (my alt. set is scepter/focus, but I could change to torch) even though I’m aware there are probably better sets.

Basically, is there a new build I should be looking at to try and make sword/shield viable? Should I spec more defensively? Currently I’ve got 30 in Radiance, 20 in Valour and 10 in Zeal. The remaining 10 points are unaccounted for (I just hit 80).

Is the burn build still usable, or should I drop it completely?

All advice appreciated.

Good Sword/Shield build?

in Warrior

Posted by: mathras.2450


Rifles aren’t offhand, they’re your weapon swap in this case. Get your terminology right!

As for a “good” sword/shield build, it’s hard to say. Relatively, it’ll always be inferior to axe or gs due to traits or scalling. However, if you’re hell bent on using that, then I’ll help out. I’d rather you try to figure things out on your own, and show us some of your work first. I hate birdfeeding, and you’ll learn more by trial and error.

Are you for real? The guy asked for some help. Why post if you’re not willing to do so?

To the OP: sword and shield IS viable, for PvE and WvW. The gap closer is a little buggy, but so are many warrior skills.

Health Regain Build Questions

in Warrior

Posted by: mathras.2450


If you want to go all in Health regen you’ll want Cleric’s gear, Signet of Healing, Vitality Grandmaster trait that gives Banners Regeneration, food that either buffs Healing Power or gives you additional HP regen, Runes that give Healing Power (stay away from the Dolyak Rune passive HP gain, it’s really low).

All that said, you’ll still get mobbed.
I hope you find some fun in WvW!

Dolyak health regen seems pretty good to me… not tried it in WvW yet but in PvP I’m basically indestructible in Knights gear.

Condition damage ignorge armor ?

in Warrior

Posted by: mathras.2450


Seems fair to me. Condition builds should be able to destroy anyone without trying.

Stealthless Gunslinger: Dueling Edition video

in Thief

Posted by: mathras.2450


1. This build is worthless in anything larger than 1v1

2. These players suck

So what build do you run.?

Stealthless Gunslinger: Dueling Edition video

in Thief

Posted by: mathras.2450


Impressive… do you die a lot in WvW with this build? Most fights in the video you seemed to get kinda low on health.

WvW: P/P thief

in Thief

Posted by: mathras.2450


I love that there is a thread about P/P just below this one, stealthless gunslinger, check it out

Yeah, I saw it just after I posted…

WvW: P/P thief

in Thief

Posted by: mathras.2450


I’ve looked through the forums for a while and found a lot of negative stuff about P/P thieves. However, I’ve been enjoying the playstyle, and (in PvE) it’s not actually that bad. So, I just wondered if anyone out there has actually made a dual pistols thief work in WvW?

Before you tell me to roll another build/class, yeah, thanks but I’m just interested in a P/P thief for now.

I’d be interested to see if there’s any viable builds for this weaponset…

Where now for my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: mathras.2450


DAOC was a joke. Why do you think 90% of their subscribers left when SWG came out? I promised I would never play a Mythic product. Then Warhammer came out. I said to myself, surely they learned something over the past 10 years. Boy was I wrong, Warhammer pvp was a joke. They made the same classic mistakes. Their idea of RvR was a awful. Zones, AI on NPCs was programed by a 2 year old, and city battles sucked hard (even after the revamp). Marc and that other dude told flat out lies. Why do you think he got fired?

This game is leaps and bounds above them and it is free to play. Those games you paid to get your butt raked over coals.

ps…my build is a defensive build. Probably more defensive than yours. Those zerker builds don’t bother me because they are free kills.

Yep, delusional. Most people will agree that DAOC’s PvP was pretty much the best open-world PvP in any MMO, ever. As for the rest of the game: richer and much larger world than any of the new MMOs. The game had a level of complexity that modern MMOs have completely forsaken.

WAR was the second best MMO I’ve played. The only reason that game failed is that EA bought Mythic out. If it had been allowed to be developed properly, the game would have destroyed WoW completely.

Then, we have Guild Wars… things I like about the game: combat feels more fluid than most MMOs, the dodge mechanic is good and it’s often pretty. Things I dislike about it: almost everything else. Like I said, I (and many others) play this game because it’s heavily populated and has no subscription fee. WvW is such a pale shadow of RvR.

Where now for my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: mathras.2450


I’d rather not play my warrior at all than play a burst build. I much, much prefer health regen to active heals and the like, and as I said before I don’t want to max dps. I really have no idea why they would NERF people trying to play more balanced builds, instead of the much-complained about full berserker builds. Especially since warriors have never been amazing in WvW.

Hmmm, I think there is a slight misunderstanding in the use of my terms. When I say burst, I mean our F1 skill, but not the overall gameplay style (I.e no bulls rush frenzy 100b). The new patch made our builds focus more on using our F1 skill, while they have still have very balanced stats and even decent sustain (a lot of people argue against that in this forum).

However reading from what you want to achieve, you are looking for passive regen etc. I think the closest to it might be a regen banner build – but most likely your damage is not going to be nearly as good as your balanced build before. In that area, you might be looking at rerolling to a guardian.

No, I understand what burst skills are, I just have no desire to use them.

Likewise with banners. Really, my build was fine before the patch. I had decent health regen and did good damage. Now it’s ruined, for no reason.

And no, I’m not going to play a guardian, I’ll probably find a better game. All three of my 80s have been nerfed badly, and I’m just about through with this.

I have a feeling no matter what class you play, you would not be happy.

Not in this game, no. In every other MMO I’ve played, class balance was better than this. Each of my 80s has had its build destroyed by unjustified, pointless nerfs… but go ahead and defend that.

Yeah, sure. Most MMOs have been crap when it comes to pvp. It took DAOC 4+ years before they even came close and that is considered one of the best pvp games of all time. I would like to see how bad peopel cry when they get hit with 2 minute mezzes and 26 second stuns.

SWG never was, WoW never was, Warhammer never was, SWTOR just sucked, and Rift never was because I played them. They had crazy classes that instant killed others. 10 times worse than thieves. Also, gear made the most different in those games.

In the last few patches, warriors have gotten some very significant buffs.

Dogged march – buff
Warrior sprint – buff
cleansing ire – awesome buff
desperate power – buff
berserker power – semi-buff (overall damage increased but just requires more traits)
sword – buff. Not having final strike on auto chain makes it faster. Final strike now can hurt and used at the right time
berserker stance – huge buff. Not only does it now help vs conditions, they doubled the duration. You can use it and not get conditions, then when you do, you pop a burst skill and cleanse them.

Like I said, you can play any class and you won’t be happy. I for one, love my warrior and can go toe to toe with any class. If I die, it isn’t because the class I died to was better, it was because I made a mistake or the player was better than me, or I simply got zerged. I can live with that considering I die maybe 1-2 in a three hour wvw session.

Are you actually suggesting Guild Wars 2 has better PvP than DAOC and Warhammer Online? That’s hilarious. Seriously? Sorry, still laughing here.

I play this game because it’s active, but there have been far superior games in terms of mass-scale PvP. And I played DAOC from the start… the game had over thirty different classes by the end, and they were still balanced better than the classes in this game.

You’re happy because your berserker build got buffed, so everyone should be happy? This game has had problems from the start with favouring offence over defence. It really baffles me that they continue to buff all-out-damage and nerf balanced builds, on most of the classes.

Why not staff elementalist in WvW?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mathras.2450


Not really, most players do not care about animations/skins. MMOs are a different play style than FPS and that is why most players play… not because of lame little dragon wings on your back.

You’re deluding yourself, friend. I’ve been playing MMOs for over 10 years, and I guarantee that visual elements are a huge reason for the majority playing, especially in this game.

Why not staff elementalist in WvW?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mathras.2450


because it superior to staff in damage, sd way better than staff for single target burst. dd is far better than staff for mobility / damage combination. it dsnt matter what you think a caster should do, all that matters is what Anet designed the class to do.

That’s funny, because staff seems designed to do a lot of damage, especially attuned to fire… scepter I find to be lacklustre at best, and the animations are horrible.

really? then why on the forums are there so many s/d and d/d damage/ roaming/ sPvP builds and so little staff damage builds? I’ll tell you …. because s/d and dd are superior. if you find s/d burst lackluster then you are either totally geared wrong or you are not playing it correctly.

Edit: animations are horrible? lmao not 1 person drops because of an animation.

Hahaha, “not playing it correctly”… if staff is so bad, why aren’t more people crying for a buff?

And yes, I “drop” weapons because of animations. If I wanted to just mindlessly dominate others without caring about what my character looks like, I’d play an FPS game. I think you’ll find most people who play this game care about minor details like animation, skins etc.

Where now for my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: mathras.2450


I’d rather not play my warrior at all than play a burst build. I much, much prefer health regen to active heals and the like, and as I said before I don’t want to max dps. I really have no idea why they would NERF people trying to play more balanced builds, instead of the much-complained about full berserker builds. Especially since warriors have never been amazing in WvW.

Hmmm, I think there is a slight misunderstanding in the use of my terms. When I say burst, I mean our F1 skill, but not the overall gameplay style (I.e no bulls rush frenzy 100b). The new patch made our builds focus more on using our F1 skill, while they have still have very balanced stats and even decent sustain (a lot of people argue against that in this forum).

However reading from what you want to achieve, you are looking for passive regen etc. I think the closest to it might be a regen banner build – but most likely your damage is not going to be nearly as good as your balanced build before. In that area, you might be looking at rerolling to a guardian.

No, I understand what burst skills are, I just have no desire to use them.

Likewise with banners. Really, my build was fine before the patch. I had decent health regen and did good damage. Now it’s ruined, for no reason.

And no, I’m not going to play a guardian, I’ll probably find a better game. All three of my 80s have been nerfed badly, and I’m just about through with this.

Well best of luck in your other game. I hope you can adapt there.

Adapt? I play these games for fun. When it stops being fun because I’m being funnelled into doing something I don’t want to do, why should I continue to play? Adapting is something you HAVE to do in order to survive. MMOs are supposed to be an escape from reality, not an extension of it.

Where now for my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: mathras.2450


I’d rather not play my warrior at all than play a burst build. I much, much prefer health regen to active heals and the like, and as I said before I don’t want to max dps. I really have no idea why they would NERF people trying to play more balanced builds, instead of the much-complained about full berserker builds. Especially since warriors have never been amazing in WvW.

Hmmm, I think there is a slight misunderstanding in the use of my terms. When I say burst, I mean our F1 skill, but not the overall gameplay style (I.e no bulls rush frenzy 100b). The new patch made our builds focus more on using our F1 skill, while they have still have very balanced stats and even decent sustain (a lot of people argue against that in this forum).

However reading from what you want to achieve, you are looking for passive regen etc. I think the closest to it might be a regen banner build – but most likely your damage is not going to be nearly as good as your balanced build before. In that area, you might be looking at rerolling to a guardian.

No, I understand what burst skills are, I just have no desire to use them.

Likewise with banners. Really, my build was fine before the patch. I had decent health regen and did good damage. Now it’s ruined, for no reason.

And no, I’m not going to play a guardian, I’ll probably find a better game. All three of my 80s have been nerfed badly, and I’m just about through with this.

I have a feeling no matter what class you play, you would not be happy.

Not in this game, no. In every other MMO I’ve played, class balance was better than this. Each of my 80s has had its build destroyed by unjustified, pointless nerfs… but go ahead and defend that.

Where now for my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: mathras.2450


I’d rather not play my warrior at all than play a burst build. I much, much prefer health regen to active heals and the like, and as I said before I don’t want to max dps. I really have no idea why they would NERF people trying to play more balanced builds, instead of the much-complained about full berserker builds. Especially since warriors have never been amazing in WvW.

Hmmm, I think there is a slight misunderstanding in the use of my terms. When I say burst, I mean our F1 skill, but not the overall gameplay style (I.e no bulls rush frenzy 100b). The new patch made our builds focus more on using our F1 skill, while they have still have very balanced stats and even decent sustain (a lot of people argue against that in this forum).

However reading from what you want to achieve, you are looking for passive regen etc. I think the closest to it might be a regen banner build – but most likely your damage is not going to be nearly as good as your balanced build before. In that area, you might be looking at rerolling to a guardian.

No, I understand what burst skills are, I just have no desire to use them.

Likewise with banners. Really, my build was fine before the patch. I had decent health regen and did good damage. Now it’s ruined, for no reason.

And no, I’m not going to play a guardian, I’ll probably find a better game. All three of my 80s have been nerfed badly, and I’m just about through with this.

Where now for my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: mathras.2450


I really don’t like that 0/20/20/0/30 build. I don’t use my burst skills, I prefer to build around regen with max adrenaline. It also lacks the 10% damage increase for greatsword.

I thought so too initially, but the Max adrenaline traits got shuffled so that you can only take 2/3. Also berserker power and heightened focus currently are bugged and do not provide the 15% they are supposed to. So overall sitting on adrenaline builds got nerfed hard from last patch and I would reconsider a burst build for this patch.

I’d rather not play my warrior at all than play a burst build. I much, much prefer health regen to active heals and the like, and as I said before I don’t want to max dps. I really have no idea why they would NERF people trying to play more balanced builds, instead of the much-complained about full berserker builds. Especially since warriors have never been amazing in WvW.