Showing Posts For maximumpanda.5178:

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


We Ruin should be thanking you as well then You guys are covering us while we are sleeping. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship! If we get to the top it will be a team effort and thanks and congratulations will be due to everyone!

RUIN LvL 80 Mesmer

what he said. ruin views this as a partnership for mutually assured success. we aren’t particularly looking for praises (altho it does make me feel pretty) and we realize that we will have ruffled some feathers on the way in. either way, our view is that we will succeed together, or fail separated. whether you like it or not, night capping is a very serious part of this game, and the higher tiers are more equipped to handle it then say a T3 server. ultimately we were never able to secure a night force on our server so our last “nuclear” option was to make our guild part of another servers night team. do i agree with anet’s stance on this.. mostly no, but its a part of the game and they are dead set on keeping it that way. hopefully the EU bracket will become more global then the NA servers, and ultimately grow to be a much stronger community.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Kodash/Seafarers rest/Desolation pvp

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


i’ve seen that some kitten has already followed us, so i will do my best to address it. as it comes in


we do not parent our players, if someone wants to make himself look like an kitten remember he doesnt represent the organization as a whole

Does that statement also holds true for the guild leader?

Why Icaras, why? I officially like Art Style more than you now!!

If GG wants to “help” Desolation, they should just log in to borderlands with the least population and get busy. Like 2 days ago, on prime time on SFR borderlands, we had exactly 7 players on it (I counted), we held no points and a large SFR group was hitting us while standing in the Determined zone (not that I’m bothered by it, though they could have used those resources to get some Kodash towers or the keep).

if you read the post that the guy who took this screenshot wrote, he agreed that the kongo line was funny and admitted that this in no way effected their gameplay.
so to break down the situation:

ruin was fighting 2 extremely effective oceanic servers for our first 1 week match. after 5 days it became Statistically IMPOSSIBLE for either server to even get half our point gain.(if one server held the entire map for the rest of the match, they would have still lost by something like 140,000). we saw the opportunity to recruit while we were having fun and that is why our guild leader, repping our guild, with a commander tag is over there actively recruiting for our server. now i dont know how the european bracket works… but that sounds like a pretty terrible spy to me.. right? (he even looks like a giant kitten demon, how much more do you want)

check the original thread where this was posted, the OP states that he only posted it because he thought it was funny and realizes that doing this had zero effect on the outcome of the match.

I really don’t understand why a big american guild would transfer to a european server, don’t you even want a challenge at all?

I guess there’s a possibility they weren’t good enough pvpers to fight vs equally many people. And the solution for that would be changing from na to eu server I guess. To fight undernumbered people at night.
This is just what I think though. Based on my own ideas, nothing else.

this is something we were expecting people to start saying. the fact is that toward the end, we were the only thing propping our server up. everyone had given up on WvW because their numbers were less then the other peoples numbers and they cant tote on the forums about how great they are, if they aren’t winning. this is largely an issue in NA servers in general.

we spent a great deal of time scouting for a new server and were even to group up with PRX on another american server (a massive extremely well organized guild about the same size and dedication as us) but in the end we looked at our options. every server that would be considered an option for wvw (the top 8 servers… thats 3 brackets) are absolutely full. it is unrealistic to imagine bringing a guild that is 2000 people strong to a server that is ALWAYS on full status. the next option we looked at was possibly a lower population server such as kaineng. but this quickly did not become an option. as it stand right now, our forces are outfitted to fight in tier 1. probably not win t1, but would be a strong contender for slot 2-4 (again europeans are a whole new ball games so this is projected dont quote me on this). now if we went to any server that is below slot 8 in the US rankings. we are looking at OVER A MONTH before we would see the competition we are actually ment to fight. now im not sure if your server is used to the dead horse beating that is tier 2 on the NA bracket. but a month before we would see T1 would have killed our organization, people would get bored and play something else and just never come back.

so then the problem became, where the hell can you go. and our final and last option was “well what are the europeans doing?” and thus we started reaching out to european servers. our allegiance lies only to our members and that they are enjoying themselves, and thus when researched, EU servers seemed like the only really place for us.

now i just want to state as its already popped up. we in now way are underestimating the EU night forces. while tier 3 may be a little light, we fully expect to get our kitten handed to us in T2-1 as we learn the tactics that EU servers are using. we in no way believe that our single move is to destabilize the EU servers, but we believe the EU bracket is more mature and ultimately a better place to be.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

(edited by maximumpanda.5178)

Kodash/Seafarers rest/Desolation pvp

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


Ruin Gamin [RUIN] has transferred to Desolation to get a feel for the server.

we had a long talk with the leadership of genesis while looking for a new ally in the WvW fight. we spent weeks looking for a suitable partner for WvW competition and we believe we may have found it. Ruin became tired with ET after they finally proved this week that they are a server that at best deserves T3 play, they come out in droves when the fight is easy, but when faced with the possibility of loss, fold, curl up, and ultimately die. Ruin approached several servers and looked to work with many guilds that we once called enemies and had rather good conversations all around, but our final analysis is that unless you want to spend upward of 1 month rebuilding a server in tiers that not equiped to fight our forces, and ultimately lose a large portion of our population due to the boredom of fighting heavily 1 sided fights, you cant roll in the NA bracket.

the NA bracket is heavily plagued with this illusion that if your not winning, you cant have fun and thus its everyone else’s fault that you are not having fun. the guilds that sick out a losing fight are obscenely in the minority, and those of us who do still fight even though we’ve run out of bullets, our swords are dull, and we have been reduced to beating each other with the dismembered limbs of our best friend jimmy (getting a little dramatic here?) look at the american servers and realize how sad the situation has become. the perception of a lose/win is enough to start a FLOOD of transfers from/to (respectively) those servers. this is a perception that we have not seen in the european brackets, servers who are down and out are still kicking…

but i digress

Ruin is here because we believe desolation has the tools and ability to compete in the first teir, but lacked the night crew. as arenanet claims they will do nothing to solve night capping, and the major oceanic alliances are grouped together to claim dominance over the NA servers, Ruin sees no shame is taking its place as Desolation’s new night force.

to the members of desolation: i would like to say hello formally from ruin. we have received a very pleasant welcoming and hope that this becomes a long term partnership where we can work together for the greater good of the server. please attempt to disregard the rumors about us. while some of them are true, a large majority of them are usually way overplayed. we are a very large guild who largely just want to have fun, but take WvW seriously. we do not parent our players, if someone wants to make himself look like an kitten remember he doesnt represent the organization as a whole. if there are any issues regarding cheating/extreme offensiveness/serious complaint feel free to contact me at any time at maximumpanda.5178 and understand that these are very much against our guild rules. we came here to have fun and work closely with others and hopefully develop a competitive server, we have no interest in absorbing your guilds or taking credit for the work of others. we know a bad rep follows us, and as a non american i know the guilds spam posts of “we bring you freedom and democracy” and “MURICA” may seem kinda obnoxious, but remember we are just having a little fun and hopefully you can have fun with us!

and now because our holy lord the golem jesus christ beckons us back to melee down doors while he watches for his pleasure, i must be going.

maximumpanda – director of Ruin – [Ruin]
eredon terrace desolation

TL:DR: ruin says hai, report complaints to me, everybody do the dinosaur

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

I really hope Anet fixes the invisble glitch by tomorrow.

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


Well, there’s always PvP in PlanetSide 2

fun fact: PS2 has load in issues just like GW2, today i saw it the worst in 3 way fight on lytheia (close but no tomato). had tanks and enemies popping in and out not 5 feet infront of me. while this was an extreme case, it was maybe a 40-50/40/40 which is far lower the issues in GW2. the worst part was the invisible airplanes flying above as they were nuking us, and we had no way of countering them.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Eredon Terrace chokehold turns out to be large guild cheating

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


wow good job on the necro guys.

i think the last 5 posters missed the part where were werent spying, we were recruiting. why the hell would we send our guild leader with the guild tag and a commander icon to your server to spy -.-

read below as it explains what happened now 2 weeks ago as im too lazy to type this out for the 8th time

Oh wow.

I took those screenshots, and i created the reddit post, but it seems like other people are more upset about it than I am.
(as proof here’s another screenshot never before seen anywhere )

What maximumpanda said is correct. SoS didn’t lose to ET because of spying or sabotage. We’re not that good and our population is heavily imbalanced. Even without free server transfers ET would’ve wiped the floor with us anyway.
Nobody even bothered leaving the spawn from the sides because there were at most 15 of us there at that time and all the nearest supply camps were also heavily camped and defended.

I personally have no problems with RUIN transferring servers to recruit more oceanic/asian players.
Server transfers were made free for a reason, and RUIN noticed their lack of oceanic/asian presence earlier on and took initiative by using their match against us to recruit; that’s pretty clever.
And everything Archaos said in the chat that night was correct. SoS is not a WvW focused server and anyone who’s passionate about it would’ve done better to transfer to ET so they can enjoy WvW more and ET becomes more powerful; it’s win-win.

I don’t have any irrationally loyalty to SoS myself, but guesting isn’t implemented yet and my friends are still here so i couldn’t bring myself to transfer just for WvW.

thank you for helping to clear that up.

we all know how ridiculous the forum posters get when they see a picture and add 1 thousand words they feel go with it regardless of who took it and what is actually happening.

and the transfers don’t just apply to ET. people should transfer to any other server that they feel could use the help.

the top 6 servers could be having a blast if the populations were more balanced. but as it stand, whenever we (ET) get knocked down to the second tier because of our lack of oceanic presence to match the oceanics presence on HoD (yes, its true, HoD has far more oceanics on when we don’t have oceanics on), then we end up steamrolling everyone in tier 2 because there is a huge gap between us and them when it comes to prime time play and oceanic time play.

the sad part of it is, to get to the top tier and stay in the top tier we need to get more oceanics which would make it even more imbalanced for people in the second tier if we get knocked back again.

i think another important thing to point out, is that we don’t want to affect the outcome of a match simply by trying to recruit people during the time when the match can be won by anyone in second place or third.

which is why the recruiting only happened when it was mathematically impossible for us to lose, and why it was certainly not happening during the time when the match was going on.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

(edited by maximumpanda.5178)

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


im just going to toss RUIN’s perspective into this. STOP TELLING TA TO BREAK UP. seriously these forums have been a blaze with people demanding stuff of TA and its kinda sad. as much as we hate losing, its part of the game and to deal with this, we are training out troops and looking to fill the gaps in our time zone. ET is slowly building up to be a force that deserves to participate in the first bracket, something we have seriously lacked until now. there have been some shifts in the leadership on ET, guilds have new understanding that interguild bullkitten isnt going to help us win and thus we need to come together and work together.

i’ve been spewing the same story since this forum started: am i frustrated losing, YES. do i roll over, give up and declare TA should break up, NO. its a silly suggestion, let them play with the empire they have built, and let us build a rival empire instead of sitting in the corner with snot running down our faces.

(altho until our local asian-mart opens its doors its gonna be a while before we close our night time gap)

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

#1 NA Primetime Server?

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


i believe the top 4 are fairly even in primetime. if you notice its always a shuffling of around 240 on all sides.

celestial, as much as you dont want to admit it, this game is won by who has the most people when. when all servers can field max players, its a balanced fight, but when 1 server has maxed ques and the others are fielding maybe 20-40 players, it makes significant difference in the battle.

i dont believe this post is to cry about nightcapping tho and all servers, while frustrated, all top tier servers must admit that it is part of the game and work from there.

i dont think there have been enough fights to declare a single server as better then the others during primetime, and unless there is a primetime ranking, this is purely going to be an opinion thing

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

(edited by maximumpanda.5178)

I think it's time to break Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


as powerful as HOD is. this isnt even remotely a reasonable solution. thread should be closed

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

SBI what is your deal?

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


In 3 way PvP, someone will always be getting double teamed or hit in their undefended areas while they are focused elsewhere or on another team. It is rarely intentional and something people need to just get used to.

the point is that the 2nd and 3rd place shouldnt be focused on eachother and letting HOD reign over the most territory and basically guaranteeing them the win. its bad tactics in general to allow this to even happen.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


It has nothign to do with needing a night crew. We are at 0-5% all day long.

We also are not going to retake anything. ET and IoJ have some alliance to farm us. They don’t even attack each other. They hold each others stuff as a show of trust and then just fight us for our stuff, they won’t even attack each other in the open. If it wasn’t for the NPCs they wouldn’t even attack anything that wasn’t red.

please dont make yourself look like a fool. we literally own the entire map. both 2nd and 3rd were below +50 last time i checked.

the sad fact is that both IOJ and CD lack long term tactics. if you could look not at the next tower, but the next 3 days, you would see that this entire match has been lost from the beginning.

currently WvW (especially this bracket) works like this: 1 mega server (et/jq) vs 2 lower server (sos/CD/IOJ). now due to the preplanning of guilds on ET/JQ, none of the smaller servers have the basic ability to compete unless you expand your strategy. mainly you need to understand that on all aspects of WvW, you are weaker. you have less experience in wvw, less dedicated 24/7 coverage, much lower levels of coordination and communication and lack the working history that some of the ET guilds have (foe/lotd/ruin). once you realize this, you need to realize that to survive, a 2v1 (CD+IOJ vs ET) is the ONLY way you will have a chance at winning. (right now the 2 top servers gang up on what is perceived as the weakest enemy thus it has become ET+IOJ vs CD. although this is not intentional on ET’s part, we just want to get our hands on as many points as possible and CD tends to be the prime targets of opportunity)

now i know some of you are going to be like “WELL PANDA THATS NOT FAIR”… well then you’ve missed the point of 1v1v1. the whole point of a 3 way pvp arena is to balance the mega servers, something that goes over peoples heads. the weaker servers must, to the best of their ability focus on the strongest server and deny them point gain. when the balance of power is tipped and the stronger force is behind in points the other can then look at eachother. BUT DO NOT BE MISTAKEN, IF THE STRONG SERVER SHOWS ANY GAIN THEY MUST BE WIPED OFF THE MAP. otherwise they will come back with a vengeance.

well im going on 25 hours awake so ima go to sleep now. but again, this battle wasnt lost in pure numbers or who had a zerg when. it was lost when IOJ viewed CD as the weaker/ easier force and attacked them, instead of pressuring us.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


for future learning and such i provide observations from WvW this week. i dont mean this in any negative way, but i feel they should be stated so that you can learn and grow.

1. your people need to level. i nearly squeed in happiness this weekend when back to back i would 1v5 the people on your server due to them not being lvl 80. as much as people will talk it down, if your not lvl 80 your a detriment to your server. this is a lesson ET learned early on and had to sacrifice bracket points to fix. LEVEL

2. communication: so far i noticed several key times when lack of basic communication led to you guys losing massive chunks of territory, even in your prime time. my zerg of ~20 was able to take askalion hills after getting wiped simply because we came back to find all of keeep empty with 1 HP left on the inner door. we swooped in and took it in a matter of second and your forces were stuck outside the choke point getting massacred. this is a point ET is still struggling with, there are a few guilds that have direct communication (LOTD, RUIN, FOE, THAI, FOO, a few more i cant recall off the top of my head) and we are extremely effective, but there is still a lot of work to be had. COMMUNICATE (i believe you moved your entire force out of askalion to move your orb of power, but even then. a group of 5 could have escorted that guy, instead of your entire zerg)

3. get ready to dump gold. i see a lot of people claiming that they dont want to drop money on upgrades. unfortunately this isnt negotiable, you need to drop money frequently. luckily you have a massive force to pool money from. every time you take a keep you generate something like 10-15 gold across all the people there. use this to your advantage and do be afraid to ask for donations for upgrades.

4. chin up: this week has been pretty bad for you guys, but dont look at it as a personal failing. instead look at what you can take away from it. next week you will likely get bumped down to t3 and then you have a week to work out strategy/alliance structure/ server recruitment. your server has suffered quite a few transfers, but reach out to other servers about wanting to recruit, talk to europeans/ any asian guilds that aren’t happy with their current situation and work on bringing them to your side.

im tired and probably half of this looks like the ramblings of a crazy man, but hopefully you guys can learn from this experience and keep up the good fight.


Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Arah Dungeon , what are your thoughts ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


i feel like more encounters should be as hard as giganticus. it seemed like after we killed him its a down hill fight to finish the instance. and honestly arah was my first explorable and the others dont feel close to as epic.

i did arah the 2nd week before almost anyone was lvl 80, or knew how to do the fight. i was in a mix of greens/yellows and gear wasnt even close to any of our issues, it largely came down to our group having to spec into aoe regen/ condition removal. (it did take us 7 hours though )

giganticus is by massive distance my favorite fight in the game, and i wish anet uses this encounter (prenerf) as where to set the difficulty bar.

on topic: its to hard with little reward for most people. for the amount of time/money you invest into it, you are getting very little money (in most cases spending more then you could ever make in there) so most people dont bother. also lets be honest, not everyone can do the harder fights… although i havnt seen post nerf giganticus

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

(edited by maximumpanda.5178)


in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


meh he can cry as much as he wants, at the end of the day hes just throwing word on a internet post instead of fighting/ even trying to win.

OT: WvW has been interesting today. i have been bouncing around and coordinating a little in IOJ BL. fun all around

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Will a $3000 Graphics Card lag in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


you’ve just wasted a HUGE amount of money. rendering cards are built for very very specific tasks. that will run games about as well as a 300-400 nvidia card which goes for about 100 dollars.

unless the rendering card hardware has changed drastically, they are ment to render openGL, which almost no games use anymore, but all 3d software uses by default.

again enjoy your 3000 dollar paperweight

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Don't be one of *those* roleplayers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


best rp i have seen yet:

necro LF erotic RP…

was enough to nope me off the internet for the day

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Number of cheaters / Exploiters increasing day by day.

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


for the record: arena net is banning for these hacks. there is typically a 3 day waiting period and then they disappear. a few notable guilds have already lost a couple of players to this, so i know they ban for it.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178



im not downplaying your accomplishment. im pointing out where the others servers failed, its a simple observable fact and arenanet has provided the evidence to prove it. your night forces are skilled and work well together, this coupled with the extreme lack of any forces on our side is why you win. again its not QQing, its not an excuse, its an observable fact. if the other 3 servers want to be competitive, we will have to find oceanic players… if thats not an option, arenanet might have to step in (an option i am NOT a fan of, its either 24/7 or some kittenized sPvP)

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


im not going to sugar coat it.

HOD is properly prepared for the WvW of this game.
they have numbers
they have skill

the simple fact is neither SBI/JQ/ET alone have the ability to field and army the size of HOD combined during off hours. AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT TACTIC with WvW in its current state, it is he who has the largest army and the greatest coordination. thus HOD is currently the only server prepared to dominate WvW during the week days.

this week is a good fight and it has been interesting and ruin anyway is happy for the fight. we will be seeing you out there this afternoon.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Why all the Ruin hate?

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


I judge guilds based on their guild leader first and their members second, and Archaos is about the lowest person I’ve seen so far in GW2.

Great attitude, let’s judge a whole group of people on the actions of one person, that type of thinking has always resulted in positive actions.

shibbi is a angry because he got spawn camped, and when they put up exploit siege we stopped them from using it.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


i will look into this if i can get in, asked my guild, but they are all on the other side of the zone.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Is it just me?

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


right now there is imbalance due to the fact that some servers are in brackets they shouldnt be due to their performance during the 24 hours battles vs the 1 week battles, this will need to be balanced out. as of right now i believe the 1st and 2nd brackets are actually fairly balance, everyone being within 20k points from 1st to last.

balance is something that needs to take time. and arena net WILL need to do several fixes to combat night capping/population inbalance/exploiting, but these will have to come out in time. WvW will be a rapidly evolving beast, but they need time to test changes.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Wah v Wah v Wah

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


something you quickly learn is that forums are where intelligence goes to die, for every 1 person screaming about how “broken and crappy” this game is, there are 40 more patting arenanet on the back and thanking them for the most fun we have had in video games in years.

now does WvW have issues, of course, but i assure you arenanet knows this already and is working toward a possible solution. arenanet is no bioware, they have already proven that they can quickly fix bugs and issues with the game, but no single fix to WvW will fix this issue, and if they are too heavy handed they risk losing a decent chunk of their playerbase.

overall i agree with you though, a lot of people just come here to start rumors, or scream about how they couldnt 1v20 people *sigh

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Ok HoD Night Crew.

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


just got a game crash, so figured i would troll some forums. its a fun fight thus far, when the login servers crashed we lost like 40% of our forces in eb, but after a tense hour are able to get our forces back in and keep up the fight.
im suprised as hell that you have held onto your keep this long, kudos for a siege almost as good as the great siege of ascension bay back in bw2

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


also as to recruiting. you wouldnt believe the amount of organizations that approached us after the forum drama exploded and the reddit guild went nuts about us beating them. there truely is absolutely no such thing as bad press

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


Being from SoS, I wouldn’t urinate on Ruin if they were on fire. But, you have give them cred, they are undermanned during Oceanic TZ and whatever you hit there is Ruin people defending, barely seen anyone else from ET off-peak. They do a ballsy job of defending when undermanned, even if we operate with the guile of a headless chook, numbers means a lot in this game.

You would do your server and your guild more service if you kept the kittens from the server from making ankitten of themselves in the public forum. When you carry on like spoilt brats and then plague us with offers to go to ET and Ruin you have to wonder if those people are a few cards short of a deck. That isn’t the way to woo anyone.

unfortunately in a guild of ~ 1200 members (expanding by ~10-20 a day) its hard to keep the leash on people, and at the end of the day, we are a gaming organization. we are not here to be anyone’s mother or father and slap them on the wrist for making other people sad… infact a large portion of our member base doesnt seem to be happy UNLESS everyone is mad at them.

most of our organization has heard the “terribad zerg”, “lol zerglings”, “failbads” for about 8 years now, and you know what, we just keep getting stronger, and we eventually beat everyone we come across. i would be happy to be disproved, and ultimately time will tell. no matter what people may say, we are organized, communication is the most important part of our guild rules, and while some people in our guild see fit to make us “the bad guys”, at the end of the day we have a friendly guild atmosphere that happens to function very well in WvW. i sure as hell wouldnt be here if i didnt consider a large group of the guild it be friendly and fun to be around.

tl:dr… everyone has someone hell bent on pissing in other people’s cherios, and theirs an easy solution… ignore them

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


above everything else, we are ruthless against the servers we face..

It would be more accurate to say “ET is ruthless against servers they are beating”

its cute, but even in our last competitive fight with HOD, we only lost by 1000 points, we stay in the game until it is over and thats how we play. everyone can take cheap shots at us as much as you want, but ruin has never backed down from a fight even if we are losing, but we cant hold the entire map by our selves.

Also forgot HoD came back from a 6k point deficit with 2 servers on their front yard

im in no way downplaying the ability of HOD, but somewhere along the line ruin became synonymous with an organization that steamrolls the weak and then folds when challenged, and that is not the case. while i cant speak for AA, i can tell you we stayed on NSP for the first battle when AA left, we stayed through our entire first battle on ET and we fought tooth and nail for our last competitive match. now last thursday(friday?) fight we did send out members to do something else as i explained in my first post. but again speaking for purely ruin, we look forward to fighting henge tomorrow, and we wont be folding nearly as bad as many of this weeks competition did. at the end of the day, points are nice, but its battles that we are here for and we expect henge to give them to us.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


above everything else, we are ruthless against the servers we face..

It would be more accurate to say “ET is ruthless against servers they are beating”

its cute, but even in our last competitive fight with HOD, we only lost by 1000 points, we stay in the game until it is over and thats how we play. everyone can take cheap shots at us as much as you want, but ruin has never backed down from a fight even if we are losing, but we cant hold the entire map by our selves.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

A message directed at ET as a whole

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178



trolling aside, you have made some interesting PVP for us aswell. i know my guild has the reputation of the internet bullies, and to an extent we are, but we still appreciate a decent fight.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


eredon terrace is rank 4th because we are a well organized group of WvW focused guilds. we are low population, but most our population spends 8-15 hours in WvW. also over the last week we have recruited a large amount of oceanic players who are happy to work with us.

above everything else, we are ruthless against the servers we face.. at least most of us are. we have only ever taken 1 day off WvW where at least ruin’s members were told not to join WvW to work on closing the level disparity and gearing disparity (we had hit a wall where our forces were all ~lvl 30-50 fighting against army’s of full 80’s, so a pve break was necessary to continue to compete) while many people may get mad at us, we never give an enemy the benefit of the doubt, if we fight you, we are not content until we hold the whole map, no matter the point difference.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

account blocked from asking question

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


so i can ask a question without logging in, but if i want to get my past answers it says that my account has been blocked


*edit: although i feel i could have made the greatest facepalm moment in a while if support account creds are not the same as game accounts :/

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

account blocked from asking question

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


yesterday i attempted to submit a ticket to support that i havnt been able to buy gems for a few days now, and it turns out my account has been blocked from submitting questions for some reason.

arena net please rectify this… i want to give you my money but you dont seem to want it

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

SoS takes Orb back from ET

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


i give you guys a high five and a thumbs up for keeping the fight going.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Eredon Terrace chokehold turns out to be large guild cheating

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


you can bring on the big kid words about our organization and what we do, but come to the realization that this is just a fact of life in WvW, and recruiting is just a necessity to compete. if you have looked at any of my posts i have not looked to even remotely hide the fact that we recruit and apologize for absolutely nothing. we will however fight against accusations of cheating as it is both illogical and hilarious to us, coming from a server that have been actively documented to use flying hacks.

I have a thing against spawn camping.

Let’s be honest though. Yes, it’ll cost you money to let opponents break your siege weapons and structures, but camping an enemy spawn with a bunch of golems and ballistas is not a necessity to compete. Plus, I have a feeling that Ruin doesn’t need new recruits since they clearly has the superior number…

It’s called demoralizing the enemy to hinder competition. While it’s not cheating, it’s poor sportsmanship, and I find it silly to pretend otherwise.

you confuse yourself with our actual enemy. bracket 2 is not our playing field. our server is built to fight in the first bracket, there matches are more even because everyone is roughly at the same numbers. unfortunately there are 4 servers competing for the top bracket and thus 1 server will always be sent down to fight the less organized servers.

let me reiterate: YOU ARE NOT WHO WE ARE GEARING UP TO FIGHT. what we do care about is next weeks fight. and we would be lying to ourselves if we thought it would be even remotely as easy as this week has been. by the gods of the dice we were given this opportunity to gear up, reload and prepare for next weeks fight, and we are doing that to the best of our ability, whether it be via recruiting, gearing, and strategy building


Why are people talking about spawn camping? You have 3 ways to get out of your spawn, deal with it.


and just incase you didnt get it ^THIS^ i have watched you lemming your way into us for no reason for a week now and its finally transitioned from funny to very very very sad.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

(edited by maximumpanda.5178)

Eredon Terrace chokehold turns out to be large guild cheating

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


What actually is the story behind that image is ET beats the crap out of SoS, which has been cheating with flight hacks for the past half week. After it becomes apparent that even if ET handed over all territories to SoS and stopped playing for the rest of the week, SoS could never win, Ruin’s leader heads over to SoS’s server to take a picture of the golem group from SoS’s perspective. SoS then uses this one screenshot to invent a convoluted explanation for their own terrible performance.

Hold up, are you accusing SoS of using flight hacks? If so thank you for making my day, 10/10 would read again for a good laugh.

If they aren’t using flight hacks I’d love to see a video of how they got a treb to the left of the waterfall at their base. I have never seen anyone get up there before. I’d be genuinely interested in see a “how to video”. Is it even possible for enemies to get up there?

If you are talking about the place I think you are, the waterfall mountainside just to the left of the northern spawn in Eternal Battlegrounds, just north of Mendon’s Gap, then YES it is possible to CLIMB up to that cliff, no hacks needed. A lot of people have done it, that spot was credited as legit by quite a few people, and I have been there myself this morning while my server was dominating the map to check it out for future reference.

SOS and IOJ both had members flying around the map and soloing keeps in the middle of the night without taking down doors or walls. its kinda funny because i attribute our relentless attempts to control the entire map purely due to frustration over this. usually at this point we would kick off our shoes and go do some pve, but ruin doesnt take kindly to people who resort to 3rd party hacks too show off how cool and not 12 years old they are

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Eredon Terrace chokehold turns out to be large guild cheating

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


hindering your efforts in our definition are:
actively leading your pugs away from your server leaders
actively spying on you
actively using your siege ineffectively so you cant
actively using your supply to build flame rams next to your supply points inside your towers.

we have done none of these that directly effect your ability to do WvW. the big kids realize that to win in WvW you need an army.. and to raise and army, you need to recruit.. you can be mad all you want that we do it, but there is nothing that says we cant, and your lying to yourself if you claim we are the only ones who do.

you can bring on the big kid words about our organization and what we do, but come to the realization that this is just a fact of life in WvW, and recruiting is just a necessity to compete. if you have looked at any of my posts i have not looked to even remotely hide the fact that we recruit and apologize for absolutely nothing. we will however fight against accusations of cheating as it is both illogical and hilarious to us, coming from a server that have been actively documented to use flying hacks.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Eredon Terrace chokehold turns out to be large guild cheating

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


ruin PR train coming through…

*note: before this starts, i usually lay things out a little nicer but i’ll be frank with you
so lets go to the list.

1. we are not cheating, we are however recruiting. at this point we GAIN NOTHING by trying to spy on you. when this was taken you literally had +0 points. recruiting is also not cheating or exploiting, its a fact of life in wvw.

2. the guy from reddit who claims he was a ruin leader. never a leader in our organization. he was one of towellie’s fans who had officer in the fan guild. he was using his power as an officer to push his live stream on our members. we slapped him on the wrist and told him to stop being a child…. and the post thats on reddit showed up. AGAIN HE IS NOT AND HAS NEVER BEEN A RESPECTED MEMBER OF OUR ORGANIZATION.

3. if we were spying on you.. would we really send our guild leader of all people over wearing the most used guild tag in the game to go and advertise in chat that he was from eredon terrace? (try and muster up those 2 brains cells to realize why this wouldnt work) ark is there to take screenshots, and recruit neither of which is against the TOU

i think that covers most of the arguments here.. *sets up chair and popcorn

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


So let me get this straight, ark is allowed to do all the cross-realming he wants because he doesn’t consider us a threat; but you are also saying Ruin doesn’t cross-realm. Great logic.

Just say it straight out. Ruin will do whatever they can to get an advantage, no matter how large of an advantage they already have. They don’t care about fair play. They will do it as long as A-net lets them. They are an amoral machine. Say what you want about your “rules” but if the guild leader ignores them they may as well not exist. Saying that it doesn’t count because it is Ark is laughable. The guild leader is the most important member of a guild, in that whatever they do means the guild as a whole should be held accountable.

we dont allow spying/ actively hindering your force. hes taking screenshots and recruiting.. theres a pretty serious difference. im saying you shouldnt worry about him stealing your “strategy” because at this point your strategy wouldn’t matter. statistically it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to win at this point and thus you are no longer a threat. if you bothered to read my last post i lay out the situation fairly well.

ark was over there for max about 30 minutes. hes back on ET and upgrading a supply camp right now if you really want me to spy for you.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

(edited by maximumpanda.5178)

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


Even if he is just there to advertise, it has more effect than that. His mere presence makes people not want to post anything about strategy in chat. Because, let’s face it, if someone posted that they were going to take a supply camp do you really think Archaos will be able to keep his mouth shut in TS?

again i dont mean to be “that guy” but even if you did take a supply camp, we would just take it back. i’ll be totally honest with you, ark neither considers you a threat or cares about what strategy you could muster. he would likely just sit there and watch as you guys took it, then get run over by the guild and laugh…

ark is not the bleeding heart i am. deep down on the inside, hes not happy until his enemy no longer exists. and in a sick way it works. Ruin was the world #1 warhammer guild, crushed the 7:1 horde population of kil’jaeden and beat dara mactire so hard that they left the guild to die in the hands of a 40 year old racist who literally lived in his mother’s basement.

at its core, while i may play politician, ruin is largely a cruel and evil organization. that said most of us are not above helping the enemy to get a decent match, hence why i have been trolling the forums.

after saying that, let me reiterate, “RUIN IS EVIL, but we play by the rules” we dont cross realm, we dont actively attempt to undermine your servers ability to fight. we do recruit and we will name/shame those who use exploits/hacks those who try and use them.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


Maximumpanda are you running for public office anytime soon? It really seems like you are saying one thing and doing another much like most American Politicians.

after this.. i’ve thought about it ;D

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


Another big problem is that ET has people transferring to other servers for information. Proof:

while i’ve got no clue what arch is doing over there (FYI hes our guild leader) i feel its neccessary to point out that hes not attempting to do anyting, and spying is kinda stupid when your wearing the most represented guild tag in the game dont ya think… given what is going on in the background.. it looks like he may be taking screenshots

He is entering OUR WvW to actively recruit. Something you said your guild doesn’t do.

The screenshot shows it all. If he is your guild leader, this pretty much is official confirmation from your guild that you do exactly what you said you don’t. Entering our WvW queue. You said before this is against your rules and you kick people from the guild for doing it. Good luck with that.

sigh arch’s not putting me in a good position with this. my only counter argument is that we dont condone actively interfering with your server’s combat (calling false targets, using your siege, destroying your supply, attempting to lead your forces to targets other then us) we do admittedly recruit cross server. entering WvW is stretching it and putting me in an uncomfortable position.

i dont want to be “That Guy” who attempts to play this off, but i assume he is in no way affecting your servers ability to compete besides doing some advertisement. maybe hes taking up a WvW slot, (and this is where “that guy” comes in) did you have a queue to begin with?

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


Another big problem is that ET has people transferring to other servers for information. Proof:

while i’ve got no clue what arch is doing over there (FYI hes our guild leader) i feel its neccessary to point out that hes not attempting to do anyting, and spying is kinda stupid when your wearing the most represented guild tag in the game dont ya think… given what is going on in the background.. it looks like he may be taking screenshots

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


A simple solution this this, and one I’m surprised hasn’t been implemented, is to put all the servers from NA & EU in the same matchup pool. This way they would have double the amount of servers to perform matchups and it would create a much fairer tier bracket. I would find it hard to believe that the devs wouldn’t have created server clouds that couldn’t communicate to each other, and if they did, shame on them.

Before you all scream “WHAT ABOUT THE LAG”. I play from oceanic and the lag is a non-issue.


a solid idea that i know a couple of people have been talking about. there are however a couple of pretty MASSIVE technical challenges to come across if they do this. primarily there are no data centers that can server as a middleground between america/europe, and speed between both is heavily hampered. also i assume that the data centers are not in direct conneciton. so likely its not as simple as just flipping a switch to allow them to play against eachother. also they have already region locked american/european servers to a minor extent, which will just inflate the issue of late night raids. (america would be hitting prime time just a few hours before the europeans go to sleep) this personally would be my biggest issue as people have been complaining to no end that night time forces destroy competition.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


Small changes can have big impacts if designed correctly.

I think W3 needs a half dozen or fewer well designed small changes. Maybe one or two at a time for the next 2-4 weeks.

But I HOPE they at least talk to us soon about what they are thinking.

hopefully. also remember we still aren’t out of the WvW test period. until we have 2 week long battles, everything is still up in the air

Have they made a single change during these tests that make you think they will ever make changes? Maybe they did and I missed them. All I am seeing at this point is that they will need to make changes based purely off the fact the majority of servers are being stomped into the ground without any chance to fight back.

I would at least like A-net to make some sort of comment on the current state of W3, I got infracted for saying they must not care.. but I am seeing no evidence to the contrary. It has been nearly three days of the majority of the servers getting utterly destroyed. Surely there is a call for some sort of response.

A simple, “We are aware.” would be better than complete silence. Silence means we are able to just assume the worst.

they are making subtle changes. but mostly optimization and bugged siege locations. they are working very rapidly to fix bugs ans issues coming up in PVE. they need to tweak WvW with a very light touch. they need to debate between their developers extensively before they come up with a solution.

the last thing arena net should do in this situation is rush a solution that could break things even farther.

unfortunately this leaves a lot of people in limbo, but give them a little time and they will have a solution.

unforunately (and i know a lot of you are going to get reallly reallly reallllllly angry with this suggestion) your best temporary/long term fix right now is to reach out to guilds who are just as frustrated as you and make an alliance on an empty server such a keining. from there build yourself up to the size of these other alliances and work your way up bracket. this is likely the only way that the fractured high PVE, low PVP population servers will every see wins in WvW. if your guild is serious about WvW, but your server isnt, then you need to start looking elsewhere

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


Small changes can have big impacts if designed correctly.

I think W3 needs a half dozen or fewer well designed small changes. Maybe one or two at a time for the next 2-4 weeks.

But I HOPE they at least talk to us soon about what they are thinking.

hopefully. also remember we still aren’t out of the WvW test period. until we have 2 week long battles, everything is still up in the air

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


oh dont get me wrong. there are many things very much wrong with the current state of wvw. its unfortunate that there is such a massive difference between the servers that have spent the last 3 years waiting for a WVW game to come out. and those just piecing the monumental task ahead of you, its absolutely daunting. unfortunately i do not sympathize with servers who are demanding that they get some sort of handicap because they dont have the same organization, all these things come with time. and ultimately will happen on every server. the major thing holding communities back right now is the constant free transfers. people dont stay in place long enough to create these server organizations.

i believe most issues will be solved with time. unfortunately with the mmo market being the way it is. time is a luxury most games cant afford.

The top three servers being leaps and bounds ahead is fine. That isn’t the issue.

The issue is that W3 is only “fun” for most people during the first day. About when the second day comes around one server is at roughly 75-80% of everything, acquiring boosts and stuff at such a high speed that before the 3rd day rolls around its 95%+ vs spawn camping.

Some people ask for huge buffs or something, but I am not.

I believe ANet should help the community solve this problem. There are many ways to do it, but a combination of selectively locking transfers + allowing guilds to keep their influence when transferring to certain servers + perhaps some kind of mechanism that allows an opportunity of SOME SORT for a server to get back in the game.

As it stands, once one server has all the orbs and most of the map, there is no way to change that. They will have buffs, supply surplus, time to setup, full map control for easy movement, and be gaining more buffs at an amazing rate.

Sometimes you lose games. That’s cool. As it stands right now W3 is unplayable for 5/7ths of the week in anyway more than “ok guys, let’s see if we can break through this siege line before we run out of money for repairs” – and people don’t even queue in for that.

then we find ourselves on the same page. im largely and avocate for small tweaks (switching the outmanned and the orb buffs for instance) and allowing some small changes to WvW would be nice. for the smaller servers, and possibly making it easier for servers to coordinate are all fine in my book. some people are calling for like 50% buffs and rediculous sweeping changes that do nothing but provide a smaller less coordinated force to roll over those who are attempting to play the game strategicly

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


But this isn’t just happening with that second group that has 1 of the top servers in it.

This is happening all the way down the rank charts, including the last three.

Obviously, something is wrong with the system.

Ever hear the expression “!@#$ rolls down hill?” So now next week IoJ or SoS will go back down a tier to the 3rd tier and presumably crush anyone who’s still there.

Match ups simply will never be fair because servers aren’t equal. SoS and IoJ are Oceanic servers with different play times than ET. There’s no way to ensure a good competition there. Match making systems will very rarely if ever take that into account. The fact Anet is taking literally zero steps to ensure servers are even remotely equal certainly isn’t helping matters. This isn’t also necessarily a bad call for them because they could be waiting to see what effect that Panda expansion will have on their population/numbers.

You’re going to have to just decide how do you want to deal with it.

Okay well what you are saying here is that every 3 servers there is such a massive jump in participation/skill/organization – whatever – that warrants them taking 100% of the map from their opponents on day 2, and holding it till the end.

The ability gap between servers is THAT huge? It is SO HUGE that there will ever only be 1 match worth playing, and every other match is screwed because there are only 3 servers in each identifiable tier of skill…

Am I understanding this correctly?

participation is the key word in your statement. most servers dont like the idea of losing, and when they already have a significant advantage people get demoralized. when they get demoralized, they dont want to fight. the lack of willing to fight causes an even further point disparity. which ultimately leads to these horrific 1 sided battles across the board.

I basically agree with this last analysis of yours, except one thing: People don’t like helplessness.

Losing is one thing, being siege camped at your spawn is another.

Having it happen on the second day of a 7 (or 14!) day match is demoralizing.

But your position is that this is okay, and the system is perfect as is. People need to put on their big boy britches and fling themselves at the wall of ballista until they break through and recap enough of the map to set their overlords back far enough too… hold their keep?

Yes, I am well aware that an organized force can break through these lines, and even gain some ground. I am also aware that the chance of that force actually sustaining any of their gains is practically zero.

I love W3. I queue up as soon as I log on, win or lose, spawn camped or not.

But I also want to have great matches that are close and contested. The current system is not giving us that.

You can retreat to your “we’re just better at it than you, and you deserve to have unfun games until you get on our level” argument if you like… the fact is right now (I stand ready to be corrected here) only ONE out of SIXTEEN matches is anything resembling close or contested, and were not even at 3 full days into the match.

Something is wrong with that picture! If it isn’t addressed, these “elite WvW alliances” are going to be all that’s left playing WvW. I don’t want to see that happen.

oh dont get me wrong. there are many things very much wrong with the current state of wvw. its unfortunate that there is such a massive difference between the servers that have spent the last 3 years waiting for a WVW game to come out. and those just piecing the monumental task ahead of you, its absolutely daunting. unfortunately i do not sympathize with servers who are demanding that they get some sort of handicap because they dont have the same organization, all these things come with time. and ultimately will happen on every server. the major thing holding communities back right now is the constant free transfers. people dont stay in place long enough to create these server organizations.

i believe most issues will be solved with time. unfortunately with the mmo market being the way it is. time is a luxury most games cant afford.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


I do not think that ruin is a part of AA

your right. we aren’t. but we were personally invited by TL to join them after they moved.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


But this isn’t just happening with that second group that has 1 of the top servers in it.

This is happening all the way down the rank charts, including the last three.

Obviously, something is wrong with the system.

Ever hear the expression “!@#$ rolls down hill?” So now next week IoJ or SoS will go back down a tier to the 3rd tier and presumably crush anyone who’s still there.

Match ups simply will never be fair because servers aren’t equal. SoS and IoJ are Oceanic servers with different play times than ET. There’s no way to ensure a good competition there. Match making systems will very rarely if ever take that into account. The fact Anet is taking literally zero steps to ensure servers are even remotely equal certainly isn’t helping matters. This isn’t also necessarily a bad call for them because they could be waiting to see what effect that Panda expansion will have on their population/numbers.

You’re going to have to just decide how do you want to deal with it.

Okay well what you are saying here is that every 3 servers there is such a massive jump in participation/skill/organization – whatever – that warrants them taking 100% of the map from their opponents on day 2, and holding it till the end.

The ability gap between servers is THAT huge? It is SO HUGE that there will ever only be 1 match worth playing, and every other match is screwed because there are only 3 servers in each identifiable tier of skill…

Am I understanding this correctly?

participation is the key word in your statement. most servers dont like the idea of losing, and when they already have a significant advantage people get demoralized. when they get demoralized, they dont want to fight. the lack of willing to fight causes an even further point disparity. which ultimately leads to these horrific 1 sided battles across the board.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


ontop of that many organizations on NSP made it very clear that they flat out refused to work with us. also most of the night crew at NSP were actually members of AA or ruin who stayed behind, but have since rejoined us.

So your alliance basically wanted a monopoly on whichever server they were on, to feel like they own it, and they couldnt get that on Northern Shiverpeaks so moved to a newly created empty server to claim it as their own.


your lack of recognition of the value of communication shows exactly why your server is losing. you clearly aren’t willing to listen to reason and instead look for any excuse to attack us. as this seems to be the case this will be my last post recognizing your complaints. you are neither being objective or logical.

if you want to see your server succeed, stop trying to make us the devil and instead learn from what we do, there’s a reason we do it.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


so Panda, if you are wanting more night coverage, may i ask why you took that whole alliance from Northern Shiverpeaks who actually do have a night time coverage but nothign in the usa hours (thanks to you)

to many of us leaving NSP was a hastily made decision that we didn’t really want to do. it was done because members of AA were discouraged by the initial surge of players on our server (part of any launch) and their inability to play wvw. ontop of that many organizations on NSP made it very clear that they flat out refused to work with us. also most of the night crew at NSP were actually members of AA or ruin who stayed behind, but have since rejoined us.

given this environment, it was easier to leave the server and rebuild then slowly deal with these issues.

personally i was against the move but i am 1 voice in a storm. also i believe arena net NEEDS to shut down the free transfers as its destroying the balance. as i posted ealier in this thread, the people of losing servers and just transfering to the winning server to gain all the benefits. this is happening in every bracket and needs to be stopped.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]