Showing Posts For miragezero.2738:

Lightning reflexes... most wanted fix

in Ranger

Posted by: miragezero.2738


I’d like either a fix or a buff to this to allow it to break stun and immobilize. Even if you retain slows and such, please allow it to perform its function of letting you leap back regardless in addition to breaking the stun.

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: miragezero.2738


Credibility got nerfed.

Long Bow versus Short Bow -- casual Mists tests

in Ranger

Posted by: miragezero.2738


Longbow needs a little bump in damage and also speed of attack. Not much, but some.

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: miragezero.2738


Please make point blank shot instant and also allow for jumping shots. :-D ??

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: miragezero.2738


Made a female last night, and sad at the body options. Either you’re a stick, or Dolly Parton. There should be a middle.

Sylvari here. Stick hate has to stop.

Biggest (golem) ARMY you've ever seen!

in WvW

Posted by: miragezero.2738


Hax. No way that those structures have that much load bearing capacity.

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: miragezero.2738


Longbow normal speed needs a little bump up I think..

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: miragezero.2738


T2 medium is great looking; got it transmuted to exotics.

Types of threads in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: miragezero.2738


Forgot to add “master of the obvious” threads like this one.

Crystal Desert vs Darkhaven vs Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: miragezero.2738


Yak’s hasn’t had much of a nightcapping force; if we got some west coasters that burn the midnight oil then I’m happy- we need it!

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: miragezero.2738


Thanks for the communication!

What is your Server's Motto?

in WvW

Posted by: miragezero.2738


If it’s not a Yak you must attack!

10/19 Gates of Madness vs Yaks Bend vs Sorrows Furnace

in WvW

Posted by: miragezero.2738


I hope all the ppl complaining about Yak’s realize the exact same thing happened to us last week (resulting in some xfers FROM Yak’s). Ebb and flow… if you’re getting spawn camped I’m sorry tho. That IS in poor form but every server has people that will do this if the opportunity arises.

Also since it did happen to us I’ve noticed from map chat that people are saying things like “Yeah we had the lead last week too” which is making them more apt to be aggressive at all times.

Want to play a Ranger?Learn to play your pet!

in Ranger

Posted by: miragezero.2738


The class is called ranger, not petster.

Dead in 1,5sec

in Thief

Posted by: miragezero.2738


Thief killed me in 1 sec last night too.
Came to forums to QQ.